• Published 15th Dec 2012
  • 359 Views, 4 Comments

Into The Mist - NeptuneGalaxy

There is a war in Equestria.

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Chapters 3 & 4

Clove came up the stairs and looked in her bedroom. She saw Deryll sitting by a box she'd never seen before. "What's that?" she asked.

"It's a box," said Deryll "Full of many interesting things."

Clove looked in and saw the things Deryll had seen before, and one other thing. "Is this what you were calling me up for Deryll?"

"Yes it was." Clove saw, in the box, a notebook labeled, Sunny And Dave's Journal. Those were her parent's names!! Clove glanced at Deryll, and picked up the book. He opened it to find a picture of her mother and father on the first page. There was a paragraph under it that read,

"This is our journal. We wrote it for you, Clove, knowing you would find it later. We hope you enjoy our entries in this notebook, while reading about our wonderful adventures."

Clove suddenly shut the book. Deryll looked at her, confused, and said, "Why'd you shut it? I thought you'd want to read the rest of it."

"I-I do, but, I'm also afraid to read it at the same time."

Deryll understood and looked back at the notebook. He stood up and said, "If you're hungry, you can get something to eat."

"I'm, I'm not hungry anymore."

"Let's go outside, Clove. You look like you need some fresh air." They put the notebook back in the box and walked outside. The sun was up and eveypony was bustling around, chatting, going to shops, eating, and many other things. Clove looked around, nervously, and spotted her pegasus friend, Dazy. She called to her, and Dazy walked over.

"Hiya, Clove! What's up?"

"Not much right now. How about you?"

"I'm just fine." They chatted some more, and Deryll slipped away, leaving them to talk. He walked about a yard, then turned swiftly into a dark alley.

"I'm glad you came, Deryll."

"Likewise to you, Duncan." The Pegasus looked at Deryll and took his cloak off. "Now that we are here, let's discuss some things. Where was the thing you were bringing me?" Deryll took a beautiful jewel out of his bag he was carrying. He rolled the jewel to Duncan, and Duncan caught it and brought it close to his face. He examined the jewel, and finally said, "Good enough for now, but next time, bring something better." Duncan put the hood back on, and with a swish of his cloak, he disappeared.

Deryll walked out of the alley and back into the sunlight. He spotted Clove and Dazy still talking where he had left them. He briefly thought about his conversation with Duncan, but pushed it to the back of his mind as he got closer to Clove and Dazy. He overheard part of their conversation.

"So, Deryll has been acting mysterious more than usual lately," said Clove.

"How much so?"

"Well, he's been slipping off somewhere I don't know about-" Clove stopped talking as she spotted Deryll. "Oh hi! Where have you been?"

Deryll thought again about his conversation with Duncan, but said, "I went to get something to eat." Clove looked suspiciously at him, and Deryll was afraid she'd ask him here he had been again, but instead she just said, "Ok." and turned back around to talk to Dazy. Deryll sighed in relief, and walked behind the two mares. They continued talking, and then Clove abruptly stopped.

"What's wrong, Clove?" both Deryll and Dazy asked.

"I heard something,..." Clove turned around. "Deryll, look." She pointed at a thing that had just darted around the corner. Deryll started to go after it, but Clove stopped him. "Don't, I can tell its something that's not worth chasing." Deryll looked at her, but cooperatively stopped. He knew something was up, but he didn't bother to ask Clove about it. They went on walking, and Dazy said she had to go. They said bye, and Dazy departed from Clove.

.Clove looked at Deryll and said, "What now?" Deryll shrugged and they just went on walking. As they were walking, Deryll brought back to the front of his mind the conversation with Duncan. Deryll thought about the way he studied the jewel, and in his mind Deryll saw that the pearl glow, with a bright light, before fading to its normal color. He thought about that for a while, and they just kept walking for a long time.