• Published 14th Nov 2012
  • 641 Views, 4 Comments

Cloud 9 - Lion Heart

Lion Heart is in crisis as the plane of operation cloud 9 collapsed and his team is missing

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Cloud 9
"Everyday was the worst, painful, and horrific days of my life" - Lionheart Steelwing
Today is my last day to see my family before I am shipped to an operation.In the waiting room I am talking to my brother."Where are you gonna go" said my brother
"I Dont know, they never told us" I said. "Well... kick their ass" my bro said while chuckling. I had no expression on my face, as i knew i was going to die
later on. "Wheres mom?" I asked. "She said, I am to scared to see you". "well tell her i said good bye". The bell rang... its time to go. "I'm going to miss you bro" I said while haveing the urge to cry.
As im walking through the long drafty hallway to enter the plane im starting to cry beacuse i have a feeling I might not have a chance to see my family agian. As i felt burning heat going from my head to paw, I started to vomit, as i was too scared to enter the plane
I decided to push myself into the plane. when I enter inside im sitting with 6 fellow troops. I asked them "so whats the name of the operation." a man named pvt. lemon said "We dont know yet. We just have to wait."
Fifteen hours of trying to stay awake I passed out on the floor. Dreaming about home... the cool breeze in the hot day. But then something happend. There was 6 other ponies.
None like my troops i only remember one of them. one of them was pink. that is all I can say, all i can remember. Then I woke up to the sounds of screaming in the forest. they were all gone.
I looked around. No blood. No signs of resistance. I yelled at the top of my lungs "HELLO, IS ANYBODY HERE !" I went into the airplane, grabbed all supplies i need.
Then i came across a box. I figured out that this is Operation Cloud 9. So i left the airplain, with nothing but a flare. i said to myself to keep my sanity "good thing i have my claws
and my braces" I try to fly my way up but then i yell out the most horrific scream ever. I looked at my wing it was nearly torn in half. And my paw is bleeding for some reason.
I coulndt feel anything beacuse i was in shock. I still have my med kit, but im low on supplies. as im healing myself, i hear something in the bushes. I think it was one of my teammates.
I was wrong... I dont know what it was but it jumped out of the bushes trying to pounce on me. I punched it reapdetly it the face until it was unconsious.
I dont know what it was but it had sharp teeth, holes in the feet, had wings and a horn and green eyes. I had to watched my back. so i decided to enter the forest to
look for my teammates it was a very long journey, but i think i can handle it. I mean... were all alive aren't we?