• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 816 Views, 6 Comments

The life of Rain Chaser - RainChaser14

Rain chaser was sucked into equestria by chance. will he have the chance to live wit teh best pones?

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Chapter 1

The sun shone through my window straight onto my face. I blinked and rolled over in bed. “Piss off Sun, I’m trying to sleep here.” I grumbled. The sun seemed to glow brighter as if saying “Hahaha! Fuck you, get out of bed!” I moaned and sat up in bed rubbing my eyes with my hand. “One day Sun,” I complained, “Me and you will have words.” I rolled out of bed and grabbed some clothes out of the closet. I shuffled into the bathroom, my eyes only half open. I turned on the shower and waited for the shower to heat up, then stepped in. The hot water woke me up as it ran down my back.
I stepped out of the shower and slipped into my clothes. I had on a brown domo shirt and some blue jeans. I have two options, I thought, I can either play dragons dogma or watch MLP. Hmmm…… “My Little Pony it is!” I yelled, smiling cheerfully. I ran into the living room and literally dove onto the couch and rolled while grabbing the remote in mid roll. Lying back on the couch like a true lazy American, I start up the recording of My Little Pony. It was the MMM Mystery episode. “Silly Pinkie Pie, that donkey’s not a ninja.” I said. I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to bust a gut when they showed Pony Joe as a James Bond imitation. “Oh my god this is rich!” I said through chuckles. As the recording finished I turned to the HUB to watch a live episode of MLP. 10 minutes in the connection was lost. “DAMN DIRECT TV!!” I yelled. It was a good thing I was home alone or I would be in serious trouble.

I looked out of the window and noticed it was raining outside. “Dammit, well mom can get it to work every once in a while so I guess it couldn’t hurt to try.” I said. If only I knew how wrong I was. I grabbed my hoodie, slipped on my shoes and headed outside into the rain. “Hmmm… maybe if I turn it or something?” I turned the satellite every which way and still no signal. Out of nowhere a patch of clouds started to glow purple. “What…the…fuq…. Okay I know I’m not high so am I dreaming?” A purple ray of energy shot down from the clouds and struck the satellite. “Well….fuck me.” That’s all I got out before the beam redirected and hit me full force. An intense burning sensation spread throughout my body. It felt like I was thrown into a volcano while dragons were breathing fire on my and a meteor was two inches from me. This is all I felt for ten seconds before I blacked out.

I could hear birds chirping happily while I lay on the ground. I was laying on….grass it felt like? There wasn’t any grass this soft near my house so where was I? Once again that damned sun shined on my face again. “Can’t I just lay here in pain without you fucking things up? Is that too much to ask?” I mumbled. I tried to stand up but my legs decided to be Chuck Testa and said “Nope.” Wait a minute, I thought. I looked down at my legs and saw that they were blue, like Sonic the Hedgehog blue. I stumbled over to a nearby pond with the grace of a cow that’s drunk and high at the same time. Great I have to walk on all fours now. I stopped walking (or more stumbling) instantly. Blue, four legs, no fingers, HOLY SHIT NO WAY! I tried to run but ended up tripping over my own hoof (OMG HOOVES) and rolled towards the pond. I stood in front of the pond and looked at my reflection. Besides all of the other features I noticed earlier I had a blue and silver made. It was silver in the middle and blue at the end. The same with my tail, silver inside, blue outside. I also saw I was a Pegasus. (He looks like my avatar. No vest or cape.)

Fuck yea I’ll be able to hang out with Dashie! Maybe I’ll even meet Luna! *Gasp* that would be sooooo awesome!! Now if only I could fly…?? “Challenge accepted.” But for now, find my way to Ponyville and pull a prank on Rarity. Trollface.jpg. Oh and I should probably learn how to walk properly and how to run cuz Rarity will try to kill me. After about 20 minutes of walking in circles I learn to master walking. Admittedly I fell on my face a few times…. Okay a lot of times. “Now to try running, or…galloping…whatever I know what I mean.” I sighed after the words escaped my lips. I started off as a steady walk then slowly got faster until I was galloping through the forest. “Hell yea, this is easy, and I think I see Fluttershy’s cottage in the distance.” As I galloped toward the cottage one thought crossed my mind, my life in Equestria BEGINS!!!! The CSI Miami voice went through my head. “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!”

oooo i wonder what will happen whenhe gets to ponyville?(i already know lol) i promise the chapters will get longer and more detailed. this is my 1st fic after all.