Chapter 6:
Ring Ring Ring! Ring Ring Ring!
Rarity gasped as the jarring sound of the bell burst through her thoughts, startling her and making her jump. The fabric she had been carefully feeding beneath the needle of her sewing machine jerked from her grasp, the neat line of tiny stitches turning into a jagged streak before the material bunched up and stalled the mechanism.
“Oh!” she exclaimed, staring in horror at the destruction of what had been almost two hours’ work.
Ring Ring Ring!
“That bell!” Balling up the ruined fabric with her horn, Rarity tossed it onto a shelf and stalked from the room. “I have to remember to thank Pinkie Pie for that!” Pushing open the door to Sweetie’s room, she plastered a cheerful smile on her face. “Yes, Rainbow, what can I do for you?”
The pegasus was lying on her belly, her chin propped on an upturned hoof. An open book lay tented on the blanket before her, next to the bell she had used to summon Rarity. She sighed heavily as her friend came in. “I’m bored.”
The unicorn stopped, one hoof raised, and stared at Rainbow Dash incredulously. Her right eye began to twitch. “You’re bored?” she repeated. “You called me in here to tell me you’re bored?”
“Uh, no.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and flopped over onto her side. Her spots had finally darkened to a rather lovely shade of purple and most of her aches and weariness had vanished with the pink, leaving her restless. “I called you in here to help me come up with something to do.”
“Rainbow, I was right in the middle of something. Can’t you read a book?”
“I did! I finished them all.” She held up the one that was on the bed. “I even read this one twice.”
“Then play a game.”
“What game can I play all by myself?”
“Hmm, let me think. Solitaire, maybe? Sweetie should have a deck of cards around here somewhere, I believe.” She opened the nightstand drawer and began rummaging around, pulling out random items to see what hid behind them. She absently tossed them over her shoulder, forcing Rainbow to dodge as pens, papers, and small toys became projectiles. When a green, plush bear went soaring at her head, the pegasus screeched in fright and batted it across the room. It bounced against the wall and landed on the floor with a squeak.
“Rarity!” she exclaimed, breaking into a coughing fit. “Don’t do that!”
“Don’t do what?” Rarity turned and saw the items that now littered the floor by the bed. A flash of white drew her eyes across the room just as Opalescence pounced on Bobo, claws splayed. The cat landed on the bear and sank her teeth into its plump belly, shaking her head from side to side.
“Opal, no! Stop that! It’s not yours!”
Rainbow crept to the bottom of the bed and peeped over the edge, breaking into a grin. “No, go on, Opal! Get it! Good kitty!”
“Stop egging her on, Rainbow Dash!” Rarity minced up to her cat, looking very nervous. “Opal, Mommy needs the teddy-weddy.” She tentatively reached out for Bobo, but pulled her hoof back when Opal hissed and swatted at her. “Pwease, sweetie?”
“Pwease?” Rainbow snorted laughter, but her eyes went wide and she scrambled frantically backwards when Opal picked up the bear in her mouth and jumped onto the bed. “Keep away from me!”
“Oh, Rainbow Dash, really! It’s just a stuffed bear!”
“It’s not just the bear…it’s your cat! She’s mean!” Gingerly, she waved a hoof at the fluffy, white feline. “Go on, Opal…go play somewhere else!”
Opal’s eyes narrowed and she hissed again, then curled up in the exact center of the bed with Bobo clasped between her paws. She immediately closed her eyes and started purring.
“She is not mean! She’s just a little…difficult, is all. Though I suggest you be careful where you put your hooves while she’s there.” Rarity stuffed all the discarded items back into the drawer, then turned to leave.
“Uh, Rarity?”
The unicorn paused at the door. “Yes?”
“I’m still bored.”
Rarity sighed. “Why don’t you take a nice nap?”
“I took one earlier. I’m not sleepy.”
“Then maybe you could…I don’t know…color?”
“Color? Really? Do I look like a filly?” Coughing, she slumped down in the pillows and sulked. “Come on, Rarity! For the last half hour I’ve been staring out the window and trying to figure out how in the hay Cloudkicker thought a wind storm would get rid of three days worth of snow. I’m going crazy in here by myself. Can’t you just stay and, you know, talk to me for a while?”
“Rainbow, I’d love to, really, but I have this order I’m working on and—”
Rainbow Dash cocked her head sideways thoughtfully. “Oh yeah? Can I come watch?”
“You want to watch me sew?”
“Well, no, not really, but it’s got to be better than lying here watching that!” She pointed to the window, where a gale force wind was blowing about leaves, snow, and anything else that hadn’t been properly tied down. She scowled at the grey sky for a moment, then shook her head and faced Rarity again. “I won’t get in the way.”
Rarity gave in. “Alright…but I’ll move my project up to my bedroom—you can just rest in my bed for the afternoon and we can talk.”
“Sounds good to me!” Rainbow slid off the bed, casting a wary glance at Opal and the teddy bear as she did, and followed Rarity down the hall to her room. Hopping up on the unicorn’s large bed, she arranged the pillows to her liking while Rarity fetched the sewing supplies for her order.
“Okay, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said, setting up her sewing machine and selecting the perfect color thread. “What do you want to talk about?”
“I don’t know.” The pegasus propped herself up on the pillows and laced her hooves behind her head. “I figured you’d come up with something.”
“Well…alright…” Rarity thought for a moment, then brightened and held up a swatch of the fabric she was using. “Isn’t this lovely? I’m making seven dresses for a shop in Fillydelphia. The owners saw the outfits I made for Hoity Toity and wanted me to create a special line just for them. Isn’t that exciting!”
Rainbow Dash leaned forward slightly to examine the fabric and raised an eyebrow. “Sure,” she replied. “That’s great. But…”
“But what?”
“Nah, forget it.” The pegasus sat back and began to hum to herself.
“No, I want to know. But what?”
“It’s nothing.”
“It is obviously something, Rainbow, since you thought to bring it up in the first place.”
“Well, the cloth is kinda boring, isn’t it?”
Rarity looked from her friend to the bolt of very expensive cloth and back again. “I fail to see what you mean.”
“It’s just plain white. You’re going to spice them up, aren’t you? Add some color to help them stand out?”
“Spice them up?” Rarity gave a weak chuckle. “Darling, I don’t think you understand. These are winter dresses. My theme is Snowy Dream. If you look close enough, you’ll see that this fabric has a subtle iridescence to it. When the light hits it just right, it absolutely shines with delicate color, like sunlight hitting freshly fallen snow.” She giggled, then coughed self consciously when Rainbow stared at her in utter confusion. “It’s all part of a finished vision…it’s hard to imagine now, but when it’s done, you will be amazed!”
“If you say so. I just think plain white is boring.”
“You won’t for long. You see, Rainbow Dash, with fashion like this, you have to see more than just the fabric or the ribbons or the stitching. It’s all about the vision, the theme.” Rarity launched into a detailed explanation of the styles she was incorporating into her line and why her fabric choice was perfect. This led to a discussion of the winter fashion lines that were already appearing in the high end stores and boutiques of Manehattan, Fillydelphia, and Canterlot.
As she talked about her favorite subject, Rarity went to work on her dresses, carefully measuring and cutting the white fabric and feeding it into her sewing machine to be pieced together with tiny, perfect stitches.
Rainbow Dash tried hard to pay attention at first, but as an hour passed, then two, her eyes glazed over from the monotonous clacking of the needle and the soothing drone of Rarity’s cultured voice.
The unicorn was just comparing the differences between boat and v-necklines and glanced up to ask Rainbow’s opinion just as the pegasus let out a gentle snore.
“Rainbow? Rainbow, dear, are you awake? Rainbow Dash!”
“Aaih! What! Emperor lines!” Rainbow Dash sat up with a start, her sleepy eyes opening wide. “Pintucks! Ruching!” She yawned widely, covering her mouth with a hoof and gave Rarity a sheepish grin. “Uh, see? I was listening.”
“Am I boring you, Rainbow Dash?”
“No! I mean, well, yes, but that’s okay.” She moved Rarity’s lacey pillows to the edge of the bed and flopped down on her belly so her hooves hung off the mattress. Resting her head on her knees, she continued, “Uh, tell me more about the differences between satin and silk.”
Rarity eyed her for a moment, then shrugged. She was just starting her explanation again when the bell above her boutique door suddenly chimed.
Rainbow Dash lifted her head and looked eagerly towards the hall. “Ooh, company!” she said, unable to keep the delight and relief from her voice. “Guess we’ll have to finish this discussion later, huh?”
“Try not to look so disappointed, darling,” Rarity said with a little sniff. “I think I liked the blank stare better.”
The pegasus rolled her eyes. “You mean the same one you get when I talk about cloud patterns and flight training and the Wonderbolts?”
“Yes, well…” Rarity laughed, blushing a little. “Anyway, it’s probably a customer. I’ve been getting so many orders for scarves and capes to keep out the chill, I hung up the Please Ring for Service sign since I knew I would be up here.” Rarity folded the piece she had been working and started for the door. “You can just relax there, Rainbow. I won’t be long.” She grinned slyly. “We can finish our talk when I come back.”
“Oh, uh, yeah, sure…um, you know, Rarity, I’m starting to feel…” She yawned widely. “…a little sleepy. M-maybe I should go read Saddles of the High Seas again and take a little nap before dinner.”
Shaking her head, the unicorn hurried down the stairs to the front room of the shop, putting on a charming smile as she opened the door. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique!” she sang. “Where every outfit is chic, unique—”
“And maaaaagnifique!” Pinkie Pie finished for her, bouncing out of the wind and into the shop. “So everypony should take a peek, if it’s super duper clothes you seek and…uh, they hear a mouse squeak? No, that doesn’t make sense. They like leeks? Or maybe—”
“You mind holdin’ the rhyme time til later, Sugarcube? It’s powerful cold out here.” Applejack nudged Pinkie further inside with a push of her head, then turned to drag a large jug in behind her. “Whew!” she said, closing the door against the wind. “This wind is somethin’ else, isn’t it? Ah lost my hat three times comin’ here.” She took off her Stetson and ran her hooves over her mussed hair. “Mah mane’s almost as poofy as Pinkie’s.”
“I think it’s a good look on you,” Pinkie said with a giggle. “You should wear it like that more often.”
“Oh! I thought I heard Pinkie and Applejack.” Rainbow Dash appeared at the bottom of the stairs, smiling at her friends. “Hey guys!”
“Hey, RD, look at you! Outta bed already!”
“Check out her spots!” Pinkie exclaimed. “They’ve gone purple!”
“Yeah, finally!” Rainbow said with a laugh, raising a hoof to examine the plum-colored dots speckling her blue coat. “I was starting to think the pink would never go away.”
“I thought the pink was really pretty. But I guess these are pretty too.” Pinkie bounced over to the pegasus to peer at her pegapox. “They look great with your pjs. I can’t wait for Rarity to finish the set she promised me.”
“I’m almost done with them, Pinkie,” Rarity told her. “I’m just a little behind because I’m still working on my main line and everypony needs capes and cloaks and scarves because of the cold. I’ll have them done soon though.”
“It’s okay!” Pinkie said cheerfully. “I can wait. But they’re going to keep me nice and roasty toasty warm at night!”
“We’re all gonna need them soon if this weather keeps up like this,” Applejack muttered. “With all this wind and rain and snow, mah apples are fallin’ off the trees willy nilly and gettin’ bruised. Ah can’t sell ‘em when they’re like that, but like Granny Smith always says, ‘when life gives you bruised apples, make apple juice’!”
Rainbow Dash winced at the mention of wind tossed apples. “Sorry about your crop, AJ. I’m going to get everything back to normal as soon as I get my wingpower back. If what Twilight read is true, I should be able to fly again in just a few more days, maybe a week tops.”
“But Rainbow, dear, even then you’re going to need to take it easy. You really shouldn’t be working any weather until you’re fully recovered.”
Rainbow gave the white unicorn an incredulous look. “Whose side are you on, Rarity? Do you want this crazy weather fixed or not? Because for that you’re going to need a weather pony who actually knows what she’s doing.”
“I understand that, darling, but you really wouldn’t be doing anypony any favors if you overexerted yourself and became ill again, now would you? In fact, you really should be in bed right now.”
“But I don’t feel—”
“Go on now. Back into bed.”
“But we’ve got company.”
“And I’m sure Applejack and Pinkie Pie will be happy to come visit with you, upstairs, when you’re back in bed.”
Rainbow’s eyes narrowed slightly, some of her old stubbornness returning with her energy. “You’re kidding me! Rarity, I’m not some little foal that you can—”
“Rainbow Dash, you get back into bed right now or, I swear to Celestia, the next time you fall asleep I will glue Sweetie Belle’s teddy bear to your tail!”
The pegasus gasped and took a step backwards. “Y-you wouldn’t!” she said, her voice uncertain.
Rarity lowered her head, glaring at her friend from beneath her long lashes. “Try me.”
The standoff lasted for another minute as the two glowered at one another. Applejack and Pinkie Pie both sat down to watch, Pinkie looking perplexed, while Applejack grinned widely, enjoying the spectacle.
In the end, Rainbow Dash gave in first when she was overcome by a fit of coughing. Dropping her eyes and frowning, she muttered, “Fine! But only because I wanted to go anyway. I have a book to reread.”
“Ooh! You don’t have to reread anything!” Pinkie Pie interjected. “I brought you a whole bunch of new books from the library. Twilight and I picked them out together.” The pink pony bounded up the stairs, following the pegasus back to her bedroom.
“Oh good! Maybe Pinkie will keep her occupied for awhile.” Rarity turned to smile at Applejack. “What’s in the jug, if I may ask? Apple juice?”
“That’s right!” Applejack proudly tapped the container with a hoof. “The best apple juice from here to Fillydelphia. Probably even further, Ah reckon. You’ve been goin’ through so much juice for Rainbow, Ah thought Ah’d save you havin’ to deal with all the little bottles.”
“That’s a great idea. The bottles are starting to stack up—but the juice is so good for Rainbow Dash. I’ve made her all kinds of nice, healthy soups, but she barely touches them. Here, let me help you with that.” Rarity lifted the jug with her magic and trotted with it through the hall to the kitchen, Applejack close on her heels. With a small groan, she hefted it onto the counter. “How much do I owe you?”
The earth pony shook her head. “Mah treat, Rarity. Least we all can do what with you takin’ care of Rainbow and all. And like Ah said, the farm’s got a lot of juice this year.”
“Yes, that bumbling pegasus with his snow and wind—I do agree with Dash on that one.” Rarity shook her head unhappily. She knew the Apple family lived off the proceeds from their farm and couldn’t afford a very bad year. “Will you be alright? You’ll have enough to take care of your bills, won’t you?”
Applejack sighed. “Things’ll be tight, but they always are when you got a farm. We’ll manage like we always do—‘specially if we can sell all the apple juice. Plus Pinkie’s already talked the Cakes into buyin’ up a whole bushel of the not so bruised apples to use in cakes and pies and tarts and the such. She’s plannin’ a party o’course.”
“Of course. But that’s good news, isn’t it?” Rarity let her eyes drift closed for a moment. “Mmm, warm apple pie with cinnamon and flaky crust, and apple cakes with iced sugar, and baked apples—oh, that sounds lovely! Especially with all this cold weather.”
“That’s sure true, but you’re startin’ to drool a little, Sugarcube.”
Rarity snapped out of her reverie and giggled sheepishly. “Yes, well, it’s sure to be a wonderful soirée. All of Pinkie’s parties are. I just wish Rainbow was well enough to attend. A party would definitely perk her up.”
“You’re right there. Speakin’ of Rainbow, that was a good trick getting’ her to go back to bed. What was that about a bear?”
“Oh, Sweetie has this little teddy bear toy and for some strange reason Rainbow thinks it’s evil and after her. I blamed it on the fever at first, but it does seem to show up in the weirdest places even after it’s been put away.”
Applejack snickered. “Rainbow afraid of an itty bitty bear—woo hoo, Ah’m never gonna let her live that down. So, what’s it been like, you two bein’ roommates for, what, goin’ on two weeks now?”
“In a couple of days it will be.” The unicorn frowned thoughtfully as she pulled four glasses from the cupboard and poured apple juice into each one. “Let me say that things were, uh, easier when she was so tired and achy that she only wanted to sleep or lie still. But now that she’s feeling a little better she’s always bored and antsy and going out of her mind with worry about this weather, even though I keep telling her it’s not her fault and there’s nothing she can do about it.”
“That’s our Rainbow. She does takes her weather duties seriously and about the only time Ah’ve ever seen her stay still for more than a coupla minutes is when she’s nappin’.”
“I know exactly what you mean.” Rarity pushed one glass closer to Applejack and took a sip of juice from another. “Now that her fever has broken, she just doesn’t want to stay in bed, and I doubt she’s ever gone this long without flying before.” The unicorn sighed heavily. “To tell you the truth, Applejack, I think we’re both starting to go a little—”
“—crazy! That’s what I’ll be if I don’t get out of here soon! I can’t stand not being able to fly!” Rainbow Dash pushed open the door of her borrowed room and slipped inside, Pinkie Pie hopping at her heels. She watched as Rainbow lifted her wings and flapped them half-heartedly, only managing to lift herself a few inches from the ground. “I miss the wind in my mane, the clouds under my hooves, the speed making my eyes sting!”
“Yeah, it’s gotta be terrible,” Pinkie sympathized. “Like how I would feel if I woke up and couldn’t make cookies and cakes and yummy sweet, sugary treats anymore!”
Rainbow looked over her shoulder to roll her eyes at the odd pink pony, then thought about what she had said. “Yeah, exactly! All this lying around and sleeping and keeping still—I mean, I like a good nap as much as any hardworking pony, but Rarity seems to think I need to sleep through ninety percent of the day! And the soup! I swear somepony must have told her once that you need to eat soup when you’re sick, because that’s all she makes for lunch and dinner. Carrot soup, squash soup, potato soup!” She shuddered and stuck out her tongue in disgust. “Watercress soup. But I’ve been here almost two weeks and she still hasn’t made me any broccoli soup yet. Is that too much for a pony to ask?”
As she spoke, Rainbow Dash pulled back the covers on the bed, only to be confronted by a pair of blank, shiny button eyes and a stitched on smile that seemed to leer at her from a chartreuse face. The pegasus screamed and leapt backwards, colliding with Pinkie Pie and scrambling to safety behind the earth pony.
“Aaiih!” Pinkie also screamed, her light blue eyes bulging with fright. She dropped to the floor, covering her bushy mane with her hooves. “What is it? A monster? Zombies? A one eyed, one horned, flying purple pony eater?” After a moment of cowering, her natural curiosity got the better of her and she look up. “Oh! It’s just a teddy bear!” She bounced onto the bed and grabbed Bobo in a tight hug, rubbing his plush fur against her cheek. “Aww, he’s so cute! Isn’t he so cute, Dashie?”
“No!” Rainbow shot back. “He is not cute. He’s evil! I swear that thing moves on his own—that was not where he was when I left this room earlier.”
“Really?” Pinkie held up the bear and scrutinized it carefully. “He doesn’t look evil to me. He looks all soft and cuddly.” She hugged the toy, eliciting a high-pitched squeak from its belly.
“Then tell me how it got under the blankets? It was waiting there for me, but nopony here moved it. Rarity and I were both in the other room and Sweetie’s at school.”
The answer to her question came in a loud, rumbling purr near the window. Both ponies paused and peered over the bed to see Opal lounging on the edge of the rug and looking entirely too pleased with herself.
“Did you do that?” Rainbow accused, scowling at the pampered cat.
Opal responded by nonchalantly licking a paw, then deliberately stood and turned about to present the pegasus with her fluffy hindquarters.
“Snotty furball,” Rainbow muttered. She climbed onto the bed, casting a wary eye at the bear in Pinkie’s arms, and leaned against the pillows. She was silent for a moment, staring thoughtfully at the window.
“Hey, Pinkie?” she asked at last.
“Is the pony eater purple…or does it just eat purple ponies?”
“You mean like Twilight? Well that’s pretty mean of it! Twilight’s never done anything bad to anypony. She sure doesn’t deserve to be cooked up and eaten like a cupcake by some big, scary monster who thinks she’s—”
Rainbow Dash leaned forward to press a hoof against Pinkie’s lips, cutting off her tirade.
“Forget I asked,” she said, sighing wearily, but smiling all the same. She certainly couldn’t be bored with Pinkie Pie around. “What books did you bring me? I really liked that one about the pirate ponies.”
“I’ve got something even better this time! I found this story about these ponies who have to go on a journey to find some magic jewels to save their sick friend. And Twilight searched the whole library for this book she saw once that she thought you’d really like.” Pinkie abandoned Bobo and hopped off the bed, appearing an instant later with a stack of books in her hooves.
“Wait! What?” Pinkie had brought no saddlebags with her and she hadn’t been carrying any books when she’d come upstairs. “How did you—no, on second thought, I don’t want to know.” Rainbow looked eagerly at the books instead, spreading them out on the bed in front of her and inspecting the covers. She’d really enjoyed the funny and light hearted novels Pinkie usually brought, but was pleased to see an epic fantasy this time. She preferred the action and adventure and the sense of danger on every page.
Twilight sent only nonfiction books, but was adept at picking histories and documentaries that Rainbow Dash found fascinating. The book she had provided today looked especially cool—there was a dark storm cloud on the cover with a zigzag bolt of lightning writing the title.
“Storms of the Century—The Greatest Recorded Storms of Equestria History,” she read. “Awesome! Tell Twilight thanks for me.”
“Oki doki loki—she’s a great librarian, huh? Just the other day she found this super awesome amazing cookbook for me with all these recipes for cookies that I can’t wait to try at the Let’s Warm Up party I’m having.”
Rainbow had been flipping through the storm book, listening idly to her friend, but perked up at the mention of a party.
“What party?” she asked.
“Just a really fun one that’ll help us all feel better about the weather.” Pinkie saw Rainbow’s eyes narrow a little and flicker towards the window again. “It’s not your fault, Dashie,” she insisted, knowing exactly what her friend was thinking. “And it’s really not so bad, just a little windy and snowy and cold. But now we get to have a party and I’m gonna bake apple cookies!”
“When is it?”
“Day after tomorrow.”
“Oh.” Rainbow’s ears drooped. Even though she felt better and the books said she was no longer contagious now that her spots had turned purple, the mayor had decided that she should remain quarantined until they went away completely. “I guess I’ll just go to the next one,” she murmured.
“Aww, I’m sorry, Dashie. I would have made it later, but I have to use Applejack’s bruised apples before they go bad.”
“It’s okay.” Rainbow let out a tiny snort. “Rarity probably wouldn’t want me to go anyway.” She flopped back into the pillows and raised a hoof before her eyes. “I can’t wait for these stupid spots to go away.”
“They will soon enough. And then we’ll throw you an even bigger, better, more fantastic party to celebrate and the whole town will be invited!”
The blue pony couldn’t help but smile at the thought of a Ponyville-wide party in her honor, just because she’d gotten over the pegapox—it was strange to think that, just two weeks ago, the very idea of a party had made her groan in misery.
“And,” Pinkie continued without pause, “I promise to bring you a whole big plate of delicious goodies from this party so you can pick your favorites for yours.”
Pinkie started to describe the cakes and tarts and cookies that she was planning to make, but was interrupted by the door banging open and Sweetie Belle galloping excitedly into the room.
“Rainbow Dash! You have to look outside! Hurry! It’s so neat! Oh, hi, Pinkie Pie!”
Grinning from ear to ear, the filly leapt onto the bed and grabbed Rainbow’s hoof, pulling her upright and towards the window.
“Come on—you’re going to love it!”
Obediently, both Rainbow and Pinkie both scrambled off the bed, following the little unicorn to the window and crowding in front of the glass. They sat and looked out at the dark, grey clouds covering the sky and the broken branches and other debris whipped up by the fierce wind.
“What are we looking at?” Pinkie asked when a minute had passed with nothing special happening. Her breath misted on the cool glass and Sweetie hurriedly wiped it clear.
“Just watch! It’s going to be any minute now!”
They waited again, but the scenery remained unchanged. Rainbow Dash stifled a yawn and was just about to ask Sweetie what they were expected to see when a bright green dot suddenly spun through the clouds.
“What in the hay—is that a-a kite?”
It was a kite, a green diamond kite getting tossed and dragged by the wind towards them and, hanging tightly to the string and getting dragged along just as fast was—
The orange pegasus filly had wrapped the kite string around her forehooves and was using the force of the wind to get to amazing speed. Her tiny wings buzzed for balance as she lifted a hoof from her handlebars and waved up at their window. They waved back as Scootaloo dropped her hoof onto one of the small wheels lifting the scooter in a wheelie and spinning around and around in a series of tight circles. With the help of the kite, she banked off one of the town benches, jumping high into the air and cartwheeling.
“Wow! Did you see that!” Pinkie exclaimed.
Scootaloo managed to turn about and came back towards the window, shoving the scooter ahead of her and letting the power of the kite yank her off the ground. She flew through the air for twenty feet before gravity caught up with her again and she dropped, somehow managing to land with one hoof on her scooter, the other raised behind her.
“Whoo!” Rainbow cheered, opening the window despite the cold and leaning out to cheer for her little fan. “Way to go, Squirt! Awesome!”
“Yay, Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle yelled.
The filly waved again and turned once more, now weaving her scooter in and out of the benches, trees, potted plants, and other obstacles that lined the street. It was a similar stunt to Phase One from Rainbow’s own routine.
“Oh no! Look out!” Pinkie Pie cried, pointing to the sign post that stood in Scootaloo’s way.
Scootaloo saw the obstacle, but instead of dodging, she leaned lower over her handlebars and buzzed her wings to add her own propulsion to the power of the wind. She rushed at the post, a look of pure determination in her purple eyes.
“She’s going to crash!” Pinkie yelled.
“Stop! Scootaloo! Stop!” Sweetie squeaked.
Rainbow Dash didn’t say anything, but leaned far out the window, her own rose-colored eyes wide as the filly waited until the very last instant to jump off her scooter, leaping over the handlebars and leaning back so she could run up the signpost with the help of her momentum. She reached the top and flipped backward, letting the dancing kite hold her up so she floated gently to the ground. Smiling hugely, she bowed to her audience, who cheered and stamped their hooves against the windowsill.
“What in Equestria is going on up here!”
The three ponies at the window turned around to see Rarity and Applejack standing in the doorway, watching them in complete confusion.
“Rarity! You have to see what Scootaloo’s doing!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed.
“It’s so cool!” Pinkie added.
“Yeah, awesome!”
“And loud too,” Rarity sniffed. “We could hear you shouting all the way downstairs.”
“They probably heard you all the way down at th’ farm,” Applejack added. She trotted to the window and squeezed in between Pinkie and Rainbow Dash, using her rump to push them aside. “What’re we lookin’ at?”
Down below, Scootaloo was now riding in leisurely circles, still windsurfing with the kite and waving up at the window each time her circuit brought her around to see them.
“Well, ain’t that a clever idea!” Applejack exclaimed. She waved to the filly, laughing. “Hey there, Scootaloo!”
“Hi Applejack!” the filly called.
“Scootaloo is out there…in this cold?” Rarity hurried to the window and peered out. Her lips pursed disapprovingly. “Whatever is she thinking? She’s going to freeze her little wings off. Not to mention she could hurt herself with that kite in this wind.” Leaning out the window, she shouted, “Scootaloo, darling, it’s far too cold to play outside today! You go home now, dear. Sweetie will see you tomorrow at school!”
Scootaloo’s face fell as the unicorn shut the window and pulled the curtains closed.
“Aw, Rarity, she was just showing us her new tricks,” Sweetie protested. “She’s been working on them for two days and wanted Rainbow Dash to see—”
“That’s wonderful, Sweetie, but Rainbow should be in bed, not sitting in front of an open window on a cold night. Really, Rainbow Dash, you should know better. All you need is to catch a chill and have to spend another two weeks in bed.”
“It was only a couple of minutes,” Rainbow Dash protested, rolling her eyes. “And the fresh air felt nice after being cooped up so long.”
“It won’t feel nice if it makes your cough worse or brings back your fever. Ugh!” The white unicorn shook her head angrily. “Do I have to do everything myself?” Planting her hooves, a blue glow suffused her horn as she pointed it at Rainbow Dash.
“Okay, okay! I’m going! Rarity, knock it off!” Rainbow Dash turned to get back into bed, aided by Rarity’s blue magic, which wrapped around her rainbow tail and hoisted her hind end off the floor. Rainbow tumbled head over heels on the mattress, landing with her nose buried in the pillows as Rarity levitated the blanket over her. “Stop that!” she snapped, turning over and pushing her bangs out of her eyes. “What did I say about levitating me!”
“What did I say about staying in bed? You say you want to get better and go out to fix the problems with the weather but you won’t do anything I say to—”
“That’s because you’re not my mom!”
Rarity took a step backwards at the fury in Rainbow’s voice.
“I…I never said I was, Rainbow Dash. I’m just trying to—”
“Well don’t! Quit bossing me around!”
“I…well, I never meant…I was just trying…” Rarity’s blue eyes glanced over at her little sister and the two guests, who stood silently by the window. Her lip quivered for a moment, then firmed as her own natural stubbornness came forward. “There’s certainly no reason to shout at me, Rainbow Dash. I wouldn’t have to be so bossy if you would just behave yourself for once.”
“Me?” Rainbow pointed a hoof at her chest and laughed humorlessly.
“Yes, you. Being sick has been hard on you, we all know that, but do think it’s been easy for me these last two weeks? Cooking for you, cleaning up after you, making an extra special pair of pajamas just for you!”
“I never asked you to do any of that! You volunteered!”
“I…I’m starting to feel sorry that I did!” Rarity felt her eyes flood with tears and, to hide them, whirled around and cantered from the room.
Rainbow Dash stared at the door for a long moment, then crossed her hooves over her chest and sulked.
“Now, Rainbow, don’t you think you oughtta…” Applejack fell silent as Rainbow Dash looked at her. The blue pony’s own eyes were damp and she quickly tried to wipe them dry, hiding the motion behind a cough.
“Ah guess it’s about time we went home, eh, Pinkie?” Applejack nudged her fellow earth pony and started for the door.
“Oki doki…uh, loki.” Looking upset, Pinkie followed Applejack out the door. “Hope you like the books, Dashie,” she said before darting into the hallway.
“Mm hmm,” Rainbow replied, not seeming to notice that Pinkie was gone.
Sweetie Belle was silent for a moment, then timidly crept up to the bed and put her hooves on the mattress.
“I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash,” she whispered. “I shouldn’t have made you go to the window. A good nurse wouldn’t have—”
“It’s not your fault, Sweetie Belle.” Rainbow managed a small smile for the filly. “You’ve been a great nurse.”
“Yeah, the best. And Rarity wasn’t…” Rainbow sighed heavily. “You know, Sweetie, I’m feeling pretty tired right now and I’ll bet you have homework to do, so…”
Sweetie Belle got the hint and nodded. “Okay. I’ll talk to you later.
After the filly left the room, Rainbow Dash tried to distract herself with her new books, but couldn’t concentrate as the words kept blurring on the pages and she had to continually wipe her eyes clear. She finally gave up and slumped down on the bed, pulling the blanket up to her chin and turning to stare at the curtain covered window. As the wind beat against the glass and whistled around the corners of the boutique outside, she fell into an uneasy sleep.
hahaha the cupcakes reference