• Published 22nd May 2024
  • 217 Views, 1 Comments

Sorcerer Chroniciles - DiscordTheGod

Human finds himself in Equestria, but with a twist

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Normally I woke at the sound of my alarm. Just your typical working joe like any other. Someone who bleds with the crowd easily just like the most of us. So why do you ask I feel different now? One my alarm isn't firing off as if it's life depends on it. Second I feel weird like I am somewhere else, but that's impossible, right?

I feel sun rays kissing my face, but wait I vaquely remember closing courtens to diminish them so they won't wake me up earlier than needed. This makes me ground perhaps I somehow opened them without noticing. It's strange that I feel so energizied now. I mean no one feels amazing, especially when they only woke up from deep slumber. But I think I can just work for days and not tire.

What a strange feeling I must say. I flex lazily rearrenging some of losely bones in my body back to their places. I push myself from whatever position I was sleeping in. I find many differences immediately. First I am on ground not on bed. Secondly I am on ground, which means I am got somehow transported to who knows where. Well that was my first thought anyways.

I open my eyes to truly examine my surroundings. My fear comes true. Where exactly am I? In middle of no where, specifically I only see forest ahead of myself in all direction. I am on a rather large meadow. Grass is everywhere so are trees. I wonder how am I here? Why? Where? All those question and seemingly no answer. I guess I need to do something in order to asset my situation properly. I try to find something, which I do.

Somehow a medium sized bag is on ground and also other much larger one as well. In first I found quite a lot of coins. I think they are made of gold. In another I found some supplies. Good I am not going to die of hunger. I think I have just enough food and water to last a week. What should I do?

I need to find a shalter. I already got food and water, so next logical thing is to find where I am going to stay. Definitely not forest, they are likely a lot of dangerous predators there. I am not going to risk it not unless I know how to navigate in this forest.

What else? Maybe I should look for intelligent life assuming of course, if it even exists. I am hoping on positive result however. For some reason I have a feeling I am going to meet someone or something? Oh well. I need to get going. I don't think it's a good idea to stay at one place for a long time. But before that I went towards a near lake to look at myself.

My appreance didn't change at all. Aside from being fully clothed in casual clothes. I am a tall man(195cm) with quite muscular, but not overly so build. Let's say someone who can have both power and speed\agility. I have black hair. My eyes are green like forest.

I walked in this wide and seemingly endless forest. I walked and walked without an end. I gritted my teeth that was totally not helping my increasing frustration, perhaps outright anger at my current predicament. I have no skill to transverse in forest, especially as deep and confusing as this one is. It almost seems as this forest is alive. Crazy. Something about this place seems very familiar to me, but I can't find out what exactly. You know the feeling of deja vu.

I just walked in straight line not deterring from my path at any cost. I didn't encounter anything or anyone yet. Do I want to? I am not sure. I have no weapon to defend myself, I am almost virtially helpless. With no direction and no knowledge, I am stuck here. Damn I am not going to give up tho. I continued my path willing to take any chance I can. Suddenly I heard something strange. A voice, no actually multiple voices. I think it's a pair. From a sound of it, one is older one, while another is younger. From their way of talking they sound like sisters? Why anyone went to this weird and definitely terrifying place? I don't know and I don't care. I should help whoever or whatever is in trouble right now. Luckily I can track the voices quite easily.

Finally I reach my destination, but what I see almost breaks my world. I see two ponies. One is older one, she has orange fur. She wears a cowboy or farmer hat on her hat. She also has some weird marking or painting in image of three red apples. What in the world? I should in my mind obviously. Then I remember why i felt so familiar with the place. I have watched this cartoon multiple times, due to it being one of my favorites, despite it's flaws. MLP:FIM or rather know as My little Pony: Friendship is Magic, a show about six ponies. The main heroine is Twilight Sparkle the star student of Princess Celestia herself. From episode to episode, they learn about friendship. Also facing powerful villains defeating them with the most powerful artefacts. The Elements of Harmony.

Am I really in cartoon show about ponies? If so it's freaking cool, but also bad. I am a human, I don't have incredible strength of earth pony, flight of pegasi or even unicorn magic, well this one however will proof to be wrongt, but let's not spoiler.

Applejack and Applebloom. They are sisters and members of Apple Family. It's very big. Now how can I help? There should be a way. The only thing that can possibly defeat woodwolves and yes them is fire. That I can think of. But I can't conjure fire from out of nowhere can I? I knew that physical force is not effective towards woodwolves, due to their innate ability to reconstuct after their bodies are destroyed.

Around 5 or maybe more wolves are here. I need to make them disappear. I wish hardly that I could just shot fire and burn them to a crisp. Suddenly in my arms a small ball of fire appears. I look at it bewildered. However I had no time to admire my new found power as wolves neared towards two ponies. I saw that they are a bit less spacy, this will help me. I remain unseen, when presented with opportunity I shot the small ball, which enlarges in size about almost five times his original size. Wolves do not notice, until all of them are hit by my fireball, which engolves them in bloody red fire. Surprisingly all of them burn very quickly. I guess magical fire is much stronger and hotter than normal one. Still I look at my arms thinking about my sudden feat of magic. I don't feel anything, but I think I can feel power. More power than I ever could imagine. Perhaps this how magic in this world feels. I can't tell for sure.

I see both Apples look bewildered. I contemplete about revealing myself, but I think against it. It's a bad idea. I am a grant new being for them. Someone with unknown power and unknown intentions. For all they know, I can be their worst enemy. I mean I am not evil, but I don't want to be regarded as evil, due to misunderstanding. By the way this happens a lot in fanfics about MLP. I don't know why.

Just when I about to walk out of there, those two see me somehow. I might have revealed myself already. I signed. How wishful of me to think that they won't notice after my attempt at saving them. Hopefully they won't attack me. I don't want to hurt them, of course I don't want to be hurt too. They look at me without fear, but with curiosity. I wanted to talk, but Applejack beat me to it.

"Yeehaw thanks mighty, parthner. But may ask you. Who you are and what are you?" Applejack shocks me with her rather calm approach. I am not saying she is aggresive, but in most situation is not the sharpest. I think I am already revealed so no sense hiding.

I stand in front of them in my full height and giving them full view of myself. They look at my curiously, but without any fear. Are they not afraid? Why? Oh well let's question this later. I need to say my name. Should I name myself differently here or not?

"Hello there. I am Micheal, you see I am a human" I stated . I think I shocked the pair. They probably assumed I couldn't talk, but a lot of races\animals here can talk.

"It's nice knowing you, sugar. So what pray tell you are doing all the way here in Everfree Forest?" She asked me. Wait so I am in most quote on quote unnatural forest in Equestria. Just my luck. At least I discovered that I could do magic. Did I mention that it's fricking cool to be able to do magic. It would interesting to develop in this path. I think I am some kind of sorcerer or wizard. Those guys in fantasy that use fireball all the time.

"I think I am lost. You see I happen to wake up here in this forest all alone and with no way of knowing where I am" I said. I think the spirit of honesty looked sadden for me or apologetic. I am not sure how to understand the look, she has given me.

"How about I help you?" She offered

"But sister, we don't know anything about him." Applebloom have brought a logical argument. They don't know me. I could be cooking something sinister behind their backs.

"Then why he saved us from certain death?" Applejack asked in return, which is also a good argument, even if some other would disagree. However it was apperantly enough to convince Applebloom of my non-threatenence.

This is how my journey have started.

To be continued

Author's Note:

Hopefully this story will be good. Enjoy