• Published 20th May 2024
  • 323 Views, 21 Comments

This Is Not How I Expected My Week To Go - TheKing2001

When shes sent to help set up a town hosting the Summer Sun Celebration with another student of Celestia's, Twilight is forced to tolerate Sunset's jokes and more in order to save Equestria.

  • ...

Happy places

Sunset yawned and shifted in bed, wincing slightly at the sun shining through the open window. She promptly yanked the curtains closed and nuzzled closer into Silverspeed snoring next to as Sunset felt the wing wrapped around her twitch slightly.

Sunset sighed contently and shifted slightly as she wrapped her tail around Silverspeed’s instinctively.

“You’re doing the tail thing again,” Silverspeed muttered and Sunset glanced at her. “You know what I mean.”

“I know. You secretly love it,” Sunset teased and nuzzled Silverspeed again with a grin. “How did we get home by the way? Last thing I remember was us getting drunk with my sisters and her friends and the rest is fuzzy. I can certainly feel what we did last.”

Silverspeed scrunched up her muzzle in thought and yawned, finally opening her eyes.

“We got escorted home by Soarin and Firestreak,” Silverspeed answered after a moment. “And then we came up stairs and you practically shoved your face between my legs the second we got in bed.”

“So that’s why my hoof is sticky along with our sheets,” Sunset mused and wiped her hoof on her fur. “What? I’m gonna shower today. Or together if you want.”

“Together works for me,” Silverspeed answered and kissed Sunset as Sunset ran a hoof down her messy wings.

“Right after I preened your wings too,” Sunset grumbled and froze as Silverspeed licked her horn with a smirk. “Oh Celestia have mercy.”

“I forgot your horn was your soft spot,” Silverspeed teased and kissed her again.

“Would you two just go fuck in the shower already?”

Silverspeed and Sunset both gave each other confused looks, leaning over their sides of their admittedly bigger bed than necessary down at High Winds and Misty Fly staring up them from their makeshift beds of blankets, blinking a few times with High Winds holding her head with a pained expression. No doubt from her hang over, Sunset suspected.

“Front of the bed,” High Winds pointed with her hoof. Sunset and Silverspeed both looked over the edge down at Spitfire glaring up at them. “Don’t scream. We didn’t join in on your guys adult time but you did let us sleep in here if my memory is correct. We have pretty bad hang overs.”

“And it was difficult to sleep with you two screaming each others names,” Misty Fly scoffed. “I always forget how loud you two can be when you get going.”

“Oh,” Silverspeed rubbed her mane with a blush. “We can take a shower but this was a bit of a mood killer. We really should have shoved them in the spare rooms.”

Sunset nodded and rolled out of bed, narrowly avoiding stepping on High Winds wings as she yanked them closed hastily.

“Sorry!” Sunset muttered and rubbed her head. Sunset trotted to the bathroom, shoving the door open as she dropped to her knees and vomited into the toilet.

“Worst part of getting drunk,” Silverspeed agreed as she stood in front of the sink to brush her teeth. “High Winds gave me these pills, they’re for me and you. Adult strength Tylenol. Straight from the bottle.”

Sunset eyed the pill Silverspeed was holding out suspiciously as Silverspeed rolled her eyes.

“I saw her break the seal on the bottle. It’s safe and besides, do you seriously think one of your sisters teammates would poison you? Your sisters would go crazy in a heart beat,” Silverspeed pointed out flatly. “Spitfire honestly scares me more than Blaze. Remember when I first met them and both of them grilled me for an hour straight about us dating?”

Sunset snorted as she stepped into the shower and closed the curtain before turning the hot water on.

“I remember very well,” Sunset snickered as she levitated the pill onto her tongue and swallowed it. “It was Silver Spoons birthday and I had gotten Spitfire to perform an air show for her. Blaze is the calm one of the family. Give her gum and she will be happy for hours.”

Silverspeed hummed in response as she spit into the sink.

“I’m almost done. When is Silver Spoon coming back home?” Sunset asked and started cleaning her mane.

“Fuck me,” Silverspeed mumbled and Sunset laughed.

“Again? My sister and her friends are here. You’re a bold one,” Sunset teased with a smirk. “I like that.”

“You’re insufferable some days. You know that?” Silverspeed gave a quiet laugh and rolled her eyes.

“Eh I know. It’s part of my charm.”

Silverspeed poked her head around the curtain and Sunset jumped in surprise, covering herself with a hoof.


“Seriously?” Silverspeed gave her a flat look before she stepped into the shower fully and smirked. “I’ve seen that part of your body multiple times.”

“I like acting surprised. You know that,” Sunset answered and dropped back to all four hooves. Her mane and tail were plastered to her coat in a way that Silverspeed always loved.

“True. We gotta hurry and go get Silver Spoon from the Rich’s mansion-” Sunset rolled her eyes and grumbled a curse word. “The puppy dog eyes aren’t working today. I know you don’t like them all that well and I don’t either really.”

Sunset admittedly liked Filthy Rich, finding him to be the easier of the family to get along with. She was more than happy to get into a hoof fight with his wife if it wouldn’t reflect badly on Silverspeed.

“And later on you can cast that soundproof spell on the bathroom,” Silverspeed said quietly and bit Sunset’s neck before licking the spot.

“When I said fuck in the shower, I didn’t mean it!” Spitfire slammed a hoof against the door. “Or well, not when I’m here at least please. I don’t want a repeat of last night. That was the stuff of nightmares, hearing you two.”

Silverspeed and Sunset both looked at each and laughed.

“Okay fine!” Sunset called back and bit back another laugh. “And I’m the insufferable one?”

“Mhm,” Silverspeed teased with a wink. “Definitely are.”

Wallflower sighed as she rolled out of bed, tossing her blankets onto her bed as she ducked to avoid some leaves of her plants she kept. Her small house she had recently gotten was crowded with them.

She nudged her door open and stepped down the stairs into her kitchen as a black lab stared up at her, wagging his tail.

“Hey Rufus,” Wallflower accepted the dog jumping her and licking her cheek as she gave a faint laugh. “Hungry?”

Rufus barked and Wallflower chuckled as she went about getting his food. While ponies didn’t eat meat, Wallflower was a bit more comfortable feeding her dog meat than others were. It’s not like she personally knew the cow that was killed to provide the food for her dog.

Wallflower scrunched her muzzle as she started cooking the meat she had tossed into the pan and went about her normal daily routine of watering her plants, letting her dog out into the back yard and visiting the bathroom.

By the time she was done, Rufus was back and she shut the stove off and slipped her hoof into a mitt, shoving the steak into his food dish.

“I’ll be back later. Behave and don’t go use the bathroom inside,” Wallflower warned as she moved to the front door and quietly slipping out, inhaling with a smile.

She always liked the smell of the salt water which was the main reason she chose the house she did. It also helped that she got a letter a few days prior at her apartment in Ponyville telling her about the property. But with enough flowers, Wallflowers only real happy places were her house and her shop she had managed to get.

She didn’t know who had sent the letter but she did recognize the royal seal on it, along with directions to the house and a key. Most ponies would be a bit wary about just accepting a key and house from a stranger at the castle but Wallflower personally wanted to leave Ponyville so she and Rufus boarded the next train as soon as they could.

“Hey there.” Wallflower jumped and spun around, making eye contact with a white pegasus mare with a blue mane and bright green eyes. “Easy. Didn’t mean to startle you.”

Wallflowers eyes flicked around nervously as she scuffed a hoof against the dirt as the mare raised an eyebrow.

“I’m High Winds. Sunset tasked me to check up on the floral decorations for her and Twilight. Lead the way?? High Winds gestured with a hoof followed by a warm smile.

“S-sure,” Wallflower mumbled and hesitantly stepped ahead of her, continuing her trot to her store as she occasionally glanced at the pegasus next to her.

“You’re not much for talking, are you?” High Winds broke the awkward silence as Wallflower shook her head slowly and High Winds gave a laugh. “That’s cool. I can respect that. I’m used to pretty chaotic ponies. If you know Surprise like I do, you gotta be ready for her crazy antics.”

“Mhm,” Wallflower hummed in response as she and High Winds stopped in front of a small store. “We’re uhm here.”

“And so is she apparently,” High Winds gestured to Twilight and Spike as Spike froze, staring at Wallflower. “If she becomes too much, let me know and I’ll have her take a few steps back.”

“T-thanks,” Wallflower commented as she shifted in her place. “Why are you being so well, friendly? Most ponies don’t like talking to me because I’m shy.”

“Because I’m nice like that,” High Winds shrugged with a wink at Wallflower before focusing back on Twilight and Spike.

“Woah,” Spike mumbled and High Winds raised an eyebrow.

“What is he staring at?” Wallflower asked nervously and took a hesitant step back. She didn’t know much about dragons, except that they were greedy and could easily kill her in a heart beat if they really wanted to. “He’s not uhm gonna kill me and eat me, is he?”

“Eat you? Of course not!” Spike snorted and jumped off Twilight’s back. “I’m Spike.”

“Wallflower Blush,” Wallflower eyed Spike’s outstretched claw before she hesitantly shook it. It didn’t feel as sharp as she had anticipated it being. “Uhm, I have the decorations all set up Miss Twilight. Do you wish to take them now?”

Twilight eyed the cart full next to the store Wallflower was pointing at with a nod. She did have to admit, she did appreciate hard working ponies and well, Wallflower seemed to care about her flowers based on how well put together each one seemed.

“Yeah sure. Uh thanks,” Twilight scuffed the ground before she levitated the cart behind her and slipped the harness around her with a grunt. “Spike?”

Spike stared at Wallflower as the earth pony shifted nervously and turned faintly red. Wallflower didn’t really do well with attention in general, as she was used to being ignored constantly.

“She’s pretty,” Spike commented and Wallflower blushed more as High Winds laughed.

“Come on Casanova,” Twilight called back with an eye roll.

“H-hey wait!” Wallflower called out and Spike paused along with the other two mares. Wallflower inhaled and trotted forward nervously, hoofing Spike a green rose before she galloped inside her store and slammed the door shut.

“What was that about?” Spike wondered aloud and twirled the flower in his claws as High Winds nudged him with a grin.

“Looks like somepony has a crush,” High Winds sang and hovered above him before she rubbed his head spikes. “Congrats!”

“Why me?”

“Maybe because you called her pretty and your probably the first to ever call her that,” High Winds suggested. “She did say most ponies didn’t even talk to her. That’s what happens when you flirt right out the gate, mares give you gifts. The rose matches your color pretty well too.”

“Alright well we must be going. Goodbye!’ Twilight announced and she levitated Spike onto her back. “Say goodbye, it’s almost your nap time.”

High Winds watched with a frown as she tilted her head to the side before shrugging.

Could be worse at least, she mused to herself as she shifted on her hooves.

“That is one unique mare,” High Winds commented aloud to no pony in particular.

With a frown, she shoved off the ground and took off into the sky to catch up with the other Wonderbolts practicing.

Author's Note:

High Winds, for those who don't know. Criminally underrated Wonderbolt.