• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 545 Views, 5 Comments

And then there was Robotbob... - Exorcist Sword

Should we really ask for stories about ourselves? Some take that request very seriously.

  • ...

Chapter 1

The young colt trudged through the relentless scheduled downpour of the week. Thunder rumbled in deep, foreboding tones, almost as if pegasi were bowling on the other side. With no home to call his own, the colt took shelter in an alley, making full use of the overhanging thatched roof of the stores. Cold and wet, he lay down on the remains of a bale of hay, thrown out by those with enough money to not miss it. His eyes began to close.

The colt was awoken a few hours later to the sounds of shouting, most of it directed at him. His trespassing was not tolerated by the well-to-do owners of the store, and the police had been called. In a panic, the young colt struck out with his hooves, rendering the owners screaming, the first from an abused shin, and the other from the first's abused shin. The colt ran, knocking over abandoned stands and garbage pails to deter any pursuit.

Nearing a river, he jumped to grab a hanging branch and swing himself across like Daring Do! Unfortunately for the boy, branches break in real life. Momentum carried him forward and into the embankment, his legs breaking and his spine snapping horribly. He floated, unable to move in the tumultuous water. His sight began to fade, and he knew nothing...

*Hurry Spike, his pulse is weakening!
... No, we don't have time to take him to the hospital! He won't last that long!
We have to get him to my laboratory!*

The colt awoke to a dry and woody smelling room. He glanced around, taking in his surroundings. Beakers and testtubes... Consciousness slapped the child like a drunk dad and he instantly began to look for the exit. However, it was all in vain, as he had straps around his le-

"MY LEGS!!! WHERE ARE MY LEGS!!!" he bellowed, noticing that where his legs used to be now existed four robotic fakes!

"Oh, you're awake,' said a pleasant voice. Whipping his head around to see it's source, the colt beheld a light purple unicorn with a starburst as her cutie mark. "Yes, your legs...Well, uh, you see, when you tried your 'escape swing" earlier and you hit the edge of the river, your bones were shattered. As were your tendons. Your spine took some damage, too. But it's ok, because I was near when you tried it and Spike, he's a baby dragon, rescued you from the water and I made you some new legs! The old ones..."

"It's fine," the colt interrupted, looking over his new appendages, "these are cooler than my old ones." He lifted the leg, noticing a bright button. Using his other arm, he pressed it, and a compartment opened on his hoof. Popping out like an old VHS, a small, sleek glass rectangle appeared.

"What is this?"

"Oh, that's the new iPhone but with a few of my own personal modifications. Enchanted to be indestructible and more aerodynamic than the average phone," Twilight boasted, pleased with her work.

"And you're just giving this to me?" the colt inquired.

"Well, when I bought mine, there was a deal to get a second free. Spike is too irresponsible for it and my friends already have phones. It was just going to gather dust with me. My only condition is that you have to give me the number so I can talk to you more often."

The colt touched the surface a few times and read the digits to her. Twilight input the number into her own phone and asked "What should I put as the name?"

The colt became pensive. He glanced at himself and wondered if he was the same pony that slept on a pile of rotting hay the day before. His gaze fell on a mirror, which displayed him and his new metallic limbs in full glory. He smiled and said, "Call me Bob, RobotBob."