• Published 13th May 2024
  • 336 Views, 34 Comments

The tales of Nightmare Rarity - Twilightsonic75

Rarity has transformed into Nightmare Rarity...kinda.

  • ...

Twilight's apologize and old roots unearthed

Author's Note:

Warning. Slight gruesome moment in the beginning of the chapter. See you in chapter 5!

Twilight woke up from a horrible nightmare. One that was more...gruesome than the last. Twilight looked pale as she remembered what happened... She killed Spike. With her bare hoofs. She held by the neck with her hoofs, charged her horn with lethal magic... and shot him through the heart. His lifeless body dangled in her hoofs, and it was HER fault. She cried in bed, feeling guilty, about her actions yesterday. "I...I'm a monster..."

Twilight was knocked out of her thoughts by a knock on the front door. In her mind, she thought it was Spike, coming to see if she was ok...or at least she hoped. After what happened the night before, she didn't blame Spike for still being cautious around her. She opened the door, only to be greeted by Applejack. "Howdy Twilight." She said nervously.

Twilight knew that Applejack was the element of honesty, and she's proud of her for that, but when it came down to being a liar...well, she had to be ironically honest. She sucked at it. Twilight said, "Applejack, I love you like a sister, but you're an awful liar. What's going on?"

Applejack gave a nervous chuckle and said, "Guess there's no beating around the bush is there?" She suddenly gave a serious look and said,"I saw what happened last night."

Twilight froze in fear. She didn't even see Applejack anywhere in the area last night, or she was so angry that she only focused on Spike that she didn't notice her show up. She then said, "I understand if you don't wanna be friends with me anymore. Nobody should be around a monster."

Applejack got closer and said, "NOW why would I do something like that. You've just been stressed with your royal duties, that you unintentionally took it out on Spike, and Spike looked like he was under stress as well, and I wanna know what happened, and just to let you know, I'm not mad at the both of you."

Twilight, however, disagreed and said, "You should be angry! I blasted him in ponit blank range with a lethal beam spell! If he was just a pony, I could have MURDERED him Applejack!!!" She then broke down crying and said,"And the worst part is that, when we were fighting in combat...I actually was ENJOYING it! I'm a princess, Applejack! I shouldn't enjoy hurting others! I'm a monster that needs to be locked up and never see Celestia's light again!"

Applejack gave Twilight a comforting hug and said, "It's ok, sugercube. You two didn't mean to go that far last night. Trust me, I've had scraps with big Macintosh before, and we end up a bloody mess. But after a couple of hours, we're closer than before after we make up. You and Spike just need to apologize to each other and work on repairing your bond. Ill be honest, if you two wanted, you two could be a adorable couple." Applejack said in a wise tone, being the oldest on their friends.

Twilight realized that Applejack was right on two things, first was that she always wanted to be in a relationship with Spike and be his marefriend. It was why she wanted him to be close to her, and second, that she needed to apologize to him, but first, she needed to show him how sorry she was, and she knew how to do it. "Applejack, first of all, I have thought of being his marefriend for awhile and maybe one day we can be. And secondly, thanks for the advice, and I plan to apologize to him, but can I ask you for a favor?"

Applejack gave a reassuring smile and said "whatever you need sugercube!"

Twilight then said, "Follow me!" She led Applejack to the basement, the only place where the brawl didn't hit and said," When I first came here, Spike was working on upgrading my unicorn gauge machine."

Appkejack then said, confused. "Unicorn gauge machine? What kind of contraption is that?"

"Well Applejack...I have to admit... before I ascended into alicorn states, I was training my combat spells to make myself stronger to defend equestria more. I use this machine to gauge my magic and power levels to see how strong I've gotten."

Applejack was admittedly curious and said, "Twilight? Before you became an alicorn, how strong would you say you were?"

Twilight began to think about her kast time she used the device and said, "I believe I had a power level of two hundred thousand the last time I saw."

Applejack gasped and said, "t-two hundred thousand?! I've never heard of a unicorn being THAT powerful before! How much training did you DO?!"

Twilight gained a smag look and said, "What? Did you think I just read all the time? Spike and I do some intense training, and not just those practical spells you've seen me use."

Applejack then said confused "Wait, Spike? How dose he fit into this? He's too young to-"

"He's older then he looks, and you know it. He's only 4 years younger then me, and he's tougher then he looks if last night was any Indication of that."

Applejack had to admit, she was right. Spike looked like he was holding his own rather well against her. But she had to ask "Any idea how strong he is Twilight?"

Twilight started to think about that, she never made a attempt to scale Spike's power level. So she can only guess based on past matchs. "Well...based in past training matchs, I say he's probably at...three hundred thousand? Give or take a few thousand. "

Applejack was horrified. She never knew that her friends were THIS powerful. She always prided herself as the strongest of her friends. But here was Twilight and Spike. Somehow even MORE stronger then she was. She kinda expected this from Twilight, being a alicorn and all, but SPIKE?! He's a young dragon! How is he even stronger then an alicorn! She decided to challenge him to a fight and see for herself if he has the strength that rivals a alicorn .

But before asking her, Twilight said "So the reason I brought you down her was to help me finish his project. It looked like he wanted to upgrade it to gauge alicorn magic, power levels, and health check ups. *sigh* he's so sweet." Twilight started to daydream about everything he's done for her before Apple jack said " And why am I down here for?"

Twilight had a determined look on her face and said, "We're gonna finish his work and surprise him! With a added surprise for Spike!"

While Applejack wanted to fight Spike , she decided to hold it off and said "count me in sugercube! I'll lift and carry any material you need!

Twilight looked at Applejack with a greatful face and said, "Thanks Applejack! Let's get to work!" And so, Twilight and Applejack began to finish the upgrades to the unicorn gauge machine.

Meanwhile at carasoal boutique

Spike and Rarity wake up from her bed, snuggled in each other's embrace, when the alarm when off as they got up, washed up, and Spike made breakfast for the both of them as she said "Spike darling, you don't have to do this. I can-"

"You helped me so much yesterday Rarity. Now I want to help you out. Anything you need, I'll do it for you." Spike said adamantly, wanting to repay Rarity for everything she did for the last 24 hours. Rarity however thought 'you've done more for me then I've done for you, my prince. I'll make it up to you... somehow.'

After breakfast, Spike and Rarity sat in the show room and continued to talk, when Spike then said "Hey Rarity, weren't you gonna tell me who of our friends are descendants of the dark magic cult?"

Rarity remember what she promised Spike, she smiled at the fact that Spike was so interested in her family's past. She moved next to him and said "alright Spike, I've kept you waiting long enough. But first, you need to know HOW our family remembers our cult past."

She took a moment to center herself and started telling her tale. "Well darling, before the Princess agents showed up to the catacombs, where the cult would practice and experiment with dark magic, my ancestors and their friends learned of their assault on the cult, and made preparations to evacuate the catacombs. Nopony else believed them, when they told them about the Princess plan to wipe them out. Because of this, my ancestors and there friends when to the library and snuck all five master tomes that the cult had made in there time together."

Spike was confused and Said " Master tomes? What were dose?"

"They are six mystic tomes that hold all of the dark magic spells of a certain species. They were, the tome of unicorns, the tome of Pegasus, the tome of earth ponys, the tome of changelings, the tome of shadows, and the tome of dragons."

Spike jumped out of his seat and said "wait, WHAT?! there was a tome of dragons?! You mean that dragons were a part of the cult all those years ago?!"

Rarity giggled and said "yes Spikey wikey, there were dragons in the cult. And changelings, and crystal ponys."

Spike was back to being confused and said "wait, crystal ponys? How were they involved with the cult? And the changelings too in fact."

"Well Spike, the dragons, changelings, and crystal ponys were all brought from their tribes when they heard of the ponys attempts of mastering dark magic for the good of all creatures in equestria. The dragons shared their healing, combat, and elemental magic.
The changelings shared magic of metamorphosis and Imitation. And the crystal ponys shared their geo,light, and shadow magic."

"When my ancestors learned of the attempt of wiping out the cult, they told the dragons, changelings and crystal ponys to flee back to their homes. Fortunately unlike the other ponys they listened and left. But not before saying good bye to my ancestors and their friends, and entrusting them with their tomes. They didn't want to risk them failing into the wrong hoofs in there territories, so they entrusted them to my ancestors to gurad them, and then they vanished from equestria. And not long afterwards, they left the cult as well. In fact, the very next day, that's when the raid happened and all there memories were wiped, and all their research was burned. Never to be seen again. And the cult are almost wiped from existence."

Spike took a few moments to process this much information. She never expected for his mother to wipe out a cult that didn't do anything wrong. He decided not to wonder and ask Rarity "What happened to the tomes anyway? It seems like they haven't seen the light of day in a long time."

Rarity had a coly smile and said "Actually Spike, last night was the first time in a long time that one has been used." She brings the same book that she had last night and said.

"This is the tome of dragons. I used it to heal your wounds since your a dragon. I also have the tome of unicorns and the tome of shadows. I am their guardian. And it's my job to keep these tomes safe from those who would misuse them for selfish gain...or should I say OUR job."

Spike had a even more confused look on him as Rarity said "Spike the dragon, you've gone above and beyond the call of duty as a friend, so I'm entrusting you with two VERY important things." She picked up a tome and give it to Spike. "I'm entrusting you as guardian of the tome of dragons. You have been shown to be beyond responsible enough to be entrusted with the legacy of my family line. Protect this and the other precious thing with your life"

Spike felt honored with this level of trust, he held the tome in his claws and felt the responsibility that came with it, he then asked
"What's the second thing your entrusting me with?"

Rarity blushed and nervously said "...my heart."


Rarity summoned the courage to talk and said, "I'm...I'm entrusting you with my heart Spike."

Spike then figured out what Rarity was trying to say and said "Rarity? Are you trying to say-"

Rarity closed her eyes and said " Yes. I'm in love with you, Spike! I've had feelings for you since the grand glaping gala! When you came to comfort me from that Awful Blue blood. Since then, my feelings for you have grown more and more. And after you made so much effort in helping me with my new form and alicorn powers...I've made up my mind. Spike the dragon. Please be my drakefriend!"

Spike couldn't believe what he was hearing. The love of his life was admitting her feelings for him?! This was the greatest day ever! And it will get better after another thing. "Rarity, I love to be your drakefriend! But I also need to apologize to Twilight! I feel terrible about what I did to her."

Rarity knew he felt like that he felt like that. And she knew thay she would have to share him with Twilight. Either as friends or romantically. She said" ok, Spike we will go and meet with twilight after I tell you the other guardians of the tomes."

Spike's mind was back to the tomes, knowing now how important they are now. " ok honey. So who of our friends are the guardians of the tomes?"

Rarity began to explain the identitys of the guardians. "Well one of them doesn't seem like she's a guardian, but she has a surprisingly strong fighter in her own right. And the other two don't know their guardians, but are strong regardless. "

Spike began to use his super intelligence to figure out who are the guardians of the tomes and figured out the first one out. Even though it was absurd. "Is the first one fluttershy?"

"Correct my spikey wikey! Such a smart dragon! Now the other two?"

Spike began to think a bit more when he said "is it Applejack and Rainbow dash?"

Rarity was giddy with happiness and said "Oh my brilliant dragon! Your absolutely correct! I'm so proud of you!"

Spike was blushing with bashfulness. Proud of himself for getting him right.

They suddenly heard a knock and the voice behind it was familiar. "Spike? Are you there?"

Spike said "I'll be right there." They quickly hid the tomes and answered the door and revealed to be Twilight and applejack. Twilight had a nervous look on her and said "Spike! I'm so sorry I injured you like that! I never meant to hurt you! I was just so frustrated and-" Spike hugged her and said "it's ok Twilight. I'M sorry I fried your underbelly in a fit of rage."

The both of them hugged and cried of happiness. Now knowing that the other is safe. Rarity 'now has her glamor back on' smiled warmly at the secne and said "Twilight darling, if you and Spike care for each other. Then be a couple! I know I felt happier when me and Spike became one. And I'm more then happy to share him with you."

Spike was flabbergasted! Not knowing why she's doing this. But he wasn't gonna let this opportunity go to waste. He had feelings for Twilight too and he was gonna tell her, now.
"Twilight, what Rarity said is true. I've had feelings for you since cantrlot. But I've always thought I was out of your league. Hay, I still thing I'm out of you AND Rarity's league. If you have feelings for me or not but I have to say this. I love you Twilight sparkle! And I wish I could be your special somedragon!"

He did it. He said his peace. He only hoped that Twilight wasn't angry at him. To his surprise, Twilight was hugging him and crying and said "Oh Spike! I've waited for you to say that for Years! I wanted you as my drakefriend for a long time,and now it's actually happening! I love you Spike! I love you, I love you, I love you!" She hugged her with passion and kissed him with feeling.

Rarity, not wanting to be let out said "what about me Spikey wikey~ I want a kiss too. "Spike kissed her with the same feeling he had for Twilight, and loved it. Rarity said "from now on, we're a threesome! And nothing gonna drive us apart!" The three of them hugged and stayed that way until "Sorry to interfere with this romantic moment. But Twilight, wasn't there another thing you came here for?"

Twilight suddenly reminded and said, " OH right! Thanks Applejack! Listen Spike! Can you come back to the library? I have something to show you!"

He looked back at Rarity and back to Twilight, didn't know what to do. Twilight said "Rarity? Do you want to join us?"

Rarity smiled and said "oh of course darling! I really want to see what you did for our drakefriend!"

Spike and Twilight were excited and Twilight said "ok! Meet us at the library basement while Me and Applejack get it fixed up! Come on A.j!"

"Right behind you sugercube!" Applejack said as she followed Twilight. Before Spike and Rarity followed them, they put the tomes they had in Rarity Saddleback to protect them and walked to the golden oak library. Wondering what Twilight made for Spike.