• Published 17th Nov 2023
  • 586 Views, 5 Comments

Team Superstars: Winds of Change - Lulamoon-Crystal

Who knows that finding a filly on a beach can be the start of your journey? A stylist of Maretine Bay sure was not aware

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Super Soup!

Jazz gasped in awe as she entered the cafe. It was not anything fancy, but had charm to it. Once you entered, on the right side you saw the counter. Behind it were two doors, likely leading into the kitchen. On the left side was the large room where you eat. There were some big tables with many chairs, looking perfect for a party or a gathering. While there was more seats that were intended for two or three.

The walls were painted a light blue with a white cloudy pattern. Vines tangled and swirled across the beams in the room above. A few coming down towards the counter and outlining the doors.

Rocky excitedly picked up his speed as he hurried to the counter. A green pegasus stallion with a silver and white mane and tail was busy talking to a peach mare with a red and pink mane. The two quickly noticed the two customers. The mare giggling as the stallion gasped in surprise. “Oh goodness me, Celery didn’t see you there!” She laughed.

“Rocky!” The young stallion greeted with joy. Jazz simply observed. Seemed they knew each other before.

“Oh, hey Celery Sticks!” Rocky smiled as the stallion looked at him with excitement.

“Nice to see you again. How is your new job at Maretine Bay?” Celery asked with a grin.

“Pretty great!” Rocky exclaimed with a slight smile. He looked at Jazz who was staring at him with awe. She seemed pretty happy meeting an old friend of his.

“So… Is this your date?” He teased a bit, creating an eye roll from Rocky. “Alright. Jokes aside.. I- Uh…” He nervously looked at the tables beyond the counter. “L-let me just prepare you guys a seat. You came in time, there was a huge group just in!” He spoke as he got out behind the counter. His prosthetic hind leg making a slightly different sound on the wooden floor than his other hooves. He also walked with a slight limp, but did not seem to mind too much.

He quickly hurried to some plates that was still on some tables. It appeared he got distracted when the group left, or they had only just been here. The peach mare quickly wiped them down, behind him. Jazz and Rocky took a nice seat near the window, near the back of the cafe. There were a few other ponies. But it was still calm and relaxing. The seats near the window were noticeable more plush and bench-like. Looking as if they could sit four ponies on each side. Jazz noticed the flowers in the middle of the table along with a burning candle.

Celery passed them some menus before cleaning up another table in a hurry. With two ponies on a nearby stage playing some jazz music. As Rocky looked at the menu, Jazz couldn't help but gaze at him for a few seconds. The light from the window shining on him looked good for some reason.

Just looking at him, she felt safe and comforted. Like there was nothing to worry about. Just him and her, at a cafe. She was completely distracted as a tune played in her mind as she stared at him. Those light magenta eyes were so cute. The way he smiled was pretty charming. She felt her heart flutter as she gazed up at him, the time slipping away as she listened to the music.

The view outside could not beat the one right in front of her. She sat there, admiring the view of inside and outside. With the music playing in the background.

“Jazz?” A voice sounded, she sighed as she gazed out the window. Then she snapped out of it when Rocky poked her. “Jazz! The waiters want to take our orders.”

“N-now?!” She exclaimed. Realising how long she had been spaced out for. Just staring at Rocky and out the window. She completely forgot about lunch! She blushed as she quickly looked at her menu.

“I-I-“ Jazz quickly grabbed her menu and looked at a random meal that looked great. “The tomato and carrot smooth soup!”

“Nice choice!” Rocky smiled as Celery took their orders. “You must be feeling very adventurous today…”

Jazz was a little bit confused at his remark. It implied something was unusual with this meal she had chosen. Instead of asking, and seeming a little silly. She had a quick look at the menu, scanning her order.

“Customers usually chug it down. Or drink it from the bowel instead of using a spoon.” Rocky exclaimed. Sounding a little disgusted.

Jazz blankly stared at him, kinda regretting this already. But it was too late. She can’t really run up and ask, she would look silly. Besides, it was written right there that the soup was for a challenge. There was a tomato and carrot noodle soup, but that was unavailable, since they ran out of noodles. So she could not exactly claim she said a word wrong.

Surely it wouldn’t be that bad.

“Can I ask for a spoon?”

“If you want to forfeit the challenge. There is a hall of fame, so you may miss out on that…”

Jazz groaned as she slammed her head on the table she was so stupid. Accidentally entering a challenge. Such a stupid one, too. Food eating challenges usually made her sick just looking at them. Rocky smirked slightly, happily waiting for his spaghetti. It was clear to him that Jazz was distracted the whole time and randomly chose something from the menu to try and make it seem she wasn’t.

It was a shame she chose what she chose. But in a way, she kinda deserved it. Maybe she will learn to choose something on the menu before getting distracted by something else.

Soon enough, Rocky’s lunch arrived, he was served a gorgeous bowel of spaghetti. Jazz’s mouth watered as she watched him get prepared for his first bite. He blew on it to cool it down, staring at Jazz smugly as put the forkful into his mouth and started chewing, savouring the taste. Smirking at Jazz

She wanted spaghetti now, but it was far too late. She was about to he part pf some stupid challenge. Soon enough, the bowel of soup was placed in front of her. She bounced back, it smelling like an insult to her nostrils. All Rocky did was stare with a smug look on his face. Making her scoff slightly as she crossed her forelegs.

She looked at the soup. The reddish orange liquid did not look that bad. There were blobs of tiny onions, zuchinni, brussel sprouts and beans floating around. Of course they used the smelly stinker-beans. This soup was sure to be interesting.

“So… What’s in it, exactly?” Jazz asked Celery.

“Blended tomato, tomato sauce, milk, potato, carrot, garlic, chilli, garlic with diced zuchinni and brussel sprouts. With stinker-beans, corn and onion…” He then gained a mischevious grin as his brother. Brussel soon joined hin. Being a yellow-green pegasus, but with curly green hair and yellow socks. “Plus Zephyr Clovers.”

“Ready for the challenge?” Brussel smirked. Preparing a camera.

“This outta be good…” Rocky smirked. Getting a quick glare from Jazz.

“I guess I might as well…” Jazz sighed. Wondering id they meant zucchini or zuchinni..."

She slowly, unwillingly picked up the warm bowel and lifted towards her lips. As soon as the slop touched her tongue, she tasted the chilli. But kept going with swallowing it. Gulping it down, ignoring her belly that was begging her to stop.

“Chug chug!” Other ponies in the restaurant cried out. Rocky was laughing to herself as Jazz chugged down the soup. It was getting spicier and spicier. Her mouth was burning. But she kept going. She started, so she might as well finish it.

Everyone cheered when she slammed down the bowel. Empty, she was panting as she looked at Rocky who smirked at her.

“Success!” Cried out Celery. Taking a picture of Jazz who had her tongue hanging out. She groaned slightly as she looked at the small crowd.

“First success in three months!” Called out Brussel.

“First earth pony to complete the challenge!” Clearly gave a paper bag and a small gold trophy to Jazz.

“Wh-what? First earth pony?” She asked. “I expected to be the fiftieth, or something!? How long as this challenge been a thing?” She asked, trying to cool her mouth.

“It only happens on the first two weeks of each month. To make it more exciting.”

“So. No other earth pony completed this?” She asked. “Oddly specific…”

“Yeah, not on their first attempt, anyway. We don’t get many earth pony customers. Those who did come either found stuff more pleasant to eat or put the bowel down before they were done.” He paused. “In fact, not many ponies take the challenge at all, but it’s mostly unicorns and pegasi.”

“Weird.” Rocky agreed.

“Yeah… Apparently earth ponies don’t like stinker beans…”

Jazz could not belive that not only she succeeded the challenge. She was the first earth pony to do so on first try. She was in shock, still wishing she chose something simple and not be brought into a chugging challenge. Her stomach hurt a bit as she watched Rocky finish his meal. It was understandable that earth ponies didn’t like stinker beans… They stunk and too many gave ‘em a belly ache.

“Want to get desert?” He asked as Jazz hugged her stomach. Groaning as her belly ache started, she felt it gurgle a little.


Rocky smiled a bit. He never tried the challenge. But knew it took his cousin three attempts to complete it. She got the same awards as Jazz. Doing it on first try or being the first of the race to do so didn’t bring any extra awards. Other than the picture frame in the hall of fame having “Completed first try” on it.

He knew Jazz was fine, she’d get over it. Even if she looked like she was about to pass out. He looked over at the ice cream case and back at Jazz.

“So. Are you sure you don’t want any ice cream?” He asked her, watching her look at him with big eyes. She groaned a bit. Sounding a little ill.

“I wanna go home…”

“They have chocolate and allow all sorts of toppings.”

Jazz suddenly lifted her head, all perked up as if nothing happened. “Really!?” She exclaimed as Rocky chuckled at her adorable expression. Seemingly her stomach ache had gone away.

“I want a large scoop of chocolate and a scoop of cherry, both with chocolate chips mixed in. Layered with sprinkles, strawberry sauce, chocolate sauce, blue jelly on top and gummy bears, with two chocolate sticks in a cherry double waffle cone that has been dipped in dark chocolate, layered with sprinkles!”

There was a pause as Rocky stared at her in surprise. For a stomach ache, he didn’t expect her to go wild. She tended to make crazy combos in ice cream shops where you could choose your toppings. She didn’t do it often, but it was fun to see what she could come up with.

“Right…” He said before he went up to the counter. “Can I have a single scoop chocolate ice cream with sprinkles, and another single chocolate ice cream with sprinkles in a cherry waffle cone?” He asked, purposely taking a few things from Jazz’s request.

“Oh…” Jazz responded.

Zoom stood on the bridge, looking down into the foggy areas below. She must have spent at least 20 minutes down there, maybe a bit longer searching for Stripes. She could not find her anywhere, likely she fell even deeper down the cliffs, or perhaps she fell into the rapids.

But wherever she was, Zoom had a dreadful feeling that would not be the end of her. It was unlikely for any creature to survive a drop like that. So she must have had a trick up her sleeves.

After a few minutes of standing there, she began walking across the bridge, there was a park on the other side where their patrol would be ending at if it hadn’t gotten interrupted. Hopefully Thunder would be there already, looking for her. As she walked that way, she tried to make herself look tough, pretending her battered body was not bothering her a bit, which was not true.

Hopefully the wrong ponies wouldn’t have seen that fight and started to spread rumours. Because it would only take one crazy theorist to create some crazy idea about the fight. Then freaking ponies out even more than they are about all the missing ponies. They don’t even know about Dark Matter yet. Only the other guards do.

After the twenty minute walk to the large park, she sat near the fountain, wiping away some blood from her muzzle. That stupid ‘Stripes’ dude was stronger than she thought. She groaned as she sat on the bench, wondering where Thunder was as he was yet to turn up. She had travelled a bit from where the fight happened, but he’d find her for sure! Their patrol was supposed to happen in this area, too!

She was trying to hide her pain from any passerby. She was looking the toughest she could, despite the blood coming from the muzzle. Not bad enough for a doctor just would last for a while.

“Zoom! There you are!” Thunder landed near her, frantically speaking as he looked apologetic. “Sorry Zoom”” She chuckled slightly before speaking quickly. “I got distracted with a reward, then when i went to find you I--“ He then froze in horror before making a shriek, his wings spreading out and him moving back in horror. As she turned to face him. “Zoom! What happened!?” He cried, chest racing and ears floppy as he eyes her bleeding nostril, busted lip and black eye.

“Oh. Nothing.” She scoffed, looking annoyed.. “Just a few sore spots, nothing you could have helped me with.” Even through she sounded she was upset Thunder wasn't there to help. She knew that he'd only get hurt as much as she did. Unless he managed to call for back up since she had no time to... She then paused as Thunder grabbed her. Flinching a bit as he looked right at him.

“We need to take you to a doctor! Now!” He yelped.

“Thunder!” She shouted. “Calm it! It’s nothing compared to what injuries may happen in the dungeons!”

He froze in shock qs he stared at her. Whimpering in worry as he looked at her again. “But-“

“No buts! Let’s just head back to the palace.”

“Sounds like you had a lunch together…” Dahlia smiled a bit as Rocky explained what they did. Chuckling as she saw Jazz was glancing at him. She seemed a little annoyed, but it was kinds funny. Dahlia would have gone with them, but she found an interesting store on the way and went to have a look.

Jazz sighed a bit, feeling a little glum. But not showing it. Soon enough everyone was disturbed by a loud noise. Zoom slammed the doors open. She had an annoyed look on her face as she stormed into the room. Holding a bag of frozen peas on her face. Putting them down. Looking very serious as Thunder followed her. Looking very worried.

“For the tenth time, I am fine!” Shouted Zoom. Everyone else backing away slowly. Not wanting to be part of the drama. Soon seeing Zoom turn her head away from Thunder. They gasped, noticing her black eye and busted lip.

"Zoom? What happened?" Asked Jazz in shock. "Are you okay?"

“It’s gonna heal…” She mumbled. Hoping no one else would say anything.

Jazz sighed and decided it'd be better to mind her business at the moment. She quickly grabbed a paper bag with a logo on it. “Thunder! Zoom! Guess what Rocky and me did on the way here!”

“Laid in the park till your stomach ache went way?” Dahlia snickered.

Jazz groaned, and she took out a white bandana from the box. In the middle it had a teal heart. There was a purple one in the teal heart and a pale blue one in the purple one. If Jazz knew the colour of the unicorn with the ancient power. Then heart colours likely were meant to resemble the three of them.

“So… I remembered a time where Stardust excitedly talked about a team and everyone in the team wears bandanas. So it gave me an idea! These hearts are our logo. I decided to call the team Superstars. Because well… We got super powers, and Stardust kinda warned us about the threat and the powers!” She seemed pretty lively now. Talking about an idea she had. Thunder was a little sad there was no green to represent them. But all he knew. Maybe there was a colour limit from whoever or wherever made these custom bandanas for her.

“So.. Like a uniform?” Dahlia questioned.

“I guess if you put it that way?” Jazz shrugged. Putting a bandana in everyone’s hooves. So they could do what they want with it.

“Eh… I dunno…” Zoom looked at hers. “I kinda don’t have anywhere to put it. Besides. Once this whole thing is over, there will be no more Team Superstars. I don’t see the point.”

“For fun?” Jazz suggested.

“What part of this is fun?” Sternly responded Zoom, looking kinda intimidating. She was not impressed that somepony mentioned fun. Because who would find gathering the team to save the world ‘fun?’

“I- Eh…”

“I think it’s cute!” Thunder exclaimed. “Now everyone will know we are off to save the world.”

“Gives me gang vibes… Uniforms have a reason. For fun and games is not one of them…” Zoom explained. Before getting interrupted.

“What about sport teams?” Rocky responded. “Or bands? They usually wear uniforms for their teams for fun or games.”

She hissed at him, “How is this a sport or some sort of musical?!” She shouted at him loud enough for him to step back in concern.“Uniform has reasons. Like our guard gear. It's to show ponies we are royal guards and-." She responded, soon remembering and realising these bandanas are not far off from the masks they wore when Hitch wanted their help to find Sparky a while back.

"I don't mind the occasional accessory.. She calmed herself down and allowed herself to think before speaking. "Like those masks Hitch gave us. But... I just don't think we should be making this feel like a fun thing. I think an accessory that would help us on the quest would be better. Everyone's lives could be at risk, you know..." She paused.

“Okay, Zoom!” Exclaimed Thunder. “You have a point. But i kinda think it’s kinda sweet of Jazz to do it… Even if wearing matching scarves may be useless in your eyes. It is just some harmless accessory. Like those masks, which were cool!"

“Yeah!” Agreed Rocky. “What’s the harm in having fun once in a while. We can’t be all scared all the time.”

There was a pause and everyone looked at him and back at Zoom. Who seemed she was now thinking about something. But what could she be thinking about?

Zoom took a deep breath and sighed. “Alright… I guess it’s just a harmless accessory just for fun…” She said before leaving the room.

“Sorry about that. She’s been in a bad mood for a while… Since I noticed her injuries…” Thunder responded.

Jazz and Rocky worriedly looked at each other for a moment. Feeling bad for Zoom, what happened out there?

Later that night, Zoom was walking down the hall. Doing one last patrol of the castle, and heading towards the guest room to check on the guests before heading to bed. She was calm until she heard some screaming and the sound of hooves running across the floor. She stopped in her tracks and got ready for action.

“Help!” Jazz screamed Running down the hall in panic, she looked genuinely horrified. A giant blob of water was seemingly chasing her as she ran. Her hooves were glowing as she hurried. “This blob of water is chasing me!” She screamed. “Make it stop!”. Zoom gasped in shock and jumped out the way. Narrowly dodging it by a few inches, watching in shock. Wondering on her next move. It was seemingly not a threat, judging the fact her hooves were glowing and they each had powers, maybe she was discovering a new one of hers.

Wondering if she should help or not, she trotted after. Watching Jazz run into the guest room from the following blob of water. As if she could out run it. Zoom flinched as there was a loud splash and a scream.

“Jazz!” Rocky screamed loudly. As she entered she saw Rocky. Sopping wet as Jazz looked at him in shock. Then saw a small smirk appeared on her face as her hooves stopped glowing.

“Whoops…” Jazz snickered as she looked at Rocky. Who was grumbling a little.

“Whoops!? You soaked me with water just before bed and you say whoops!?” Rocky sighed and put his hoof on his forehead. “We really need to figure these powers out…”

“I-Uh…” Jazz noded and looked at her hooves. “Wish I knew…”

Zoom saw there was no threat and slowly backed up. Not really wanting to be part of anything at this time of the night. They were sure to solve themselves soon. Like when they argued about a bed the night before. She smirked a bit, seeing someone else get goofed by their glowing hooves power was kind of funny. Even more if they laughed at you for slamming into barrels when your speed went to high thanks to the glow.

She made it to the guard rooms. Thunder had already entered and went to bed earlier.Just as she was about to enter her own room another guard who had just also finished her shift for the night greeted her.

“Hey Zoom!” Greeted a female guard with white fur. She had a yellow blaze that almost covered her whole muzzle, along with stockings of a similar colour. Her hooves were a dark orange while her tail was a miz of aqua and light blue. She was known for being friends of the ducks in the pond in the gardens.

“Oh, hey Ducky…” She greeted.

“Thunder told me-“

“He’s overreacting.” Zoom interrupted. Only a few plasters and a black eye being any evidence of the fight. “The criminal is gone now, the palace is safe from her. I won the fight, that’s what matters. Not my scars or whatever, they’ll go away.” She said bluntly.

“Uh… I guess so..” Ducky said, looking a little sad. “But… You aren’t hurting too much, aren’t you? I mean..” Ducky paused. “This Dark Matter thing. The shadows and the dungeons. What if… There’s more to come? I saw the video of her power. She looked awfully strong. What if Stripes isn’t a pony and was just a monster in disguise. There could be more out there!” She cried out. “We could be under attack!”

Zoom was horrified as she froze in place. Video? Did someone film the fight? Who? Where were they? What? There was no ponies around to film at the time. Or get a good enough view. “Yes. We could be under attack. But that’s why we trained.” She paused. Being honest, but trying not to create a panic situation.

“The citizens and royalty will be counting on us. So when the time comes, we want them to feel safe and calm with us. We’ll have it all under control. There’ll be no reason to panic!” Zoom said before she went into her own room. Wondering how a video of that fight was made, unless there was an incident before and she was referring to that?

Well whatever, she sighed as she sat down on her couch. Happy with a tomato, cheese, and lettuce burger. She brought it in from the kitchen. This was going to be jer dinner. She ate it calmly as she sat there, thinking about what happened today. She was attacked and she could have died, it was very dangerous. The guards themselves seem actually pretty worried. It seemed they knew of Stripes already somehow, maybe that video was from a while ago, where she was last seen.

The guard was on the look out for Stripes for weeks since the incident. With no sign of her, it died down. Suppose another sighting of her created some panic. But Zoom had to put out a warning, they needed to be prepared. Ducky wasn’t usually soft, she was a scaredy cat at times, but not as much as Thunder.

She took some breaths in and out, she had not described the fight. She only mentioned a sighting. But that was not important yet. Stripes was just a crinimal, anyone could deal with her, she had bigger things to worry about.

The team needed to be ready for one of the dungeons. But the question was, which one first? Jazz claimed they were very dangerous. So they needed somewhere… Easy. Something with no threats or risks. Like water, falling rocks, fire… Whatever else could be in a dungeon. They also needed somewhere nearby… She had no idea what they would be like. So she’d have to choose by location when she found them. Somehow. Maybe sue needed a map! A big map! She knew there was one in the palace. Not a normal, small map. One of those rare maps that showed the whole continent! The dungeons could be spread far and wide!

Zoom finished the burger and threw the rubbish in the bin. She took off her helmet and chestplate to place them on their spot in the shelf. Yawning a bit as she headed to her bed, flopping down face first on her pillow, glad the day was over. She threw her purple blanket over herself and just simply laid there, nice and comfortable. Safe from dangers at the moment.

That was a big day.

Author's Note:

Ducky is inspired by this white guard, since I liked her colour pallet.