• Published 11th Oct 2023
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Your Name Across The Multiverse -DASH SIDE- - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

Rainbow Dash and her human counter part are a quest to return to their worlds

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

"Man, what's up with Flashing and that weird-looking creature she has with her?" asked a blue slime monster as it was eating a hotdog with red chili on it was watching the current match on the screen in the vendor section of the stadium.

"No idea, but that thing is gross-looking," replied the pink slime as it ate its steaming red apple slices.

"Hey, I'm going to get some more soda. Do you want anything else?" asked a tiny yellow slime monster as it looked at its friends.

"Get me another hotdog and some red chili," the pink slime replied, its eyes still glued to the screen.

"I'm good!" replied the blue slime.

"Okay then," replied the tiny yellow slime monster as it got up and headed down to the vendor.

The yellow slime walked back to the vendor that they ordered from. It was an old-looking trailer home made into a stall. It seemed the cook was sleeping inside, as the slime could hear snoring. The small slime knocked on the shutters until a female Western voice was heard from inside.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming."

The shutter was raised to reveal an orange anthro pony.

The pony's eyes were half open as the knocking awakened her. She was an earth-bound pony that looked to be in her twenties.

"Oh, sorry, miss. I didn't mean to wake you," the small yellow slime apologized.

"Ah, don't worry about it, darling; I need to get up anyway," replied the orange pony. "What can I get you today?"

"Um, one more hotdog and some red chili. Oh, and a big cup of soda," replied the slime.

"Coming right up, ya hear!"

The orange pony got the order ready for the slime and turned on the radio to listen to the current match. She stopped cooking when she heard how the game was going with Flashing. She picked up the radio and kept listening until the slime chimed in about the weird match.

"It's weird, right? Fighting naked like that and having a weird-looking creature fighting by her side."

The pony looked at the slime and returned to the radio before shutting it off. "Sorry, darling, but I'm closed!" She said as she shut off the stove, shut the shutters, exited the trailer, and headed to the arena as fast as she could.

It didn't take her long to arrive, and she could see the match playing out. She could see Flashing while fighting Pike, the moon dragon, but quickly realized she was naked. This enraged her, and she rushed into the front seats. She was so mad that she ignored the match and only thought about why she was like that. She stopped when she could see a weird blue-haired creature running for its life as Pike blew green fire at it.

"Wait, what the heck is that?" exclaimed the pony as she saw Flashing's strange companion.

"Who cares? It made the match more enjoyable!" cheered a random catman from the stands.

"Enjoyable?! Are you people crazy? Why are you people even letting this go on? I clearly can't fight back!" shouted the pony as she pointed to the match.

"Get lost, you dirty mud earthing," the cat man angrily replied as he faced the pony.

"Dirty mud earthing?" muttered the orange pony.

"Yeah, I said you're a dirty mud earthing; now scram before I get security!"

The orange pony gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. "Okay then, I'll get out, but just so you know, that match ain't legal," replied the pony as she turned her back to the catman.

"Yeah, right, what could you possibly do?" laughed the cat man.

"This!" the pony said as she turned around and punched the cat man square.

"AH!" cried the cat man as he flew out of his seat and tumbled down the stands.

The cat man stopped tumbling as he reached the end and was surrounded by other creatures. One looked at the cat man with concern and asked him if he was okay.

"SECURITY!" yelled a random voice from the stands.

A bunch of blue rhinos armed with stun batons quickly appeared and made their way to the pony.

"Oh great," the orange pony said with annoyance as the rhinos approached.

"Hey, we need you to come with us," said a rhino as he grabbed the pony's hand.

"Oh, no, you don't," said the orange pony as she slapped the rhino's hand away.

"Miss, I must ask you to cooperate," said another rhino as he attempted to grab her hand.

"Like heck, I will!" exclaimed the orange pony.

She quickly took an old-fashioned boxer-like stance and started blocking and countering each rhino that approached her.

"Gah, what the heck is she?" exclaimed one rhino as he was punched in the face.

"That's what I'd like to know!" exclaimed another rhino with two black eyes.

As the orange pony was fighting the rhinos, Dash's fight against Pike was drawing to a close. Dashie was dodging Pike's fire breath, but just by a hair.

"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!" cried Dashie as she was putting out a tiny bit of fire from her shoulder.

"Haha, you can't run forever!" exclaimed Pike with a crazed grin.

"Leave her alone!" yelled Dash as she flew in and kicked Pike in the face, making her step back in pain.

"GAH!" yelled Pike. "How dare you!"

"Dashie, are you alright!" exclaimed Dash as she flew down to Dashie's level.

"DO I LOOK OKAY!" cried Dashie as her jeans, shirt, and shoes were slightly burned.

"Oh, um, well, at least your hair is okay," smiled Dash as she patted her hair.

"Gee, thanks," replied Dashie with a bit of sarcasm.

"You are welcome!" laughed Dash.

"You two are finished!" exclaimed Pike.

"Oh crap!" yelled Dash as she turned back around and noticed Pike charging up a giant ball of energy above her head.

"Now, die!" exclaimed Pike.

The ball of energy had grown large enough for Pike to hold and was just about to be thrown at the duo. But as she was about to do it, two rhino bodies hit her in the head, making her turn to check to see what hit her.
"Huh?" said Pike as she noticed the badly beaten guards before seeing something jump into the air and be smacked in the nose with a powerful punch. This made her fall over, dropped the energy ball, and created a giant explosion as it landed, launching smoke everywhere.

"What's going on?" asked Dash as she covered her eyes but quickly stepped back as she could see someone landing in front of her.

"Flash, what are you...huh?" said the pony as she quickly noticed something about Dash's body, like the hooves and no hands or toes. "Wait, you're not Flash!? What's going on?"

"Whoa, hold up there, lady," said Dash as she held her hands up and still couldn't see who was before her.

"What's going on?" exclaimed Dashie as she stepped forward and blocked the smoke with her hoodie.

"That's my line!" said the orange pony, glaring at the weird creature before her.

The smoke finally cleared, making Dash call out the woman in front as AJ, but before the woman could ask what she meant, the group could see a group of guards heading to the ring with magic-based guns.

"Hey, we got a situation in the ring; an intruder has shown up and seems to be with Flash and the ugly creature!" cried one guard.

"Crap," whispered Dashie.

"Okay, I think you have some explaining to do!" said the orange pony.

"Um, maybe we should do it after we escape!" replied Dash.

"Right, we'll talk about this later," replied the orange pony as she slammed her fists together and smacked the ground, creating a powerful shock wave and sending the guards flying. "Follow me!" ordered the orange pony as she dashed to the tunnel quickly. Dash quickly picked up Dashie and bolted to catch up.

"Wait for us!" called out Dashie to the orange pony.

"Hurry, up two!" replied the woman as she entered the tunnel.

"Wow, she's fast!" exclaimed Dash.

The guards quickly recovered and noticed the duo trying to enter the tunnel. "There, shoot them!" a guard cried.

"On it!" cried another guard.

The guards started firing their magical guns at the duo as Dash tried to dodge each shot. But before any magical energy bullets hit the duo, a white barrier blocked all of the shots, allowing them to escape the ring and into the tunnel.

"Huh?" exclaimed Dash and Dashie in confusion. They both looked back and could see the barrier still blocking the guard's shots. Unknown to them, a tall female figure hiding behind a pillar lowered her hand, making the barrier vanish.

In the tunnel, Dash finally caught up with this world, AJ, and was still running down the hallway.

"We need to head to the vendor area," explained the pony as she pointed to the higher level of the vast stadium. "We'll escape there."

"Okay, then!" replied Dash as she followed the pony to the higher levels.

The trio kept running until they reached the vendor area, where the orange pony stopped in front of her trailer home.

"Huh, wait, why are we stopping here?" asked Dashie.

"You'll see," replied the orange pony as she pulled out a key, opened the shutter, entered, and the others followed.

Inside, the girls could see it was a trailer that looked to be used for catering. The interior had a kitchen area with a small dining table, tons of boxes filled with apples, and a door to a tiny bathroom.

"Huh, neat place. You got here," said Dashie as she looked around the dirty room.

"Thanks; I've been using this place to travel across the earth and the moon," explained the orange pony.

"Huh?" replied the two girls as they heard the "moon" bit.

"Well, we don't have time for a full explanation," replied the pony as she headed to the driver's seat, but gunfire could be heard hitting the trailer walls.

"Hey, are we going to get out of here or what?" asked Dash as she and Dashie duke from the gunfire as the shutter was still open.

"Oh, sorry," replied the orange pony as she pressed a button on the console, closing the shutters and starting the engine.
The orange pony pulled a lever, and the trailer wings came out and started hovering.

"Huh, is this a plane?" asked Dashie.

"Something like that; I had some modifications," replied the orange pony as she grabbed onto the steering wheel and pushed another button, activating the rocket boosters.

"Wait, you're saying we're going to fly out of here?" exclaimed Dashie.

"Yes, and if we don't leave soon, they'll blow us up," replied the orange pony.

"Well, then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" exclaimed Dash.

"You got it!"

The orange pony quickly stepped on the gas pedal, shooting the trailer out of the stadium and into the air. The trailer flew off, leaving the stadium and flying across the city below. Dashie got into the passenger seat and could see the view better. The town was similar to New York, but the buildings were slightly different and had some futuristic feeling.

"Wow, this city is huge," commented Dashie.

"Yeah, it sure is," replied the orange pony as he pulled up the wheel and headed to space. As the ship got closer, a barrier appeared, and they passed through it with no problem. She pressed a button, and the boat saw through as the engine shut off and slowly floated into space.

"So, now what?" asked Dash as she sat at the table and dug through the box of apples.

"Well, now it's time for you two to explain what's happening."

"It's going to be a long story," said Dash as she bit down on a red apple.

"They escaped, Mother," said Midnight as she turned to her mother, and this version of Luna got up from her throne and walked over to her.

"Don't worry, honey; Flash will be back, and you can kill her with your hands. Now go find the head of the guards and kill him for allowing them to escape."

"I will, Mother," replied Midnight.

"Good, now go."

"Yes, mother"

Midnight bowed to her mother, then got up and teleported out of the throne room. After Midnight left, a white anthro unicorn with a gray mane appeared and was wearing white armor, kneeling behind Luna.

"Mother, let me go after them!" pleaded the unicorn.

"No, like I said, Flash will be back; she's after Midnight. Besides, I have another task for you."

"And that is?"

"You saw it too, didn't you? That magical barrier. She's here."

"Aunty returned?"

"Yes, she has. You are to find her and capture her alive."

"Understood, Mother."

The unicorn put on his helmet stood up and teleported out of the room. After the unicorn was gone, Luna returned to her throne and sipped from her wine glass.

"Hehe, I can't wait to see you again, dear sister," laughed Luna as she walked back to the viewing window. She could see Midnight destroying the head guard in the middle of the ring as the crowd cheered, and the next match started like nothing had happened.

"Hold up, are you telling me there are different universes, and you two came from one because you touched a piece of the Rainbow Comet, which also exists in my universe, and you two are just trying to get back home by looking for these shards? Oh, by the way, you two are each other's alt versions, right?" said the pony as she got up and tried to understand everything.



"Wow, this is a lot to take in."

"So, what are you going to do?" asked Dashie.

"Hmm," the orange pony said, placing her hand under her chin as she thought about her options. "Well, first off, the name is Alex, Flash's friend. Second, I need to ask you: do you know what happened to her? If she wasn't in the locker room, where was she?"

Both girls shrugged, making Alex sigh and walking back and forth across the small floor. "Okay, this is bad. Bad. Did Queen Lunar get her? Without her, who's going to save Midnight?"

"Look, we told you our story; can you ask us what's yours?" asked Dashie as she put her hand on Alex's shoulder.

"Okay," Alex said, sitting back down at the table. "Flashing Rainboom, or just Flash for short, comes from the same magical fighting school as me; she was the first student to be trained by our master. Midnight was the second student to be trained and the daughter of our master; those two became rivals and close friends. The others and I became students there, and we became friends and family too since we all didn't have any as our master found us."

"What do you mean?" asked Dash.

"Some of the other girls, like Flash and myself, were either abandoned by our parents, or we were kidnapped and raised to become warriors, and the others were just orphans."

"Oh, that's sad," replied Dashie.

"Anyway, our master is a very kind woman. She would help anyone in need and would make sure her students would never forget what she taught us and to keep moving forward."

"But what happened to her?"

"One day, Queen Lunar arrived at the school and revealed that Midnight was her daughter. Flash sent the Queen packing, but she was worried as Midnight was pissed at her mother for lying about her birth. A few days later, the Queen arrived again, demanding Midnight accompany her. Our master refused, and with Flash, they defeated her again, but something happened. When their battle was over, a strange light engulfed the school, and the next thing we knew, Midnight burned down the school and beat our asses. Flash tried to stop her but was beaten. She left us and headed to the Moon Empire. Master ordered us to stay and rebuild the school as she'd get Midnight back. We had no choice but to follow those orders, but Flash didn't as she left the school and went to train. A few months later, we didn't hear back from our master, so we devised a plan to save them. Meanwhile, we learned that Flash infiltrated the empire alone and joined the tournament to face Midnight in battle and get her back. We've been planning for weeks, waiting for Flash to face Midnight in battle so we could step in and get them out of there, but the plan went south, as you can see."

"Wow, that is a lot," said Dashie.

"Hold up, "we"? I don't see anyone else here." Dash spoke as she looked under the table.

Before Alex could answer, there was a beeping sound. She got up and pressed a few buttons before finally turning to the girls and saying, "Speak of the devil; they're here."

"They? Who are they?" asked Dashie.

"Your questions are about to be answered," smiled Alex as two other trailer ships appeared, hovering above and attached to the ship's roof. The three trailers connected, and a door opened above them. A female yellow rabbit appeared and walked over to the trio.

"Alex, how are you?" spoke the bunny woman, but she stopped and noticed the two strangers. "Who are these two, and why is this one of the cutest things ever?"

Both Dashes realized it was this world, Fluttershy/Faith, as they looked at her and soon the other girls who entered the trailer, as they were all different animals or creatures.

"This rabbit is Fae," replied Alex as the Fae walked over to them and gave a small wave. "She fights with a sword."

"Hey there"

"Next up is Poppy. She fights with a mix of boxing and mixed martial arts," continued Alex as the pink bird walked up to the group and stood next to Alex.

"What's up? Want a cupcake?" asked Poppy as she somehow created a cupcake out of thin air, making both Dashes sigh as they confirmed this is this universe, Pinkie/Penny.

"Now, the last member of our crew is our heavy-hitter slime fighter, Rebecca," finished Alex as Rebecca slid across the floor to stand beside the others, smiling.

"Um, hi there," waved Rebecca.

Dash and Dashie stood up, waved back, and gave their names.

"Umm, Alex, this isn't Flash, right? Who's this weird-looking creature next to her?" asked Rebecca as she watched Poppy touching Dash's wings and Fae petting Dashie's head.

"Well, sit down, you'll; you won't believe this, but it makes sense when you look at Dash here, who looks like Flash," Alex explained as she pushed Rebecca to a chair and quickly told everyone what was up. After the two girls' long details, the rest of Alex's friends were caught up.

"So, you're telling me I'm a unicorn in your universe and another, I'm your kind?" asked Rebecca.

"Yeah, pretty much," replied Dashie.

"Wow, that's amazing!" replied Fae as she was still petting Dashie's head. "Rebecca, you will look super cute as this cutie!"

"Cute?" thought Dashie.

"Oh no, no, no, I'm happy as a pretty slime," replied Rebecca as she posed in the mirror of the trailer.

"Okay, so what's the plan now, Alex?" asked Poppy as she made a nest in an empty box.

"Well, I guess we're heading back to the moon; we need to find Flash and the master as well, so we can save Midnight," answered Alex, but she then turned to Dash and Dashie. "Plus, help these two find that rainbow comet shard so they can get home. Our comet must have dropped some on the moon, or we can wait until a few months from now, as it's returning this year."

"Okie dokie, so let's get going," replied Poppy as she flew around the room.

"Yeah, let's go," agreed the rest.

Back on the moon, Dark Shield was walking down a dark subway tunnel that was closed for repairs and going to the stadium substation. He felt a magical power level a few hours before and believed it was his aunt.

"That was her power, wasn't it?" spoke Dark Shield as he continued walking. "Aunty's power is like a light in the darkness. It's so beautiful."

As Dark Shield was talking, he heard a sound. He turned his head and saw something on the tracks. It looked like a person, but the light from his horn couldn't show it well.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Dark, don't tell me you don't recognize me," the mysterious person said as her horn created a bright light, revealing herself.

"Aunt Sunny," replied Dark Shield.

"My nephew, have you missed me?" Sunny asked as she removed her sunglasses.

"Yes, very much. It's been years since I've seen you. Please tell me, why did you leave? Why didn't you tell me the truth about my sister?"

"You know why. I couldn't tell you the truth. It would have killed your sister. If you had known, your mother would have been furious, and she would have killed you as well."

"Mother wouldn't do that; she loves us."

"You believe that?"

"Of course I do. She's my mother."

"You know I'm right; don't deny it."

"No, I won't listen to any more of your lies."

"I'm not lying; it's the truth," said Sunny as she put her sunglasses back on.

"No!" cried Dark Shield as he shot a magic blast at his aunt. She easily dodged the attack and teleported in front of him.

"I'm sorry, Shield," whispered Sunny as she punched him in the middle of his armored chest, making him fly back into the wall, cracking the bricks. Shield recovered, summoned his dark, flaming sword, and shield, and prepared himself as Sunny charged again.

Shield blocked the first fist, but he didn't see the kick coming, so Sunny hit him on the side. Shield grabbed her leg and threw her across the tracks, landing on the other side.

"Heh, I've gotten stronger, haven't I?" laughed Shield.

"Yes, you have, nephew," replied Sunny.

Sunny got back on her feet and ran towards him. Shield prepared to Shield her attack but didn't notice the second kick to his face as she spun around and knocked him down. Shield got back up and shook his head.

"Heh, now that's a powerful kick. Where did you learn it?"

"That's a secret."

"Well, I guess I have to find out myself."

Shield ran toward her, and the two clashed as Sunny stopped Shield's sword with her bare hands.

"Huh, impressive."

"Not bad yourself, nephew."

"You won't win this time, Auntly. Mother will make you pay for abandoning our family and taking my sister."

"I didn't abandon my family; if I did, your sister wouldn't be here!"

"Shut up!" yelled Shield.

He kicked her in the stomach, knocking her away. She landed on her feet, and the two locked eyes as Sunny tossed his sword to him, allowing him to come closer. Sunny waited until he was close after grabbing the sword and using her magic to pull a metal rod from the wall, catching Shield's sword and blasting it out of his hands with great force.


Sunny used her magic and hit him on the head with the rod, knocking him down on his knees and removing his helmet with the second swing. That's when Sunny could see her dear nephew's scarred face.

"My poor nephew," thought Sunny as she dropped the rod.

"It's...it's over."

"You're right, it is," replied Sunny as she walked up and grabbed him by the neck.

"Ack, aunty, please don't."

"Sorry, Shield, it's for the best."

Sunny punched Dark Shield, sending him crashing into the other wall. He was now on the ground, trying to get up, but Sunny's magic was complicating it.

"Aunty, stop."

"I'm sorry, Shield," Sunny replied as she walked over and picked him up again.

"Auntie, stop, or "she" won't be happy," smirked Shield as he looked over his aunty's shoulder.

Sunny turned around, and a giant purple magic beam hit her, knocking down the wall. She got back up and saw the black shadow running towards her, and the next thing she knew, she was being slammed into the ceiling and falling back to the ground. She could land on her feet, turn around, and see "her."

"Midnight," whispered Sunny as she saw the dark magical energy surround her former daughter.

"MOTHER! No, my aunt, you have returned!" yelled Midnight.

"Midnight, please; I can explain."


"Midnight, please."


Midnight shot another magic blast at her, hitting her square in the chest and sending her through many walls. The explosion was so intense that the wall crumbled, and Sunny was now outside the tunnel and landing on the streets below. She got up and saw her daughter approaching her; her aura was more potent than she remembered.

"I will never forgive you," growled Midnight as she summoned a giant sword and jumped into the air.

"No, Midnight, don't!" yelled Sunny.

"This is for my real mother."


Midnight's magic was so strong that Sunny could not use her magic to block the sword entirely, and she was now pinned to the ground with the blade at her throat.

"Please, Midnight, don't."

"It's too late, Aunty," smirked Midnight as she was about to cut her throat until something stopped her.

"STOP!" ordered Shield as he landed near them. "Mother wants her alive."

Midnight said nothing as she removed the sword and slammed her foot into Sunny's face. It was so hard it created an earthquake. As the dust settled, Sunny's sunglasses split in two and fell off her face as she was knocked out.

"You hate her, don't you, sister?" asked Shield.

"Yes," replied Midnight.

"Come, we better get her back."

"Right," said Midnight as she teleported Sunny's birthday with magic. Her brother teleported away as well, leaving her all alone. She looked up at the earth in the night sky as she felt tears falling down her face. She didn't know why. She couldn't stop the tears, no matter what. She remembers that Flash would try to cheer her up when she was young, which made her smile. Her lifeless eyes were filled with life again as she slowly thought about Flash, but that's when it happened: her horn suddenly had black runes on it, which made her scream and kneel in pain as it released intense black magical energy.

"Flash...sav-" Midnight didn't finish as her eyes went lifeless again. She stood up and teleported away.

end of chapter 2