• Published 17th Sep 2023
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A family divided, a secret revealed - Altia Sky

Every family have their secrets

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Chapter 4 : Confrontation

The Pegasus accompanied Rainbow Dash and Applejack to a room on the upper floor of the town hall, then down a corridor. The Pegasus stopped in front of one of them and opened the door with a key she'd previously retrieved from a safe.

"This is the archive room, but you're not allowed in, so please tell me the names of the ponies concerned and your relationship to them".

"Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistle, they're my parents" replied Rainbow Dash.

"Very well, wait here" said the pegasus.

She opened the door, the room was filled with shelves containing thousands of boxes probably containing Cloudsdale's archival documents. A place Twilight would have been delighted to discover, not least for the history of the town and its laws.

The pegasus flew to the top shelves and began rummaging through various boxes. It took quite a while until she picked up two sheets under her wing, then went downstairs to look for another box, then took out a third sheet.

"Well, Miss Dash, I have your birth certificate here and I've been able to verify what you've said, so here are your parents' birth certificates. Of course, these certificates are individual and are not intended to be copied or borrowed, so you'll have to consult them in front of me" said the pegasus.

Rainbow Dash first took the sheet of Bow Hothoof, her father, at first sight nothing unusual, then she could see the names of her paternal grandparents and then nothing else, no other apparent filiation, then she took the sheet of her mother Windy Whistle with a trembling hoof and began to read the sheet.

She also saw her grandparents on her mother's side this time, nothing unusual until then. Then in the filiation she saw an additional entry something that didn't appear on her father's side.
Windy Whistle she saw another pony appear and read his name, at which point Rainbow Dash turned pale, very pale.
Her eyes fixed on the sheet, she was speechless, unable to tear her attention away from what she was reading.
Applejack tried to reason with her by waving the hoof in front of her eyes, but nothing happened, so she decided to take the paper from her in one go to make her react and... Rainbow Dash offered no resistance as if she were frozen in place, unable to move like a statue.

Applejack began to wonder what information the paper could contain to make Rainbow Dash so impassive. Applejack rubbed her eyes several times to make sure she'd read it correctly, but the text didn't change. She'd read it correctly and began to understand why Rainbow Dash was paralyzed like this.

Applejack handed the two papers back to the Pegasus, who quickly stowed them in the archive before closing the door. Rainbow Dash, still in a state of shock, didn't react to anything that was happening around her. Applejack had to drag her to the Town Hall reception desk before thanking the Pegasus for her help and leaving, pushing Rainbow Dash towards the exit.

Once outside, Applejack yelled at Rainbow Dash to wake her up.

"RAINBOW DASH!!!" shouted Applejack.

"huh what?" gasped Rainbow Dash.

"I saw what it said, is it so shocking to you that you can't react?" Applejack.

"You know very well why it's shocking" replied Rainbow Dash.

"To reassure you, I don't think he knew who you were when the affair took place" said Applejack.

"Yes, but still" replied Rainbow Dash.

"But now you're going to have to go and talk to him, and above all to your parents, because now they can't keep the truth from you" said Applejack.

"Aj, could you come with me?" replied Rainbow Dash in a weak monotone.

"Sure," replied Applejack.

the two ponies found themselves in front of a house in Cloudsdale, a pretty average house but decorated in an atypical way. Pegasus had always had a particular taste in architecture, which explains why your house is partly made of clouds, but here more than any other in the vicinity. Rainbow decorations adorned the walls of the house. Applejack didn't need to ask anything, she knew where she was.

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath like I'd seen her take, then huffed and puffed for a long moment before heading for the door, Applejack following behind without saying a word as she moved slightly behind Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash kicked the door twice with her hoof before stepping aside, and then the door opened: a large Pegasus stallion with a short mane of rainbow oculur had just opened the door. Applejack knew very well who it was - there's no mistaking the details.

the pegasus said in a cheerful voice: "My champion, you've come to see us," he said, giving her a hug.

"Hi Dad," said Rainbow Dash in a voice that was still monotone.

"And say Dashi, who's that mare?" said Bow.

"Excuse me, I haven't introduced myself, my name is Applejack and I'm from Ponyville" replied Applejack.

"Ah yes, I should have noticed the cutie mark, it was obvious Dashie told us a lot about you, you're one of her friends from Ponyville" said Bow, still in a cheerful tone "Come in, come in, won't you have something to eat?

Applejack and Rainbow Dash entered the house. It was the first time Applejack had been to Rainbow Dash's childhood home, visiting a little and being guided by Bow, who adored his daughter more than anything else, he made the perfect guide.

Applejack joined Rainbow seated at the kitchen table, she introduced herself to Rainbow Dash's mother Windy and Applejack was very surprised, she thought she saw Rainbow but older, the resemblance was really crazy which left Applejack speechless for a little while.

"So tell me, what brings you here today?" said Bow.

"I KNOW!" shouted Rainbow Dash.

Bow and Windy were taken aback.

"Uh, what's that, dear?" replied Windy.

"I know what you tried to hide from me the other day and never told me" said Rainbow Dash.

Bow's and Windy's faces tightened, they remembered exactly what happened last time and now they were stuck, unable to find an excuse or dodge the subject. Windy sighed heavily, then spoke up.

"Listen, darling, circumstances dictated that we didn't tell you about it, to protect you from all that," said Windy.

"We were afraid for your future, especially with the Wonderbolts" said Bow.

"I know why you were so reluctant to come and see the Wonderbolts now, why it was Dad who took me and never you, Mom" replied Rainbow Dash.

Applejack watched the scene unable to speak and it wasn't her place to do so, she could only silently support Rainbow through this ordeal.

"You know, I've met him before," said Rainbow Dash in a calmer voice.

"We suspected it, darling, but you don't know what happened back then" replied Windy.

"Maybe, but I'm old enough to understand, especially as I feel I don't know you anymore and what other things have you kept from me?" said Rainbow Dash.

"Nothing darling, apart from that nothing at all" replied Bow holding his wife's hoof.

"I don't think he wants to see me after the affair between us, but I want to confront him anyway" said Rainbow Dash.

Windy raised her hoof as if to tap the table and opened her mouth, but at the last moment stopped with her hoof in the air and a dazed look on her face - she simply couldn't stop Rainbow Dash from talking to him.
Resting her hoof calmly, she said in a quiet voice

"You know my brother, your uncle, and I haven't seen each other since, not even once, he left Cloudsdale out of the blue, but years later I somehow saw him again when I saw him in Wonderbolts in a Cloudsdale newspaper, it was a shock" said Windy.

"At that time you were still very young Dashie, we had made our decision in order to protect you in a certain sense" says Bow.

"Maybe, but he came after me anyway, but I don't think he knew who I was" replied Rainbow Dash.

Bow and Windy were stunned they knew Rainbow Dash had already met his uncle but didn't know the conditions of their meeting, Rainbow Dash's words made them go into mini cardiac arrest.

"What do you mean?" asked Windy in a trembling voice.

"You know very well, when Scootaloo told you about me in her book, she told you the story of this Wonderbolts who had tricked me, but she never told you his name" replied Rainbow Dash.

Bow and Windy were shocked, their eyes wide open as if they'd just seen a ghost.

"So it was indeed...." said Windy.

"Wind Rider" replied Rainbow Dash.

Author's Note:

Here we are, we’ve got the name of that mysterious uncle.

Yes this story was based of the theory of an hidden link between Rainbow Dash and Wind Rider.
Blue fur for the two of them but the theory doesn’t end here, another pony that you know is implicated in this theory but who is it ?