• Published 17th Aug 2023
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A Change of Political Decisions For the Better - coolpony01

There is a unicorn by the name of Starlight Sparkle who wishes for a fairer society for all non ponies

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Ch 4

The date is December 1, 2003, it is the day Starlight Sparkle is having the meeting with the other members of Parliament.

Ponyville has been able to handle the increase in taxes since the small town stopped purchasing goods from other provinces. They’ve been saving quite a lot of money and can put that money into maintaining their taxes or any other basic necessities for the town. Since there are more openings for necessary jobs there are less citizens that are jobless. People are able to get the things they need and some of their money these people make can go into taxes thus allowing the government to meet their demands of their governing officials.

The local government also opened a nonprofit called Care for their Citizens providing ponies as well as non-ponies and pony half breeds with things they need such as basic needs, financial aid and insurance.

The royal guards are still a problem; they still break the laws and aren’t being punished for it. The royal guards wrongfully arrested a griffon; they believe him to be a spy even though they have no evidence to prove this. They believe he is a spy because his parents are immigrants from the Griffon Kingdom. Despite the fact that they have no actual evidence to convict him they had him imprisoned and are refusing to release him even though it is illegal to do so.

Some of the royal guards also assaulted non ponies and pony non pony half breeds but none of them received a trial for this or were convicted.

Starlight Sparkle is planning on addressing this issue with the other members of parliament. She walked down the hallway towards the place they are meeting.

“They have to listen, the army cannot continue to be allowed to violate the law.” Starlight Sparkle thought.

She went inside the place where the other members of parliament were meeting and took a seat.

“Good morning every pony this meeting can go into session there are no laws pr amy removal of laws that need to be voted on this meeting the representatives of the provinces may address any problem they wish to bring into our attention.”Ivory Scroll said.

“Chair lady Ivory Scroll as the representative of Ponyville I wish to address the fact that the royal guard keep violating the law and are not being punished for it. This month alone a royal guard killed two griffons peacefully protesting they broke no laws and were killed for their species. The royal guard responsible wasn’t even put on trial for his crime. Several non ponies and non-pony pony half breeds have also been assaulted by the royal guard and were not punished for breaking the law. This does not include the fact that the royal guard also keep arresting non ponies and pony non pony half breeds without enough evidence to warrant such a thing and the royal guards keep refusing to release them or even allowing them to have a trial this behavior can not be allowed to continue.” Starlight spoke.

“Starlight Sparkle the royal guard protects Equestria and deserves to have certain exceptions from the law.” Chairlady Ivory Scroll said.

“Chair lady Ivory Scroll the royal guard may defend Equestria but that doesn’t mean they should be allowed to break the laws and harm our citizens.” Starlight Sparkle defended.

“The delegate from Ponyville is right, the royal guard can’t be allowed to break the laws and arrest our citizens. This past month a royal guard killed a griffon child and wasn’t punished for it. Such injustice cannot be allowed to continue in Equestria.” The delegate from Applesoa spoke.

“Equestria will not give those monsters luxuries they do not deserve enough of this.” Ivory Scroll snapped.

The delegate from Ponyville stopped knowing there was no way to get through to the close-minded chair lady.

“If I may I have another issue that needs to be addressed why are the people of Dodge City taxes so heavily we can barely meet our citizens basic needs our providence along with Ponyville and Applelosa are given way too many of the taxes while provinces like Cloudsdale, Canterlot, and Manehattean are barely taxed at all.” The delegate from Dodge City spoke.

“Cherry Pie this has already been discussed provinces like Cloudsdale, Canterlot, and Manehattean are taxed less because they produce the necessary materials for Equestria if we put more taxes non them we will not be able to produce the materials for Equestria that is why they must receive less taxes.” Chair lady Ivory Spoke.

“The delegate of Dodge City is right, we should put more taxes on provinces like Canterlot because of the fact that the taxes we are facing now are causing provinces such as Applelosa to fall into poverty.” The delegate of Applelosa spoke.

“This isn’t up for discussion, we need to produce the materials for Equestria and our ponies.” Ivory Scroll spoke.

“This is supposed to be a parliament that listens to everyone's ideas. She's acting like she can do whatever she wants.” Starlight Sparkle thought.

Ivory scroll once refused to listen to the problems that have been occurring around certain provinces and the problems the citizens are going through. Starlight Sparkle can tell Chair lady Ivory Scroll likely won’t listen to her and others about the oppression she’s causing if this keeps up she’ll have to face some sort of punishment for this.
Starlight is walking around Canterlot ti the train station she can see ponies and other species walking to and fro. She can tell the non-ponies seem to be less fortunate, and the guards seem to have a closer eye on the non-ponies.

She also notices that Canterlot seems to be in great shape; she isn’t surprised by this since the city doesn’t receive nearly as much of the taxes as it should.

Starlight Sparkle went on the train she never travels extensively since she needed to conserve her bits. She began to read a book to pass the time. Two hours of traveling she arrived in Ponyville and walked to the mayor’s building. She had bad news to deliver. She walked inside and cleaned her hoofs by the mat she then trotted by the door and began to knock.

“Golden Quill it’s me I’m here to tell you how the parliament meeting went.” Starlight said.

“Come in.” Mayor Golden Quill spoke.

Starlight Sparkle walked inside and saw the mayor sitting by his desk and approached him.

“I’m assuming the meeting didn’t go well.” the mayor noted from her expression.

She sighed “I tried to tell the chair lady about the fact that the royal guard keeps breaking the laws and oppressing non ponies and non-pony pony half breeds, but she feels otherwise. This is also true for the taxes on our community; she is refusing to have them lowered based on the fact that the materials produced from provinces such as Canterlot would “improve” the economy.” Starlight Sparkle said.

“This isn’t good. The army should not be allowed to break laws and oppress people due to their species and forcing taxes on us that are unnecessary will only lead to tyranny.” Mayor Golden Quill spoke.

“I’ve already discussed this with the other members of parliament. We will just have to deal with this for the time being.” Starlight Sparkle spoke. Though they are both worried for the sake of species being targeted and for the sake of the community should the taxes continue to grow.