> A Change of Political Decisions For the Better > by coolpony01 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a unicorn mare who has a white coat, a purple and pink mane and tail, purple eyes, and a purple star for a cutie mark. Her name is Starlight Sparkle, she lives in the town of Ponyville. She is one of the delegates of Equestria; she has a meeting with the other delegates of the other states. Starlight Sparkle knows the town of Ponville has to deal with unfair discrimination the taxes that are placed on the town are too high. The taxes abuse the citizens of Ponyville to have shortages of basic needs such as food and water.  The other delegates of Parliament also seem to use a lot of military force; they've arrested people for peacefully protesting even though it is illegal. Parliament also seems to discriminate against non ponies they are given more taxes there is also a more likely chance of getting arrested. Some non ponies are also being denied jobs, better public services, and housing. Starlight Sparkle wishes to address these problems to parliament; she hopes they will listen to reason.  Starlight Glimmer is right now on a train to Canterlot that is where the parliament have their meetings. It is the capital of Equestria after all. Starlight us just sitting in the regular seats she doesn't want to spend any money on herself she knows it would be selfish and her state isn't in the best position at the moment.  She decided to look out the window watching the scenery go by it is very beautiful there are forests, rivers, hills, and mountains. "I hope they will listen the people in Ponville need it." Starlight said aloud. "Excuse me mame." Starlight turned around to see an earth pony. He had a light yellow coat, a yellow mane and tail, and yellow eyes. He has a workers uniform on. “Would you like anything for dinner?” He asked. Starlight saw he had a tray with food. “I’ll have a salad please.” Starlight spoke. A light purple magical ora formed around her horn she then levitated five bits from her bag. “Thank you sir.” She spoke. “You’re welcome mame enjoy your meal.” the stallion spoke. He then walked away. A light purple ora formed around her horn as she began to eat her dinner. She would need this for the trip. She would arrive in Canterlot in about an hour she would then go to the building where the meeting would take place. There is still a place where the members of parliament are allowed to go that is where she will go to spend the night.  “They probably won’t listen, they didn’t listen during the last meeting and the meeting before that. I wish they wouldn’t be so stubborn all the time that they can't see that we need help. “Starlight thought. She is afraid of how the meeting will turn out.  The date is November 1 2003 today is the first day of the month on the start of every month parliament will have a meeting. Starlight just woke up from the sound of her alarm and she let out a groan as she got up. The time is 5AM. It’s time to get ready for the session. Starlight then walked down the hall to the place where the meeting would take place. She went inside and went to her respective seat. There are dozens of other members of the council, a mare walked in and everyone turned to look at her. She’s a light gray unicorn with a dark red mean and tail, dark red eyes, and an ivory scroll for a cutie mark her name is Ivory Scroll she is the chairlady of parliament. Starlight Sparkle does not like her very much. She is the one who keeps doing all these bad things to Ponyville the taxes, the unnecessary use of soldiers, the discrimination of non-ponies, everything.  “Good morning everyone, can we now bring this meeting into session,” Ivory Scroll said.  “Today we are going vote for the passing of a new law called the providence act it will require the citizens and the states to pay more taxes but this is necessary in making sure we can defend ourselves from enemies.” Ivory Scroll said. “Why weren’t we informed of this parliament is required to send at least a month’s notice to every providence when trying to pass a new law.’’ Starlight Sparkle spoke. “We have to keep the country safe from other creatures so spending the time to inform the parliament is a waste of time. An earth pony stallion then slammed his hoof down. “This is an outrage! Parliament is required to inform all the provinces when they are planning on passing a new law. What authority do you have to violate the law.” the stallion yelled. “Strong Heart I suggest that you choose your next words carefully unless you wish to be removed from your seat and replaced by a delegate that can be more reasonable.” Ivory Scroll warned. “You’re the one who’s being unreasonable.” Ivory Scroll thought. “Chairlady Ivory Scroll how much would the taxes be increased if this law is passed?” Starlight Sparkle asked. “The taxes would be increased by 15%. It is necessary to protect ourselves from threats, ”Ivory Scroll said. “15% my providence is suffering from the number of taxes as it is. Please reconsider Chairlady Ivory Scroll”. A mare voice said the earth pony delegate from Dodge City. “I am being reasonable, the griffon war greatly damaged our country. We need to prevent threats like that from harming Equestria.” Ivory Scroll explained. “That war ended five years ago and who are we to discriminate against civilians for not being ponies." Starlight Sparkle spoke. “Starlight Sparkle, those creatures are a threat to Equestria the good of parliament is to keep the nation safe, spreading false propaganda won’t change that.” Ivory Scroll spoke. “The delegate is right. The purpose of parliament is to make sure our citizens are safe. How are we doing this if we keep oppressing them due to their species.`` the mare of Dodge City said. “The ponies of Equesteria have to come first, that's the way Equestria is meant to be." Ivory Scroll spoke. “It’s not even legal to discriminate against non ponies.” a member of parliament spoke. “During these times it is best to focus on keeping a nation safe and that will require certain decisions and sacrifices.” Ivory Scroll said. “This is absurd. We can't break our own laws and discriminate against our own citizens, especially over such petty reasons.” The delegate of Dodge City spoke. “Spring Blossom I suggest you are careful over what you say. It is unwise to go against what is good for Equesteria.''Ivory Scroll spoke. “The delegate from Dodge City is only trying to do what is best for the citizens of Equestria. How can we say we’re doing what’s best for Equesteria if we’re discriminating against them for their species alone.”the delegate from Applelosa said. “Enough of this nonsense let us just vote on the law all in favor.” Ivory Scroll spoke. Some of the delegates from parliament raised their hooves “The law passes from 31 to 25.”Ivory Scroll spoke. Everyone including Starlight left the room. “How could this have happened? Ivory Scroll never informed us of the passing of this law. Why is she being allowed to get away with that? What's going to happen to Ponville? ''Starlight thought aloud. She made her way to the train station and went on the first train to Ponville. > Ch 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is an earth pony stallion who has a white coat, a light-yellow mane and tail, light yellow eyes, and a golden quill for a cutie mark. His name is Golden Quill, and he is the Mayor of Ponyville. The situation in Ponyville is very bad. They are given an absurd amount of taxes which makes it very difficult for the province to receive basic needs like food, water and medicine. The army also seems to be cracking down more on people for even the most minor of offenses. The army even arrests people who don’t break the law of people peacefully protesting soldiers will arrest them even though it’s legal to peacefully protest. The soldiers also arrest non ponies more due to “suspension of breaking a law”.  Non ponies have to deal with a lot of discrimination they are fired from jobs, denied access to public places, harassed, etc. They will try to sue but the army and federal people deny these claims because non ponies are viewed as a threat. “This is absurd how many of our citizens have we had to imprison due to the insane amount if taxes Ponville’s being forced to pay.” Mayor Golden Quill said with disdain.  “The mayor is right the amount of taxes that Ponville are being forced to pay is completely unfair why must parliament make us suffer.” a stallion said. He has a light brown coat, a brown mane and tail, brown eyes, and an economic chart for a cutie mark. His name is Economic Chart. He is a tax collector in Ponyville.  “You’re a tax pony, how are you suffering? I bet your money goes right into your pocket.” an earth pony mare shouted. “Hey, I only collect the taxes to give to the government. I never make a profit as of it and to have you know I’ve had times when the guards threatened to break down the doors to get the taxes.” Economic Chart defended.  A stallion then ran over to him “Beg your pardon boss but we’ve been robbed.” he said. The tax pony rushed over to his seat and out the door his office was being raided by a collection of guards. They broke the door down.  “What’s the meaning of this! It’s not even Tuesday and you’re taking this week’s collection!” the tax person shouted at the guards. “Orders from Parliament they recently passed a new law called the Providence Act increasing the taxes 15%. All new taxes are to be collected immediately as well as the taxes from this week.” the guard spoke. “What! that’s absurd, we're struggling as it is and parliament can’t pass new laws without informing the provinces.”Economic Chart spoke. “Our orders are from Parliament sir.” he spoke “Captain, there's only fifteen bags here.” the sergeant spoke. “What! Where’s the other twenty-five bags here?” the captain spoke. “Since we were never informed of the passing of even though we were supposed to the other taxes haven’t come in yet.” Economic Chart spoke. “Until we collect the rest of the taxes, you’re coming with us. Perhaps they’ll send a more efficient collector during your stay.” The guard then shoved him in the carriage. “How dare they.” a citizens shouted “He was only doing his job; you guards are the ones who broke the law by not informing us of new taxes!” another citizen shouted. “Sergeant get the carriage out of here!” The captain shouted. The carriage was then being taken away a griffon then approached one of the stallions. “You guards aren’t real guards real guards take care of all their citizens and real guard don’t constantly break the laws that are good for the people and don’t put their bigotry over their own citizens.” the griffon spoke. “You dare insult a guard griffon!” A guard shouted. He then began to kick the griffon and he fell to the ground. He then hit him again and again he began to bleed and bruise from the strikes. A female griffin then went in between the guard and the bruised up male griffin.  “Get away from him, you have no right to treat us like this.” the griffon female yelled. The guard then hit her across the face. “You’re a threat to Equestria I can treat you monsters however I want." The guard yelled. “You’re the monster. "She replied. The stallion’s horn then glowed a yellow ora and he slammed both the griffons into the wall. A mare used her magic to stop it but then she saw they weren’t moving and had a horrible realization that they were both dead.  The mayor then approached “Captain Silverwing you do realize this guard will have to stand trial for murder by Equestrian law.” the mayor spoke. “Royal guards get more leeway since we protect the citizens. He won't be convicted because it will be considered stopping a threat of rebellion to a law.” The captain spoke. The mayor knows this is likely the case. “It was freedom of speech they weren’t breaking any laws however your guard killed two innocent civilians for their species that illegal and he will stand trial for his crime.” the mayor spoke.  “He was only stopping a threat and rebellion; they won’t convict him.” The captain spoke. “Even so, he committed murder there is no reason that a guard shouldn’t be held in trial.” The mayor spoke. Starlight Sparkle just arrived in Ponyville. She has all her bags with her. She's walking down the town when she sees the mayor, he's worried about something. She approaches him “What happened?” Starlight Sparkle asked.  “Parliament is insane, they increased the taxes to 15% and tried to collect this week's taxes. Since we weren’t informed, we didn’t have all the taxes in, and our tax collector was arrested. Two griffons then peacefully protested, and a guard killed them for it.” The mayor spoke. “What! That's absurd. They have no authority to do that; they must be held accountable for his crimes.” Starlight Sparkle said. “The guards responsible for breaking the laws will have a trial in three days but they probably won’t be convicted.” the mayor spoke. > Ch 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The date is November 6 2003. It has been five days since the event none of the guards were ever given a trial for their actions. The ones that bursted down the door of the tax collector office weren’t charged with destroying public property because the federal court saw it as necessary to receive the taxes. The guard that killed the two griffins wasn’t given a trial for his crimes because the federal court saw it as threats for rebellion. They also said the army has certain exceptions from the law. The mayor has decided to send a letter to Princess Celestia asking he to do something about what’s going on in Ponyville. Starlight Sparkle is going to address this in her meeting with parliament. This needs to be addressed. Parliament is supposed to keep this sort of thing from happening. Starlight Sparkle is about to have a meeting with the mayor of Ponville as well as other town officials. There are a lot of problems going on in the town that need to be talked about. A light purple ora formed around the unicorns’ horn then around the doorknob as she opened the door and went inside. There are a lot of different kinds of ponies in the room.  “We are here to discuss the current problems in Ponyville.” Mayor Golden Quill said. “The taxes that have been placed on us are absurd. Our citizens are struggling in receiving their most basic needs.” a bat pony stallion spoke.  “I agree, if the taxes get much worse, what will it mean for our community?” a crystal pony mare spoke. “But how are we going to stop this parliament already passed the law and if we try to protest against this we’ll just be punished.” a Pegasus stallion added on for every ponies consideration. “I am aware of that which is why for the time being we must find ways to make the law work for us.” The mayor spoke. “How can we possibly make such a law work? It will only continue to drain us.” an earth pony stallion objected. “We can find ways to deal with this law. For instance we could stop purchasing imported materials from other provinces because the taxes are getting way too expensive. If we just grow our basic essentials here it will be far cheaper and will keep our economic situation from getting worse.” The mayor spoke. “That could work. We would be able to save a lot more bits if we don’t have to worry about paying taxes from imported goods and the rest of the money we have left over we can give to the government for other essentials such as preparing roads and the hospital.” an earth pony stallion said “We can also start to increase mining jobs in the white tail woods in order to get the money we need to pay off the taxes. It would not only allow us to get the money to pay off the taxes but it would also provide jobs for the unemployed.” The mayor spoke. “That is a good idea we should do that paying off our taxes and ensuring that our citizens have jobs is very important.” a unicorn mare spoke. “If we’re going to do this we should also place more jobs in the field regarding taxes so that we will be able to manage our taxes and provide our citizens with jobs.” Starlight Sparkle spoke. “Yes this is a good idea Starlight Sparkle.” Mayor Golden Quill complemented.  “Thank you if we’re giving more openings for essential jobs we should just do that for all essential services that would surely help the citizens of Ponyville to have the things we need such as medical aid, safety, and some of the bits all those people would make would go into taxes that we need to give to our government.” Starlight Sparkle said. “This is also something we can do assistant Mayor Ink Quill write this down.” Mayor Golden Quill said “Yes Mayor.” A shy gray earth pony with a black mane and tail said as she quietly began to write down the notes. “We should now discuss the discrimination on non ponies and pony and non pony half breeds.” a male unicorn reminded every pony.  “I’m glad you brought this up Mr. Spark. I wanted to discuss this and I propose we create local public services that will serve non ponies and pony non pony half breeds.” The mayor spoke. “That could work; it would ensure that non pony and pony half breeds are able to receive the things they need; it would also open up a new variety of jobs.” a Pegasus mare spoke. “That is why I feel this would be in the best interests for our citizens if these programs are created.” the Mayor said. “But what about all the unlawful arrests of citizens for the reason only that they are non pony.” a pegasus stallion pointed out. “We are already doing everything in our power to stop that but unfortunately there isn’t anything else we can do about that at the moment.” the Mayor admitted. “This isn’t good. Those citizens shouldn’t be locked up for being what they ate. The soldiers do not have the legal authority to arrest people who haven’t even broken a law.” a male bat pony said “Yes this is unfortuthaly the case but I highly doubt the parliament will listen to reason they’re the ones that want this to happen.” Starlight Sparkle spoke. They are are worried for Ponyville despite the fact that the mayor and everyone including herself knows how to handle everything it is still not looking up with the fact that the taxes were increased to 15% along with the unfair discrimination for citizens. Despite all of this at least it is true that the mayor along with every pony is doing what they can to ensure that the town at the moment is in good hoofs until they can start improving things for the better in a more lasting way that is. > Ch 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The date is December 1, 2003, it is the day Starlight Sparkle is having the meeting with the other members of Parliament.  Ponyville has been able to handle the increase in taxes since the small town stopped purchasing goods from other provinces. They’ve been saving quite a lot of money and can put that money into maintaining their taxes or any other basic necessities for the town. Since there are more openings for necessary jobs there are less citizens that are jobless. People are able to get the things they need and some of their money these people make can go into taxes thus allowing the government to meet their demands of their governing officials.  The local government also opened a nonprofit called Care for their Citizens providing ponies as well as non-ponies and pony half breeds with things they need such as basic needs, financial aid and insurance. The royal guards are still a problem; they still break the laws and aren’t being punished for it. The royal guards wrongfully arrested a griffon; they believe him to be a spy even though they have no evidence to prove this. They believe he is a spy because his parents are immigrants from the Griffon Kingdom. Despite the fact that they have no actual evidence to convict him they had him imprisoned and are refusing to release him even though it is illegal to do so. Some of the royal guards also assaulted non ponies and pony non pony half breeds but none of them received a trial for this or were convicted.  Starlight Sparkle is planning on addressing this issue with the other members of parliament. She walked down the hallway towards the place they are meeting. “They have to listen, the army cannot continue to be allowed to violate the law.” Starlight Sparkle thought. She went inside the place where the other members of parliament were meeting and took a seat.  “Good morning every pony this meeting can go into session there are no laws pr amy removal of laws that need to be voted on this meeting the representatives of the provinces may address any problem they wish to bring into our attention.”Ivory Scroll said. “Chair lady Ivory Scroll as the representative of Ponyville I wish to address the fact that the royal guard keep violating the law and are not being punished for it. This month alone a royal guard killed two griffons peacefully protesting they broke no laws and were killed for their species. The royal guard responsible wasn’t even put on trial for his crime. Several non ponies and non-pony pony half breeds have also been assaulted by the royal guard and were not punished for breaking the law. This does not include the fact that the royal guard also keep arresting non ponies and pony non pony half breeds without enough evidence to warrant such a thing and the royal guards keep refusing to release them or even allowing them to have a trial this behavior can not be allowed to continue.” Starlight spoke. “Starlight Sparkle the royal guard protects Equestria and deserves to have certain exceptions from the law.” Chairlady Ivory Scroll said. “Chair lady Ivory Scroll the royal guard may defend Equestria but that doesn’t mean they should be allowed to break the laws and harm our citizens.” Starlight Sparkle defended. “The delegate from Ponyville is right, the royal guard can’t be allowed to break the laws and arrest our citizens. This past month a royal guard killed a griffon child and wasn’t punished for it. Such injustice cannot be allowed to continue in Equestria.” The delegate from Applesoa spoke. “Equestria will not give those monsters luxuries they do not deserve enough of this.” Ivory Scroll snapped.  The delegate from Ponyville stopped knowing there was no way to get through to the close-minded chair lady. “If I may I have another issue that needs to be addressed why are the people of Dodge City taxes so heavily we can barely meet our citizens basic needs our providence along with Ponyville and Applelosa are given way too many of the taxes while provinces like Cloudsdale, Canterlot, and Manehattean are barely taxed at all.” The delegate from Dodge City spoke. “Cherry Pie this has already been discussed provinces like Cloudsdale, Canterlot, and Manehattean are taxed less because they produce the necessary materials for Equestria if we put more taxes non them we will not be able to produce the materials for Equestria that is why they must receive less taxes.” Chair lady Ivory Spoke. “The delegate of Dodge City is right, we should put more taxes on provinces like Canterlot because of the fact that the taxes we are facing now are causing provinces such as Applelosa to fall into poverty.” The delegate of Applelosa spoke.  “This isn’t up for discussion, we need to produce the materials for Equestria and our ponies.” Ivory Scroll spoke. “This is supposed to be a parliament that listens to everyone's ideas. She's acting like she can do whatever she wants.” Starlight Sparkle thought. Ivory scroll once refused to listen to the problems that have been occurring around certain provinces and the problems the citizens are going through. Starlight Sparkle can tell Chair lady Ivory Scroll likely won’t listen to her and others about the oppression she’s causing if this keeps up she’ll have to face some sort of punishment for this. Starlight is walking around Canterlot ti the train station she can see ponies and other species walking to and fro. She can tell the non-ponies seem to be less fortunate, and the guards seem to have a closer eye on the non-ponies. She also notices that Canterlot seems to be in great shape; she isn’t surprised by this since the city doesn’t receive nearly as much of the taxes as it should. Starlight Sparkle went on the train she never travels extensively since she needed to conserve her bits. She began to read a book to pass the time. Two hours of traveling she arrived in Ponyville and walked to the mayor’s building. She had bad news to deliver. She walked inside and cleaned her hoofs by the mat she then trotted by the door and began to knock. “Golden Quill it’s me I’m here to tell you how the parliament meeting went.” Starlight said. “Come in.” Mayor Golden Quill spoke. Starlight Sparkle walked inside and saw the mayor sitting by his desk and approached him. “I’m assuming the meeting didn’t go well.” the mayor noted from her expression. She sighed “I tried to tell the chair lady about the fact that the royal guard keeps breaking the laws and oppressing non ponies and non-pony pony half breeds, but she feels otherwise. This is also true for the taxes on our community; she is refusing to have them lowered based on the fact that the materials produced from provinces such as Canterlot would “improve” the economy.” Starlight Sparkle said. “This isn’t good. The army should not be allowed to break laws and oppress people due to their species and forcing taxes on us that are unnecessary will only lead to tyranny.” Mayor Golden Quill spoke. “I’ve already discussed this with the other members of parliament. We will just have to deal with this for the time being.” Starlight Sparkle spoke. Though they are both worried for the sake of species being targeted and for the sake of the community should the taxes continue to grow.  > Ch 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The date is January tenth, 2004, Starlight Sparkle tried to address what the royal guard were doing to non ponies as well as pony half breeds and how they break the law but Chair lady Ivory Scroll once again is not doing anything about it. The mayor sent a letter to all of the royals asking them to remove her from parliament; she is toxic to Equestria.  Starlight Sparkle is enjoying a cup of tea. She does things like this every now and then to get her mind off things. She is enjoying lemon spiced tea. She likes that type of tea. It tastes good and fills her mind with a sense of relaxation. She took some sips of the tea, the warm liquid made her feel at a sense of ease. She then heard a commotion coming from outside so she looked outside and gasped in horror to see a royal guard beating up a changeling child. She galloped outside. “Please stop.” The young changeling girl begged. “You don’t deserve it, maggot.” The royal guard yelled and he then began to hit her. The little girl had cuts and bruises on her and the royal guard then walked away. Starlight Sparkle then rushed over to the young girl a purple magical ora formed around her horn then around the changelings body as she healed the wounds. “Thank you.” the young changeling girl spoke with gratitude. “You’re welcome, I hope you get better soon. I'm so sorry for what that guard did to you.” Starlight Sparkle spoke. Starlight sparkle notes the changeling child had many bruises over her body and it would take a while to heal and the guard would have to be dealt with. The child looked like most other changelings: she had a black coat, with swiss cheese holes on her legs, sharp fangs, she had a light pink mane and tail, light pink inspector wings, light pink slanted eyes, and a curved magical horn on her forehead. An older changeling then rushed over; she had a black coat, with swiss cheese legs, sharp fangs, a light yellow mane and tail, yellow inspector wings, a curved magical pink, and eyes like her daughter. “Thank you Miss Sparkle.” the changeling mother spoke with gratitude.  A pegasus pony with a gray coat, a black mane and tail, green eyes, and a black cloud with a bolt for a cutie mark then approached the crowd. His name is Shadow Bolt he is one of the town officials of Ponyville his job is to report abuse of Power. He let out a sigh, “This is the fifteenth time this month the royal guards have abused their power. The guards keep getting away with their disgusting acts this has to stop.” Shadow Bolt said. “I agree the royal guard either keep arresting our non pony citizens or beat them up. This has to stop.” Starlight Sparkle spoke. “This is quite saddening beating up a child. I’ll have to report what the guard did but he’ll probably get away with it.” Shadow Bolt said. And they know this will be the case non of the guards that have wrongfully arrested a non pony as well as pony non pony half breeds have ever been convicted or often even put on trial. Those who are imprisoned are also never freed under most cases due to the fact that the federal courts keep viewing the arrests as just for the citizens. The non ponies and pony half breeds who are freed are often denied compensation because of the fact that many of those in charge of such things often view they do not need such luxuries. Those who are beaten up are also often denied compensation and have to find medical help themselves in order to heal their injuries.  Organizations such as the Care for all Citizens within Ponyville are doing whatever they can to meet the demand but these demands are high and even they are often strained. For these reasons it is still difficult for the organizations to maintain basic demands for their clints such as providing them with basic needs, medical, aid, as well as insurance. This is due to the fact that many organizations or public places even within Ponyville still refuse to serve non ponies and pony and non pony half breeds.  While laws for the rights of non ponies and pony and non pony half breeds were passed many decades ago those in charge of enforcing them have been uncaring or even distrusting of these laws as of late. For these reasons it has been extremely difficult for non ponies to make a living or even have their basic needs met with the fact that those that have disrespect towards them have been getting away with their behavior. Until these needs are met the non ponies will simply have to endure and continue on with their lives with what little they have. Being warry of the royal guard who imprisoned them and the public services that refuse to serve them.  > Ch 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The date is February 15 2004 Starlight Sparkle has been trying to manage everything in Ponyville but it us very hard for her to do with everything the other members of Parliament have been doing. Parliament always puts too much taxes on their province they have to cut back but they’ve been able to manage There is still a lot of discrimination towards non ponies; the federal government gives them more taxes they also refuse to give them federal services which is illegal. They are also more likely to get arrested and it is also harder for non ponies to receive a trial. When they do get trials they are often biased even though that is not within the legal realm.  The guards also assault them or sometimes even kill them for not being ponies, which is very illegal but they are still not often punished. Starlight Sparkle along with others in Ponyville are trying to stop these sorts of things from happening but the other members of parliament currently have too much immunity from the law.  Starlight Sparkle is right now having a meeting with the other town officials to discuss the discrimination of their non pony citizens. “This has been going on for far too long the royal guard and parilament can no longer be allowed to oppress our citizens just for them not being ponies.” a bat pony mare spoke. “But how are going to do that? The royals haven’t responded to our claims.” an earth pony stallion said. “That’s because parliament keeps confiscating our letters.” a unicorn mare said. “Then maybe we shouldn’t trust a member of parliament.” a pegasus pony said pointing at Starlight Sparkle. “I’ve been trying to help Ponyville this entire time. Just because I’m a member of parliament does not mean I’m going to help them do their dirty work.” Starlight Sparkle said “Pointing hooves at each other is pointless we need to focus on what we can do in order to bring an end to the unlawful discrimination of our non pony citizens.” Mayor Golden Quill spoke. “The mayor is right we need to consider getting an audience with one of the royals to discuss with them the unlawfully unjust actions of the other members of parliament as well as the royal guard.” a male pegasus pony spoke. “But there are many ponies that have audiences with the royals it would take at least six months to get an audience.” a male unicorn pony said. “It may take some time but if we try this we will be able to inform the royals of the injustice that has been occurring in our province.” a male bat pony said. “This is a good idea. I will set up an audience with a member of royalty.” mayor Golden Quill said. > Ch 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The date is May 1 2004 Starlight Sparkle is going to meet with the other members of parliament today. She will address the problems Ponyville is dealing with concerning the oppression the other members of parliament and the royal guard have given out to a group of people simply because they do not like them. This needs to be stopped. Starlight Sparkle walked down the hallway “It doesn’t matter what I say Chair lady Ivory Scroll will likely refuse to see reason.” Starlight Sparkle thought aloud. She went inside the meeting place and took her seat. “This meeting is now in session; there are no new laws that need to be voted on or revoked; anyone is allowed to express their concerns.” Chair lady Ivory Scroll said. “Chair lady Ivory Scroll Ponyville does not wish to continue to have innocent civilians oppressed by this parliament and the royal guard for not liking them.” Starlight Sparkle spoke. “Starlight Sparkle those scum do not deserve such luxuries.” Ivory Scroll spoke. “Chair lady Ivory Scroll it is our duty as parliament to do what is best for our citizens. To discriminate against them for biased reasons is selfish and isn’t within our authority.” Starlight Sparkle contoured. “Enough your behavior has been in parliament for too long Starlight Sparkle. I Chair lady Ivory Scroll hereby revoke your title as a delegate of parliament you will be replaced with a more reasonable delegate.” Chair lady Ivory Scroll decreed.  “What I haven’t done anything that would allow me to be removed from parliament you have no authority to do this.” Starlight Sparkle spoke. “I have every right to remove a mare who won’t do what is good for Equestria.” Chair lady Ivory Scroll said. Starlight Sparkle got out of her seat and walked towards the exit with as much dignity and strength as she could. Starlight Sparkle began to trot back to the room she was staying in. “How could Chair lady Ivory Scroll remove my seat in parliament I was only addressing the unlawful oppression of innocent civilians. Why is she acting so absurd.” Starlight Sparkle thought. She used her telekinesis to pack all of her belongings; she will have to inform the other officials of Ponyville what transpired.  Starlight Sparkle took the ten AM. train to Ponyville ready to inform her fellow town officials what happened once she arrived.  Starlight Sparkle got out her cassette and put her headphones on and began to listen to old songs from her teenage years. She needs this. Music helps her calm down and relax. She will need this during these tough times. Two hours later Starlight Sparkle arrived in Ponyville and began to walk around the town. It isn't very grand, the buildings are less big and were quite simple, the non ponies looked less nourished and some had cuts and bruises from the royal guard. She knows this needs to be stopped. Starlight however knows members of parliament won’t stop these absurd actions. Ivory Scroll herself probably approved someone with the same views as her, someone who doesn’t care that much for non ponies. Starlight Sparkle walked in the building where the mayor lives; she then trotted down the hallways towards the mayor's office. When she got to the door a light purple magical ora covered her horn as she opened the door. “Starlight Sparkle, you're back early.” The mayor said surprised. Starlight Sparkle let out a sigh “When I addressed to Chair lady Ivory Scroll the oppression of citizens like non ponies and the royal guard and stated that it needed to be stopped she got angry and removed me as the parliament delegate of Ponyville.” She spoke. “What she had no authority to oust you from parliament this is absurd.” Mayor Golden Quill said angered by the actions of the chair lady. “It is absurd but there’s nothing we can do about it at the moment. We should inform the other town officials about this.” Starlight Sparkle said. Hours later the town official of Ponyville met up. Starlight Sparkle found out that Chair lady Ivory Scroll replaced her with Harmony Heart. She’s a unicorn mare with a light pink coat, a pink curly mane and tail, pink eyes, and a pink heart for a cutie mark. She’s one of the ponies in Ponyville that discriminates people based off their species, heritage, or nationality. She also tries to bring in a bit too much taxes which it isn’t a surprise why Ivory Scroll picked her.  The meeting with the town officials then began. “The first thing we have to discuss is the unlawful removal of our delegate Starlight Sparkle.” The mayor said. “This is absurd the Chair lady removed our delegate just for addressing the necessary changes that need to be made for our citizens. And she replaced her with a selfish brat who puts her own beliefs over her own citizens.” a Pegasus Stallion said clearly outraged by the decision of the chair lady. “There is unfortunately nothing we can do at the moment the majority of parliament will clearly vote in favor of Chair lady Ivory Scroll and her decision to remove Starlight Sparkle as delegate of Ponyville.”  “This is absurd Parliament are becoming a herd of sheep who will go to their wits end to follow their leader.” a mare bat pony said.  “That made be true but there’s nothing we can do the majority of parliament are at favor with Chair lady Ivory Scroll and they will vote to approve of her decision. Until we can do something about this we will simply have to endure.” Mayor Golden Quill said. > Ch 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The date is October tenth, 2004. Mayor Golden Quill is having an audience with Prince Luna. It is happening today he can finally get help from a royal. He needs this parliament along with the royal guard have oppressed them for far too long.  Mayor Golden Quill is trotting down the hallways it is very quite and dark here. Princess Luna is the princess of the night she raises the moon and brings forth the darkness of night. Therefore the mayor had to meet her at night. There is a royal guard escorting him to the throne he is a bat pony he has bat pony ears, sharp fangs, a pair of bat like wings, a dark gray coat, a dark mane and tail, and dark blue armor he is a member of the night guard. “I hope the princess well help if she doesn’t I won’t know what to do.” The mayor of Ponyville thought nervously. They managed to arrive at a big majestic door  “The Princess will see you know.” the guard spoke. The mayor walked through the doors. The throne room is very beautiful, full of various colors. On a dark throne he can see a dark blue alicorn, with a flowing moderate sapphire blue mane and tail. Moderate cyan eyes, and a white crescent moon with black splotches around it for a cutie mark.  “Princess I am honored that you have accepted my request for an audience with you.” The mayor spoke as he gave her the royal bow. “We are pleased that we are finally able to talk to you Mayor Golden Quill, the oppression in Ponyville has been going on for far too long.” Princess Luna said. “She knew.” he thought. “We understand you are confused. See, after I have returned to Equestria I’ve been trying to stop the unlawful actions that have been going on. Unfotunally, parliament, my sister and her solar guard keep preventing me from doing so.” Princess Luna said. “Princess Celestia has been a part of this oppression for how long and for what reasons was she doing this.” he thought. “We can now discuss the oppression of Ponyville’s citizen and the abuse of power and bring it to the Lunar Criminal Justice Court.” Princess Luna stated. “Yes Princess Luna there have been quite a deal of abuse of power and oppression that has been going on in Ponyville for far too long. Thank you for your service to us.” Mayor Golden Quill said in appreciation to the honest work of the lunar princess. “You are most welcome and you are correct such absurd behavior can no longer be allowed in Equestria.” Princess Luna said. “Alright then Ponyville thanks you for your help but I must be on my way know.” Mayor Golden Quill said. The mayor is over joyed thanks to the lunar Princesses' help he may know improve on things for his citizens. He smiled knowing that their hard times may soon come to an end. > Ch 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The date is January 30 2005. The mayor of Ponyville brought up this case of oppression and abuse of power to the Lunar Criminal Justice they ruled in favor of Ponyville. They ruled that the solar guard and parliament were abusing their power within the town's limits.  The solar guard has been replaced by the lunar guard in Ponyville because the solar guard has been abusing their power and mistreating citizens for things like their species or nationality. The solar guards responsible for unlawful arrests, citizens being denied trial, keeping them imprisoned, as well as assaulting or killing civilians have been properly punished. Parliament is no longer allowed to deny citizens federal services, or rights based on things like species or nationality. They are also no longer allowed to give people additional taxes over things such as their species or nationality. The time is right now at 5PM. It is nighttime. Princess Luna is in her royal chambers and she is about to head to the throne room when her sister walks in. Celestia’s eyes were narrowed. “Luna, we need to discuss your actions in the town of Ponyville.” Princess Celestia said in an upset tone. “Sister, what I did was for the good of Equestria.” Princess Luna said firmly. “You had my guards removed from the town and many were unjustly punished.” Princess Celestia spoke in a clearly upset tone. “Sister, your guards were mistreating civilians for their species. They had to face some form of punishment for that.” Princess Luna said. “Our ponies have to come first.” Celestia said bluntly. “No sister, our citizens come first that includes non ponies.” Princess Luna said. “That is not the Equestrian way.” Princess Celestia said. “Equestria has changed. We don't live in a pony first nation anymore.” Princess Luna stated. “It should be that way.” Princess Celestia said. “Sister, why must you act this way? As princesses of Equestria it is our duty to take care of our citizens.” Princess Luna said. “Our pony citizens, those creatures are a threat to our species and must be kept in line.” Princess Celestia said. “Sister this is not what a princess of Equestria is meant to do.” Princess Luna said. “No, a princess of Equestria is meant to protect the ponies this land was founded on. You need to stop this foolishness at once sister “No, a princess of Equestria is meant to protect the ponies. This land was founded by ponies. You need to stop this foolishness at once sister.” Princess Celestia said. “No you are the one who has to stop. It is selfish to discriminate against our citizens over such pointless things and it is not even legal to discriminate against them for such reasons. You are going outside your power as a princess.” Princess Luna said. Celestia then gave Luna a stern expression she then trotted out of the room Princess Luna could tell her sister was off. > Ch 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Luna woke up with a groan darkness surrounded her, but it was too dark to be her bed chambers. She felt a hard rock cement floor ad moved only to hear the sound of chains rattling. She then felt a chain on her neck and realized she was in the Canterlot Castle dungeons. She then remembered her conversation with her older sister. Luna’s eyes narrowed; she felt a sense of rage as she then realized what happened. Her sister has been acting like such a selfish brat when Luna stopped the oppression and abuse of power that has been occurring in Ponyville her sister chooses to imprison her because she doesn’t choose to not put her beliefs over what is best for their citizens.  Princess Luna tried to use her magic but only a light flickering ora formed and then it stopped. Her sister put a powerful spell to suppress her magic. Princess Luna then tried to pull on the chain. She is an alicorn after all and is very strong. She managed to get the chain off and got out of the cell. It was very dark down there. Luna then felt around the walls and realized she was at the very bottom of the dungeon. It would take a while to get back. It is very dark and easy to get lost. She began to trot to her luck there weren’t many guards this far down in the dungeons most of the criminals are locked up high in the dungeons. Princess Luna then trotted down the dark dungeons, her hoof steps echoing along the walls. It is very dark down here, but Luna is the princess of the night. Luna trotted down twists and turns until she found a staircase. Luna could feel her surroundings from the feeling of the wall. It was about 1,000 years old she could tell she was still in the lower section of the dungeon.  “I will not be confined again.” Luna thought as she moved forward. As Princess Luna moved forward, she felt a surge of energy run through her horn. She then tested a theory that there was a rock on the ground a blue ora covered her horn as she managed to alleviate the rock in the air confirming her suspicion. She then set the rock down.  “This is good my magic is returning but will it be enough?” Luna thought. Princess Luna then saw another set of stairs she walked over to them and began to trot up them until she reached the  top. Princess Luna then trotted on for many hours through various twists and turns, she could handle anything the dungeons threw at her. Princess Luna then noticed the dungeon walls appeared to be less old, about 900 years old. “Good this means I’m getting close.” Luna thought. As Luna walked, she could start to hear people talking in the distance, but she was too far away to understand what they were saying. “We need to keep the lunar princess locked away. She's going to put our ponies in danger.” a female voice said. Princess Luna then narrowed her eyes. These ponies can’t just treat citizens as second class for not being ponies.  “The ponies come first. What she was going to do would put ponies in danger that could not have been allowed.” a male voice said. “Now we have to keep her locked up. If the public found out what Princess Celestia did all of us would surely be punished.” the female guard spoke. Luna does not wish to get caught. She then felt a strong energy around her horn she would need the magic boost for when the guards spot her. Princess Luna walked slowly and quietly as she walked, she could see a light in the distance and saw two members of the solar guard commencing among each other. As Luna got closer the solar guards became alert.  “Who's there?” the female asked. They then got a lantern out and their eyes went wide as they recognized the lunar princess. Princess Luna then began to prepare a teleportation spell. The soldiers tried to shoot at her but she was too fast for them with a poof she was gone. Luna felt pain all over her body she screamed there was blood and bruises all over her body she looked at saw she was in the castle outside of the dungeon she had escaped. Ponies rushed over “We must heal the princess,” a male voice said. Princess Luna then smiled. She escaped and justice could be done. > Ch 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The date is February 3, 2005. It was discovered that Princess Celestia along with some of the royal guard and some of parliament including the chair lady had Princess Luna imprisoned in the dungeons. This was because Princess Luna did things they did not approve of such as stopping forms of bias discrimination. Princess Celestia along with the solar guards and members of parliament responsible are to be put on trial for falsely imprisoning a fellow royal and for abuse of their power. The members of the Luna Guard are approaching Princess Celestia’s bed chambers in order to arrest her for her crimes.  There are members of the solar guard who are standing in the way of of the lunar guard and the solar princesses's bed chambers  “Leave you will not harm the princess.” a male member of the solar guard spoke. “Princess Celestia committing treason she imprisoned her sister she is not getting away with this.” a male member of the lunar guard said. “The lunar princess is the one who committed treason; she was willing to put ponies' lives in danger.” the same member of the solar guard said. “That is not how Equestria works we do not discriminate over such petty matters anymore know let us take in Celestia for her crimes unless you wish us to use more force over such insubordination.” the lunar guard member spoke. “We will never betray our ponies or our princess.” the solar guard member said. “So be it.” the lunar guard member said. They then knocked them out and entered her room and put her in hoof cuffs she will noy get away with her crimes and they will see to it. > Ch 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The date is February 6 2005. Today is the day of Princess Celestia’s trial. She is being put on by the Lunar criminal justice court. The solar criminal justice court wanted to take over but it was refused because it was clear to everyone that even if there was a punishment given it would be too lenient. There are many different types of species that have chosen to witness the trial of Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia was brought into the courtroom. There are hoof cuffs on her, her wings are bound, and there is a magic restriction ring on her. The judge of this trial is a unicorn stallion with a golden mane and tail, golden eyes, and a golden heart with a mallet for a cutie mark his name is Golden Heart. “Princess Celestia, you have been accused of abuse of power, unlawful discrimination, and treason.” Judge Golden Heart recounted. The trial lasted for many hours. There was a lot of evidence against the solar Princess witnesses, videos, memories of the lunar princess, and documents.  Many people told of the amount of abuse of power that Celestia did she would fire people who did things she didn’t agree with  While she couldn’t be convicted on the charge of discriminating against people because of the fact that parliament technically still had the right to enforce such policies until recently. She could still, however, be charged with the fact that she allowed the firing of members of parliament simply for those terminated individuals trying to implement policies she did not agree with. The charge of the issue of the solar guard was still valid because of the fact that no guard in Equestria had the right to persecute or assault people on the basis of their species or nationality. With treason she had her younger sister Princess Luna falsely imprisoned in the dungeons and even instructed her guards to use force if necessary to keep her imprisoned. “Celestia you have been found guilty of abuse of power and treason you are hereby stripped of your title as Princess of Equestria and are sentenced to ten years in the dungeons. Afterwards, you are still permitted to stay in the castle on the basis that after your sentence you will be needed to raise the sun.” The judge then brought the hammer down.  Princess Celestia got what she deserved: this is a new age discrimination and abuse of power can no longer be allowed to continue. With the removal of Princess Celestia and the members of parliament who added her in her discriminatory practices there is a new age for Equesteria of Equality and fairer practices amongst the government.    > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The date is March 30 2005. The lunar princess is know the sole princess of Equestria. She is making sure that Equestria is going to get better and that it is a better place for its citizens.  Princess Luna is going to reform things like parliament, the solar guard, and the solar criminal justice court. The country needs to change and Princess Luna vows to be the pony to do just that. At the moment it is the election cycle and the princess is planning on ensuring that non bias people who show care towards all citizens are put into parliament by advocating them The lunar princess is also planning on instating a code of ethics in the solar guard for non ponies so that the guard will be trained to protect all people of Equestria rather than discriminating against them. She is also planning on hiring more non ponies to the solar guard so that there is instialled a sense of brotherhood towards non ponies within the solar guard. It will also ensure that the guard is allowed to become more diverse and open rather than closed off like in the old days.  She is also planning on instilling a code of ethics for the solar criminal justice court along with federal courts so that they no longer can deny claims of abuse from non ponies or other reasons for things outside of their control.  In the near future Equesteria will become a land that is just for all and Princess Luna will be the leader of this new Equestria. She smiles to herself knowing the good she will bring to her land.