• Published 23rd Jul 2023
  • 283 Views, 2 Comments

A New Pet Cat Named Neferpitou - Anime0CC0Manga

A Lord Of Chaos Gets A New Royal Guard To Serve Him

  • ...

Small Dinner Chit Chat


"~I'm not a fan of puppeteers, but I've a nagging fear~"

In the center of the chaotic capital of Equestria, Discord, floating on his throne, and Neferpitou, using Terpsichora to float beside her, were just calmly flying through the world of insanity, with no real direction, just simply enjoying themselves by sightseeing. As they were exploring, they had a pony named Living Tombstone sing them a very fantastic song, which was all about the Lord of Chaos himself.

"~Someone else is pulling at the strings~"

As the Living Tombstone continued to sing, Discord, and sometimes Neferpitou, would play along and do whatever the lyrics said, like controlling any nearby ponies and other creatures like puppets

"~Something terrible is going down through the entire town~"

Discord would cause all fruit to grow huge and houses to expand, while Neferpitou used Clownesque Puppeteer to control them to terrorize an entire town of innocent ponies.

~Wreaking anarchy, and all it brings~"

Also, each new piece of land, or town and city they had yet to visit, would be instantly turned into a place of pure anarchy, with just their presence alone.

"~I can't sit idly, no, I can't move at all~"

Discord and Neferpitou passed by a traffic light, which was not only stuck on red, but also seemed to freeze time in the entire area, making everyone in it unaware of their surroundings.

"~I curse the name, the one behind it aaaaaallllll~"

The Living Tombstone was about to sing the next verse of the song with absolute talent, which made Discord excited to hear what the next pair of lyrics would be and prepared himself for anything that would come next


However, before the Living Tombstone could sing anything else, and before Discord could do anything else, it was all interrupted by the sound of a very loud growling stomach, which made the two look towards where the sound came from, which was none other than Neferpitou, who looked beyond embarrassed, hiding her face away in blushing shame and shyness for interrupting her Lord and his singing entertainment.



There was a moment of silence, with Discord simply staring at the clearly hungry Neferpitou, which only made her feel even more awkward about the situation she had just put herself in.

"... When was the last time you ate?..."

Discord tilted his head in curiosity as he asked Pitou this question, all the while snapping his fingers and letting Living Tombstone get sucked away by a black hole and disappear.

"Um... How long since I was born, Sire?..."

Neferpitou nervously and quietly answered, still refusing to look at her Lord, who just shook his head in response


After a moment of thought, Discord simply snapped his fingers, and his Royal Guard was no longer floating in midair, thanks to Terpsichore; it was now seated at a fancy dining table, with the only oddity being the world being turned upside down above her, which caused her to be surprised by being seated at a table rather than the world being turned upside down.

"Now let, today we have the specials, which has extra onions on it, of course if you desire something more light, I would probably recommend the black and white salad with gray fizzy water, but seeing as you're a carnivore, I might recommend the green eggs and ham, I heard it goes well in a house with a mouse, ALSO-"

"U-Um, Sire?..."

Discord, who was dressed as a fancy waiter, was about to list out whatever was on the menu, while having the food and drinks floating around to show everyone what they looked like, but was quickly cut off when Neferpitou started to speak up

"You don't need to feed me Sire, I am nothing but your loyal lowly servant, my well-being and needs is unimportant-"

Neferpitou was quickly cut off by the Spirit of Disharmony who gently bonked her on the nose with a rolled up menu paper he was holding.

"Now you shush with that."

Discord rolled his eyes and glowered at the chimera neko, making her tense up, thinking she had said something wrong and was about to apologize for it.

"Usually yes, others' well-being and needs would be the least of my concerns, in fact, I always make sure to always take everything they have that makes them happy and comfortable."

Discord sighed and made all the floating foods and drinks land on the table in front of his Royal Guards, which were the green eggs and ham, black and white salad, and the gray fizzle water, while shedding his waiter skin, crumbling it up, and tossing it away.

"But unlike those people, I actually like having you around, been having a blast when you're with me."

Discord then walked on air and headed towards his upside down chair, taking a seat and summoning a pancake in front of him with a large stack of glass plates on top of it.

"Now, if you don't mind, I'd rather keep you around instead of having you die from starvation, so please eat."

Without saying anything more, Discord started cutting into and eating the stack of plates, as if they were pancakes. Pitou was left silent and blushing again, though for a different reason this time. However, she refused to be rude and quietly cut into her food, holding a forkful of food to her mouth and hesitantly taking a bite from it.


With just a single bite, a embarrassed Neferpitou was replaced with someone who absolutely loved the food she was eating, for the first time mind you; her Kitty ears perked up and cat tail wagged with immense joy she was feeling, the flavor alone was enough to make her smile very brightly, and so, without a second thought, she quickly started scarfing down all of her food that was in front of her, eating like a true animal that she was.

"Are you sure you're not part dog?~"

The only reason the Royal Guard would even pause in her actions, would be because of Discord, who was looking at her with an amused expression, which made her go back to looking shy and embarrassed.

"S-urp-Sorry Sire for such an unsightly sight..."

Neferpitou avoided eye contact and quickly grabbed a napkin to clean her face with; the Draconequus could only laugh in response.

"Please, I'm much more worse when it comes to table manners~"

As if to prove a point, Discord cut a slice from his stack of plates, and then shoved the rest of the uncut stack into his mouth, chewing loudly and leaving broken glass crumbs everywhere, before swallowing it all at once, then letting out a very large burp that shook the entire upside-down world above them.

"See, I told you so~"

Discord wiped his dirty face clean with his lion arm, before removing his now dirty limb and regrew a new, cleaner one; his silly and weird nature actually made Pitou feel better, even causing her to lightly giggle at what she saw.

"Well, serving the Lord of Chaos and Spirit of Disharmony, I expect nothing less from you~"

Once Neferpitou felt comfortable and relaxed again, she continued to eat and finish up her meal that was still leftover, though she did so much slower this time, deciding to savor each bite she took instead of shoving it all in one go.

"Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you about that."

Discord shoved all his own food and drinks aside, letting them all drop down to the sky below, and leaned forward to look at his Royal Guard with a somewhat serious expression, for once.

"Why are you serving me? Not to say I don't appreciate having a pet cat by my side, but from all the fun time we've been together, I don't mind promoting our relationship from 'Master and Servant' into 'Partners in Crime', of course I will still be in charge and better than you, but I would allow you to do your own thing without you asking me to do?"

Discord pulled up a bunch of pictures, artwork, and statues of both himself and the chimera neko, working together as partners, either lord and servant or master and pet, for most, such a depiction of a relationship would be taken as anything other than beneficial to both parties involved.

"I... I would rather stay as your loyal Royal Guard, if you don't mind Sire..."

Though Neferpitou, the mere idea of becoming something more than that, made her uncomfortable and instantly rejected that idea of them being anything more than what they were now.

"But why? What do you even gain from doing this? For crying out loud you were born a year ago last week!"

Discord couldn't help but feel confused, and even slightly offended, when he offered partnership and his offer was rejected; it oddly made his heart ache, which he tried to ignore and glare annoyingly at Pitou.

"Because I was born to serve the King."

Neferpitou said it without hesitation or doubt, which made the Draconequus now realize just how serious she was about wanting to become what she wanted to be

"And if I longer have a King to serve, then I will be nothing but a useless failure that shouldn't exist anymore..."

Neferpitou couldn't help but look down at herself, tears threatening to escape and her fists clenched in anger at the mere thought of being discarded and left with no purpose.

"So please Sire, let's keep things as they are meow... please?"

Neferpitou looked up at her Lord with a somewhat sad and pleading face, which made him sigh and lean back in his upside-down chair in defeat.

"As you wish, not like I care..."

Discord couldn't help but feel disappointed and put in a bad mood after their recent conversation, which his Royal Guard noticed.

"... However, if you so desire, I can leave you be, if you truly don't want me around."

This startled the Lord of Chaos when Neferpitou suddenly said this to him.

"H-Huh, what?"

Discord was clearly not expecting her to say that to him, nor did he have any idea as to why she would even say this in the first place.

"Even if I value our current relationship, I value your happiness and comfort more than all else, so, if it makes you more happier to see me gone, or even dead, then I will you alone again without hesitation, I will understand-"

No longer wanting to hear Neferpitou being all depressing and sad, the Spirit of Disharmony slammed both his hands down with enough force to push the sky beneath them and cause the planet above them to be forced back into place.


Neferpitou couldn't help but feel nervous, and even a bit scared, as the Draconequus was suddenly up at her face, glaring very harshly at her, so much so that his red pupils glowing intensely filled her with unease.

"... TAG YOU'RE IT!"

Instead of something that might match Discord's intense gaze, he instead simply poked her nose with a book, before turning himself into a mouse and starting to run away from her with a small squeaky laugh. This absolutely threw off the Chimera Neko; she didn't know what to say or do for a moment, but once she gathered her thoughts and realized what just happened, she quickly donned a predatory smile and summoned Terpsichora again.

"Cheap Trick Sire!~"

And with that, Neferpitou and Discord, after having a fulfilling meal, went back to having fun and playing with each other again, as if seemingly forgetting what they had been just talking about... Well, one of them seemed to forget and moved on, but the other...

'Why am I keeping her around?...'
Shaiapouf, the butterfly guy, will be a villain, so he will obviously be with one of the villains as a servant, or probably be a solo villain that wants to find his real King again, but as for Menthuthuyoupi, the red guy, I'm thinking he would serve Fluttershy, because he is technically a animal, I think it sounds fitting, he might even be there during Keep Calm, Flutter On, but I'm open to second opinions~

(BTW the new character I was talking about will appear in the Threes A Crowd episode, unless you think the character should be born at a different time?)