A New Pet Cat Named Neferpitou

by Anime0CC0Manga

First published

A Lord Of Chaos Gets A New Royal Guard To Serve Him

A Hunter X Hunter and MLP crossover, with this story about Discord and Neferpitou, let see how the Chimera Neko and a Spirit Of Disharmony would get along with each other
(I Own Nothing)

How They Met

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"I win, I win, Hahahahah!~"

At the center of all things chaos, the Lord of Chaos and Spirit of Disharmony himself, known as Discord, could be seen in the middle of slipping and sliding happily through the dirt floor, which was turned into water and soap, he laughs and dances in celebration of his victory

"With them unable to use their Elements of Harmony, I'm finally free to do whatever I want, Hehe!~"

Though as Discord continues to slide and dance around, randomly snapping his fingers and turning everyone and everything into his own version of chaos, he suddenly stopped himself like a car when he heard the sound of a heart, not to mention a power he was completely unfamiliar with


Discord looks towards the direction of the sound and power, which lead to a cave he was about to pass by and most likely carelessly turned into something that made no sense to anyone, but he couldn't help but rub his white beard in curiosity, no doubt wanting to know what he just heard and felt

"Nothing wrong with a little exploring~"

Discord was suddenly in a Indiana Jones costume, whip and hat and all, once prepared and excited, he wasted no time entering the cave, very interested in what he will find

"My my, it sure is dark."

Discord pulls out his blue horn and it suddenly turns into a bright fire torch, which instantly lights up the entire dark cave, allowing the Draconequus to see much more clearly

"Much better~"

Though once Discord had light, he was instantly met with a green organic sack that just simply hanged on the ceiling of the cave, which made him make a face of pure disgust almost immediately

"Ugh, I'm gonna be sick…"

Discord then opens up his mouth and vomited out rainbows, which tiny leprechauns ponies spawned from at the end of the rainbow, running away while carrying a pot of gold with them, he wiped his face cleaned after he finished and just looked at the green gross sack with a raised eyebrow

"Gross yes, but this is definitely the one with the strange power, not to mention also alive apparently."

Discord rubbed his beard curiously as he took a closer look at what he was seeing right in front of himself

"Strange to see something so strong despite having no magic, I mean it's not unheard of, but I can't think of anyone as seemingly powerful as this thing right here."

Discord then glanced up at the ceiling of the cave, noticing two other green sacks were also hanging from there, though it looked popped and empty compared to the one he was in front of now

"And it seems that there might be more than one, hm."

However, before Discord could think of the possibility of more powers like what he was already sensing, the same said power started to pulsate, as a heart beats again, which made him look back at the big green sack that wasn't empty, though judging from it shaking and jiggling, it was probably gonna be, which made him smirk to see

"Heh, well, I guess I don't mind a little fun, especially after taking down the six puny ponies so easily~"

Discord slammed his lion and eagle fist together, which was suddenly covered in boxing gloves, which seemed fitting for his whole 'Fighter Clothing' he was currently wearing

"Come on, show me, a Lord of Chaos and Spirit of Disharmony, what you got, your power against mine~"

When the very over confident and ready to throw down Discord said this, the green sack finally popped open and something fell onto the floor, or to be more accurate, 'Someone', and from what the Spirit of Disharmony could see, this certain someone had landed on their insect like knees, which gave him a good view and see that this person had clothes on, despite being born just right now, wearing blue button up sweater, orange stripe shorts and socks, plus simple shoes, not only that, but he also noticed that this person was part cat, judging by their cat ears and tail, though what really stood out to him, which made come here in the first place, was her power, yes he was able to tell that this person was female, and her power was much more potent and all over the place, which was even enough to make him flinch when she suddenly turn her head and glance at him, though despite seeing more than expected, he still wore his arrogant and smiling expression

"You know why I'm here, so give it to me!~"

Discord bounce on his feet, while punching the air in front him, no doubt very ready and excited to get started, however, instead of facing someone who wanted to do battle with him, the cat girl instead just faced the Lord of Chaos fully, before completely bowing and prostrate herself to him, much to his surprise

"I am known as Neferpitou, and starting today, I shall become your most loyal Royalguard and servant, so please, my King, let me serve you and fulfill any wishes you have, use me as any way you see fit."

This kitty cat, also known as Neferpitou, spoke with absolute submission and loyalty towards Discord, much to his wide eye shock, as he was not at all expecting to hear or see what he did today, not one single bit

"... Well… I guess I always saw myself as more of a cat person than a dog person, huh…"
Takes place after he defeated Twilight and made all of her friends turn into big jerks.
(Yes, Menthuthuyoupi and Shaiapouf do exist, I'm not sure about Meruem though, your thoughts on that?)

Two Puppeteer

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"Come On! Run Faster!"

"Oh Celestia I Can Hear Them Getting Closer!"

"I Hate This! I Hate This Very Much!"

Three ponies - one an Earth pony, a Unicorn, and a Pegasus - were currently in the middle of running, well one of them was flying, through a forest filled with trees that just had faces and were laughing at their feeble attempts of running away.

"Why Do They Have To Be Alive?!"

However, before they could continue to try and run away from the Chaos, the three were immediately stopped when a certain chimera neko landed before them, looking at them with her bright red eyes, which expressed something that made the ponies feel very fearful.

"My Lord desires entertainment."

Neferpitou then stood up and looked at them fully with a calm smile on her face, all the while emanating an aura that only increased their fear towards her

"You three horses look fun enough for my Sire to play with."

Neferpitou then stepped forward, causing the unicorn to yell and use its horn to charge up a magical spell before shooting it at her, resulting in a large explosion and a massive cloud of smoke. This caused the three ponies to smile and feel more hopeful about their chances of survival.

"Hm, not as powerful as my Lord's magic."

Their hopes turned into absolute despair and horror when they saw the smoke clear away and revealed a unharmed and unphased Neferpitou, making the unicorn notice that they were unable to even leave a scratch on Pitou, who just looked at them with an amused smile.

"Then again, I wasn't expecting much~..."

Soon, Neferpitou had managed to catch them all, holding the unicorn and pegasus under her arms, while using her tail to carry the earth pony, and once they were all in her possession, she started to take them all back to her Lord of Chaos himself, who was currently sitting on his throne and eating a cotton candy from the cloud next to him.

"I have brought some of the remaining natives to entertain you, just as you asked for, Sire."

Neferpitou had dropped the three ponies in front of the Spirit of Disharmony, before she herself bowed down before him as a sign of respect and loyalty


Discord shoved the entire cotton candy down his throat and swallowed it whole, licking his lips clean before looking at everyone with a mischievous and evil smile.

"Hehe, now make them do something that would be entertaining~"

Discord lay his chin on his lion fist and watched with extreme interest and amusement, as the insect kitten looked up at him with a tilted curious expression.

"How should I make them do so, Sire?"

Neferpitou was a bit confused as to how to do what her sire was asking of her.

"I'll leave that up to your creativity~"

All Discord had said to her, to which she simply nodded and accepted his orders without asking any more questions. She then stood back up to her feet and turned her full attention back to the shivering and fearful ponies.

'My own creativity? Hm...'

Neferpitou tapped her chin and began thinking on how to fulfill her sire's desires with utmost effectiveness and efficiency, though as she was trying to come up with something, that didn't involve mindlessly killing them or anything similarly bloody and brutal, her attention was quickly caught by a certain pile of apples, which made her glance at it and notice them in the middle of torturing another pony in the distance with the past, present and future, though she could care less about that, as she was more focused on something above the apples, which was strings attached to a cross brace, as they were responsible in controlling the apples like puppets.

"Meow that's an idea~"

Neferpitou wore a very interested smile, she then glanced back at the three ponies, her tail wagging in excitement and joy, which did not comfort or help them feel any less anxious; she then sat criss-cross in front of Earth Pony, Unicorn, and Pegasus, and started to concentrate on her own powers, which made the Draconequus look at her with curiosity and fascination as to what she was doing.

"Clownesque Puppeteer, please give my Lord a good show."

As soon as Neferpitou said this, all three of the ponies started to stand back up on their hooves and start moving around, seemingly on their own and unwillingly, judging by their expressions.

"W-Whats Going On?!"

The earth pony was wildly jumping and kicking without any rhyme or reason, even hitting the pegasi in midair and the unicorn into a nearby tree.

"I-I Can't Control My Magic!"

As for the unicorns, they were just shooting magical blasts randomly; not only that, but each spell had a different effect, ranging from being a basic energy attack or something more mystical like turning a bird into an orange.

"Wings! Stop Flapping Wings! STOPPED!"

And lastly, the pegasi, as soon as they were kicked into the air by the earth ponies, they wasted no time in spreading their wings and began flying around aimlessly, without any particular destination in mind, not caring if they flew into clouds, trees, houses, or even other ponies; there was no stopping any of them.


As the three ponies struggled to figure out what was happening to them, Discord couldn't help but chuckle and wear a very knowing smirk, snapping his fingers and summoning a pair of 3D red-blue glasses. When he put these on, he was able to see that all three of these ponies were being controlled by some kind of ghostlike puppeteers, which only fueled his fascination and interest.

"Is this creative and entertaining enough for you Sire?"

The Lord of Chaos looked away from the ponies and puppets and glanced down at Neferpitou, who looked up at him with a hopeful expression of pleasing her Sire.

"As a fellow puppeteer, I am most impressed, in fact~"

Darkness then rose from his throne, as he then summoned three cross braces, one in each hand and the third held by his tail.

"Care for a puppet fight?~"

Each cross brace was attached and controlled its own set of ponies; Discord smiled excitedly as he made his new puppets get into a dramatic fighting stance. Unwillingly, which made Pitou smile in return as she made her own puppeteer do the same.

"Hehe, of course my Lord~"

And with that, both Neferpitou and her Lord got into a very over-the-top and unnecessary pony puppet battle with one another, which only got crazier and more chaotic as it went on, turning what should have been a simple battle into a full-on war.

"You're the most fun person I played with in eons, more so than those princesses and her lackeys~"

And throughout it all, both Discord and his personal Royal Guard were having so much fun, both laughing and smiling from what they were doing and how much destruction they had brought with them.

"I am unworthy of those words~"

Neferpitou smiled warmly and wagged her kitty tail cheerfully, which in turn made Discord smile back at her, not his usual smug or mocking smirk, but just a simple and happy smile.

'Who knew that having someone with you, to share quality time and play with one another, would bring me such unbelievable joy in my heart!~'
Oh no, is Discord experiencing what it is to have a 'Friend', hehe~

(Do you think Discord would be ok with Neferpitou killing or would he hate it?)

/Neferpitou Abilities\

Doctor Blythe: A creepy female puppet that comes from Neferpitou, it can heal anyone no matter how badly damaged they are, though depending how bad it is will take longer to fix, also it can not cure someone from radiation poisoning or magical curses.

Clownesque Puppeteer: Can take control of any person she wants, though needs to either weaken or kill them first before taking control.

Terpsichora: If she needs to get serious in a fight, she'll summon her own puppeteer to both control her and increase her fighting abilities and power.

Nen Aura: Not only does it give her superpowers, but her Aura alone can sense anyone miles away and make any weak willed individual lose their mind, not only that, but it also serves as a good defense against magic, not exactly immunity, but very resistance.

Super Everything: Even without Nen, she's already above superhuman, has super senses, speed, agility, physically strength, intelligent, etc.

Touch And Go

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"Tag Sire?"

Neferpitou tilted her head and looked up at Discord in confusion, who was currently stretching out his body, in a very over-exaggerated manner, like rubber, and seemed to be preparing himself for something that might require movement and physical abilities.

"Yup, we're playing Tag, which is a game that involves the tagger chasing the person that needs to be tagged, hm, maybe 'Cat and Mouse' would be more accurate and easier to explain in your situation?~"

Discord reached behind Pitou's kitty ears and pulled out a mouse, which looked just like him, but dressed in a mouse costume. He looked at her with a teasing smile while nibbling on some cheese.

"I believe I understand the rules of the games, but I'm still confused as to why you would ask your lowly servant to do such a thing?"

Neferpitou was a bit conflicted; while she was willing to play and entertain with her Lord of Chaos, like they had done with the pony puppets last week, she still felt hesitant about the idea of attacking him in any way, even if it was just a simple chase and touch game.

"I must confess, even though I'm not someone who takes pleasure in fighting, I will admit that being challenged and pushing myself is thrilling itself~"

Discord then floated behind her, grabbing and rubbing her shoulders, leaning close to her ear and whispering into it.

"A feeling you, no doubt, want to experience~"

Discord wore a knowing smirk, even letting out a joking chuckle when he saw the chimera neko look away shyly and gently blush in light embarrassment.

"W-Well, um..."

Neferpitou didn't know whether she should deny or accept what she was feeling, which only made her Sire laugh and then disappear completely, which startled her, even though she couldn't see where he had gone, she could still hear his voice.

"Maybe some motivation will help you feel more willing to play along?~"

Discord's voice continued to be heard by the Royal Guard, who were still trying to locate him.

"How about this, if you managed to touch me, even if it's just your fingertips or whiskers, not only will you win~"

A present box had fallen and landed in the arms of Pitou, who couldn't help but look at it in confusion, but was still listening to the voice of Discord.

"But you also get to ask anything you want, whatever your little bug cat heart desires~"

Hearing that definitely perked up the cat ears of the Royal Guard, which Discord noticed and chuckled at.

"So, ready to play?~"

Discord opened the lid of the gift box and looked at the Chimera Neko with eager anticipation; to which she simply stared back at him.


No matter how much Neferpitou wanted to deny it, she just couldn't shake the feeling of excitement and readiness that filled her heart and body; even her kitty tail wagged wildly with those same feelings.

"Then Let The Games Begin!~"

Discord then disappeared back into the box after making his declaration of the start of the game, which Pitou quickly opened and looked inside the present, only to see a silly drawing of her sire that teasingly made fun of her.

'Heh, of course it wouldn't be that easy.'

Neferpitou closed the present box back up and carefully set it down on the ground, though when she did, her kitty ears perked up again and looked around with predatory wide eyes.


In an instant, Neferpitou suddenly jumped in the direction she was looking at, with enough speed and force to break the sound barrier, even knocking down any chaotic beings or objects nearby; all so that she could head towards and reach out to the Draconequus, who leaned against a tree and watched her approach with an amused expression.


However, despite only being inches away from Discord, he managed to avoid her by simply splitting apart and letting her pass through without touching him; after missing, the Royal Guard forced herself to land and stop herself, quickly turning around to look at her Lord of Chaos, but only saw nothing but an empty space. However, she wasn't really surprised by that, in fact, she expected that he would move away like this, and with that in mind, she wasted no time searching for him again before jumping towards where he was at next.

"Try Again!~"

But Discord once again simply avoided the Chimera Neko and disappeared again.

"Missed Me!~"

And again

"To Slow!~"

And again

"Not Even Close!~"

And again

"Are You Even Trying?~"

And again, no matter what Pitou did, no matter how fast she was, or what tactics and tricks she used, even when using her Clownesque Puppeteer, she could not even touch Discord, who continued to avoid her and disappear again, no matter how close she got, all while doing it with a teasing laugh and smile that never left his face.

'I can see him when he appears.'

Neferpitou didn't give up, however; each time she jumped, and each time her sire avoided her, she took these opportunities to learn and improve.

'I can anticipate where he'll show up next.'

Each mistake that Neferpitou makes, she will have to deal with the consequences and learn from them.

'I can probably even get close enough to almost catch him.'

And each time Neferpitou misses the first time, she will always try again, getting a little bit closer to achieving what she's trying to do.

'But all of it doesn't matter if he can react just as fast, even if I can predict and go towards his next appearance, he'll just disappear before I can even reach him.'

In the grand scheme of things, Neferpitou being a step closer to Discord, was like saying she was able to almost reach infinity; essentially, she was nowhere close at all, and she knew this.

'My Lord is amazing, I expected no less from him~'

And knowing this, Neferpitou couldn't help but see her Lord, her Spirit of Disharmony, the one she saw above all others, including herself, with great admiration and awe, but like she had already thought to herself, it was expected, even if her expectations were surpassed.

'But I need to change my strategy.'

After the last attempt at chasing and failing, Neferpitou landed on the ground again, though this time, instead of jumping, she simply sat criss-cross on the ground and began to concentrate.


As soon as Neferpitou said this, a new puppeteer appeared before her, but seemed much different compared to her Clownesque counterpart, not only in appearance and design, but also in how it worked; rather than controlling others against their will, the Terpsichora instead controlled herself.

'No more predicting, guessing or planning.'

As Neferpitou let Terpsichora take hold of her, she was also letting out a huge amount of Nen aura, known as En, with a range of 2,000 meters. This allowed her to know exactly where everything was and was, from something as simple as a pebble, to something as large as a long-legged, tall bunny, which promptly went insane and passed out after being caught in the aura.

'All I need to do is just move, without thinking about it...'

And after setting everything up, Neferpitou just sat there on the ground, doing nothing but patiently waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting some more, and waiting even more than that


And after waiting, Neferpitou felt just a tickle of a disturbance, and once that feeling was felt, Terpsichora, with a simple twitch and pull of the strings, was able to send the kitty cat towards the direction without hesitation, and basically instantly, even leaving a large crater from how hard and fast she jumped away from the spot she was sitting on.


So fast in fact that Pitou was already in front of Discord when she teleported in; who could only react with a surprised yelp before being pinned down by her.

"Tag, you're it~"

Neferpitou couldn't help but feel beyond ecstatic; her heart was beating fast, her mind racing, and her blood rushing. The feeling of pure pumping adrenaline was so intoxicating that she almost forgot who she was pinning down.

"Ok, ok, you win, you win, but only because I felt like letting you win!~"

The voice of a laughing Discord startled the chimera neko out of her thoughts, and realizing what she was doing, she quickly jumped off of the Lord of Chaos and returned to a respectful kneeling position.

"As you say, Sire."

Neferpitou tried to regain her composure, returning to her proper and servant self, but she could not hide the very embarrassed blush she had on her face, which made her Sire smirk, but he said nothing about it.

"So, what do you want as a prize, you can ask for anything from me, no limits?"

Discord felt entertained enough with his loyal Royal Guard that he decided to honor his end of the deal, all while he knelt back down to pick up the present, that Pitou had carefully placed on the ground, and gave it back to her.

"My wish? My wish..."

Neferpitou grabbed the gift box and examined it with a complex expression, despite being promised such a thing, and knowing she couldn't lie to herself about her interest, when she finally received what she had been given, she found herself feeling pressured, overwhelmed, and like she was doing something she shouldn't as a lowly servant.

"Is for you to be it."

And so, with all that in mind, Neferpitou, instead of choosing something absolutely life and world-changing, all she could ever wish for, was for them to continue playing Tag, but this time, with her being it, which surprised the Draconequus at first, but he soon shook his head and snapped his fingers.

"Heheh, alright then, as you wish~"

Discord, now looking more cat-like, got into a pouncing position and playfully glared at the chimera neko, to which she looked down at herself to see that she was more of a chimera mouse instead

"Catch me if you can Sire!~"

Neferpitou, now back in her playful mood, reactivated her Terpsichore once more and ran off, despite being as small as a mouse, she was still just as fast as ever, which made Discord laugh and start chasing after her like the cat he was, though while literally playing the "Cat and Mouse" game, the spirit of disharmony couldn't help but think to himself.

'This is fun, so much fun, even more funner than creating chao- erm, no, chaos is still better... I think?...'
Oh no, Discord is slowly second guessing himself in what he actually like to do, that doesn't involve causing literal chaos~

(BTW hope you love the Neferpitou and Discord fan art, made by LewiNog)

/Neferpitou New Interesting Ability\

The Teacher: A special puppeteer that doesn't necessarily control people, but instead acts as a guide and helps those learn how to use Nen.

Baker Muppets: A dozen Muppet-like puppets that know how to bake and make treats and sweets.

Alpha Omega: A wooden looking puppet that takes the form of an alpha creature and controls those weaker than itself like a, well, alpha.

Farmer Soldiers: An army of farmer puppets that each have a role in farming, like gardening or fruit picking.

Rainbow Delights: A puppeteer that controls clouds and changes their weather, ranging from rain to snow.

Nittens: A special cat puppet that knows how to make clothes and knit and such.

Chimera Ant Queen: Due to not serving her real king, not to mention being the last remaining female chimera ant in existence, she will go a small genetic biological change and become the new Queen of the Chimera Ants, kind of like how a male clownfish turns into a female after their mate dies, however, due to her being very powerful, not to mention she wasn't born to be Queen despite taking the role, if she wants to make some children, she will need to eat something that either equals or even surpass her own power, someone like Discord or the MLP Princesses for example, normal or weak character will not work, like base form Mane 6.

(OK, this last ability probably doesn't make sense, but I wanna add my own spin and twist on the biology of Neferpitou/Chimera Ants, you know, to keep things interesting and unique... Also there's a character that I want to bring into existence that requires this specific ability, you'll probably see her soon in this story~)

Small Dinner Chit Chat

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"~I'm not a fan of puppeteers, but I've a nagging fear~"

In the center of the chaotic capital of Equestria, Discord, floating on his throne, and Neferpitou, using Terpsichora to float beside her, were just calmly flying through the world of insanity, with no real direction, just simply enjoying themselves by sightseeing. As they were exploring, they had a pony named Living Tombstone sing them a very fantastic song, which was all about the Lord of Chaos himself.

"~Someone else is pulling at the strings~"

As the Living Tombstone continued to sing, Discord, and sometimes Neferpitou, would play along and do whatever the lyrics said, like controlling any nearby ponies and other creatures like puppets

"~Something terrible is going down through the entire town~"

Discord would cause all fruit to grow huge and houses to expand, while Neferpitou used Clownesque Puppeteer to control them to terrorize an entire town of innocent ponies.

~Wreaking anarchy, and all it brings~"

Also, each new piece of land, or town and city they had yet to visit, would be instantly turned into a place of pure anarchy, with just their presence alone.

"~I can't sit idly, no, I can't move at all~"

Discord and Neferpitou passed by a traffic light, which was not only stuck on red, but also seemed to freeze time in the entire area, making everyone in it unaware of their surroundings.

"~I curse the name, the one behind it aaaaaallllll~"

The Living Tombstone was about to sing the next verse of the song with absolute talent, which made Discord excited to hear what the next pair of lyrics would be and prepared himself for anything that would come next


However, before the Living Tombstone could sing anything else, and before Discord could do anything else, it was all interrupted by the sound of a very loud growling stomach, which made the two look towards where the sound came from, which was none other than Neferpitou, who looked beyond embarrassed, hiding her face away in blushing shame and shyness for interrupting her Lord and his singing entertainment.



There was a moment of silence, with Discord simply staring at the clearly hungry Neferpitou, which only made her feel even more awkward about the situation she had just put herself in.

"... When was the last time you ate?..."

Discord tilted his head in curiosity as he asked Pitou this question, all the while snapping his fingers and letting Living Tombstone get sucked away by a black hole and disappear.

"Um... How long since I was born, Sire?..."

Neferpitou nervously and quietly answered, still refusing to look at her Lord, who just shook his head in response


After a moment of thought, Discord simply snapped his fingers, and his Royal Guard was no longer floating in midair, thanks to Terpsichore; it was now seated at a fancy dining table, with the only oddity being the world being turned upside down above her, which caused her to be surprised by being seated at a table rather than the world being turned upside down.

"Now let, today we have the specials, which has extra onions on it, of course if you desire something more light, I would probably recommend the black and white salad with gray fizzy water, but seeing as you're a carnivore, I might recommend the green eggs and ham, I heard it goes well in a house with a mouse, ALSO-"

"U-Um, Sire?..."

Discord, who was dressed as a fancy waiter, was about to list out whatever was on the menu, while having the food and drinks floating around to show everyone what they looked like, but was quickly cut off when Neferpitou started to speak up

"You don't need to feed me Sire, I am nothing but your loyal lowly servant, my well-being and needs is unimportant-"

Neferpitou was quickly cut off by the Spirit of Disharmony who gently bonked her on the nose with a rolled up menu paper he was holding.

"Now you shush with that."

Discord rolled his eyes and glowered at the chimera neko, making her tense up, thinking she had said something wrong and was about to apologize for it.

"Usually yes, others' well-being and needs would be the least of my concerns, in fact, I always make sure to always take everything they have that makes them happy and comfortable."

Discord sighed and made all the floating foods and drinks land on the table in front of his Royal Guards, which were the green eggs and ham, black and white salad, and the gray fizzle water, while shedding his waiter skin, crumbling it up, and tossing it away.

"But unlike those people, I actually like having you around, been having a blast when you're with me."

Discord then walked on air and headed towards his upside down chair, taking a seat and summoning a pancake in front of him with a large stack of glass plates on top of it.

"Now, if you don't mind, I'd rather keep you around instead of having you die from starvation, so please eat."

Without saying anything more, Discord started cutting into and eating the stack of plates, as if they were pancakes. Pitou was left silent and blushing again, though for a different reason this time. However, she refused to be rude and quietly cut into her food, holding a forkful of food to her mouth and hesitantly taking a bite from it.


With just a single bite, a embarrassed Neferpitou was replaced with someone who absolutely loved the food she was eating, for the first time mind you; her Kitty ears perked up and cat tail wagged with immense joy she was feeling, the flavor alone was enough to make her smile very brightly, and so, without a second thought, she quickly started scarfing down all of her food that was in front of her, eating like a true animal that she was.

"Are you sure you're not part dog?~"

The only reason the Royal Guard would even pause in her actions, would be because of Discord, who was looking at her with an amused expression, which made her go back to looking shy and embarrassed.

"S-urp-Sorry Sire for such an unsightly sight..."

Neferpitou avoided eye contact and quickly grabbed a napkin to clean her face with; the Draconequus could only laugh in response.

"Please, I'm much more worse when it comes to table manners~"

As if to prove a point, Discord cut a slice from his stack of plates, and then shoved the rest of the uncut stack into his mouth, chewing loudly and leaving broken glass crumbs everywhere, before swallowing it all at once, then letting out a very large burp that shook the entire upside-down world above them.

"See, I told you so~"

Discord wiped his dirty face clean with his lion arm, before removing his now dirty limb and regrew a new, cleaner one; his silly and weird nature actually made Pitou feel better, even causing her to lightly giggle at what she saw.

"Well, serving the Lord of Chaos and Spirit of Disharmony, I expect nothing less from you~"

Once Neferpitou felt comfortable and relaxed again, she continued to eat and finish up her meal that was still leftover, though she did so much slower this time, deciding to savor each bite she took instead of shoving it all in one go.

"Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you about that."

Discord shoved all his own food and drinks aside, letting them all drop down to the sky below, and leaned forward to look at his Royal Guard with a somewhat serious expression, for once.

"Why are you serving me? Not to say I don't appreciate having a pet cat by my side, but from all the fun time we've been together, I don't mind promoting our relationship from 'Master and Servant' into 'Partners in Crime', of course I will still be in charge and better than you, but I would allow you to do your own thing without you asking me to do?"

Discord pulled up a bunch of pictures, artwork, and statues of both himself and the chimera neko, working together as partners, either lord and servant or master and pet, for most, such a depiction of a relationship would be taken as anything other than beneficial to both parties involved.

"I... I would rather stay as your loyal Royal Guard, if you don't mind Sire..."

Though Neferpitou, the mere idea of becoming something more than that, made her uncomfortable and instantly rejected that idea of them being anything more than what they were now.

"But why? What do you even gain from doing this? For crying out loud you were born a year ago last week!"

Discord couldn't help but feel confused, and even slightly offended, when he offered partnership and his offer was rejected; it oddly made his heart ache, which he tried to ignore and glare annoyingly at Pitou.

"Because I was born to serve the King."

Neferpitou said it without hesitation or doubt, which made the Draconequus now realize just how serious she was about wanting to become what she wanted to be

"And if I longer have a King to serve, then I will be nothing but a useless failure that shouldn't exist anymore..."

Neferpitou couldn't help but look down at herself, tears threatening to escape and her fists clenched in anger at the mere thought of being discarded and left with no purpose.

"So please Sire, let's keep things as they are meow... please?"

Neferpitou looked up at her Lord with a somewhat sad and pleading face, which made him sigh and lean back in his upside-down chair in defeat.

"As you wish, not like I care..."

Discord couldn't help but feel disappointed and put in a bad mood after their recent conversation, which his Royal Guard noticed.

"... However, if you so desire, I can leave you be, if you truly don't want me around."

This startled the Lord of Chaos when Neferpitou suddenly said this to him.

"H-Huh, what?"

Discord was clearly not expecting her to say that to him, nor did he have any idea as to why she would even say this in the first place.

"Even if I value our current relationship, I value your happiness and comfort more than all else, so, if it makes you more happier to see me gone, or even dead, then I will you alone again without hesitation, I will understand-"

No longer wanting to hear Neferpitou being all depressing and sad, the Spirit of Disharmony slammed both his hands down with enough force to push the sky beneath them and cause the planet above them to be forced back into place.


Neferpitou couldn't help but feel nervous, and even a bit scared, as the Draconequus was suddenly up at her face, glaring very harshly at her, so much so that his red pupils glowing intensely filled her with unease.

"... TAG YOU'RE IT!"

Instead of something that might match Discord's intense gaze, he instead simply poked her nose with a book, before turning himself into a mouse and starting to run away from her with a small squeaky laugh. This absolutely threw off the Chimera Neko; she didn't know what to say or do for a moment, but once she gathered her thoughts and realized what just happened, she quickly donned a predatory smile and summoned Terpsichora again.

"Cheap Trick Sire!~"

And with that, Neferpitou and Discord, after having a fulfilling meal, went back to having fun and playing with each other again, as if seemingly forgetting what they had been just talking about... Well, one of them seemed to forget and moved on, but the other...

'Why am I keeping her around?...'
Shaiapouf, the butterfly guy, will be a villain, so he will obviously be with one of the villains as a servant, or probably be a solo villain that wants to find his real King again, but as for Menthuthuyoupi, the red guy, I'm thinking he would serve Fluttershy, because he is technically a animal, I think it sounds fitting, he might even be there during Keep Calm, Flutter On, but I'm open to second opinions~

(BTW the new character I was talking about will appear in the Threes A Crowd episode, unless you think the character should be born at a different time?)

It Does Not Match The Drapes

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'She's just entertainment, nothing more, nothing less...'

Discord, who was once again seated upon his throne, gazed intently at and deep in thought about Neferpitou, who was currently utilizing her Clownesque Puppeteer on several random ponies, much to their screams of terror and reluctant submission.

'It's not like I'm keeping her around because I've grown attached to her or enjoy her company, clearly nothing like that...'

Discord closed his eyes tightly, and clenched onto his throne with both his lion and eagle claws, which made it crack a bit; he was clearly having a mental dilemma, and the screaming ponies weren't helping much.

'She said it herself, she's nothing more than my slave, a simple tool to use, a toy that I can throw away when I'm done with her!'

Discord was getting beyond upset, frustrated, and very conflicted, he couldn't even think straight from all his cluttered and contradictory thoughts he was having, not mention each time he thinks any negative way about Neferpitou made his heart feel heavy and ache, which only fueled his anger

"Someone Please Save Us-"


The ponies were loud, fearful, and begging; their screams were enough to make Discord finally snap, as he yelled loudly enough at Neferpitou that the entire world shook. This caused her to stumble a bit and look at her sire with a startled expression, which only increased the guilt in his heart, which also made him angrier for feeling it.

"Of course, right away, Sire."

Neferpitou politely bows and accepted the order given to her, as she turns around to look and get ready to silence, which made the ponies even more fearful and scared

'She means nothing to me, Neferpitou is nothing to me, and she'll never become something, never, ever, forever and beyond...'

Discord rubbed his temples and tried to focus his thoughts once more; no doubt, all of this internal mental struggle was taking a toll on him. As he was trying to calm both his emotions and increasing headache, he glanced back up and noticed Pitou raising her hand at the screaming ponies.

"Neferpitou, what are you doing-"

And in one swift motion, without giving Discord a chance to question her actions, her Royal Guard managed to cut off all their heads from their bodies in one sweeping motion, which definitely silenced them all, though it did leave a big mess of blood in the process.


Discord was beyond shocked and mortified by what he had just witnessed; in all of his life of causing chaos, this was the first time he had ever experienced someone killing a pony without hesitation. He wasn't prepared for this and clearly didn't know how to handle it.

"They have been silenced, Sire, what would you like me to do with their bodies?"

As Neferpitou looked at her Sire with a blood-covered face, while still maintaining her usual calm smile, as if she hadn't just killed someone, was enough to make the Lord of Chaos himself vomit, for real this time without faking it.

"S-Sire?! Are you-"

Neferpitou immediately worried to see her Sire looking so ill and was about to run up to him to take care of him, but when she saw him running away from her, he immediately jumped up and hid behind his throne.

"Get Away From Me!"

Discord poked his head out from behind the throne and glared harshly at the chimera neko, causing her to pause and stop in her steps, looking confused by his reaction.

"B-But Sire-"

Neferpitou reached out and took a step forward, but all that earned her was the Spirit of Disharmony holding her up in the air with telekinetic magic and throwing her far away from him, causing her to crash hard against a tree with her back.


Discord practically roared at Pitou, causing her to flinch and avoid his angry gaze.

"... As you wish, Sire..."

All Neferpitou could say before slowly standing back up to her feet, grabbed onto her hurt arm with a free hand and just started to leave her Sire alone; she had a slight limp while walking away. The Draconequus just watched her leave him, before turning his attention back at the ponies that were killed. He let out a sigh and snapped his fingers, in an instant, the dead were back to life, heads popping back on as if they were dolls, and once they were alive, they couldn't help but look extremely traumatized and confused from what they experienced.

"Sorry about that, I didn't mean for Neferpitou to kill you."

Discord simply ignored the chaos and sat back on his throne, he snapped his fingers and the revived ponies found themselves wearing vacation clothes and surrounded by their families who had just appeared before them.

"Here, now you and your family will be spared from my chaos, as my way of making up for your deaths, goodbye."

Discord reached into his ear and pulled out a black portal, threw it under the ponies, and let them fall in it, before zipping it up and leaving him alone to think.


Discord wanted to be mad at Neferpitou; he was mad at her, no doubt. Killing was a step too far, even for his own standards, however, when he had a moment to think about it, both in what she did and how he reacted to it, despite being justified, he just couldn't help but feel his heart grow heavier and filled with small amounts of guilt.

"... Was I too harsh with her?..."

The memory of seeing Neferpitou get hurt by him and the look of disappointment on her face, which had been burned into his mind, kept playing over and over again in his head.

"Oh Course I Was! She Just Killed Someone, She Deserved It!"

But Discord was immediately shouted down by another Discord, which had grown out of his neck and was shouting in rage.

"But she was only doing what I ordered her to do...."

The first head of Discord tried to defend Neferpitou from his second head.

"I Did Not Tell Her To Kill!"

The second head of Discord did not take kindly to this and promptly yelled back at the first head.

"Maybe I should apologize for yelling and attacking her like that?..."

The first head Discord continues to act and look more guilty as the memory of what he did to her continues to replay in his brain over and over again.

"She Doesn't Deserve It!"

However, the second head discord completely rejected the idea, as his own mind was replaying the memory of seeing the ponies get killed by Neferpitou, which made him refuse the very idea of being the one to apologize to her.


But the guilty and depressed first head of Discord finally yelled back and wanted so badly to say sorry to Neferpitou.


The angry and frustrated second head continued to reject the idea of forgiving, asking for forgiveness or even seeing Neferpitou ever again.











"Playtime Is Over For You Discord!"

The two heads of Discord stopped their argument when they suddenly heard a familiar voice; both heads turned to look and see six female ponies looking at them with determination and motivation. There was a white unicorn with a diamond-cutie mark and necklace named Rarity, an orange cowgirl earth pony with an apple cutie mark and necklace named Applejack, a yellow shy pegasus with a butterfly cutie mark and necklace named Fluttershy, a pink happy earth pony with a balloon cutie mark and necklace named Pinkie Pie, a blue rainbow hair pegasus with a rainbow bolt cutie mark and necklace named Rainbow Dash, and last but not least, there was a purple unicorn with a star cutie mark and crown named Twilight Sparkle. The Lord of Chaos, who had fused his head back together, just looked at the Mane Six with wide eyes in surprise. There were a lot of things he hadn't expected yesterday, which was today.


Meanwhile, in the middle of the chaotic forest, Neferpitou could be seen sitting on her knees by a small green pond filled with swimming mammals and random fish, all of them drinking the water while on land; the chimera neko simply ignored everything else, focusing instead on using the green water to clean herself off the blood, while also taking the opportunity to inspect her injured arm, which was badly bruised but thankfully not broken.

'What have I done to upset him so much?...'

While Neferpitou was cleaning and checking herself, she couldn't help but wear a very conflicted and saddened face, as she struggled to understand the reason why her sire, Discord, was so upset with her; to her, it just came out of nowhere and made no sense, having fun together one moment and then being thrown away, quite literally she might add, it made her feel quite frustrated if she was being honest, though the more she thought about it, and when she looked at her hands, the upsetting confusion was slowly turning into realization, as if she found out a possible answer to her question.

'Was it because I-?'

But before Neferpitou could finally understand what her troubles were, her cat ears suddenly twitched, and when they did, her whole body tensed up greatly, causing her to turn her head behind herself and wear very wide eyes that were filled with shock and extreme concern. Without a second thought or hesitation, she almost instantly jumped back up to her feet and ran back as fast as she could, so fast in fact that in her perspective, everything seemed to slow down to a snail's pace; not only that, but as she was running, she refused to let anything stop her or get in her way, which included trees - she would just simply smash through each tree she came across, resulting in them exploding into splinters from the impact force alone. She continued to run in a straight line, faster and faster and faster until finally reaching the edge of the forest. Soon enough, she found herself out of the forest she had been in, though once she was out, she couldn't help but wear a very horrified expression, for what she saw was Discord, her Lord whom she had sworn to protect with her life, being about to be hit with some sort of rainbow-colored beam that was shot by the Mane Six. Judging from his panicked face, she knew it was something she couldn't allow to happen to him.


Wasting no more time, Neferpitou bent her legs, which began to bulge and grow considerably, and without a second to lose, she jumped, with enough force to shatter the entire ground and blow away all the trees behind her. This type of power and speed was enough to get close to them; both Discord and the Mane Six only had a moment to notice and see what was going on before the chimera neko pushed herself forward and allowed herself to get hit by the rainbow beam. A flash of bright light blinded everyone, forcing them all to cover and protect their eyes. Luckily, the light only lasted for a minute before it went away, and when it did, everyone looked back and were shocked to see that all that remained were the Royal Guards who managed to protect their lord, but in return were hit by the beam and turned into wooden puppets, which promptly fell to the ground, unmoving, unresponsive, and with no hint of life within them.

I wish to be clear on something, I'm not gonna do every episode in MLP, since the main character is Discord and Neferpitou, maybe Fluttershy as well, so I will only do episode that either has Discord in it, have something Discord and Neferpitou would realistically be in, or just make something up entirely, so yeah, I'm open to suggestions.

(BTW, here's a random unrelated hint, a character with swirly eyes will make an appearance soon)

/Royal Guard Ideas, Morals, And Friends\

Neferpitou: "Chaotic Good", she ain't no saint and being around Discord doesn't really help things, but she is not entirely heartless and could even be understanding sometimes, also speaking of Discord, she will continue to follow him, not only because she confused him as her king, but also because he's a joy to be with, they're gonna be great friends.

Menthuthuyoupi: "True Neutral", he is not good or evil, unlike Pitou more kinder nature or Pouf more cruelty personality, Youpi is just, well, he's just there, he still has desire to serve his true king, however instead of following someone who isn't his true king, or do everything to bring back his king, he will simply just wait, wait and see if his real King will actually arrive or not, because that all he knows, from his point of view, now as for who will be his friend, well, since he is technically more animal than human, I would say either Fluttershy, or maybe even Treehugger or Derpy, for obvious reasons.

Shaiapouf: "Lawful Evil", when I say lawful, I meant that he isn't some kind of villain who'll do evil just for the sake of it, he's more smarter than that, however his main goal is to either do everything that he can to find his real King, or create his own King worthy enough to serve, BTW he won't have, "Friends", per say, but he'll probably show up during, or maybe after Tirek thing, maybe.

(Side notes, unlike Neferpitou, I'm still planning on how to use Menthuthuyoupi and Shaiapouf, so these ideas I just came up with might not be set in stone, but it is something I'm definitely considering, of course like I said before, I'm open go suggestions and ideas~)

Bring Back My Friend

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"Change Back! Please Change Back! JUST CHANGE BACK!"

The Mane Six couldn't help but look very confused and uncomfortable, Discord, the literal Lord of Chaos, and the Spirit of Disharmony responsible for not only turning the whole world into disarray, but also forcing the six mare friends against each other as their opposite selves, the same Draconequus, was in the middle of holding the wooden puppet Neferpitou in his lion arm, while using his eagle hand to snap his fingers, in the hopes of changing Pitou back into her normal self, but no matter how much power he used, or what type of magic spell was cast, the only thing he was able to accomplish was simply changing her color, look and design; seeing his Royal Guard not return to her usual and real chimera neko self was enough to make him let out a few tears, which fell down his cheeks and landed on the puppet's body, which shocked the ponies, who remained silent and just watched the whole thing go down.


Discord, after realizing how futile and pointless his efforts had been, looked up at the Mane Six with a pleading and desperate face; a few of them couldn't help but look back with either a guilty or pity-filled expression.

"O-Oh yeah, what makes you think we'll belie-"

Rainbow Dash, who was the first one to recover from shock and tried to act like her usual tough self, was about to express her doubts and distrust against the Lord of Chaos, but was quickly shut up when he snapped his fingers and instantly made the entire world of insanity, back into its normal and peaceful self, which just made everyone feel a new wave of shock and confusion as to what just happened.

"All of Equestria is back to the way it was, and to all the ponies who were harmed were healed and made to forget my chaos, as if nothing has ever happened in the first place."

Discord then carefully placed the wooden puppet Neferpitou on the grassy ground in front of the Mane Six, before stepping back and bowing down before them.

"So please, just give her back to me, I beg of you…"

Seeing Discord like this, both returning their world back to normal and so desperately asking for help, the group of Mares couldn't really find it in their hearts to just say no to him, so after a moment of hesitation, and some quick whispering, the purple unicorn stepped forward towards them, ready to speak with them.

"We will return your, um, Neferpitou was it? She will be returned to normal, however, you have to promise to never cause chaos, ever again, also, not only that."

Using magic from her horn and the crown she wore, Twilight summoned a pair of magical handcuffs and floated them towards the Lord of Chaos.

"Not only that, but you will be placed under arrest while also being taken to the dungeon, you will wait there until Princess Celestia and Princess Luna decide what to do with you, do you agree to these terms and conditions?"

When Twilight asked this and made her offer clear to the Spirit of Disharmony, his only response to that was to grab onto the cuffs and put them on himself; he winced when he felt himself weakening, but couldn't care less about that.

"Yes, I agree with them…"

Discord did feel a bit angry and frustrated from this, no doubt disliking the idea of being treated like this, but his concerns for Neferpitou's well-being and wanting her to return to normal, heavily outweighed and dominated any personal feelings he may have had.

"Ok, then please step back while we start to bring back your friend."

When Twilight said the word "friend," the Draconequus couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise, as if he had never considered those words before, but after looking back at Neferpitou and realizing how she made him feel, he could no longer deny it.

"Yes, for my friend, of course…"

With some hesitancy in leaving behind his first and true ever friend, Discord walked away from her and stood behind the Mane Six, still watching to make sure nothing goes wrong, but was now out of the way to let the pony girls do as they pleased.

"Ok girls, are you ready?"

Once Twilight made sure everyone was ready, while also double-checking to make sure the Lord of Chaos didn't do anything behind their backs, started to do as promised, activating the Elements of Harmony and preparing a spell. After a moment of preparation, the Mane Six blasted a rainbow blast out of their Elements and shot them towards Neferpitou. The Spirit of Disharmony winced a bit from seeing her friend get blasted again, but seeing the chimera neko slowly return to normal, it filled him up with absolute hope and joy. And after a moment or two, the group of mares stopped using their Elements, and took a step back when Pitou was no longer a puppet.


Neferpitou, after having a moment to realize that she had her body back, slowly stood back up to her feet, stumbling and weakly struggling to keep from falling over, once she was fully back up, she, using one hand to hold onto her pounding head, looked up and immediately noticed her Sire was in cuffs and chains, which instantly filled her up with rage and bloodlust.


However, before Neferpitou could do anything to save her Lord, she took one step forward and instantly fell back to the ground; seeing this happen obviously made the Draconequus panic, however, instead of him being the one to check up on her, it was the yellow pony named Fluttershy, who instinctively ran up to the Royal Guard after she fell and checked up on her.

"Oh dear, she's suffering from a very bad fever…"

Fluttershy wore a gaping expression as she placed a hoof on the chimera neko's head, feeling it burn greatly; not only that, but she also saw her wearing a pain-filled flushed sweating face, she both struggled greatly and breathed rapidly, and was curling up and holding herself, shivering as if feeling extremely cold, despite how hot and sweaty she was.

"Fluttershy, you and Rarity take Neferpitou to seek immediate medical attention, please be quick about it before it gets worse."

After Twilight had quickly asked the white unicorn and the yellow pegasus to take Pitou away to seek help, which they both nodded and did, she turned her attention back to the Lord of Chaos, who looked so concerned and worried about his friend, which actually made her smile softly to see this.

"Neferpitou will be given the best medical treatment that Equestria has to offer, also with Fluttershy there, who is an expert in taking care of animals, plus Rarity, who knows how to take care of cats, your friend will be in great hooves, you have my word."

Twilight's words and promises did reassure the Spirit of Disharmony, especially since he knew he could trust them, even though he hated to admit it.

"Thank you…"

Discord sighed in defeat as he thanked the purple unicorn, who simply nodded in response, not being smug about it or being rude; she then turned around and started walking away, with her remaining friends following her.

"Now please follow me."

Twilight said to Discord, who could only nod in acceptance and walked after her, though while following the Element of Magic, he quickly looked over at the distance from where Fluttershy and Rarity carried Neferpitou, and felt a mixture of worry, from seeing how ill her friend was, yet comfort, from the knowledge that she would be taken care of by the best of the best.

'Please recover soon… My friend…'
You could probably tell, but a lot of things are changing from the original story, like Discord being arrest instead of turning back to stone, where his fate will be decided by Princess Celestia, (BTW, what kind of punishment do you think she will give him?~), ALSO ALSO, I don't know if you noticed, but there might be a possibility of Discord having two main ponies he will have a connection with, and not just Fluttershy, here's a hint on who that will be, "She's also a cat person like Discord is~", hehe

(To quickly clear up confusion and explain something, the reason Neferpitou had gotten very sick was because she was being blasted by a type magic even greater than Discord chaos, and since she isn't a native to the world of MLP, not to mention she has no magic herself, it was to much for her to handle, kind of like experiencing a new sickness you've never had before, but not as bad, hopefully)

He What?

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"He what?..."

A snow-white alicorn, which was a female pony with pegasus wings and a unicorn horn, all while having flowing, wavy, blue, green, purple, and pink hair, stood before her student, Princess Celestia, who was currently wearing a shocked expression on her face.

"He just gave up, promising to never cause chaos to all of Equestria, he even allowed me to put on a magic weakening cuff on him."

Twilight quickly summarized what had just happened, though despite it being true, the Alicorn Princess was still having a hard time accepting it.

"But why? In all my life of knowing him, he would never give up something so easily just like that, also he takes great pride in his chaos magic, so why would he purposely limit and weaken his own powers?"

Celestia, while obviously happy that her greatest enemy had been stopped, still could not comprehend or understand why he had stopped at all.

"Well, um…"

Twilight rubbed the back of her head with her hoof, wanting to say something, but was also unsure on how to explain it.

"Discord, the reason he did this, was to, um… Was to save someone in return?..."

What Twilight definitely confused her teacher, and she couldn't really blame her, as she was still confused about it herself, but it was all she could say for certain that had happened.

"Save someone? What do you mean?"

The thought of Discord doing anything so selfless was so unbelievable and hard to accept as fact for Celestia; even thinking it was a joke or lie.

"Before we could turn him into stone, a, um, a cat, monkey, thing? Named Neferpitou, jumped in front of him and took our spell instead of our original target, resulting in her turning into a puppet."

Twilight frowned softly as she remembered the mistake of hitting someone with her elemental magic that was supposed to be Discord; even though this Neferpitou was most likely working for him in some way, she still couldn't help but feel guilty when hitting the chimera neko with said attack.

"So Discord purposely went out of his way to turn our world back to normal and risk his own freedom… To save someone he deeply cares about?..."

Celestia nodded softly in response, which caused her to hum and rub her chin with her hoof, seeming to be deep in thought over this whole situation, which had Sparkle looking at her curiously, wondering what she would do next.

"Take me to him."

Meanwhile, at the deepest part of a dungeon within the Canterlot Castle, Discord, who was imprisoned within a cell, still wore his magic-limiting cuffs and was dressed in orange prison garb. He spoke to Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack.

"-ALSO! She always neglects to eat on her own, not to mention she will only eat what I make her, so give her this and make sure she eats, ok? I do not want to see her starving, UNDERSTAND?!"

Discord reaches out a lion paw from between the cell bars and summons a sack, which took some effort to create with his limited magic, before he then places it into Pinkie Pie's hooves.

"I trust you the most out of the three to give it to Fluttershy and Rarity."

Discord bluntly said this, which made Rainbow Dash and Applejack slightly offended, though Pinkie Pie just nodded happily and accepted the job.

"You have my 'Pinkie Promise' that this will be brought and fed to your friend~"

Pinkie saluted to the Draconequus before turning away and hopping off happily, which made him sigh; even though he trusted her the most, he still worried and felt a bit frustrated that he couldn't do anything about it.

"Anything else you wish to tell us, Mister Discord?"

Applejack raised an eyebrow, wondering if the Lord of Chaos needed them to do something else; he just shook his head and leaned against a wall.

"No, thank you girls…"

Discord leans his head back and rubs his face; a mix of defeat and worry fill his expression, which the blue pegasus and the orange pony don't know what to say or do in this situation.

"I think it's more weird to see him like this than being chaotic and rude?..."

All Rainbow Dash had to say was this, and the cowgirl couldn't help but agree with a simple nod

"... So have you decided on my punishment yet?"

After a few moments of silence, Discord said, "Which at first confused the two ponies, and were about to ask who he was talking to, but stopped when they heard the sound of light footsteps approaching them."

"My sister isn't awake yet, but I might have something in mind for you."

Everyone looked to see Princess Celestia walking into the dungeon and went up to the cell where the Spirit of Disharmony was being held captive. Miss Sparkle, who had been standing beside the Alicorn Princess when she entered the place, quickly ran up to her friends to make sure they were all okay and hadn't been harmed by the prisoner.

"As long as Neferpitou isn't involved, then I'm fine with whatever you two choose…"

Discord simply responded, still having his head leaned against the wall, eyes closed as if refusing to acknowledge anyone, though a few could see and notice his fist lightly clenched at the mention of Neferpitou.

"Actually, speaking of Neferpitou-"


Before Celestia could say anything else, Discord was up and pressed against her, his red pupils turning into angry slits, his claws and paws sharpened, and his entire body tense. It looked as though he were about to release a lot more of his dangerous magic, which was enough to make the smaller ponies hide behind the larger white pony out of extreme fear. Even the Alicorn Princess herself flinched from such an outburst; however, instead of backing away out of fear or even pushing back in defiance, she simply looked at him with a small smile.

"So it is true, you did find someone you value more than your chaos."

As soon as Celestia said this, the Draconequus instantly calmed down, which caused the fearful ponies to let out a relaxed sigh, and they tiredly slid back into their cells.

"Yes yes, friendship is magic, I already got the message unfortunately…"

Discord wrapped himself around himself like a snake and layed his chin on his own body, his expression looking exhausted and unamused.

"But that only applies to her, I do not view any of you as such, and you can't convince me otherwise."

Discord clearly had negative feelings and thoughts about them, which did cause a few frowns and returned those feelings, however the sun pony herself remained smiling with a knowing smile.

"We'll see Discord, but for another time."

Celestia then sat down in front of the cell, glancing and nodding at her student, which the purple unicorn understood and quickly pulled out a notebook and feather pen.

"Right now, let us discuss something, and depending on how you answer will affect your punishment, ok?"

When Celestia suggested this, Discord couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, as if wondering what she was planning and what she had in mind.

"How I answer? What will you ask of me?..."
I have a Fanfic and Wattpad account, where my MLP and none MLP stories will be put there, won't change much, but it exist if anyone is interested lol~

(BTW, my punishment idea, which was actually suggested by someone, thank you, was to place Discord under some kind of house arrest somewhere in Ponyville, where he will be stuck in home, and be the only place where he can release his chaos magic, but he can not leave his home unless given permission or was asked of him, but he can not leave his home without wearing his magic limiting collar, which was made by the Elements of Harmony, basically his punishment is living a normal life filled with restrictions, and if you know Discord, it will be tormenting for him, OH! Neferpitou won't be punished, but it will be hard for her to, you'll see)