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Pizza Friday

The story begins with the girls gathering at the hallways and today it's Pizza Friday!

"Hey guys," Rainbow said. "Can't you believe it?! It's Pizza Friday!"

"Ah'll say, this is the first time the school cafeteria is serving Pizza for lunch." AJ said.

"So where'd they get them?" Twilight asked her.

"Granny Smith got them online," AJ answered. "She spared no expense, she even paid for extra overnight shipping."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go there and scoop 'em up!"

"Hold your horses, Darling," Rarity told her. "They're likely started already."

"Speaking of horses," Fluttershy spoke. "Has anyone seen Sunset lately?"

"Granny Smith told me that Sunset was in charge for the Pizzas. Snips and Snails also agreed to help as well." AJ told them.

"Oh, are those three started heating up the Pizzas already?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"No, no. Granny Smith told them not to heat the Pizzas."

Sunset Shimmer, along with Snips and Snails were at the kitchen of the cafeteria.

"Are you guys sure that Granny Smith said we should heat the Pizzas?"

"Granny Smith totally said we should heat up the Pizzas, Sunset." Snips told her,

"Yeah," Snails added. "Let's get heated up!"

Sunset take a look of the box and read it. "Whoa, Granny Smith spared no expense! Extra cheesy? Guys, these pizzas are like luxuries!" She puts the box in the oven and heat it up but it didn't. "Guys, this thing won't light."

"I know how to get that baby heated up." Snips said as Snails gave him a lighter fluid. He puts the box outside of the oven and open the box and puts the lighter on the pizzas, setting them on fire.

"Um, guys, I don't think that's good..."


Then the Pizzas exploded and they panic. Sunset quickly grabbed a nearby fire extinguisher and take out the flames on the pizzas.

"Aw, man," Snails spoke. "I remembered that Granny Smith told us not to grill."

"WHAT?!" Sunset asked, shocked and angry.

As they quickly clean up the mess, the two tried to apologize to Sunset again.

"I said we were sorry." Snails apologized.

"Yeah," Snips added. "Come on, Sunset..."

"No! No more "Come on, Sunset!" Everyone is going to blame me and it's both of your fault! I'm sick of you guys always getting me into trouble!"

"We just want to give everyone the best Pizza Friday they all deserved, that's all..." Snips told her.

Sunset puts her arms up, knowing what she's going to do.

"No, no don't!"

She began moving her arms together. "It's too late..."

"Come on, Sunset. Don't!"

"It's already in motion."

"Well put it out of motion!" Snails told her.

But she crossed her arms and look away. "You ticked me off."

Snails groaned. "Sunset, look at us!" Punches Sunset but he's too weak. "Look at us!" He punches her again but she doesn't feel it.

"Okay, okay," Snips said. "If we fix this, can you please forgive us?"

Sunset still not looking at them. "Maybe."

"Fine, we'll fix it. We'll just get some more down the meat locker down in the basement. It may be trespassing but it's the only way to get some more." Snails said.

"Fine. But you guys' better fix it."

They went down to the meat locker and open the door. Snips and Snails went inside while Sunset holds the door.

"I hate going down to the meat locker." Sunset groaned, still holding the door.

"Don't worry," Snails assured. "It'll be super quick, we'll just find the Pizzas and go."


The two were still searching for the Pizzas and it's only been half a minute and there still nothing.

"Hurry up, guys! It's freezing!"

"We can't find them."

Sunset groaned. "I knew you guys can't fix it."

"Wait," Snails said. "Guys I think they're on top but we can't reach them."

"I'll grab them. You guys hold the door."

The two goes for the door while Sunset looks for the Pizzas but didn't see them.

"I don't see them."

The two approached Sunset despite being told to hold the door.

"Did you check over there?" Snips asked.

"Yeah, I check..."Then she realized they're not holding the door. "GUYS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! THE DOOR!"

"Oh my gosh," Snips gasp. "We totally propped it open with some bags of ice!" He then change his expression into confidence. "Check it."

"See? What can go wrong?" Snails asked.

The ice bags fell down and shut the door lock. Sunset gets ticked off again and was about to cross her arms.

"Wait! We can still fix it, there's a safety latch!"

Snips and Snails goes for the latch and pulls it.

"Guys, don't force it!"

But it's too late as they already break the latch. They bang the door calling for help, but nobody can hear them.

"You guys did it to me again!" Sunset yelled.

"Don't worry!" Snips assured. "We'll get us out of this!"

Two tried to break the door with all their might but it's too strong for them to break it.

"Just give up, guys. I knew you two couldn't fix it."

"Sunset, we fixed stuff all the time!"

"No, you guys don't."

"The chemistry experiment, Twilight's birthday, Rarity's birthday, her parents anniversary!"

"Stop right there! You know Gilda pushed us!"

"Yeah," Snails added. "She got us in trouble!"

"Gilda is not even there!" Sunset told them.

"Fine, we'll fix it!"

"You mean like you fixed the oven? Or when you guys fixed the pizzas by burning them. Or...Oh, no, wait, I know. You mean, like you guys brought us down here got ourselves locked inside this meat locker to find more pizzas? Surprise, surprise, there are no pizzas!"

"Sunset, please..." Snails plead.

"Yeah, we can-"

"No! Don't even say it! Just shut up so I can find a way to get us out of here!" She started to have a cold breath.

Then Snips and Snails sees a thermostat. "Sunset, we saw a thermostat!" Snails spoke. "We can still fix this!"

Sunset looks behind looking horrified, knowing what they're going to do. "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING WITH THAT DRUMSTICK?!"

But the two boys hits it with a Frozen drumstick, causing it to drop severely and making the entire locker even colder than before.

"Sunset, we're sorry!"

"Snips' right! We can try and fix it!"

Sunset yelled in anger. "I'm sick of you guys saying that! You two can't fix anything!"

The two were distressful as Snails spoke. "We're sorry..."

"Stop acting before you even think or you'll get both of you in trouble!" She yelled, and she is this close to black out. "I'm going to die because of you guys..."

Sunset weakly crossed her arms again.

"No!" Snails protested.

"Sunset, please!" Snips pleaded. "WE'RE SO SORRY!"

She turns away. "Tell...Princess...Celestia...I-I...L-love her..." Then she passed out and fall on the floor.

"SUNSET!" The two gasps and kneels down and touches her face if she's okay. When she doesn't wake up, they broke down to tears.

"Sunset's right," Snips sobbed. "We can't fix anything!"

"I know! But we can still help her, Snips! Knowing we can't fix anything leads us to nowhere if we don't do something now!"

The two stopped crying as Snips whip his tears and spoke, "You're right. We can still help her! C'mon!"

Snips grabs Sunset by her arms while Snails holds her legs to carry her. The montage begin with Snips and Snails looking for pizzas if it's the last thing they do while carrying Sunset who's still unconscious. After a while, they saw a box of pizzas and gently dropped Sunset and sees the pizzas that have eyes, arms and legs, mouth and they were wearing winter clothing.

"Pizzas!" Snips exclaimed. "We've been looking all over you!"

"Please, frozen stranger!" The pizza speak. "Can you free us?"

"Yeah, we can free you, guys," Snails told them, and glance at Sunset and turn back at them. "But you guys gotta do something for us. Here's what you gotta do..."

Sunset is still unconscious, she then later dreams that she is on a beach, wearing her usual swimsuit with Sci-Twilight wearing a seashell bikini top and a grass skirt.

"Hey, Sunset..." Twilight said, seductively.

"Twilight! You look stunning!"

They ran to each other and hold each other's hands.

"Spin with me..."

They both spin with each other.

"Oh, Sunset..."

"Oh, Twilight..."

Then a giant Snips and Snails rises up from the sand.


Sunset wakes up and sees Snips and Snails shaking hands with the Pizza leader.

"Sunset, you're awake!" Snips exclaimed as he and Snails run up to her.

"Sunset, we told you we can fix it!" Snails told her.

"While you were dead, we found those talking pizzas and they're gonna help us." Snips explained.


"They said they know a way out!"

"It's true." The Pizza leader spoke. "We will guide you out of the meat locker. But only if you take us to the oven where we can be eaten."

Sunset was bewildered by this. "WHAT?! You want to be eaten?"

"Yes! It is our destiny to be eaten!"

"Guys, this is weird. Everyone is going to find out about these pizzas. Look at them!"

"No, they won't know," Snips assured her. "Trust us!"

"And this time," Snails added. "We won't screwed this up!"

"Do we have a deal?" He asked. The boys shake their hands in agreement. "It's a deal!"

All the pizzas cheered as the portable cooler opens and it lights from the inside. Snips and Snails take a look at it.

"Sunset, this is the way out!"

They went into the portable cooler and went out the same cooler at the cafeteria.

"Sunset, they're not here, we still have time!" Snips told her.

They went out of the cooler along with the pizzas at the same time, the bell ring which means it's lunchtime.

"Man, I can't wait for those pizzas!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Here they come." Sunset told them, still skeptical about this. "This better work."

"It'll work, just relax!"

The pizzas jumped on the counter and pretend that they were already grilled and dead.

Then the girls were first on the line while holding their lunch trays.

"Hey, girls," Sunset told them. "We got the pizzas for today's Pizza Friday! Just what everyone in this school wants for lunch!"

"Oh boy, I can't wait to dig in!"

Just then, the pizzas jumps up. "NOW!"

The Pizzas started to attack everyone in the cafeteria and forced everyone including the Equestria Girls into a giant plastic bag with red oil.

"This wasn't part of the deal!"

"You two fell for our trap!" The pizza said. "Brilliantly! We don't want to be eaten, we want to eat YOU!"

"But what about the prophecy?" Snips asked.

"There is no prophecy! This is simply revenge! For all our fallen brothers and sister Pizzas massacred by the hands of your Pizza Friday! And now, you two will join your friends in the same fate!"

Everyone were trapped in the giant plastic bag while the red oil is steaming.

"No!" Snails shouted. "What are you doing to them?!"

"Marinating them, of course! Bag the last one!"


The two back off to protect themselves and when Snails squirts ketchup at the Pizzas, they started eating each other.

"This stuff is delicious!"

The two realized what they're going to do and smirk. They squirt Ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise at every Pizza thus slaying each other and those who were watching this were grossed off by this.

When it's done, Applejack activates her super strength to break the plastic bag so everyone were free and gathered around the two.

"What the heck was that?" Flash asked.

"Yeah, why did all those pizzas were alive and tried to kill us?" Sandalwood asked.

"Before all of you blame Sunset for this," Snips told everyone. "Let us explain first..."

So then, Snips and Snails told everyone everything of how it started. Especially that Sunset almost died because of their mistakes and knew that they can't fix anything. When they're finish, they look up with Sunset with regretful eyes.

"Sunset..." Snails spoke to her. "I know we already said this but we're truly sorry!"

"And you're right," Snips added. "We can't fix anything that we got you freeze to death because of it. But we also ruined Pizza Friday for everyone..."

They look down in shame while Sunset stared at them after taking a few deep breaths, she spoke. "Snips, Snails, I understand that you two didn't mean to do things that get me in trouble but I was started to fed up about how careless you guys are... I know what I said hurts and it's true, but a part of me shouldn't be so hard on both of you because of your careless mistakes. And now, I decided to give you a chance to fix what you guys ruined and I'll be there to supervise both of you and call out on your mistakes so you two won't messed things up again. Deal?"

They look up and thought about it for a moment and they both return the handshake to Sunset.

"It's a deal."

Sunset smiled at them. "Okay, now it's time we clean up this mess. You guys may ruined Pizza Friday but there's always next Friday to change that. Granny Smith and Principal Celestia will be told about this as well and I'll help you guys pay for some more Pizzas."

"You got it, Sunset." Snips said.

"We won't tick you off this time!" Snails told her.

So then, they started cleaning the mess along with the rest of the student body who just agreed to help the three.

Snips and Snails learned their lesson now.