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Gold Viral Video

It all started at the CHS library where Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo are arguing with Gilda and Lightning Dust about the computer sign-up sheet.

"Dude," Rainbow Dash started, "Get off the computer, Gilda! Read the sign-up sheet! We're signed up for 12:00 P.M!"

"Hey, chill out, you jerks!" Gilda told her. "We still have minutes! Wait at the lounge!"

"Fine! 5 minutes!" Scootaloo said.

The two girls played the Cowgirl horseshoe video and laughed at how funny it was.

"That cowgirl was so pathetic!" Gilda said.

"I saw that one coming." Scootaloo said bluntly.

"Oh yeah," Lightning Dust says. "Road Hog!"

"That's a good one!"

They both play the Road Hog video and once again laugh at their hardest.

"This is some hilarious stuff, losers!" Gilda says. "It's got a setup, a punchline, a dude gets hurt! Come on!"

"Still not funny,"

"Then get over here!"

The two went to the computer as Gilda typed something on the keyboard.

"You girls are gonna thank me later."

Then they watch a video called "Wedgie Kung Fu Master" where the master Wedgies a man and then a bear falls right on to the man, plays the xylophone, and then farts on him.

"That bear just farted on that guy's back!" Gilda laughed.

Rainbow Dash turned to Scootaloo laughing. "Why are you laughing, Scoots?"

"That dude got hurt!" Scootaloo replied, still laughing. "Plus, the bear farted on his back!"

"Dude, Gilda, Wedgie Kung Fu Master? Cowgirl Horseshoe? This viral stuff is stupid. Not as good as our video we did a lot of weeks ago."

"If it's stupid, then why it has so many hits?"

"Me and girls had a lot of hits on our video that day," Rainbow Dash recalled. "And this time, we can get more hits than that."

"Yeah!" Scootaloo added.

"In your dreams! Me and Lightning Dust could get way more than you losers."

"No, you wouldn't,"

"Yes, we could! Ten bucks says we can make better video than yours by the end of the week." Gilda declared.

"You're on."

They both shake hands as the deal goes on.

The montage begins with the girls making their won viral videos, but Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo only get small views as result while Gilda and Lightning Dust gets the large number of views. The montage ends by Friday and was gathered inside the library.

"Pay up, losers!"

"No way! The week's not even through yet!"

"We're like a million views ahead of you! You might as well give up!"

"No! We'll have an awesome internet video by the end of the day!"

"How much you're gonna bet on?"

"Double or nothing!"

"Aw man! We're going to be rich!"

The scene cuts to the football field with a trampoline set up on the center of the field with Scootaloo standing on it.

"Wait, what do I do again?" Scootaloo asked.

"Just start jumping and make some air. Major air and do some back flips or something."

Scootaloo starts jumping. "Are you getting this?"

Rainbow Dash replied with thumbs up.

She starts bounces on the trampoline and pretends to be a rockstar.

"Still not high enough," she says. "I know, let me try something."

Rainbow Dash jumps as soon as Scootaloo lands on the trampoline results her to jump high and bump her head on the branch.

"Scoots!" She gasps as she ran to check up on her. "Scoots, are you okay?!"

"Rainbow Dash…that was AWESOME!"

"That's called a double jump!"

Just then Pinkie Pie came by. "Hi Dashie and Scootaloo! What are you two up to?"

"Oh, hey Pinks, we're just shooting a video to make it viral." RD replied.

"You want to help out?" Scootaloo asked.

"Oh of course I love to!" She exclaimed and gave a big grin.

"But if we're going to make these a million views high, we need is more power." Rainbow Dash suggested.

"Rainbow Dash, I know exactly how!" Scoots said.

Cuts to Pinkie Pie standing on the school rooftop with Rainbow Dash holding a rope which is hoisted a refrigerator.

"Ok, Pinks," RD says, "you're going to do a double jump with the refrigerator. And don't worry, I can fly, I'll save you."

"This is going to be so much fun!" She exclaimed.

"Alright, three, two, one, go!"

Pinkie Pie jumps off the roof while Rainbow Dash pulls the refrigerator down, as Pinkie Pie touched the trampoline, the refrigerator lands on it, causing a double jump for Pinkie was she goes up high in the sky.

"Scoots, this is gold!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Wait 'til Gilda sees this!"

Pinkie still goes up high.

"Scoots look how high she's going!"

Just then, Pinkie Pie disappeared into the sky.

"Dash, where did she go?"

"Don't worry, if we see her, I'll save her."

"But Rainbow Dash, she's not going down!"

Then Rainbow Dash becomes horrified. "Maybe you're right! We've got to go and get her!"

Rainbow Dash pony up to summon her wings and carried Scootaloo by her waist as they go up high. After going up high enough, they suddenly disappear into the sky and found themselves of an inside of the computer. And they saw screens of other viral videos around them as well.

Scootaloo react in awe and started record their surroundings. "This footage is so gold! We'll definitely beat Gilda with this!"

"Priorities, Scoots. First we get Pinks, wherever she is."

"So, what is this place?"

"Kinda looks like a mental asylum."

They saw a screen of Wedgie Kung Fu Master. They also heard a voice as well.

"What is your name?" The voice asked.

"My name is Pinkie Pie."

The two found Pinkie Pie, talking to an elderly woman on a gigantic screen.

"Step over to your right, Pinkie Pie." She ordered.

"Is this a super-duper special surprise for me?" She asked as she complied with what she said.

"Sort of… Now. Say "doomed for eternity"!

"Doomed for eternity!"

Then suddenly, Pinkie Pie was being sent into a video screen and endlessly jumped on the trampoline.

"Hey! Who are you and what did you do to Pinkie Pie?!"

"My job. I'm the warden of the internet. Pinkie Pie made a big mistake for trying to make a viral video."


"The internet should be a serious place used for writing research papers and maybe for keeping in touch with relatives once in a while. These silly viral videos are a disease. They must be contained."

"That's not fair."

"Yeah," Scootaloo added. "We're just trying to make entertaining videos!"

"Wrong!" The warden of the internet shouted. "All these people need to be punished, forced to live their stupidity on repeat forever!"

"You're insane."

"It's not even Pinks' fault. She was just doing us a favor, right Pinkie?"

Pinkie Pie still jumps in the screen as she said, "I don't like interwebs, anymore! Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo!"

"Wait a minute, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo? You're supposed to be in Pinkie's video! Now I have to reconfigure the laser video transporter for two more criminals that will spend eternity in endless loop forever!"

Just then, Scootaloo turned the power button off, so the screens paused and the warden off as well.

"Scoots, get Pinks." She told her as Scootaloo complied and turned her attention to the internet prisoners. "People of the internet; we're gonna get you out of here but we've gotta leave right now! Go into all videos and get as many people as you can!"

Then everyone went out of the video screams to cause a prison break riot.

"Pinkie, Jump!"

She jumps into Scootaloo's arms as she falls back due to her and thus turning the power button back on.

"Quick, up here!"

The three girls escape through a screen as the Warden's cables break loose and chase them.

"Cowgirl horseshoes!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

They found a car and quickly hop in as the car speeds away.

"Wait a minute. Who's driving?"

"Cowgirl horseshoes, of course!" Scootaloo replied.

Then the car goes up to the ramp as they scream for dear life. But then the portal appears on the sky, as the 3 girls and Cowgirl horseshoes jumps into the portal and back into the computer interior where the rest are waiting.

"Alright, everyone to the portal," Then everyone jumps to the portal. "Now you, Pinks!"

Pinkie Pie tries to make the jump, but the warden caught her leg with her cable.


"Rainbow Dash, look, it's Wedgie Kung Fu Master!"

Wedgie Kung Fu Master gives Warden a Wedgie, thus letting Pinkie go.

"I don't know how much longer these panties are gonna hold!"


"Go now! And link to my video…"

"We'll never forget you, Wedgie Kung Fu master!"

The 3 girls went to the portal as the warden explodes and later landed on top of the viral people who just escape.

"What are you guys doing?" Gilda asked as she and Lightning Dust just came by.

"We're making viral videos!" Scootaloo replied, smugly.

Few moments later, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie regroup with the others by the statue and told them what happened just now.

"So, Yer' saying that there's an internet prison somewhere through the sky just because they all make viral videos?" AJ asked.

"That's about right." RD exclaimed.

"Twilight, do you know anything about this?" Sunset asked.

Twilight shook her head. "Honestly, I have no idea what was over there. But what matters is that you guys were okay."

"Well, this goes for a celebration!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Maybe later, Pinks." Rainbow Dash said. "As soon as Scootaloo uploads the video and gets a lot of hits than Gilda's, we celebrate."

"Do you guys really have to go through all that trouble just to make a video viral?" Sunset asked.

She shrugged. "Meh, it's worth it now.