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Sleep Fighting

It all started with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo (now her adopted sister) sleeping in the same bedroom they shared together with their own beds.

"Mm, Soarin, more hot chocolate," Rainbow muttered in her sleep.

"I'm the daredevil…" Scootaloo muttered.

Just then, a black figure opened the door and started beating Rainbow Dash in her sleep. This noise wakes Scootaloo up as she gasps on what she was seeing.

"Applejack?" She said, and then later acts quickly. "Applejack!"

She tries to get Applejack off of Rainbow Dash, but Applejack put her into the crossfire as result and the screen turns black.

The next morning at CHS, Applejack was walking through the hallways to meet up with her friends. While walking her way to her friends, the other students of CHS suddenly turned their backs behind the countryside girl and she can clearly hear hushes and mutterings in which they sound obviously angry.

Applejack had a bad feeling about it but shrug it off. As she sees her friends, what shocks her is that her friends were bruised and giving her death glares.

"Is-is something wrong?" She asked.

Rainbow Dash growled and march up to her. "You got the nerve to see us like it didn't happen!"

"What are ya' talking?"

"Stop lying Applejack!" Rainbow Dash said angrily. "You had beaten all of us up in our sleep last night!"

AJ was shock to hear that. "I what?! But I don't know what happen!"

"Yeah right!" Rainbow shot back. "You're just trying to prank us!"

"But it's not a prank!"

"Yeah, I got a few bruises on my face because of you!" Sci-Twi added.

"You wouldn't stop hitting me until I pretend to be dead!" Fluttershy said.

"You smashed my sewing machine!" Rarity said.

"And you ate all of my deserts last night!" Pinkie shouted angrily.

Just then, Trixie came by and she is unaware of the ordeal.

"Wow, clearly Trixie knows that you girls fight evil and save the day countless times but Trixie doesn't expect this to be the results."

"Applejack's beating people up in her sleep last night." Rainbow told her.

"I wouldn't do that. I would never do senseless violence on my friends!" She defended but the others still glared at her. "I seriously can't remember fighting you guys!"

"With her super strength, we all are ended up in the hospital! Girls we got to do something!" Sunset said.

"This is a friendship problem. Everyone's got to be on board." Rainbow said.

"May I interrupt you for a moment?" Trixie interrupted "So clearly, anything happens at night would be blown over and I can sure you that."

Later at night, Trixie was sleeping in her bedroom. The door creak open and started beating her up and the screen turned black.

The next scene continues next morning with Trixie have bruises on her face along with the other girls at CHS.

"Okay, maybe I was wrong."

"Yeah, it is." Sunset said. "I just lost a tooth last night."

"And Scootaloo won't go to the sleep unless we barricade our bedroom doors." Rainbow Dash said.

"Sleep in the hallway if you have to, it's your funeral." Scootaloo told her.

"Ah' don't know what's wrong with me. Ah' would never hurt you guys. Honest!"

"Well you obviously can't control yourself while you're sleeping fighting." Sunset said.

"Your sleep strength is triple your super strength. We are not safe until we get you to stop. We gotta find the source of your problem and take it head on!"

"What if I can't be fixed? Am I going to be a sleep fighting varmint for the rest of ma' life?"

"Don't worry, Applejack." Sunset assured her. "We won't stop until we cured you."

AJ smiled. "Thank ya'll."

Later at night, the girls were at the farm a Sweet Apples Acres with Applejack tied up in chains with her bed. Monitoring her from the computers Sci-Twi placed inside the farm.

"Applejack, can you hear me?" Sci-Twi asked through the walkie-talkie.

"Loud and clear, Sugarcube." She replied.

"Okay, we're going to get started."

"Hold up, ah' understand the chains but what are all these cameras for? Ah' know ya'll mean well but you're not going to do anything weird, right?"

"Relax." Rarity assured. "We were just going to watch you sleep."

"We think your sleep fighting is caused by night terrors. If we figure out what kind of dreams you're having, we might be able to cure you." Sci-Twi told her.

"But what if I break out and hurt you girls again? Especially my own family?"

"Don't worry. Your family was with us especially Apple Bloom." Sunset said. "We pad lock your house from outside."

"Plus," Rainbow added. "You have to get through Scootaloo and she's wearing a police attack-dog suit we found in our basement."

Scootaloo was seen wearing the suit.

"Umm Rainbow Dash, was it clearly a bad idea to get her to fight Applejack while she was asleep?" Rarity asked.

"Don't worry, I've been teaching her the basics of fighting. She'll be fine."

"Oh, and while we're pinning you down if it happens, Sunset will have the chance to read your mind to see what you were dreaming."

Few moments later, the girls were getting sleepy until they heard Applejack screaming as if she is dreaming. The screen shows Applejack trying to break out of the chains tied around her while in her sleep.

"Turn up the volume." Sci-Twi instructed.

Sunset turns on the volume.

"No, stay away from me! Let go!"

"Whatever she's seeing, it must be horrible." Rarity said.

Just then, Applejack used her super strength and breaks loose.

"She's breaking loose!" Pinkie Exclaimed.

Applejack, still sleeping, destroys each camera even throwing one to another on the ceiling.

"Ah'm going to turn ya'll into a dead meat horse!"

Sunset was slightly offended by this.

She destroyed each camera until there is none and went outside.

"Where's Applejack?"

Just then they saw Applejack having a camera strapped around her and were walking towards them.

"You're on, Scoots."

Scootaloo whimpers. "Please don't make me-"

But Rainbow Dash pushes her out of the barn and closes the door. And later, they can hear screams coming from the poor young girl.

"Not the face!"

Rainbow Dash and Sunset went out and tried to help but later ended up in the crossfire as result.

"The suit is not working!"

The next day, the girls were at Rarity's house and Scootaloo is moaning while lying down on the couch with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom on her side.

"Thanks lot guys, for being such great flakers." She said.

"I'm so sorry I had to let you out there, Scoots. But hey, at least you're still alive."

"Yeah but we still can't figure out what she was dreaming." Sunset said, who looks pretty beaten up than before. "I was so close to read her thoughts."

"I do hope we figure this out soon. I don't know how much violence I can take." Fluttershy said.

"So what's plan B?"

Applejack was seen holding two bags. "Plan B is to say "Goodbye, Applejack."

Apple Bloom was shock. "What? But Applejack, ah'm you're sister. You can't leave."

"You gotta let us help you, AJ." Rainbow said.

"We just got started!" Rarity added.

"And I'm ending it! Goodbye ya'll."

"But Applejack, you can't leave." Sunset said slowly approaching her. "If you just let me see what's in your head, we-"

"No! There's nothing that all of you can do!" She said. "Ya'll hurt because of me! And Ah' can't stand that!"

"But Applejack," Fluttershy said. "We're your friends."

Just then, Sci-Twi came by from upstairs. "Wait! I was going over the surveillance tapes from last night. There's something that all of you have to see."

The scene cuts to the girls with Sci-Twi monitoring the computer. "Now check this out."

The footage was rewound in an odd way.

"Could be a technical glitch."

"No, wait." Sunset halt. "Can you get a closer look, Twilight?"

Sci-Twi zooms in.

"What's that? Applejack's sweat?"

Sci-Twi captures a piece of the sweat. And there's something not right on it.

"I'm going to enhance the resolution."

She does so. And the sweats revealed to be some odd looking creature.

"The camera must have picked up some remnants of your dream." Sci-Twi said.

"Do you recognize these, darling?" Rarity asked.

"Well… the truth is, after Shining Armor and Dean Cadance got married and have a baby, I was a babysitter on that day…"

The flashback starts with Applejack holding a baby while talking to Shining Armor and Cadance.

"We trust you to look after Sci-Twi after what happened at the Friendship Games, now, we trust you to look after our baby." Armor said.

"Ya'll get nothing to worry 'bout. Ah' know what Ah'm doing." AJ said.

"Thank you so much, Applejack." Dean Cadance said as they left.

As they sat down on the couch and Applejack turned on the T.V which shows a cartoon T.V show known as "Kill time our favorite time" featuring aliens hugging their enemies which kills them instantly.

"No get back!"

"Kill time our favorite time," The aliens happily hugged him and later exploded into glitter.

"Ooooh, now he's beautiful glitter! Let's sing the glitter song!"

"Glitter, glitter, glitter, glitter shining,"

They ran up and hug a man and turned him into glitter as well and laugh and so does the baby.

"Can't they all stop hugging people?!"

"Hug time!"

They hug on a man.

"Help me…"

Then Applejack become paranoid and scarred her for life as the show continues.

"I tried to change the channel to see anything good for her, but every time I did the baby would start crying again. They played all eight seasons: two hundred and fifty-seven episodes back-to-back. When Shining Armor and Dean Cadance came back, they saw me curled up like a ball, crying on the floor."

"It sounds like that show messed you up really bad."

"That must be what's causing your nightmares."

"How do I get it out of my head?"

Sci-Twi turns around to Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie Pie, you still have that dream catcher I let you borrow when you were having those party pooping nightmares?"

"Yes! They're partying now, but it's not that scary." Pinkie said.

"Good. I have a plan."

The scene cuts to Sci-Twi house as Applejack was tied up to on the stair banisters while asleep. The girls were holding a giant dream catcher Sci-Twi made.

"So when I give the word, tilt the dream catcher towards Applejack and it will draw out the nightmares."

"How wonderful!" Pinkie exclaimed. "I usually miss part because I'm asleep."

Applejack started dreaming again. And she's screaming for help.


The girls lift the dream catcher and the bright pink comes out of the catcher and towards Applejack's head as the aliens come out of her dreams.

"It's working!" Rarity exclaimed.

This continues for like 15 seconds and the girls were starting to struggle.

"Why they're so many of them?!"

"Applejack watched eight seasons worth!" Sunset told her.

There's too many of them!" Rainbow Dash struggled.

The dream catchers become fool as more and more aliens coming out AJ's dream.

The aliens tries to hug the girls but with their magic, they fought back as Sci-Twi quickly run back to her lab and later came back holding a big back of dream catcher weapons.

"Grab a weapon!"

The girls picked up their weapon while Rainbow Dash picked up a tennis racket dream catcher.

"Cool." She said examining the weapon.

The girls used each of their own dream catcher weapons to get rid of the dream aliens.

"Twilight, why you have all this stuff?" Sunset asked.

"Hey! When you're smart as me, you have some pretty crazy dreams." Sci-Twi told her.

They fought them as long as they can and for good 2 minutes. However, they're still more as some of their weapons were almost full.

"Freak, its fool!" Rainbow exclaimed almost getting caught by one of the aliens.

Then after ten seconds, the last dream alien was caught.

"Did we get them all?!"

Just then they heard stomping outside and came out and see a giant hug alien.

"Kill time our favorite time,"

"We're out of dream catchers!" Sunset exclaimed.

"No. There's one left. Everyone at CHS, quick!"

The girls quickly went to CHS while the giant alien was following them and into the science lab saw a small dream catcher lying on the table.

"Twilight, this dream catcher is way too small!"

"I wasn't talking about that dream catcher."

Sci-Twi approaches a big project covered by a blanket and yank it to reveal a big catapult and also a big dream catcher matches the leader's size.

"Principal Celestia told Micro Chips to get rid of that." Rarity said.

"Well be glad he didn't."

They used their powers to bring the catapult and the giant dream catcher outside of CHS as the giant leader continues stomping towards them. Sci-Twi puts the catcher on the catapult and triggers it. The giant dream catcher flies towards the leader and trapped her inside the dream catcher.

"Now let's go check on Applejack."

The girls quickly went back to Sci-Twi's house as they arrived; Applejack opened her eyes as Sunset and Rainbow Dash help untie her.

"Ah' had the weirdest dream." She said. "You were in it, and you were in it. Sorry Sunset, but you weren't in it."

"Sounds like you're cured."

"You got those things out of my head? Thank you guys."

"Don't mention it, Darling." Rarity said. "Besides, what are friends for?"

"But before we do, group hug?" Pinkie Pie asked, opening her arms for a hug.

Sunset back away in 3 steps. "Uh…No thanks, Pinkie Pie."