• Published 26th Sep 2012
  • 3,155 Views, 40 Comments

Show Me Kindness, Show Me Love - Brian Jacko

Fluttershy learns kindness and love.

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A Promise and a Plan

The next morning you wake up. You look down to see Fluttershy still sleeping with her front legs wrapped around you. You gently nuzzle her as she wakes up slowly and calmly. You can't help but grin from ear to ear at how adorable she is.

Fluttershy looks into your eyes lovingly and says, "Thank you so much for taking time to comfort me. I really appreciate it so much, but I should be going now."

"Leaving now?" you ask, as your heart sinks deeply into your chest. Every second you can spend with Fluttershy is precious and seeing her leave now would break your heart.

Fluttershy looks down and continues, "Yes, I should go now. They are probably looking for me and I need to get back."

"You mean your parents, right?" you ask her in an unsure voice.

Fluttershy looks down at the floor and begins to sob.

"Oh goodness." You think to yourself. Did you just open up a sensitive topic for her?

Fluttershy finally speaks up. "No. I need to get back to the shelter. My parents never loved me from the start and disowned me when I was born. I found out that when my mother was pregnant with me and my sibling, she went to a doctor to try to get rid of us. My sibling wasn't fortunate enough to survive, but I did survive somehow. I never really got to know my Mom or Dad and I don't think I want to after what they did. I wish I knew who my sibling was supposed to be. I don't even know if it was a colt or a filly. No one has ever wanted to adopt me. I think it's because I am very shy and not good at flying. I'm almost at the age where the shelter will be forced to kick me out and I'll have no where left to go."

Your heart is crushed by the story. You had no idea that Fluttershy had been through so much at such an early age in life. You embrace her with a hug and say, "Fluttershy, I'm so sorry I brought that up. I had no idea. You are always welcome to stay with me no matter what."

Fluttershy perked up slightly and says, "Really? Do you mean that? I would love to stay with you, but isn't your house a bit too small for the both of us to live in?"

You think about the situation for a bit. Yes, your house is probably too small for the both of you to live in, but you will somehow make room until you can find something better. Finally you say to her, "Fluttershy, you're going to call me crazy, but I really like you. As a matter of fact, I think I might be in love with you and well, I don't know if you feel the same way about me, but if you would like, I can build us a new house for us to live in together."

It takes you a few seconds to realize that you are knocked onto your back.

Fluttershy tackle hugs you and kisses you. Her soft lips connect with yours and your body locks up tightly at first, but then your whole body suddenly begins to relax as you close your eyes and enjoy the tender kiss that your new mare friend is giving you. You have never felt anything so magical before in your life.

Fluttershy eventually pulls away and cries out, "Yes, I feel the same way about you. I can't believe you would offer such a generous thing to me. I'd love to be able to live in a new house with you. Oh, and maybe we could build a house big enough to keep some of the animal friends I made."

You smile at her and reply, "Don't you worry about it. I'll make the house as big as you want." Animals really aren't your thing, but you won't mind having a few pets in the house as long as it keeps Fluttershy happy. You sigh and look back at your flank. There is a picture of a hammer and a saw. Your passion is to build things. It has been a long time since you used your talents to build anything. The most important thing to you is not to build a house, but to build a stronger relationship with Fluttershy, and if that also includes building a house, then you have every intention of doing so. There is only one problem. You are still chronically ill and exhausted. You have not even told Fluttershy how sick you are and here you are making an incredibly big promise to her. However, you will not let your problems stop you from trying.

Fluttershy breaks free from her hug and stares at you again with those lovely eyes that she has and says, "I have to go and tell the ponies looking after me at the shelter that I'm ok, but I'll be right back, as soon as I can."

You sigh in disappointment. You don't want her to leave you, but you know that she has to go for a little while. You both get off the bed and you help her down the stairs. This time she seems so much less afraid of using the stairs. You both stand outside on the front porch.

Fluttershy hugs you goodbye and turns to leave. She stops in her tracks and looks back over to you. She puts her head down and says, "Ummm, if you don't mind, before I go, could I just maybe have one more....." Fluttershy starts to mumble again, but reading her is easy for you.

You put your hoof to her chin and align her head with yours. You both close your eyes and kiss passionately.

Fluttershy wraps her front legs around your neck and pushes you back against the wall.

Suddenly, you feel her tongue attempting to push past your lips. You relax every muscle in your body as her tongue breaks through and connects with yours. It is such a strange feeling to you, but at the same time it is incredibly pleasurable to feel her soft, warm tongue against yours. You use your tongue to push hers back into her mouth and begin stroking her tongue with yours. You can feel her body quiver as she lets out a pleasurable moan. Eventually, you both break free.

She smiles warmly at you before turning to leave.

You watch her trot off into the distance and stand there in awe from what you just had experinced. You can see that there is a joyous skip with each step that she takes. For some reason your pain and fatigue isn't there anymore. Your body almost feels new again as you stand there watching her disappear in the distance.

You pace anxiously in your home waiting for Fluttershy. Your body screams for a nap, but you refuse. You go into the kitchen and drink the rest of the apple cider that you had in the fridge in order to stay awake. You are about to give up and take a nap when suddenly you hear a soft tap at the door. You race over and open it.

Fluttershy stands there smiling. "I'm sorry that I took so long," she says. "I had to thank every pony and say goodbye to all the ponies taking care of me at the shelter. I'd like you to come with me to see something." Fluttershy grabs you by the hoof and takes you outside. She leads you to a place right next to the Everfree forest. "Well, what do you think about having our new house built here?"

"Isn't this spot a bit dangerous? you ask. I mean it's right next to the Everfree forest! You can seriously get hurt out here," you say to her with a look of concern on your face.

"Oh, but this is where I made all of my animal friends, and there's so many wonderful new creatures and a beautiful river that flows right by. I haven’t seen such a place in Ponyville as beautiful as this. It's also secluded from town, so we can share our lives together in peace."

You look around at the surroundings. She is right, this place is gorgeous and the land seems perfect to build a house on. Just then, you become overwhelmed with fear and doubt. Even though you would do just about anything for your special mare, reality kicks in and the task ahead of you seems impossible for just one pony, who is very sick, to do all of this work.

Fluttershy trots over to you and nuzzles you gently. "I know you must be worrying about all of this. Let me just say that you don't have to do any of this if you don't want to. I know the ponies at the shelter will take me back if you decide not to build the house. I won't be mad."

You stomp your hoof forcefully on the ground. You look at her and say, "No. I'm going to build you a house even if it kills me. I want nothing more in life than to see you happy."

Fluttershy hugs and kisses you on the cheek. "How are we going to get started?" she asks.

You know that your father has been into carpentry and you're sure that he would be more than happy to give you the supplies you need. You already have most of the tools at home, you will just need to rent some equipment to help get this all started. You simply pat her on the head and tell her not to worry and that together, you will both find a way to somehow complete this new house.