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4. Dressing To Impressing

It was a beautiful day in Canterlot and Adagio and Rarity were currently in Rarity's boutique where they were going to start working on their project. The two of them had come to agree on their project, a fashion show. With both Adagio and Rarity both loving fashion it wasn't a hard decision to make on what their project would be about. Coming together and choosing whose fashion would be shown as the presentation, however, was becoming a problem. Currently, the two girls were finishing making sketches of what they wanted to be shown as their project.

Not too soon after the two of them finished their sketches and they both smiled at what they had made. Both girls held smirks of their own, thinking that their sketch was the more appealing one. "Well, I guess I'll start off." Adagio turned her sketch around to show Rarity. Rarity looked at Adagio's sketch, the figure had a red long shoulder split knee dress, with some black high-heeled boots, a black leather jacket, some moon-shaped earrings, a ruby necklace, some spiky bracelets, the hair was wild style, some red nails, red lipstick, black eyeshadow, and mascara to finish off the look. "So what do you think? Impressed?" Rarity looked up from the sketch to look at Adagio who had a big smirk on her face.

Rarity then smirked herself. "It was nice, but I think this is better!" Rarity then turned her sketch around so that Adagio could get a look at it. The figure in question had a pink long-sleeve crop top, a white skirt with a belt around it, some golden open high heels, some heart-shaped earrings, some golden bracelets, wavy styled hair, pink nails, pink lipstick, pink eyeshadow, black mascara, and feminine sunglasses on the figure's head. "So, what do you think?" Snapping Adagio away from looking at the sketch, she saw Rarity giving her a smirk of her own.

Adagio rolled her eyes at Rarity. "Oh please, you call that fashion? Looks more like a train wreck to me." Rarity gasped at Adagio's words as Adagio happily fiddled with her nails in triumph. Now although the sketch of Rarity's fashion design wasn't bad, heck it was actually pretty good, Adagio refused to let Rarity know that.

Rarity, however, wasn't going to back down without a fight. "Well, I'll be! Well, at least my fashion doesn't look like a living monstrosity, darling!" Now although Rarity didn't mean a word she said because Adagio's design sketch and fashion sense were truly remarkable, she wasn't going to let Adagio know that nor let her get away with her previous comment to her own work of art!

Adagio didn't take that comment so well as she gave Rarity a ferocious glare that made Rarity flinch in fear. "Well, darling." The way Adagio said darling didn't help make Rarity feel any better about the situation. "I think the only way to find out which one of our designs should be shown for the presentation is by having a fashion competition." Adagio smirked as Rarity tilted her head.

Her confusion soon changed to a smirk as she crossed her arms. "Fine then, and I have just the people who can help us." Rarity got up and took out her phone and left the room as she started to call someone. Adagio could only watch in surprise as Rarity left the room calling who knows who. She had made that challenge because she thought Rarity would get scared and back down from the challenge, but she didn't. She instead accepted Adagio's challenge and now was going to get people who could help? Adagio let out a small laugh, in the end, it didn't matter to her, whether or not Rarity's accepted the challenge or not, she would still win.

It took a few minutes but after about maybe ten minutes there was a knock at the door and Rarity gracefully opened the door. Adagio couldn't help but roll her eyes as she noticed Rainbow and Applejack walk through the door, if one Rainboom wasn't already enough, now Adagio had to deal with three of them in the same place. Rainbow and Applejack also took notice of her and although she didn't have her powers anymore, the two still got defensive seeing her.

"What is she doing here?" Rainbow asked as she pointed at Adagio with a glare. Adagio glared back at her as the two of them began to glare at one another.

Not noticing what was happening behind them, Rarity was letting Applejack know about the situation and how she and Adagio were in a fashion competition, and that she needed her and Rainbow to be their models. At first, Applejack was apprehensive about it but Rarity quickly reminded her that she and Rainbow owed her a favor from last week and that she promised. So, not wanting to break her promise Applejack accepted and allowed Rarity and Adagio to do their business.

Being distracted by continuing to look at Adagio, Rainbow didn't notice Rarity walk up from behind her and pull her by her earing dragging her outside of the room and into a different section of the boutique. The whole time Rainbow was complaining and asking Rarity to let her go. Adagio couldn't help but laugh seeing Rainbow in pain watching her being dragged away.

Adagio then turned to face Applejack to see her take her hat off and take a seat. "So I guess I'm going to do my work for you, huh?" Adagio then cracked her knuckles, ready to do her stuff.

Applejack gulped seeing Adagio smiling as she started taking out her equipment. "NO, LET ME GO! I REFUSE!" Adagio and Applejack look upstairs, most likely Rarity told Rainbow what was going to happen and she wasn't having any of it.

"RAINBOW DASH SIT DOWN NOW!" Albeit it seems as though Rarity wasn't having it either. Both Adagio and Applejack couldn't help but sigh at Rainbow's antics.

Not wanting to get distracted though, Adagio soon got to work and started doing her magic on Applejack. The same thing could be said for Rarity as she started getting to work with Rainbow Dash in another room. Both girls started to get to work, with both girls trying to outclass the other with their fashion.

Adagio and Rarity started off by washing both of the girl's hair and making them exactly as they planned, Rainbow's being wave and Applejack's being wild. They then went on to take the girls to the fitting rooms and give them the necessary clothes and jewelry for their outfits. When the two girls came out, Adagio and Rarity couldn't help but smile. Just like they had pictured, Applejack had on her red long-shoulder split knee dress, the black high-heeled boots, a black leather jacket, the moon-shaped earrings, a ruby necklace, and finally some spiky bracelets. And for Rainbow, she had on her pink long-sleeve crop top, the white skirt along with the belt to match, some golden open high heels, some heart-shaped earrings, some golden bracelets, and to finish the fit, there were some feminine sunglasses on her head.

With almost being done with their models the girls only had the makeup left to do. Starting with the girl's nails they equipped the nail polish onto the nails, with Rainbow's being pink and Applejack's being red. The fashionistas then started on their models' makeup. Rarity and Adagio started off by applying some foundation and concealer coating the girl's faces for the actual makeup to be put on. Rarity and Adagio then went on to apply some blush, some eyeshadow, and some mascara. Applejack's face was covered with some mascara as her eyes were applied with some black eyeshadow, and Rainbow's face was covered with some black mascara and her eyes were applied with some pink eyeshadow. They then went to finish things off by applying some lipstick on the girl's lips, with those being the same color as the girls' nails.

When all was done, the two girls got together to show off their fashion models. The two girls smirked at one another as they couldn't wait to see the other one look at their model in surprise and admit that they were wrong and have their wrong presented to the class for their project. With that, their two models walked out of their room and made their way into the room, and as Adagio and Rarity turned to face them, they couldn't help but gasp at the sight before them. To both Rarity's and Adagio's eyes, the other girls' models looked amazing and spectacular.

Rarity let out a cough gaining Adagio's attention. "Well, I must say, Rainbow looks pretty stunning if I must say myself." Adagio smiled as she looked at Rainbow, even she had to admit she did better than she thought. And as much as she wanted to brag about how amazing her model looked, she had to give credit where credit was due, and that was with how Applejack looked.

"Well you made Applejack look fabulous, she looks like an actual model." From the corner of her eye, Adagio noticed a blush forming on Rarity's cheeks. Adagio smiled seeing this and looked at Rainbow and Applejack one more time, it was then that she made up her mind. "You know, perhaps both of our models could be used in the presentation. What do you say?"

Rarity looked at Adagio and gave a bright smile. "I think that's a marvelous idea, darling."

Rainbow and Applejack smiled at the two of the girls and then smiled at each other. They both thought the other looked really good, but at the same time, they couldn't wait to take off their clothes and all of the makeup and jewelry on them. As they were making their way to the changing rooms to change into their everyday clothes, they walked past a mirror and they had to do a double take on what they saw, and to say the least, they were not pleased.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" With their combined screams, Applejack's and Rainbow's yells echoed throughout Canterlot.