• Published 9th Jan 2023
  • 248 Views, 2 Comments

MLP: The Stone in our Hearts - legendary_Jelly

Happiness? With where I am? it's easier to fake it. one friend, one parent, and the whole Qurral thinking I'm just a test subject..

  • ...

The Maiden of The Stars

You know that feeling, when you look around you and feel like people are always choosing everything evil. My whole life I've seen the terrible things that ponies have done. My mom always told me to stay true to who I was, when I see all the ponies around me hurt each other with their hooves or words, it's so hard to do that. In my head I can't comprehend why or how these ponies could choose bad, shouldn't it be obvious that bad is bad, evil is evil, and that we should be good? Is it just the nature of ponies around me or is there something else? Maybe a nurturing force?

I just want to be good.

I just want to be happy

Then why is it so hard.


As I fall through the ground below me my eyes are closed, my hooves are flailing about trying for any hoof hold. I screamed for a good 30 seconds before I realized that I was no longer falling but instead on my stomach.

When my eyes open, I no longer see the mountain top nor do I see the cave, what I do see is a white void all around. With a gasp I jump to my hooves and look around. Nothing.

I must be out of the vision, but where is everything? Better question: where am I?

"I do believe I can answer that"

I whip around to see where that came from only to be greeted by something that wasn't there a second ago, three pony shapes standing In Front of the Fallen star. One of the ponies is bigger than the other two, the one standing in the middle, with what looks like a horn? A unicorn? The other two look more familiar. Only after a moment do I recognize them as The Two that our life is based on.

"whatgaba" I mumble out in confusion.

"I said, I can answer that.", I then realized that the unicorn in the middle who said that was no unicorn at all! He had wings! Pegasus? But a unicorn? What do you even call that?

I hear the pegi-unicorn thing chuckle and say " I'm called an alicorn"

"Wait, CAN YOU HEAR MY THOUGHTS!?" What in the world?

That alicorn(?) looks up at me and says, "Among other things, yes. I'm sure you have a million questions so let me start with who I am. "

And with that he gestures with a hoof to the side and I see another vision playing before me.

"First things first, I am not a god, nor am I some pony special." The screen changed to a view of a city bathed in green covered in clouds, a giant black orb resting in the dead center held up by buildings around it.

"My story is larger than what you can comprehend, so we shall start at my death. I was a God, do not get me wrong, I had all the power I could desire. So much power that I thought I could overcome one of the fundamental truths in my world: death." From the black sphere there came a melody, of sorts, it had a steady decrescendo, until a soul was forced into it, then the melody increased.

Wait. How did I know that?

"I am supplying you with the knowledge sufficient for you to comprehend."


"I am not proud of who I was. I was a parasite, an intruder to a planet. one that is not unlike unto your own."

almost under his breath I hear "albeit a fallen one."

"Against all odds, in the end I was 'evicted'," I could hear some spite as he continued, "by a mare known as security." in the vision I see a giant piece of moon? (What?), fell into the orb which I knew as the alicorn standing next to me, as the city was enveloped in the proceeding evisceration.

"I would have ceased to exist right then and there" there was a certain fear in him. "If it weren't for the stars seeing fit for me to pay for my crimes."

It was at this point when I realized that I was standing next to the same type of pony I loathed. The same pony that filled the Qurall with hate and anger, the same that forgot I existed until I was needed. He knew what I was thinking, and he had this hurt expression on his face, he would not look at me.

This, THIS is a GOD!? WHAT!?

He flinched like I had just bucked him where the sun doesn't shine. (But doesn't he shine?)

I put it together and cut to the chase. "What do you want from me?"

"It is not like that" almost a whimper.

"Ledge" I hear behind me, accompanied by a hoof to my shoulder. surprised by the contact I jump away and look behind me to find Rosebud looking at me, compelling me to be kind. Raspberry stood behind her. "Give him a chance." she said softly, giving me a choice.

Raspberry walks beside her, "there is more to this story that I think you should hear."

"I do not blame you if you want nothing to do with me." the alicorn says into the ground. "For my story gets worse before it gets better."

I do not know what to think. Here before me are the two most important ponies I have ever known and what seems to be a ruffian in front of me.

without a word I rest my face and sit down, allowing him to continue. this better be worth it I think at him.

After a minute to regain his composure, he magically makes a vision for what's next.

A counsel of stars surrounding a malformed black sludge

"The stars took away my power to sing, sent me to a place with instructions to create harmony." I see before me the fallen star hurtling towards Equus. "What a joke I thought, how am I supposed to do the one thing they took from me. at first, I did not care for my instruction, because with me were ponies,"

Before me lay the familiar town/mountain/clouds that I saw in the visions before "Ponies that could be manipulated and used, sadly not by me. So, I created the wendigos, that take the hate and suffering of the little ponies and use it to torment them more. with them I was able to snuff out the song they played and separate the three breads."

A sadistic smile appeared on his face only to change to a look of loss. "It was then that I realized that because I could not sing, I needed others' songs to live, my power was fading, and I was dying because of my own actions."


He caused this.

This tragedy?

All those ponies that hurt? all the screams of agony?

Because of HIM?!

My rage was unbearable. But before I could say or do anything, Raspberry walked up to me and said "Be kind, we are all ponies," he then added "Ish".

Here I am, with the cause of what I believe to be the root of all of the things wrong with this world we live in, and here are my two Idols, in full faith, supporting this 'pony' and asking me to do the same.

I was about to shut him out, get out of here, do something, but what Ras said came into my mind 'be kind'.

Right at the climax of my anger, I let it go. They must see something in him. I guess I'll find out what.

I guess I'll choose kindness. (Begrudgingly)

"Thank you, legendary, I knew your song was great." Before I could unpack that, he continued with his story. "And so, I withered away. My creations are running rampant. My second chance is ending." what I saw in front of me was thousands of years as the Fallen star's light fades into the rock around it.

"As my life was ending, I was hopeless. but as it was, two little ponies found me, their song was great, in fact their song was more, they were together, they were a Harmony" I saw flashes of the vision, showing the Two and the Star.

"My story was told, and they had people to save. They then joined me to save what they could. From there, I took in the town of refugees, and sheltered them, for I could only live if they had a song to give." He looked to the side and said to himself "Hey that rhymed."

Shaking his head, he went on, "But, I fear that we have come to an end of an era. I have tried so hard to keep the song of the stone ponies strong, but your rock hearts were stronger, and I am weak beyond comparison." He then kneels down to my level and looks me in the eye, only then do I see the nebula that is his eyes, that go forever and ever.

"And when I go, the caves comes with me"



That would be bad.

I stand up, wide eyed, and ask "what do you need me to do?"

the same thing I said before, now with vigor.

He stands up (He towers over me) and looks at me, like the next words that come out of his mouth will be the most important thing that has ever been said, period. Rose and Ras move to stand on either side of him before he says:

"you need to make some friends"


Author's Note:

hehehehehe, I love this ending.