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The Heart of the Cards Part 2

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoy this chapter. The Duel comes up next. I'm wondering. Would anyone be okay if I just did the Yugioh series fanfic with just the Yugioh characters on Fanfiction.net or should I just continue this story. I'm fine either way, but I'm currently more interested in working with just the Yugioh series.

“So, wait. You’re telling me that Yugi here has a family owned game shop and that we can learn more about this one fun card game by doing so?” Pinkie Pie asked cheerfully as she and her friends along with Yugi and his friends were on their way to the Turtle Game Shop.

“Yep. Though I wouldn’t exactly call the game fun. I mean, on paper it could be fun. Monsters battling other monsters? Sign me up! But…the game is kinda boring with just the cards,” Rainbow said. "I hope that the game can be better with the holograms or whatever..."

“Aw. I hope the game could still be fun, though,” Pinkie Pie said, not giving up on having a good time.

“I’d at least try it. I’ve had fun Dueling my Grandpa and Tea in the past. It’d be fun to have more friends to play the game with,” Yugi said.

“We-we’re friends? Really?” Pinkie Pie looked very cheerful, like she was about to burst from happiness.

“Of course! I know we haven’t known each other long, but you all seem to be very interesting and nice people,” Tea confirmed.

“Why, thank you darling. I hope we’ll be able to prove ourselves to be as good of friends as you’re thinking we are!” Rarity said.

“Uh…maybe we’re jumping the gun a bit, Tea. I mean, they seem nice, don’t get me wrong. But we did just meet them,” Joey reminded Tea.

“I actually kinda agree. It’s nice we’ve made friends and all, but we need to find Twilight and the others soon! We have important business to attend to,” Spike reminded.

“Aw, boo!” Pinkie Pie jeered. “Can’t we at least see the game shop real quick before we go back to searching?”

“I agree. Maybe we can find out some important info if we go over there. We may even find the others there or get a clue as to where they are,” Rainbow pointed out.

“Well…,” Spike began to consider.

“Please, Spikey? It’d be best to have a place to stay while we’re here. We can’t just sleep on the street after all,” Rarity pleaded.

“Uh…,” Spike began to blush. “Okay…we’ll still go there. But we go back to searching once we’re done, okay?”

“Okay!” Rainbow, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie agreed.

“Wait. Why don’t you have a place to stay?” Tristan asked.

“Well…you see…,” Rainbow began.

“Oh! We come from a world where magic exists and humans are practically nonexistent. We’re ponies where we come from and we’re here to find some dangerous demonic threat before it ends up endangering this world or any other world,” Pinkie Pie explained, confusing the others.

“Great job, Pinkie Pie. You certainly made us look good,” Spike snarked.

“You’re welcome!” Pinkie Pie blindly accepted the sarcasm.

“Looks like we found a few nuts back at school, huh guys?” Joey noted.

“I’m afraid so, Joey,” Tristan said.

“At least they seem nice, right Yugi?” Tea asked her childhood friend.

“Actually…they may not be lying,” Yugi said, surprising the others.

“You actually believe us?” Rainbow asked.

“Of course! This isn’t the first time that magic has appeared in my life. I mean, take a look at this Millenium Puzzle around my neck!” Yugi pointed to a triangular puzzle that hung around his neck.

“You mean that hunk of gold?” Rainbow snarked.

“Rainbow Dash! Don’t be rude! Personally, I’d say it makes him look very cool!” Rarity complimented.

“Thanks, Rarity!” Yugi accepted the compliment. “Anyway, ever since I first solved the puzzle, it feels like there is another me that takes over and works with me. Whether it be during some of my Duels or when a jerk tries to hurt us, someone takes over to help me out.”

“Really? That happens?” Tea asked, remembering a few past incidents where that other him may have helped.

“Uh huh! I don’t know why that is the case, but it feels like a spirit of some sort is helping me,” Yugi said.

“So, you have a clone or something?” Rainbow bluntly asked.

“I wouldn’t call it that,” Yugi said.

“Maybe it’s the ghost of some dead guy then?” Spike asked.

“Kinda rude there Spikey,” Rarity whispered.

“Anyways, to make a long story short, I believe that you aren’t native to here. But…I trust you aren’t crazy or ill intentioned. Right guys?” Yugi asked his friends.

“Of course Yugi! Anyone you trust is someone I trust!” Tea agreed.

“Same here! You’ve helped us out of some tough jams in the past, second you or not. I’ll return the favor by trustin’ ya,” Joey agreed.

“What about you, Tristan? You still trust us?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Well…okay. I don’t quite believe in this magic mambo jumbo. But…you do seem to be nice so…I’ll roll with it for now,” Tristan decided.

“Perfect! We’re all pals here then!” Pinkie Pie cheered. “So…are we at the shop yet?”

“Miss Pie, I’d say we’re still a ways away before we get there, right Yugi?” Rarity questioned.

“Actually…we’re just about there!” Yugi revealed as he pointed to a small game shop that doubled as Yugi’s home.

“Wait. This is it? Seems kinda small if ya ask me,” Rainbow bluntly noted.

“Seriously Miss Dash! Show some respect! I personally think this store looks fairly cute. We shouldn’t judge Yugi’s store for being small,” Rarity scolded.

“Sorry,” Rainbow grumbled.

“Well…what are we waitin’ for? Let’s go in!” Joey cheered excitedly as he and Tristan ran in, with the other following in shortly after.

“Grandpa? I'm home,” Yugi greeted his grandfather as everyone got inside.

“And I see you've brought company. A lot of it, in fact,” Solomon noted happily.

“Yep! We just became pals today!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Anyways…we’re here on important business. Have you seen anyone named Twilight, Applejack, or Fluttershy around here?” Spike asked, hoping that he would say yes.

Sadly, he responded, “No. I haven’t. Are they friends of yours?”

“Yes, they are! I may not have known one of them for now, but we’re still getting fairly close. For now, though, what games you got here?” Rainbow asked.

“Mostly some smaller games and some Duel Monsters cards,” Solomon asked.

“Well…I’ll say that these cards have some pleasing looks!” Rarity noted. “Maybe when I get some more money on me I can buy some of them.”

“I agree! The points on many of these cards are insane!” Joey agreed.

“It may take some time for that,” Tristan grumbled.

“What was that?!” Joey yelled.

“Nothing!” Tristan lied.

“You certainly have some kind and colorful new friends, Yugi,” Solomon noted.

“Yep. But…to be honest, we’re not just here to look at some cards. Gramps, could you show my friends your awesome, super rare card?” Yugi asked.

“Rare card? My special card? Hmmm…,” Solomon considered.

“Come on! We wanna see it!” Pinkie Pie pleaded.

“Yeah! It must be a good one if Yugi believes it to be special!” Rainbow agreed.

“Please! Please!” Yugi begged.

“Pretty please?” Joey asked.

“Hmmm... Hah hah! How could I refuse? You kids are in for a treat. I don't take this card out too often. Ready? Here it is,” Solomon said as he got out and showed a card that had 3000 Attack Points without being an Extra Deck monster. “The Blue-Eyes White Dragon, so rare, so powerful, I never let it leave my hands.”

“Awesome!” Joey cheered.

“I have to say it looks cool,” Rainbow noted.

“And beautiful!” Rarity agreed.

Suddenly, Tristan snatches the BEWD out of Solomon's hands. “It doesn't look all that special to me…”

“Ahh! This card is priceless. There are only four of them in all the world,” Solomon pleaded as he tried to take the card back.

“Really? That rare?” Spike asked.

“Uh huh! Only one other person has the other three cards,” Yugi confirmed.

“Well…you may not know it, but I am a dragon back at home. Guess that makes me pretty rare too, huh?” Spike tried to brag only to comically fall when the others said nothing.

“Aw, don’t worry about it, Spike! You’re still priceless in our book! Which is kinda strange seeing as how you lack price tags and we don’t have a book on us…,” Pinkie Pie started to ramble.

“Well…thanks?” Spike didn’t know how to feel.

“Speaking of priceless, I'm ready to trade!” Joey cheered.

“Not for this card,” Solomon denied as he finally got the card back.

“Huh? Nah, I didn't mean that card. I meant, show me some other cool cards to get me started,” Joey corrected.

“Yeah! Do you have any powerful cards? Or maybe another copy of that Dark Magician Girl?” Rainbow asked.

“Why? You found her pretty?” Tristan teased.

“Uh…no! I just thought she was very awesome and rare is all!” Rainbow denied.

“Don’t worry! We won’t judge you for liking girls, Rainbow. Also…we do happen to have one extra copy you can have if you want it…,” Tea reassured.

“Well…sure! She’s sure to be an awesome card to own for myself! If only I could also have myself that Blue Eyes card as well,” Rainbow said.

“Speaking of which…who does own the other three copies of the card anyhow?” Joey asked.

“Yeah! I’d love to meet them one of these days!” Rarity agreed.

Suddenly, the door opens with the man from earlier standing inside the entrance.

“Who’s that guy?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Another customer maybe?” Spike suggested.

“Hello, can I help you?” Solomon asked.

“Huh?” Tea asked as she looked over to see the man in the entrance.

“If you can't, it certainly wouldn't surprise me,” The man snarked.

“Seto Kaiba!” Yugi was shocked.

“Kaiba?!” Joey asked.

“Who’s that guy?” Rainbow asked.

“I don’t know, but he does look a little handsome for his age. May need a better outfit though,” Rarity noted.

“Seto Kaiba is a top level champ at the game of Duel Monsters. He also happens to own the other three copies of the Blue Eyes White Dragon,” Yugi answered.

“Wait. He does?!” Rainbow was shocked. “That. Sounds. Awesome! We get to meet the man with the other three copies of a rare and cool card…not that I care!”

“I guess you don’t,” Tristan snarked. “But…what is Kaiba doing here? Doesn't he have a big fancy company to run?”

“Simple. Not that it's any of your business, but I came to see the card,” Kaiba answered.

Joey, meanwhile, smiles and steps forward. “Hey, are you into Duel Monsters too? This is perfect. Maybe we could all duel together sometime.”

“Yeah! That would be fun! We can possibly even have a mini tournament!” Pinkie Pie cheerfully said.

“If this game is actually fun…Anyways, it’s nice to meet you,” Rainbow greeted.

Seto finally walks into the shop. “Me? Duel you? I'd have more of a challenge playing solitaire. I don’t care for meeting a bunch of clowns like you.”

“What?!” Joey yelled.

“Yeah! What did you say?!” Rainbow agreed.

“Simply put, you mutts are way out of your league. I am the number one ranked duelist in the country, and the favorite to win the Duel Monsters championship. Hah, you two wouldn't last two minutes in a duel against me,” Kaiba grinned jerkishly.

Joey clenches his fist. “Ooh, I'm shaking. Maybe you'd like to settle this with fists instead of cards.”

“Agreed! You’ll pay for disrespecting me and my friends!” Rainbow yelled as she began to rush towards Kaiba. However, Spike and Rarity held back Rainbow and Yugi and Tea, Joey.

“Whoa! Take it easy, Joey,” Yugi tried to calm his friend down.

“Yeah! We can’t stoop down to his level…even if he is being a jerk!” Spike agreed.

“But Yugi, Kaiba's asking for it,” Joey said.

“Can’t we just hit him once?” Rainbow asked.

“No! We aren’t gonna hit him!” Tea scolded.

“Fine! Be a stick in the mud like Applejack!” Rainbow yelled.

“Now does this shop have any worthwhile cards or not?” Kaiba asked as he catches sight of the BEWD, and lurches forward. “Can it be? The Blue-Eyes White Dragon in a dump like this? It is. The card I've been searching for.”

“But why? Don’t ya already have three copies of da card?” Joey asked.

“Yeah! Don’t be greedy like Rarity can be!” Rainbow agreed.

“Hey!” Rarity yelled out.

“Well…maybe he wants it for playing with. And…maybe we should let him just borrow it?” Pinkie Pie suggested.

“Not likely?” Tea awkwardly said.

“You see, you can only have a maximum of three of a certain card in your deck at once,” Yugi explained.

“Maybe he wants a collection of all of them?” Rarity suggested.

“Makes sense…,” Spike said.

Solomon, meanwhile, covers the BEWD, “Well, enough window shopping. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

Seto growls, lifts his briefcase onto the counter and opens it, showing many cards of various types.

“Huh? Oooh,” Solomon looks on in awe.

“Pretty cards!” Pinkie Pie oohed.

“Listen to me, old man. Gimme your Blue-Eyes White Dragon card and I'll trade you all of these,” Seto made a proposition.

“Whoa!” Everyone was impressed.

“Makes sense to me. Could even help out your shop,” Rarity said.

“Just wish it didn’t have ta go to such a jerk,” Joey grumbled.

“I agree,” Rainbow said.

“Ahh, nice. But no thanks,” Solomon politely declined.

“Huh?!” Everyone was shocked.

“Nngh. Fine. If you won't trade, maybe you'll sell it. Name your price. I can pay anything you ask,” Kaiba demanded.

“I'm sure you could. But this card is worth more than you could ever offer. Not because of its power or because it's so rare, but because of what it means to me. This card was given to me by a dear friend and so I treasure this card as I do that friend. So parting with it is completely out of the question,” Solomon explained.

“Sounds very touching…,” Spike said as he fought tears.

“I know! Don’t give up that card!” Pinkie Pie cried out.

“Well…looks like dat jerk won’t be getting his way!” Joey said.

“Yeah!” Rainbow said as she held out her hand as a fist and fistbumped awkwardly with Joey.

“No!” Kaiba yelled.

Yugi then said, “You'd feel the same even if it were a common card, right Grandpa?”

“Exactly. You see, this precious card has bonded with my heart,” Solomon agreed.

“Fine! I've heard enough of your nonsense,” Kaiba yelled as he closes his briefcase and walks away. “Senile old fool.”
“Yeah? And good riddance!” Rainbow yelled.

“So…now that that’s over, any other cards you’d like to see?” Solomon asked as he began to put away his Blue Eyes.

“Sure thing! If they can be as divine as any of the cards that Kaiba had I’d definitely love to see more!” Rarity answered.

“Same here! These cards just seem to be the best! I wonder if any will call to me,” Pinkie said.

“Um, girl? Maybe we should get going now,” Spike noted.

“Aw, really?! But why?! We were just starting to have fun again!” Rainbow complained.

“Simple. It’s clear that our friends aren’t around here. Not only that, but we can’t inconvenience Yugi and his grandpa much longer. I mean, their store is pretty small and may not make too much. We’d be better off finding a new place to stay for now,” Spike explained.

“Aw, come on! Well…fine! We have to get going, you guys,” Rainbow told the others.

“But why? Weren’t you going to stay here?” Tea asked.

“I’m afraid Spikey has a point. We can’t just inconvenience Yugi and his grandpa. We’ll get going…,” Rarity said as they all began to leave.

“I can’t believe we have to leave our new friends already!” Pinkie Pie sadly said.

Before they could get out of the store, Solomon interrupted, “Wait! I suppose that as long as you kids find work somewhere to help pay expenses, Yugi and I can let you stay here for a while. Would that be okay, Yugi?”

“Sure! It would be nice to spend some more time with our new friends, right guys?” Yugi asked as his friends all nodded.

“So…you’re letting us stay then?” Rarity asked.

“Just pull your own weight and it’s a deal!” Solomon said.

“Perfect! Now, why don’t we celebrate with a party?!” Pinkie Pie suggested as confetti appeared from out of nowhere.

“Is that normal with her?” Tristan asked.

“Trust me that over the last week I’ve learned that when it comes to Pinkie Pie to not question it,” Rainbow said.

Meanwhile, inside of Kaiba’s car…

“Heart of the cards. Ridiculous. Cards are all about power. And one way or another, his Blue-Eyes White Dragon card... will be mine,” Kaiba said to himself ominously.

The next day…outside of the KaibaCorp building…

“Gentlemen, there's a little something I'd like you to pick up for me at the Game Shop,” Kaiba said.

“Gladly, Master Kaiba,” The lackey said to his boss.

Inside of the Game Shop, Solomon is standing in front of the counter.

“Good morning,” Solomon greets as he turns around to see two men in black suits. “Hmm?”

The lackey steps forward. “My master, Seto Kaiba, challenges you to a duel. You may come with us now.”

“And if I were to decline?” Solomon asked.

The lackey’s glasses glint ominously. “I'm afraid I must... insist.”

Realizing that he might get physically hurt if he declined, he decided to agree. “Young Kaiba doesn't understand. But I'll teach him a lesson about the heart of the cards.”

“Man, I hope he has some cool cards today,” Joey said as he and his friends were on their way to Solomon's store.

“Me too!” Yugi agreed.

“Yeah!” Tea said.

“So…it looks like we’re not the only ones that have been excited to see more of the cards,” Rarity said as she walked over to the four friends.

“Oh! Hey, Rarity! What are you doing here?” Tea asked.

“Well…I just finished my new job as a dressmaker at a store for the day. Did great. Had some fun. Now, me and the girls are on their way back to the card shop for now,” Rarity explained.

“Are the others close by any chance?” Yugi asked as Pinkie Pie jumped from behind a building.

“Hey there, guys! It’s great seeing you again!” Pinkie Pie greeted the friends.

“Uh, we saw each other yesterday, Pinks,” Joey pointed out.

“Yeah, but it’s nice to see each other again regardless. It was fun being able to sell candy to so many nice people. Just stinks that I couldn’t have any for myself. But…I have to say it was nice for Yugi’s grandpa to give us some cards to make a Deck with. I can’t wait to try it out! I’m nervouscited!” Pinkie Pie yelled as the others looked confused. “What? I’m nervous and excited. Not that hard to understand here, people!”

“Uh…?” Tristan looked confused.

“Like I said yesterday, don’t question Pinkie Pie. She’s very weird,” Rainbow said as she finally ran up to the group.

“So, how was today so far? Find a job that suits you in this world yet?” Tea asked.

“Of course! I was able to make a decent amount at a sports store just around the corner. Just wish I could take a nap on duty. Aw well! I’ll just make up for it at the card shop!” Rainbow said.

“But, Dashie! Aren’t we supposed to Duel each other to try out our new Decks?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Sorry, but I’m tired. Besides, the Deck I have is kinda weak. Most of my cards don’t even have 1000 Attack Points!” Rainbow huffed.

“Yeah, but look on the bright side. You have a decent number of Synchro Monsters in your Deck if that helps,” Rarity reminded.

“Yeah! Don’t be such a sourpuss, Rainbow Dash!” Joey teased.

“Well…maybe you can look over more of the cards. We’re here!” Yugi said as the group arrived at the game shop.

“Okay Gramps, I'm back to get more cards. Hey, hey Gramps!” Joey called as the group began to realize that Solomon wasn’t here.

“Grandpa, I'm home,” Yugi called, hoping his Grandpa was just in the back.

“Maybe he... went out?” Tea suggested.

“Maybe. But why would he leave the door unlocked?” Joey wondered.

“I don't know. There may be something wrong going on. But who…?” Rainbow wondered.

“Oh, hey guys! You’re back!” Spike cried out as he got out from the back of the store.

“Spike? Did Yugi’s grandpa leave you in charge of the store already?” Tristan asked.

“Uh, no? He just went out with some guys in suits. I decided to help him out and see if I could run the store in his absence. He’s been gone for a while, though. I just hope he’s fine…,” Spike muttered.

“He could have gone to make friends with those guys or maybe they took him to a surprise party!” Pinkie Pie suggested.

“I kinda doubt that, Pinks,” Rainbow said.

“Yeah. This could be a sign of foul play like in my Shadow Spade books!” Rarity said.

“Uh…I don’t read. Too nerdy for me,” Rainbow confessed.

“Rarity may have a point. Someone took Yugi’s grandpa somewhere. The only question is where?” Tea wondered.

Suddenly, a phone rings.

“Ah! A ringing beast!” Pinkie yelled.

“Pinkie Pie? I saw one back at work. It’s a phone. For communicating with people,” Rarity noted.

“Oh,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Do you think it’s the suits on the other end?” Joey asked.

“Could be. Maybe we’ll get our answer,” Spike suggested.

Yugi picks up the phone. “Hello. Game Shop.”

“Ahh, Yugi. Perfect.”

“Kaiba?!” Yugi yelled in shock.

“That snake from yesterday?!” Rainbow yelled.

“So those were his men!” Joey yelled.

“He must have wanted the Blue Eyes card!” Tea realized.

“Your grandfather's here visiting. But he's not feeling well. Why don't you come by my office and pick him up?” Kaiba said with a smirk on his end.

“Kaiba! What've you done, Kaiba?!” Yugi demanded with worry.

At a KaibaCorp building…

Yugi and his friends run into an elevator. As they waited for the elevator to take them to the floor where Kaiba and Yugi’s grandpa were, they had a lot of worried and anxious thoughts, especially Yugi. Eventually, they finally made it to the floor where Kaiba said they were.

“Grandpa! Grandpa. A-are you okay?” Yugi yelled out as he ran out of the elevator, with his grandpa having fallen onto the floor with Kaiba smirking over him.

Solomon is propping himself up on his elbows. “Yugi. I failed. I wanted to teach that boy Kaiba a lesson about the heart of the cards, but I lost.” Solomon groaned out.

“Grandpa!” Yugi cried out.

“He must have hurt him after the Duel ended! That…jerk!” Rainbow yelled as she began to run towards him again. Once more, however, she was held back by Rarity and Spike. “Hey! We can’t just let Kaiba get away with this!”

“I know…but we can’t stoop to his level,” Tea said.

“I agree. That would be massively uncouth of us to get our hands sullied fighting such a battle. Though…it is kinda tempting to be fair,” Rarity said as Solomon coughed.

“How's the old man feeling, hmmm?” Kaiba mockingly asked.

“Kaiba, you sleeze. What've you done to him?” Joey demanded.

“He hurt him! That’s what he did!” Rainbow yelled.

“We had a duel, that's all. With each of us putting up our most valuable card as the prize. But I guess playing against a champion like myself was just too much stimulation for the old fool,” Kaiba explained with a smirk.
“And what? Did you hurt him after you ended up winning?” Spike demanded.
“Of course he did!” Rainbow yelled as she looked ready to try and run for him again.

Téa points at Seto. “Kaiba, you should be ashamed of yourself.”

“Yeah! How could you hurt that sweet old man?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“It was fair. It’s not like I cheated or anything,” Kaiba said as he holds up the BEWD. “And look at the sweet prize I won.” To the shock and horror of everyone else present, Kaiba begins tearing it up.

Yugi cries out, “Grandpa's most treasured card!”

“Ahh, my Blue-Eyes White Dragon. My treasure,” Solomon cried out.

“Okay! If I didn’t hate this guy before, I certainly do now!” Rainbow yelled.

“Yeah! He’s a big mean meanie pants! He could have just kept the card, not tear it up!” Pinkie Pie agreed.

“Why did you tear it up, Kaiba?!” Spike demanded.

“Simple. You see, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon is a rare and powerful card and this one will never be used against me,” Kaiba answered.

“You still didn’t need to tear it up you…you…beast!” Rarity yelled as she rushed to slap Kaiba, hitting him across the face. “That’ll teach you to mess with us!”

“Alright! Good going, Rarity! Now, let me have a piece of him!” Rainbow yelled as she tried to punch him…only for Kaiba to grab Rainbow’s fist now that he was prepared. Afterwards, he threw her into Rarity.

“I’ll be charitable and not hurt you any further. But…there is no guarantee I’ll still feel this way if you try it again!” Kaiba said.

“Grandpa! Hold on,” Yugi reassures as he looks up at Seto. “How could you do such a thing?”

“When you want to do something, you need to be willing to do anything in order to achieve your goals. No questions or exceptions,” Kaiba answered.

“You’re a rotten apple, Kaiba!” Rarity yelled.

“Yugi…I want you to try Duel Kaiba. Use the Deck I’ve given you and teach Kaiba…Teach Kaiba respect for the heart of the cards, Yugi,” Solomon pleaded.

“But Grandpa, you need help. I've got to get you to a doctor,” Yugi protested.

“That sounds like an excuse. Your friends can care for your grandfather while you and I duel.... unless you're afraid?” Kaiba mocked.

“Take him Yugi!” Joey yelled.

“Huh?” Yugi turns back to see the others.

“We can take care of your grandpa while you take care of creepy Kaiba. Teach that rich, spoiled brat what a real duel's all about,” Joey yelled

“Make him wish that he was a better person!” Rainbow yelled.

“And who knows? Maybe you can turn his frown upside down by showing him these Heart of the Cards! Which is weird because cards don’t have hearts. Or blood. Or-,” Pinkie was interrupted by Spike and Rarity.

“Just do what you feel is right,” Spike said.

“For your grandpa, Yugi,” Tristan said.

“I don't know…,” Yugi was uncertain.

“Trust me, you're like the best player I've ever seen, and you've got the Millennium Puzzle. You can do this Yugi! I know you can!” Joey reassured.

“We all do,” Tea agreed.

Yugi nods, reaching for his deck. “Okay, Grandpa. I'll do it.”

“I know you will, my boy,” Solomon said with confidence.

Téa whips out a black marker. “Everyone, put your hands together and I'll mark us with a special sign,” Tea says as she draws a smiley face on their combined hands.

“What gives, Téa?” Joey asked.

“Yeah. What is with the strange writing?” Rainbow asked.

“Simple. It's a symbol of our friendship so when Yugi's dueling, no matter how tough it gets, he'll know that he's not alone, we're all right there with him,” Tea explained.

“Seems like a sweet gesture,” Spike noted.

“Kinda wish I didn’t have my hand written on though…but it’s the thought that counts!” Rarity corrected.

“Great. Great. So…can we please get Yugi’s grandpa to the hospital now?” Rainbow grumbled.

“You know, she does have a point…even if she was kinda rude about it,” Tristan said the last part under his breath.

“Alright? Then let’s go!” Joey cried out as the group was about to leave.

"Perfect! The geek patrol is going to leave at last. Now I can crush Yugi with my three Blue Eyes!" Kaiba smirked.

"Hey! Yugi can kick your butt easy! Heck, I could probably beat you if I Dueled!" Rainbow challenged, not caring if what she said was true or not.

"Is that so? Well then, I have a proposition for you. I'll Duel both you and Yugi. You'll share a pool of 4000 Life Points. I'll let you use my new Duel Disks for said Duel as well. If I lose, I'll apologize for my actions and even let you have some Duel Disks for you and your dork patrol. You lose and you'll give your pathetic cards to me for me to trash!" Kaiba challenged.

"Uh...maybe we should not do that. I mean, Rainbow hasn't ever Dueled yet and this Kaiba person was able to beat Yugi's Grandpa easily," Rarity suggested.

"Hey! I can still learn! Besides, no one messes with my friends!" Rainbow yelled.

"I understand that. And it's very cool of you...but at the same time, he's a pro!" Tristan warned.

"What do you think, Yugi?" Tea asked.

"Well...I guess as long as Rainbow is fine with it I'll Duel with her. We may be able to do better with some help," Yugi agreed reluctantly.

"Perfect! It's a deal, Kaiba!" Rainbow rashly agreed.

"Perfect! Better say goodbye to your cards now! It'll be the last time you ever get to see them," Kaiba gloated.

"Good luck, Dashie! Now...let's take Yugi's grampy to have his ouchies looked at, stat!" Pinkie yelled as everyone but Yugi, Kaiba, and Rainbow Dash left.

"So...do we just go to a table and play the game then or...?" Rainbow asked.

"How naive. We won't be Dueling at a table. Come with me! I'll show you the dawn in the next generation of Dueling!" Kaiba said with a smirk.