• Published 1st May 2022
  • 734 Views, 15 Comments

Funkin' Friendship - Goldstar

In an Equestria where major conflicts are solved by rap battles, Boyfriend and Girlfriend from Friday Night Funkin' just happened to show up.

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3: Vs. Trixie

Exactly one week after Gilda visited and left Ponyville, Boyfriend had decided to show Girlfriend a surprise. They walked for a few minutes throughout town before coming across a house. “We finally got our own place to stay,” Boyfriend explained, “The living arrangements with Twilight was not ideal. We didn’t have our own bed the whole time.”

“Not to mention hearing noises I only want to hear from you and I,” Girlfriend said. The house itself was rather simple, being made up of two floors, a kitchen, living room, a single bathroom and master bedroom. “This is nice. You made enough bits already from rapping?”

“Not entirely. After sending a letter to Princess Celestia, she agreed to get us a place to stay. Her reply letter strongly hinted at her not being so happy with Twilight valuing sexual encounters over friendship and love. But that’s not our problem.”

“Although I will miss having Spike around for much of the day.”

“Yeah, but we’ll make more out of the time we do see him.”

“I’m pretty sure Pinkie is going to throw a...” Before Girlfriend could finish, Pinkie entered through the front entrance.

“Congratulations on your new home party!” She said as confetti spread from her front hooves.

“What timing. Were you just waiting for us?” Girlfriend asked.

“Why yes, I was. I like to surprise ponies. I was just hopping around town, and I noticed you two go to a seemingly empty house. So, I thought, you became the new owners.”

“I hope you’re not a stalker.” Pinkie looked offended by Girlfriend’s remark.

“I’m not! I only hide in bushes and stay out of sight for surprises.”

“So, stalking?”

“It sounds less bad if you don’t call it that.”

“You seem innocent enough. At least I hope there is no secret dark side that very cheerful people tend to have.”

“You silly billy. Your demonic transformation took us for a loop last week. It was yours truly and Boyfriend that got the ponies to stop freaking out.”

“I’m not evil. I do hope the ponies are not still scared of me.”

“By the way,” Pinkie changed the subject, “A magic show is starting soon, hosted by a mare named Trixie. Coming?”

“A magic show? Sounds fun, let’s go Boyfriend.”

“Sure babe. Although it is Friday, so I’m ready to rap if it comes to it.”

“Yay!” Pinkie shouted, “Your rapping is so much fun. Maybe I should try it someday.”

“Surely there are other rappers in Equestria,” Boyfriend thought out loud.

“Not important enough for our circle of friends to know.”

Twilight’s friends arrived at the show within mere minutes before it started. Trixie took the stage. “Welcome one and all, to a stunning performance by the one and only, Great and Powerful Trixie! Trixie is only the greatest stage magician in all of Equestria. Anypony wants to challenge that claim?” Trixie gave no time for anyone to answer. “Trixie didn’t think so. Behold, Trixie’s amazing defeat of the Ursa Minor.” Using her magic, Trixie acted out a fight between herself and the Ursa Minor, using magic to display smaller, transparent versions of herself and the Ursa Minor. The displays showed Trixie fending off the Ursa Minor with seemingly little effort. After that, she bowed. “As you can see, Trixie is all that she’s cracked up to be. Perhaps she’ll even take on an Ursa Major.”

“Umm... excuse me?” Rainbow asked out loud. “That Ursa Minor was not to scale like at all.”

“You think to interrupt my show? You know what, you can be a part of it. It’s more than Trixie would entertain for most other hecklers. Come on, show us something amazing.” Trixie waved her hoof toward Rainbow, daring her to come.

“Challenge accepted!” Rainbow gladly said as she then pulled out a pair of thick sunglasses. “Wait till you get a hold of my Sonic Rainboom!”

“Does that involve rainbows?” Trixie asked, “Are you trying to make Ponyville even gayer than it already is?”

“What? No.”

“You’re boring Trixie. Shoo. Who else wants to outperform the Great and Powerful Trixie?”

“Ah will!” Applejack accepted as she then walked up to the stage.

“An apple cutie mark? Trixie wonders if your flanks taste juicy.” Applejack felt very embarrassed by this comment. “Half the mares in this crowd probably can vouch for that.”

“Listen here you little troublemaker!”

“Tell that to Rainbow who interrupted Trixie’s show. Where’s your defense now? Off the stage. Any other challengers!” Boyfriend then stepped up to the stage.

“You think you’re hot shit? Rap battle me!”

“This is a magic show, not a rap battle, but if you insist. Watch as the Great and Powerful Trixie shows off yet another of her many talents; rap battling.” Trixie’s horn glowed as she levitated a microphone from within her cloak. Girlfriend went up to the stage, set her speakers down, and got on top.

Three, two, one, go!

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is going to school you. Trixie doesn’t need tricks.”

“No tricks are going to save you from me being dope on the mic.”

“Trixie is the best traveling magician. Her name gets across Equestria and soon, beyond.”

“So far I’ve been spitting in and around Ponyville, but word is getting around.”

“Ursa Minors, manticores, and dragons, are just a few who cannot stand up to Trixie.”

“Demons, duos, gunslingers, monsters, and evil spirits, plus more, cannot rap to the OG Boyfriend!”

“What is your claim to fame anyway?”

“Ending Nightmare Moon’s revenge with superior lyrics.”

“A worthy opponent. Although considering you’re an earth pony, Trixie won’t get outmatched by you in magic.”

“I don’t need magic, just pure talent, to get down on the mic. Just ask my opponents.”

“Hecklers try to interrupt Trixie’s shows, but they get burnt.”

“You invited others to dismiss before they could outmatch you.”

“Because Trixie knows she can match whatever attempts they come up with.”

“Is that so? Want to prove it? Or are you too afraid?”

“Afraid? As if.”

“Anyone can claim they done what you done. Seems easy to get famous that way, no?”

“Are you calling Trixie a liar? And why should we believe your feats?”

“Tricks are in your name. You entertain through tricky.”

“Of course, it makes a better show if Trixie exaggerates her feats.”

“So, you admit to it?”

“Yeah, so? It’s entertainment none the less, not history.”

“And what if someone were to test your claims?”

“It is hardly Trixie’s fault if they do so.”

“While entertaining children and denying challenges, except this rap.”

“Trixie is Great and Powerful for a reason.”

“Is that all you can do, is boast?”

“Trixie can... Trixie...”

“Try having the talent to backup your boasting. And yeah, consider yourself busted in front of a live audience.”

As the rap battle ended, the audience were cheering on Boyfriend. Trixie looked beyond humiliated. “No, this is my show! Upstaged at my own performance! Show’s over, go away now!” Before anyone could move, heavy stomping noises were heard. The ponies looked to see a Ursa Minor headed their way. Two colts ran up to Trixie.

“You said you could handle a Ursa Minor?” Snips asked.

“Now you can show everyone, it’ll be so cool!” Snails praised. Steam blew out of Trixie’s ears and veins were visible on her face.

“You fucking morons!” The crowd didn’t look pleased with Trixie’s choice of words. “Parden the language. Trixie is unprepared to deal with this now.”

“Can’t I make it go away by rapping?” Boyfriend asked.

“Not every problem can be solved that way,” Trixie answered. “Somepony better have a solution for this.”

“It’s my turn to shine!” Twilight said proudly. “Seeing how I’m one of the most powerful magic users in all of Equestria, with actual talent to back it up, I’ll handle this. I tried to be humble, too worried about looking like a show off in front of other ponies, but not anymore.” Through a display of magic, mostly telekinesis, Twilight managed to get the Ursa Minor to walk back into the Everfree Forest and go to sleep. “So, I can’t rap battle, but don’t discount Princess Celestia’s most faithful student, me, to show you what magic is really about.”

“I had enough!” Trixie then yelled. “I’ll be back and show you all! Just you wait!” As Trixie tried to take off, one of the wheels on her traveling wagon fell off.” Fuuuuu...”

“I do enjoy reading Twilight’s letters,” Celestia said to Luna. “I need to prepare her to rule over Equestria someday. I’m beyond tired of ruling, but Equestria will fall into complete chaos if I quit now without a good replacement.”

“I dare say you’re putting more of your faith in Boyfriend than Twilight.”

“He’s there to help solve issues that the Element bearers cannot, otherwise, they can handle anything else thrown their way. Twilight handled that Ursa Minor rather easily. Unlike that traitor Sunset Shimmer, Twilight is too pure to ever turn evil, intentionally. Being crazy and horny, yes. But I raised her to not make the same mistakes I did with Sunset.”

“Yet you haven’t flat out discouraged her from pursuing her sexual desires.”

“It helps to keep her under control. She’s still not used to being surrounded by mares she wants to spend time with. Her fellow peers in Canterlot didn’t get such a reaction out of her. And her seeing the mostly male Royal Guards led to a lot of sexual frustration.”

“I imagine so. Why when I was on the moon...”

“I don’t want to hear about your sex life.”

“I wasn’t going to mention that”

“A lot has changed in the thousand years you’ve been away. I’m surprised you picked up on modern grammar so quickly and not speaking in the ways of old anymore.”

“I know it’s a big help toward reintroducing myself to our little ponies.”

“Of course, I knew who Boyfriend and Girlfriend was before sending them here, but I had to play it up like I didn’t know what was going on when we first met. Although Twilight will probably figure this out in time or maybe not, she’s not very street smart or quick to catch onto social cues. Anyway, I’m going to bed so I won’t see whatever you do with the night sky. I do hope it isn’t messages about me sucking.”

“I surely would never dream of such a thing, of course not or the ponies will be talking about it. But don’t think I won’t figure out ways to get around you Tia.”

Later that night, Rainbow flew over to Fluttershy’s house and knocked on her door. Fluttershy took a moment to answer the door, given the late hour. “Hey Fluttershy, got a moment to talk?” Rainbow asked her.

“Sure, what’s up?” Fluttershy rubbed her eyes. She let Rainbow into the house.

“I’ve been thinking so much about the Gilda situation. She was very upfront about us being marefriends at one point. Seeing her return and witnessing Boyfriend drive her out of town makes me long for that sort of relationship again. Not with her, no way. I won’t get that kind of relationship with Twilight, at least not now. She’s way more interested in pleasing her own sexual desires over close interpersonal relationships.

“I’m not asking you to be my marefriend, at least I don’t think. The idea doesn’t bother me so much if I were. Yet, it feels kinda weird, not going to lie. Our relationship has a very strong sisterly bond. Suddenly changing that is... going to take time even for me. Although there is Spitfire of the Wonderbolts. That skintight suit, her...” Rainbow’s wings flared up. “I’m getting off track.”

“Where would you like us to be?”

“I’m still perfectly fine with friends. I don’t want to suddenly decide to woe you just because my ex-marefriend shown up. That would feel too sudden.”

“It’s okay Rainbow, we’re really close already, even if mostly in a sisterly way. It really upsets you that she randomly decided to show up and cause trouble?”

“For sure. And then she had the nerve to make you cry. If Boyfriend didn’t come to your defense, I was seconds away from straight up attacking Gilda. In hindsight, that might have made me look bad, but I don’t think these things do in the moment.”

“Please don’t hurt you own rep to stand up to me.”

“But I can’t stand to see you upset, especially if somepony or some griffon, in this case, caused that. I’m going to be my Element namesake, after all.”

“Someday, I want to be able to be the one to stand up for you. You’re often coming to my rescue. I feel weak.”

“Fluttershy, look at me. You are not weak! It takes a lot to be kind even when dealing with those who probably don’t deserve it. Sure, you’re somewhat of a doormat, no offense, but, that’s what we have each other for. If there’s something you can’t say to somepony, I can.” Rainbow then used her wings to cover Fluttershy, without meaning to. Fluttershy blushed at this.

“Would you like to... stay the night? In the same bed? Purely... friendly.”

“Sure. I’m off tomorrow from my weather duties.”