• Published 21st Nov 2021
  • 4,556 Views, 254 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Bugged Out - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms are off to the town of Middlington to recover mutagen with the help of a girl who is shall we say... Creepie.

  • ...

Ninjas vs Bugs

At Creepie's place, the ninjas, their friends, and the Rainbooms were gearing up, making sure their weapons were prepped, while gathering as much supplies as they can take. Even Creepie herself was arming herself with a few smoke bombs, and prepping her own weapon.

“Creepie?” came a voice, as Creepie looked seeing Karai standing in her bedroom doorway.

“Yes, Karai?”

“Everyone's waiting downstairs.”

“I'll be right there.” the girl answered.

“Also, how're you feeling?” Karai inquired.

“What do you mean?”

“We're about to go up against some real bad alien bugs. I only met Dregg once compared to the turtles and the Rainbooms, but that one time was enough to give me the hint he can be just as bad as Shredder. I wanna make sure you're prepared for what we're about to face.”

Creepie nodded, “I appreciate your concern, but I'll be fine. I've faced my own set of crazy things before. And this will be just another one to add to the list.”

Karai smiled, “You really do have confidence, but don't let that turn into cockiness.”

“Understood.” Creepie replied.

“Come on, let's go.” Karai said, as the two went downstairs.

Soon the Party Wagon, the Shellraiser, and the Rainboom bus were driving through Middlington with each of them following Evinrude's directions to the lair where Dregg was at.

Leo spoke from a comm inside the Shellraiser which transferred to the other two vehicles, “Alright team. We know what we're up against, but that doesn't mean we should go in acting like it's nothing we haven't done before.”

Donnie who was driving the party wagon spoke, “He's right. We may have faced Dregg before, but he has two new associates from what we've been told, and they're using the mutagen Pierce found to make super Vreen soldiers.

Rainbow spoke through the intercom, “Yeah, we know, but this time the joke's gonna be on Dregg, because he has no idea this time we have a little upgrade as well.”

“Yeah, boy. We're gonna squash some space bugs!” Mikey cheered.

“Remember, Mikey, let's not get cocky.” Leo reminded him.

“I'm eager to see just how dangerous this Dregg guy really is.” Keno said.

“Yeah, I never even got to face him when he came to earth,” Casey grumbled, “Fine time for a hockey game away from home.”

“Even if we faced a memory version of him it still pales in comparison to the real thing.” Sunset added remembering when Wallflower created memory versions of their past enemies, including Dregg.

“Same for a spirit version.” Rarity put in recalling Dregg was her spiritual adversary she had to fight during her spirit quest at Camp Everfree.

“Even so, he caused a lot of trouble for us, and because of him we came close to losing the earth a second time.” Raph said.

“Exactly. Whatever we're up against, we'll face it together.” Leo concluded.

Creepie and her friends who were on board the Rainbooms bus were surprised at the pep talk, before Melanie announced, “Go team!”

“That Leo sure knows how to give a team speech.” Budge admitted.

“That's normally how he is.” Twilight told him.

Soon the three vehicles were coming up on the factory where Evinrude told them their enemies were at. After exiting their rides, April concentrated, “They're inside. A lot of them.”

“What about the perimeter?” Leo asked.

“I'm not sensing anybody on the outside.” the redhead psychic replied.

“For a guy with a supposed army, you'd think he'd have more security.” Carla said.

“Probably because he has no idea we know he's here.” Sunset suspected.

“Well, he's about to find out.” Rainbow said eagerly.

Applejack turned to Budge, Chris-Alice, Carla, and Melanie, “You guys wait here until we give the signal.”

“You can count on us.” Chris-Alice answered, as Budge saluted.

“Alright, team. Let's go.” Leo said, as they headed for the entrance of the factory.

They burst through the doors armed and ready, “Freeze dirt bags!” Casey announced.

The group stopped to see there was no one around, no sign of Pierce, Dregg, or his new followers. Not even a single Vreen.

“Well, this was anticlimactic.” Donnie said.

“April, I thought you sensed others in here.” Rarity recalled.

“I did.” she confirmed.

“Then if they're not here...” Keno began, until they looked up and suddenly saw dropping down on them were Vreen soldiers that looked buffer than before.

The Vreen grabbed the ninjas, Rainbooms, and Creepie pinning them down to the floor. They struggled, until they saw a pair of purple feet land before them. They looked up seeing Dregg accompanied by Hi-Tech, Mung, Pierce, and Buzzworth.

The gangster alien bug laughed, “Once again you stumble right into my trap. You pathetic earthlings haven't changed one bit!”

“You're not better yourself, Dregg!” Leo frowned.

“You're just as twisted as ever!” Rainbow spat.

Dregg looked down seeing the CHS students, “Ah, the Rainbooms. It has been far too long since I last laid my eyes on you.”

“And we were hoping we'd never have to look at your ugly mug again.” Spike barged, as the Vreen restraining him held him tighter.

Mung looked upon the intruders, “These be the terrans who caused you so much trouble, master?”

“More or less.” Dregg replied.

Pinkie spoke up, “Since we're all thinking about it, tell us Dregg, how did you survive having your ship blown up that time you tried invading New York?”

“Yeah, how?” Mikey asked.

Dregg smirked, “I'm glad you asked.” he began to narrate.

Right when I was shocked unconsciously on board my ship, I managed to send a distress signal hoping someone would respond. When my ship exploded I was launched into the atmosphere beaten and injured. Luckily who should answer my SOS, but Hi-Tech here. One of my more loyal hunters. When he discovered my body he took me back to one of my other outposts in the galaxy where my assistant Mung here operates. With the help of his microbots and stasis pod I was on my way to a full recovery. Though it took what felt like a millennium it was all worth it. Mung had the microbots build me a new body and upon being placed inside it I awoke while trying to recollect my recent memories before my unfortunate accident.

It was then I knew only one thing mattered to me now. Revenge. And to begin I would once again take planet earth and use every human as a food supply for my children. When we took off for earth, Mung intercepted sightings of a large abundant of insect mutants located in this small pitiful town called Middlington. So I decided to investigate and upon learning the good Dr. Pierce here had been using Kraang mutagen to create mutant insects I knew I found the right place to set up shop.

Pierce looked at the group, before turning to Buzzworth, “These are the ones that caused you so much trouble?”

“Yes, father,” Buzzworth buzzed, “They're a lot more trouble than they look!”

“Then I suggest it's best we put an end to them here and now.” Pierce suggested to his partner.

“Yes. My revenge begins with you all!” Dregg announced to his enemies.

Mung cleared his throat alerting Dregg, “While I share your desire to subject others to your will, my lord. Let us remember we are here to conquer this planet. We don't want to get too obsessed with focusing on one smaller problem.”

Dregg frowned, and grabbed Mung bringing him up to his face shocking the heroes, “Do not question me, Mung! As long as the Turtles, and their human allies continue to breathe, they will always interfere with my plans!”

“It's true.” Pinkie admitted, while the others gave her dry looks.

Dregg dropped Mung before speaking to the heroes, “With this new Vreen breeding machine and the mutagen Pierce supplied us with, my army will be stronger than ever before. As you've just seen a small sample.” he motioned to the Vreen restraining them.

“We've stopped you before, Dregg. And we can do it again.” Sunset warned him.

“Not likely, Sunset Shimmer. You and your allies barely made it through me before. And that was when you had your Salamandrian allies and that Triceraton enforcer to back you up. And once I'm through with you I'll be going for them as well.”

“If you lay one hand on Mona, I'll!” Raph shouted, only for the Vreen restraining him to press him down harder onto the floor.

“You're in no position to be making threats to me, terrapin. Because there is nothing any of you can do to stop me!” Dregg declared.

“Don't be so sure about that.” Creepie spoke up.

Dregg looked down at the child, “And how pray tell would you say otherwise?”

Creepie smirked, “Because we got back up.”

Fugitoid released a warning sound, and barging in were Creepie's friends armed with exterminator tanks on their backs and hoses in hand.

“Exterminators have arrived!” Budge declared.

“More children?” Pierce asked in confusion.

“I find your reinforcements a minor problem.” Dregg told Creepie.

“We'll show you minor!” Carla declared, as they started spraying an orange mist at some of the Vreen much to Dregg's confusion.

“What is this?”

“A little something I concocted using retromutagen and Chris-Alice's dad's exterminator equipment. Retromutagen bug spray!” Donnie answered smugly.

Dregg watched as some of the Super Vreen started losing their excess muscle due to the retromutagen, “No! I will not let you destroy my new army.”

“Yeah, that's our job.” Rainbow said, as she and the Rainbooms activated their magic and broke free of the Super Vreen's hold. The turtles themselves activated the magic in their medallions and broke free as well. Karai shifted into snake form and got free before attacking the bugs holding the others down.

As the ninjas and Rainbooms stood ready, Sunset spoke to Dregg, “You're not the only one with an upgrade, Dregg.”

“We got new abilities ourselves.” Raph added.

“Still feel like you can take us on?” Rainbow challenged him.

Dregg growled before announcing to his army, “Attack!” And so the Super Vreen led by Hi-Tech flew into battle.

“Spread out!” Leo ordered, as the group split up to deal with the bugs.

Twilight and Sunset fought four Vreen with Twilight swatting and stabbing at them with her weapon, before using her magic to levitate a drum barrel over and nail another one with it. Sunset dodged on Vreen trying to grab her before grabbing onto another and used one of her kunai to stab into it hard enough to make it stop functioning.

“The Vreen are definitely a lot more challenging than Kraang droids.” Twilight confessed.

“I know, right?” Sunset asked, before the two jumped away as another Vreen tried to swoop down and grab them.

Applejack using her clawed gloves combined with her magic strength was slicing at any Vreen flying right by her, “I forgot how pesky these varmints are!”

Pinkie bounced around nailing a Vreen with the sickle part of her weapon, “Yeah, but it's so much fun taking them down.” she saw another flying right for her, before pouring some sprinkles from a shaker into her hand. She infused them with her magic before throwing them at the Vreen before they detonated on it.

Rainbow was running around at super speed stabbing and jabbing her weapon into any of the Vreen that tried to fight her, “Oh, yeah!” she cheered.

Keno and Casey were fighting side by side with Casey whacking some Vreen with his goalie stick, and Keno with his sparing sticks.

“Man, I love fighting these bugs!” Casey said all excited.

“I'm loving it too!” Keno said in excitement.

Budge, and the rest of Creepie's friends were still spraying the Super Vreen with their retromutagen bug spray that was making them weaker for the ninjas to defeat them.

Chris-Alice suddenly saw no more gas coming out of her hose, same as the others, “Oopsy-daisy.”

“Hey, Donnie, we're out of bug spray!” Budge called to the smart turtle who was swatting down some Vreen with his bo-staff.

“Don't worry about it. We got things covered here!” Donnie answered, as all around the Super Vreen that were de-powered thanks to the retromutagen bug spray were weaker.

Soon the Super Vreen were defeated, as Leo aimed his sword at Dregg, “Your Vreen have fallen, Dregg!”

Dregg who wasn't worried at all, smirked and answered, “Oh, but round two is just about to begin.”

Mung chuckled, as he activated the Vreen Breeding Machine that started producing more Super Vreen, “Break all you want. We can always make more!”

The ninjas saw more Super Vreen were being released from the machine much to their shock, “Whoa.” Creepie gasped.

“Now I wish we had more bug spray.” Carla said, as she and Melanie got scared.

“Get them!” Dregg ordered, as more Super Vreen flew into battle against the heroes.

Raph and Leo were fighting some of the robo-bugs, until Hi-Tech dropped in and whipped out two blades from his armor, “Alright, looks like we got ourselves a new challenger,” Raph began before addressing his new opponent, “So, Hi-Tech, is it?” Hi-Tech just nodded in confirmation.

“Not much of a talker, huh?” Leo asked.

“That's ok. I'm not either.” Raph said, as the two brothers armed themselves and fought the hunter together.

Hi-Tech dodged and blocked several of Leo and Raph's strikes, before tripping them off their feet. When he tried to drop his blades on the two, both turtles rolled away and back into their feet.

“Ok, this guys got moves, I'll give him that.” Raph confessed.

“So let's show him some real power.” Leo said, as the two assumed their powered up magic forms and fought Hi-Tech again putting them on equal footing with him.

Mikey who was striking at some Vreen saw Leo and Raph take their new forms, “Oh, yes! That's what I'm talking about!” Mikey assumed his own super powered mode, and slammed his ninja weapons on the floor causing earth pillars to rise up and either pierce through some Super Vreen or for the minions to end up flying right into.

Donnie after swatting one Super Vreen away assumed his own magic mode and used the power of thunder to strike some of the super bugs down.

Dregg looked around seeing his Super Vreen were falling even if more were being released from the machine, “Is there anyone around here that can deal with these fools?!”

Pierce nudged Buzzworth forward, “Buzzworth, get in there!”

Buzzworth buzzed in fright, “Father, I don't think I'm right for this!”

Pierce growled before slapping the fly mutants face, “Useless!” the ninjas gasped seeing what Pierce had just done to his servant.

Buzzworth buzzed sadly before flying behind some crates where he wouldn’t be in the way. Creepie who had been dodging some of the Super Vreen hurried over for him.


“What is it?” he buzzed in depression.

“Why did you let Pierce treat you like that?” she asked in outrage.

“Because he's my dad, my creator.”

“That still doesn't give him the right to treat you like dirt!” Creepie said, “You deserve so much better than what he gives you. You've been serving him since you were mutated, and has he given you an ounce of respect since then, even love?”

Buzzworth contemplated on it and started realizing Pierce hadn't been treating him nicely at all. Especially after his first failed attempt to bring him Creepie, “Well, no.”

“Buzzworth, you are more than what Pierce makes you feel like you are. You're your own being. You don't have to be his lowly subject and get treated like scum in return!”

“I don't?”

“Of course you don't!”

Buzzworth once again thought about what Creepie said while looking back at Pierce remembering how badly he treated him. After letting it all sink in Buzzworth tightened his eyes and buzzed angrily before flying out from his hiding spot.

Pierce laughed while watching the heroes fight for their lives, until he was snatched up by Buzzworth, “Hey! Buzzworth, let me go! I order you!”

Buzzworth brought Pierce right up to his face and spoke, “I don't work for you anymore!”

“Traitor!” Pierce shouted, “When I'm through with you, you'll be stuck to fly paper for life!”

“Cork it, doc!” Buzzworth replied before tossing Pierce down into a crate with the lid closing on him.

“Hey, let me out of here!” Pierce demanded as he pounded on the crate from the inside.

Buzzworth smirked before spotting Fluttershy dodging some Super Vreen, before one grabbed her from behind. He flew at the Super Vreen and grabbed it from behind ripping its arms out freeing Fluttershy.

“You saved me.” Fluttershy gasped.

“Well, you're worth saving.” Buzzworth answered making Fluttershy smile.

“Uh, I hate to break up this moment, but we're still under attack here!” Budge cried, as he and the girls took cover.

“As long as that machine is still breeding Vreen eggs, there will be no end to them!” Fugitoid noted, while blasting at some of the Super Vreen.

“Can you shut it down?” Karai asked, while stabbing one Super Vreen with her sword.

“I can, but I'll need a clear opening!”

“So let's get him some space!” Sunset ordered.

The heroes all started fighting against the Super Vreen, as Fugitoid made his way through heading for the machine.

“Oh, no you don't!” Dregg called, as he and Mung each pulled out a blaster and started shooting at the cyborg.

Fugitoid dodged some shots, before Rarity slid in and used her diamond shields to protect him, “Go, professor!”

“Thank you!” Fugitoid continued on.

Hi-Tech rocketed in at Fugitoid blocking his path, “Oh, dear.”

Hi-Tech was about to attack the cyborg, until Raph jumped in with his sais glowing with fire, “I don't think so!” he fought Hi-Tech allowing Fugitoid passage.

When the professor reached the machine he started working the control board, before pressing one final button shutting it down, “Success!” he cheered.

Dregg growled, as he flew at Fugitoid pinning him to the floor, “I will teach you to meddle in my affairs!”

“Hey, bug!”

Everyone looked seeing Skipper dressed in his Tarantula Boy costume standing atop some crates, “Get off the robot!”

“Skipper!” Creepie cheered.

“Ha, and what are you supposed to be?” Dregg inquired.

“You can call me Tarantula Boy!”

“If you think your presence alone makes any difference, you're sadly mistaken.” Dregg mocked him.

“Who said I was alone?” Skipper asked, before looking upward, “Ok, everyone!”

Dropping in was Skipper's mom, and all of Creepie's family, “Charge!” Gnat and Pauly declared.

Marge was shooting threads of web at some of the Super Vreen tying them up, while also using her eight legs to whack some of them away from her. Creepie's whole family swarmed around Hi-Tech and Mung who were trying to swat them away, but proved to be futile.

“Let's take these goons down!” Rainbow called, as she zipped over at Hi-Tech before nailing him with a kick sending him crashing into Mung resulting in the two crashing into a pile of crates causing it to topple and landing on the two burying them.

“Mung! Hi-Tech!” Dregg cried, only to get headbutted by Fugitoid making him lose his grip on the robot who managed to get free.

“Now for Dregg!” Leo aimed his sword at the gangster bug.

The turtles charged at Dregg each of them striking at him, before he launched his hands that grabbed onto Leo and Mikey, until Donnie and Raph powered up their weapons and sliced his hands right off much to Dregg's anger.

Rainbow used her speed and ran while dragging Applejack along before launching her forward to deliver a super punch to Dregg making him fly backwards and crash into the breeding machine leaving behind an outline dent.

Dregg peeled himself off and frowned, at the Rainbooms and the ninjas who stood ready to face him together, “I warn you earthlings, I will have this planet, and you will all be destroyed!”

“Dregg!” Creepie called, as he turned and saw Creepie throw a smoke bomb in his face blinding him. The girl aimed the blade of her weapon and jumped at Dregg's torso, “Booyakasha!” she stabbed Dregg's torso with her blade hitting some wiring in the exoskeleton making it fall down flat.

They watched, as a compartment opened up and out came Mini-Dregg, “I will have my revenge one day!” he attempted to fly away only to come face to face with Vincent Caroleena, and the rest of their family.

“I'm sorry, sir, but there won't be any revenge coming from you.” Vincent began.

“Indeed,” Caroleena agreed, “And it's bugs like you that give insects like us a bad name!”

Mini-Dregg watched as Creepie's whole family surrounded him and started beating at him until the mini bug alien fell onto a crate injured, before being levitated by Twilight into a jar and the brainy girl put a lid on it. Mini-Dregg got up and started pounding on the bottle, “Let me out of here! I demand you release me!”

“Keep talking, Dregg.” Raph told him.

The ninjas sighed in relief knowing their mission was a success. Applejack looked around seeing the remains of the Vreen army, as well as Dregg, his two unconscious minions, and the breeding machine, “So what're we gonna do about all of this?”

“Don't worry, the Utroms will clean all this up.” Donnie answered.

“The Utroms?” Carla asked.

Later on, Bishop had arrived with several Utrom Droids that had Dregg, Hi-Tech, and Mung in custody. The member of the council spoke to the heroes, “We thank you all for apprehending Dregg and his cohorts. They will be put in lock up with the others.”

“And what about the Vreen Breeding Machine?” Twilight asked.

“We had it safely dismantled, and whatever mutagen was left in it has been contained and will be properly disposed of.” Bishop answered.

“So we win?” Mikey asked, as Leo nodded, and answered.

“We win.”

The group cheered, as Bishop spoke to Creepie, and her friends, “Ms. Creecher, we of the Utrom extend our gratitude to you and your friends in helping our allies capture this notorious outlaw.” he motioned to Mini-Dregg who was grumbling from inside the jar.

“No big. It was pretty wicked, actually.” Creepie replied.

“Definitely an experience.” Budge admitted.

“I never knew fighting aliens could be such a blast.” Carla said.

“It was out of this world!” Chris-Alice added.

“We should totally tell the school about this.” Melanie suggested.

“Uh, that's a no-go there.” Budge replied.

“That's right,” Leo confirmed, “What happened here stays between all of us.”

“Ok.” Melanie replied.

Creepie spoke to Bishop, “So, Bishop, what're you going to do about Dr. Pierce?”

They looked over seeing two Utrom Droids carrying the crate which contained Pierce still demanding to be let out.

“He'll be handed over to the proper authorities, I assure you.” Bishop explained.

“Perfect.” Creepie smirked.

“Thanks again, Bishop.” Leo said.

“Of course. Until next time, which hopefully won't be so soon.” Bishop said, as the Utrom opened a portal and headed back to their dimension taking their three captives with.

The group smiled knowing all was well, until the saw Buzzworth who looked ready to take off, “Buzzworth?” Creepie asked.

“Oh, hey.” he buzzed.

“Where are you going?” Fluttershy asked.

“I honestly don't know,” he replied, “Being with the doc was where I had been since I mutated. I'm not sure where to go or where I even belong. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll find it out there.”

Before Buzzworth could leave he felt one of his arms get grabbed. He looked down seeing Creepie holding onto him and looked at him with pleading eyes, “But I don't want you to leave.”

“You don't?”

Creepie shook her head, “You helped us against Pierce and Dregg, you're a hero.”

Leo nodded, “She's right about that. You really came through when you decided to join our side.”

“Ya got that right.” Applejack confirmed.

“You're a friend, Buzzworth.” Fluttershy added.

“I am?” the fly mutant buzzed.

“Indubitably.” Rarity nodded.

Vincent flew over with his wife and spoke, “And we would be honored if you came to live with us.”

Buzzworth was taken aback, “What, really?”

Caroleena nodded, “Welcome to the family, son.”

“Brother!” the rest of Creepie's family flew around Buzzworth who started to smile and shed some tears.

“Thank you. Thank you all.”

Sunset turned to all her friends, “Well, everyone. It looks like it's time to celebrate.

And with that everyone present announced, “Booyakasha!”