• Published 1st Nov 2021
  • 456 Views, 2 Comments

Rainbow Rescue! - Rixizu

Trixie with her friends Minty, Rainbow Dash, Razzaroo, and Pinkie Pie rush after the evil Princess Corona after she steals the rainbows from the land.

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Chapter 4

“A prisoner, me?” Trixie’s head whirled, wanting to deny this obvious fiction, but her adamant refusal froze on her lips. Could it be true? Was this an illusionary world? It sounded impossible to be true, insane even. Yet doubt had been an ever-present itch, refusing to be silent.

Why can't anything make sense? My life can't be a lie, right?" Trixie clutched at her head, pain throbbing her temples.

“No, don’t listen to her!” Minty tugged at Trixie’s front leg. “She’s just trying to confuse you! You’re my best friend, always have been.”

“F-friend?” Was she Minty’s best friend? An enemy? Trixie couldn’t tell anymore. Much to her surprise, Razzaroo got into Minty’s face.

“You haven’t been truthful to Trixie, have you? No, no, no!” Razzaroo said, her tone stern.

“No, I!” Minty shook her head, but couldn’t hide her guilty look.

“Pathetic. So desperate for friends, she trapped an innocent pony in her lies.” Corona said. Around them, the flames encroached closer. Corona's horn flared to life, trapping them in a flickering barrier of light while Ponyland burned.

"Impossible." Trixie's breath caught as the flames sparked from the mountain to the sky itself, setting it aflame.

Despite her fear, anger burned in Trixie’s soul, seeing the truth behind Corona’s words. Minty had foalnapped her, hadn’t she? Trapping her in some saccharine fairy world, a prisoner to a fake friendship. How cruel. How evil. And Corona was the villain here? Minty backed away upon catching Trixie’s expression. The pain in her head intensified, trying to pacify her, but Trixie refused to submit any further.

“What have you done, Minty? You did this, didn’t you?" Trixie's eyes blazed, venom spitting from her mouth. You’re the reason I’m trapped in this pithole? I hate you!”

“Well, well. It seems you’re all alone again, Minty.” Corona said, her tone mocking. “You drove away your last friend. How sad.”

“Trixie, no!” Tears flowed freely down Minty’s cheeks. “I never meant for this to happen. I only wanted to make you happy!”

Before Trixie could offer another biting retort, Razzaroo put a comforting hoof on Minty’s hoof. “Minty, isn’t it about time you apologized and told Trixie the truth? You’ve really hurt her. Yes, yes, yes!”

“But!” Minty started to protest, but Razzaroo held up a hoof.

“You did a bad thing, Minty. These secrets are poisoning you both from the inside. Yes, yes, yes!” Razzaroo said. “If you truly wish to be Trixie’s friend, you first need to be honest with her. Yes, yes, yes!”

The fire continued to spread, consuming everything it touched. Almost all of Ponyland and beyond had burned to cinders. Only their tiny island remained in existence.

“I… okay. I’ll tell her everything.” Minty hugged her green blanket for support. Trixie watched the mare, waiting for an explanation of all the suffering she’d put Trixie through.

“When I said I didn’t mean for this to happen, I meant it,” Minty’s ears folded behind her head. “I’ve never had any real friends. I’ve always admired you, Trixie. You’re my star! The greatest, most spectacular pony I’ve ever met! So brave, courageous, nothing like me.”

“I didn’t mean to drag you here.” Minty gave an adamant shake of her head. “I just found a strange book one day. It just showed at the end of my bed. I thought it was a gift from my dad!” “

“I just started drawing into it!” Minty hugged her green scarf tighter. “I made up pretend adventures about us living together in an imaginary world. I never expected it to become real. That she could show up here!” Minty unleashed an involuntary shudder when she referenced Corona. “I only wanted some friends!”

“Well, you didn’t need to include me in this!” Trixie gave a stubborn lift of her head.

“Be nice, Trixie. Minty didn’t mean to hurt you. No, no no!” Razzaroo said.

“It still doesn’t fix things.” Despite the explanation, Trixie remained furious, the lies and betrayal cutting too deep.

“Well done. The truth has illuminated things, but it seems you’re no longer necessary. Fake Element of Honesty.” Helpless Trixie watched as Corona dropped her barrier and fire consumed the rest of reality that remained with its ravenous appetite.

Razzaroo yelped in surprise as the fire suddenly swept over her. Trixie screamed, horrified to lose another friend, illusionary or not. She ran to her friend’s aid, trying to beat out the flames with her cape. But they continued to feed upon Razzaroo, refusing to cease gorging on their final meal. Minty only sobbed to herself, helpless to save their mutual friend. Razzaroo, however, accepted her death with a smile and courage.

“Stay with Minty, Trixie. She needs you. Yes, yes, yes!” Razzaroo closed her eyes, and the fire burned her to ash, leaving nothing behind.

“Razzaroo!” Tears welled in Trixie’s eyes, threatening to consume her in grief. She grabbed at the ashes, trying desperately to hold the remains of her friend. The world burned until not even the ashes remained, leaving only the empty void. The only three beings remaining in existence were Trixie, Minty, and their Corona.

“Why didn’t you burn away?!” Trixie snarled, directing her ire towards her tormentor.

“I am the sun! I am eternal!” Corona replied, smug in her superiority. “I am a nightmare. The terror I bring forth is inescapable!” Minty trembled, hooves covering her head.

“What now? Float in nothing forever?” Trixie raised her head, giving her best haughty expression. “You’ve destroyed everything! Brilliant plan.”

Corona snorted. “Never fear. There are more nightmares to come. The suffering has only begun!”

Trixie screamed and backed away as fire gathered around her before grabbing her throat in a vice-like grip. She howled in agony as it burned her skin.

“Trixie!” Minty screamed in alarm.

“Never fear,” Corona said, her tone mock sweetness. “I’m not planning to kill her. I haven’t had my fun yet.”

The agony increased tenfold before the flames rushed into her mouth. Trixie’s eyes blazed white and darkness consumed her.


“A deep yawn escaped Trixie’s lips as she threw open her window. Bright, loving sunlight filled her house. The cloudless sky promised another perfect day.

“What a wonderful day!” Trixie’s mouth extended into a wide, delighted grin.

“Yes, yes, yes! What a wonderful day indeed!” Razzaroo gave Trixie a friendly wave, walking up to her window. “It will become more perfect when the First Rainbow Celebration begins! Yes, yes, yes!”

Trixie blinked. “That’s today?”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Razzaroo giggled. “Why else do you think we’re decorating the town?” Sure enough, ponies around Ponyville were hanging rainbow-colored banners across anything capable of holding one Trixie smirked in amusement as a pony slipped and the balloons he’d been attempting to attach to a bench floated away, out of reach.

“I…” Trixie paused, uncertain how she’d missed such an important holiday. Was she always so forgetful?

“Trixie?” Razzaroo gave Trixie a curious tilt of her head.

Trixie laughed, knocking the side of her head. “I had a bad dream last night. I don’t think I’ve fully awakened from it yet. Anyway, I better leave before I miss everything!”

Today would indeed be a fantastic day!


“Welcome everypony to the First Rainbow Celebration.” Mayor Flitter Flutter said. “I’m glad to see so many friends here today. On this special day, we honor rainbows and the color and beauty they provide.”

Despite her eagerness for the ceremony, Trixie's mind wandered, bored. She’d heard this speech before.

I wonder what tricks I should perform today. It annoyed Trixie that she had nothing planned, but she’d just improvise. It was a must-have skill for any stage performer. Where could she get a manticore at such short notice? She was dying to perform the infamous Hoofdini trick: “The Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive”. A jostling pulled Trixie away from her musings.

“Come on, Trixie. Pay attention! Mayor Flitter Flutter worked hard to write this speech!” Minty said, slightly exasperated.

“Okay.” Trixie turned her head, eyes elated as the mayor withdrew the Rainbow Rod from its casing.

Funny, it isn’t rainbow-colored. Even its star didn’t contain any rainbow. Unusual name aside, Trixie didn’t complain, as a spectacular rainbow appeared from its tip. A sharp pain jabbed at Trixie’s mind, causing her to stumble.

“Are you okay Trixie darling?” Rainbow Dash said, helping her friend to hooves.

“I’m not sure.” She continued to stare at the rainbow, strange emotions whirling inside her. Unexpected tears slid down her face. For reasons Trixie couldn’t explain, crushing loneliness threatened to consume her, stabbing daggers into her heart.

“I’m sorry, Ditzy. I’ve been out of sorts since I’ve woken up.” Trixie leaned against Minty for support.

“Ditzy?” Rainbow Dash blinked. “I’m not sure who you mean, darling.”

Pinkie Pie rubbed her chin. “It’s a name I don’t recognize and I know everypony in Ponyville!”

“Spectacular! Let this rainbow be a promise for a bright and prosperous year!” Flitter Flutter said, continuing her speech while Trixie dithered.

I’m such a mess today. I can’t even recognize my own friends! Trixie’s self-admonishment was interrupted, jerking to attention as Minty screamed.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep!” A voice said, its tone mocking.

“It can’t be.” Minty’s entire body froze in terror. Ponies gasped in surprise as the princess of the sun appeared before them, shining with brilliant radiance. With flight not unlike a dance, she landed on the raised platform.

“Corona!” Trixie said, glaring at the sun princess with defiance. What was she doing here? How had she escaped Queen Luna’s eternal prison?

“No, not again, please!” Minty broke into terrified sobs.

“Oh, but I must.” Corona purred, ponies backing away in terror as she approached. “Everypony’s suffering gives much such pleasure.” Mayor Flitter Flutter yelped in surprise as something tore the Rainbow Wand from her hooves.

“And I’ll start by stealing the precious things you love, one by one.” Corona waved the wand in her magical golden aura, tearing the rainbow from reality, and everything rainbow-colored darkened into gray. Rainbow Dash screamed and wobbled on her hooves as the color seeped from her mane, and Trixie caught her before she collapsed.

“Speaking of precious things.” Corona’s horn lit with brilliant golden energy and the world around them shook. Dear Luna, she was stealing the entire castle! Somehow, everypony escaped unscathed after they rushed to safety.

“That jerk!” Pinkie Pie seethed in anger.

“My precious mane!” Rainbow Dash wailed in anguish after her new mane color. Trixie only rolled her eyes. Who cared when an insane alicorn was on the loose?! They broke into an extensive argument about their next action.

“We need to chase after her!” Pinkie Pie said, stomping a hoof for emphasis. “We need to stop her before she does anything worse!”

Yeah, great! Except she has magic we can’t even begin to comprehend! With her crazy strong magic, she’d stolen an entire castle! But Trixie didn’t voice her concern, not wanting to cause undue panic. She couldn’t deny Corona needed to be stopped and paused, a frown creasing her forehead.

Something about this entire situation seemed strikingly familiar. Like she’d been here before. What nonsense. Whatever the case, Trixie resisted Pinkie Pie’s suicidally crazy plan to chase after Corona. It took considerable effort from her friends to convince her otherwise, and their motley crew took to the road. An odd hope filled her heart as her hooves walked across the main road.

For reasons Trixie couldn’t explain, an unwaivable certainty filled her, and she trusted her gut. And why not? With her friends by her side, how could Corona defeat them?


“A deep yawn escaped Trixie’s lips as she threw open her window. Bright, loving sunlight filled her house. The cloudless sky promised another perfect day.

“What a wonderful day!” Trixie’s mouth extended into a wide, delighted grin. It mortified Trixie that she’d forgotten such a special date. Razzaroo lightly teased her about this, and Trixie left to find her best friend, Minty.

She must have gone ahead. Trixie paused, feeling a strange sense of deja vu. Trixie wandered their best friend’s home, hoping to catch her and not chance her around the entirety of Ponyville.

“Hello?” Minty place was a disaster area as usual. Her best friend had some difficulty picking up after herself, leaving clothes and toys littered around the place. It struck Trixie how green the upholstery was, matching Minty’s favorite color. To complete the green overload, vibrant plants stood everywhere. Unlike the mess she’d left everywhere, the precious plants received loving care and Trixie noted the specks of water left from her gentle watering.

Pinned across a pinboard were crudely drawn pictures of Minty and Trixie. The two wore happy, eager smiles as they partook in various adventures. The cute scene made Trixie smile, but she frowned, sensing something familiar about the scenes depicted in colored pencil.

Something else caught Trixie’s attention. her nose detected an unusual scent that clashed with her surroundings. It seemed familiar, but its name eluded her. Was this some new cleaning product her best friend had purchased? Her head spun, momentarily confused.

Surely she’d visited Minty’s home many times. So why did everything feel so foreign, like her best friend was a stranger? The doubt continued to bubble to the surface, refusing to be submerged.

“Are you okay, Trixie? Yes, yes, yes!” Concern crept into Razzaroo’s usually upbeat voice as she caught Trixie stumbling with uncertain hooves down the street.

“Do you ever feel nothing is real?” Trixie replied. “Like you’re spinning in circles without a destination?”

“Can’t say I have. But is something bothering you, Trixie? Yes, yes, yes!”

Trixie opened her mouth to reply but suddenly felt her concerns being washed away. An inner voice waved away her doubts, calling them silly and unimportant. While Trixie agreed with the sentiment, her doubt refused to fully dislodge itself.

“I just feel lost.” The words spilled from Trixie’s mouth, unbidden. But she couldn’t deny them, realizing how much her uncertainties had eaten her inside from within.

Razzaroo considered the matter before taking Trixie by the hoof. “Then you need to find an anchor. Yes, yes, yes!”

Which would be my best friend Minty, obviously! Trixie paused. Despite her bold proclamation, it held a twinge of doubt she hadn’t meant to speak. A strange sensation of slipping struck her, finding herself unsteady on her imaginary hooves. Despair gripped Trixie’s heart. Am I lost forever?

She jerked in surprise as a deafening rumble interrupted her dark musings and gapped in shock as a golden glow stole away Ponyville’s castle. Dread made her legs tremble as she spotted who was towing away the building. It was impossible. It couldn’t be true. Corona?

A cruel laugh escaped the fallen princess’s lips, taking delight in Ponyville’s inability to stop her. Despite the distance, their eyes locked and Corona gave Trixie a mocking smile before disappearing with her prize into the clouds.

“That was Corona!” Trixie said, almost hysterical.

“That jerk! She ruined the festivities and stole the Rainbow Wand!” Pinkie Pie said, cradling a terrified Minty. Was she okay? What happened?

“Rainbow Wand?”

“I’m afraid so, darling.” Trixie’s eyes widened to saucers upon seeing Rainbow Dash’s once unique and vibrate mane. “That brute. I know she’s evil, but this is pushing it. She only did it to be cruel.”

“Yeah.” Minty’s eyes fell. “I like rainbows. They’re like a promise for a better future. That’s what my dad says, anyway.”

Inspiration struck Trixie, filling her with absolute certainty, which she clung to with frantic desperation. “We have to save the Rainbow Wand. It’s our only hope in stopping her!”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “You certain, darling? Losing my mane color is a terrible tragedy, but I doubt it will help stop Corona.”

“We must get it back!” Trixie raced after the alicorn had stolen their castle.

“Hey, wait for us!” Trixie’s other friends chased after her.

This is it! I’ve found my anchor! Nothing about her conclusions made any sense, but it didn’t matter. The Rainbow Wand’s magic was real and her only salvation.


“And we’re just charging inside, darling?” Rainbow Dash asked, stunned at her friend’s unusually brash behavior.

“Commendable, if somewhat foolhardy,” Spike added, shaking his head.

“Only the Rainbow Wand can defeat Corona!” Trixie said, standing on her hind legs, limbs flailing every which way.

“Yes, you’ve made that point several times. Yes, yes, yes.” Razzaroo sighed, knowing her chastising would fall on deaf ears. Trixie’s bones told her was on the correct course. The biggest issue was retrieving it without getting burned to a crisp from an enraged alicorn. The night sky was already getting brighter and only a scant hour remained until sunrise. They couldn’t afford to waste any time.

“Okay, let’s go!” Pinkie Pie said. “But we take the stealthy approach.”

“Who do you take me for? The Great and Powerful Trixie is unseen like the wind!” Trixie replied, insulted. Her horn glowed azure and cloaked them in invisibility.

Another sense of deja vu struck Trixie as they explored the castle. It both seemed familiar but wasn’t. A contradiction that unnerved her, but didn’t break her resolution. A light snorting caught her attention, and they spotted Corona sleeping in a palatial bed.

“Watch my back!” Without waiting for a reply, Trixie charged inside, bold as ever.

Besides Corona on a stand was the Rainbow Wand, its surface glinting in the faint light coming from the rising sun. An unexpected fear overwhelmed Trixie as she lifted a hoof to steal back her target. It was like reaching toward the waiting mouth of a cobra, and Trixie’s usual confidence broke.

What the hey am I doing?! Corona won’t just let me steal the Rainbow Wand from under her nose. She’ll slaughter me the moment she opens her eyes! This isn’t some game. What had possessed her to mount this foalish quest, anyway?

Yet, when her eyes passed over the Rainbow Wand, an unexplained spark of hope flared in her heart. It pained her to be so close, yet miles away from her goal. Getting closer only intensified her fear, but Trixie fought on. Madding terror made her breath unsteady as her hoof brushed against the Rainbow Wand’s surface. The agony of her terror was so powerful, Trixie’s legs buckled beneath her and she collapsed to the carpeted floor. Red light blanketed the room as the sun rose higher.

“Trixie! Are you okay? Yes, yes, yes!” Razzaroo rushed to Trixie’s side and restored her friend to her hooves.

“I believe so,” Trixie said, unable to look Razzaroo in the eye shamefaced. “I couldn’t take it.”

“That’s because you’re trying to solve your problems by yourself. Yes, yes, yes!” Razzaroo replied. “Don’t worry. You have your friends to help you. Yes, yes, yes!”

My friends? Something about that struck Trixie as poignant. Had she been forgetting about her friends? Something inside her doubted the validity of their friendship. Why was that? Why was she forgetting ponies who’d known her for years? Trixie clutched at her head, more confused than ever. Yet, being around Razzaroo somehow made Trixie feel less lost. Together, they pushed through the fear barrier and gripped the Rainbow Wand. They’d done it!

“Yes, very impressive.” Corona purred, standing above them, light from the new day shining behind her. Or was it a new nightmare?

“Trixie, Razzaroo!” Trixie’s other friends burst into the bedroom, rushing to their friend’s aid.

“Corona, you’re finished!” Trixie pointed the Rainbow Wand at Corona with a shaky hoof.

“Oh Trixie, how many times must we play this scenario?” Corona said. “How many times must you fail before you realize victory is impossible?”

“Times I failed?” Trixie’s brow furrowed. With the Rainbow Wand, shouldn’t they have the key to victory? Yet, her doubt remained, wavering her resolve.

“Ha! You don’t know who you’re messing with!” Pinkie Pie put a confident hoof on the Rainbow Wand. “Us six friends together have beaten every challenge we’ve faced so far, and we’ll beat you too!”

“Friend? You’re fakes. Deep down, you must realize the truth.” A cruel, mocking smile appeared on Corona’s lips and she stared right towards Minty, who collapsed in abject terror.

“Leave Minty alone,” Spike cried, using his body as a barrier against Corona.

“Never.” Corona’s cruel smile grew. “For her, the nightmares will never end. She knows how foalish and pointless these heroics truly are. Around and around she goes, landing nowhere.”

A horrifying realization struck Trixie, and the Rainbow Wand slipped from her hoof. “We’ve done this before!” The Magic of Friendship had failed and would continue to fail forever.

“Oh yes. Forever and ever, lost in an inescapable maze without an exit.” Corona threw her head back and cackled.

“No! No more, please!” Minty sobbed, a broken mare.

“You leave her alone!” Pinkie Pie took a protective step around Minty, but Corona’s eyes passed around the mare like she didn’t exist, instead focusing her attention on Trixie.

“What now, hero?” Corona said. “Aren’t you going to help your friend? Blast me futility with the Magic of Friendship?”

Horrible memories returned unbidden, reminding Trixie how fake their friendship was. And Minty was the cause, trapping them in this torment forever. The horrible mare had forced Trixie into a friendship she’d never wanted. It sickened her soul. Corona was right. What was the point of this?

“Yes.” Corona’s words were honey. “Shall I take this pain from you? Should I just end it all? No more games? No more fake adventures and heroics?”

Minty continued to sob, but Trixie already knew her answer. She was just a fake pony without a purpose. This needed to end. Before Trixie could open her mouth, something hard pushed into her hoof. It was the Rainbow Wand.

“Trixie darling, you can’t give up!” Tears were in Rainbow Dash’s eyes, smearing her eyeliner. “You still have ponies that care about you! Even if you can’t see it!”

“Rainbow Dash.”

“You aren’t alone. Even if we are fakes, our friendship isn’t! Yes, yes, yes.” Razzaroo helped Trixie grip the Rainbow Wand tighter.

“We’re here for you. We’ll stick by you whatever the cost.” Spike added his claw to the pile.

“Yeah, let’s kick Corona’s butt!” Pinkie Pie said, joining the group. “You do matter! Both of you! You can’t give up!”

“Guys…” A strange spark appeared in Trixie’s center. She’d felt this spark each time they’d faced Corona, but this time it felt more powerful than ever. The alicorn accused these four of being fake friends. Yet, in her heart, Trixie knew that wasn’t true. Only one puzzle piece remained to complete this puzzle.

Trixie released the Rainbow Wand and stood over Minty. The mare trembled under her gaze, fearful Trixie would lash out at her. She grimaced as Trixie’s hoof approached her.

“I forgive you.” Trixie’s voice barely rose above a whisper, yet it seemed like she’d shouted it from the peak of a mountain.

Minty’s eyes widened. “You do? You said you hated me.”

“I was just being stupid. Ponies say dumb things when they’re angry.” Trixie lifted Minty from the cold hard floor with a gentle hoof. “We can’t do this without you. You need to believe we can defeat her with all your heart. Otherwise, the magic won’t work.”

Corona snorted, breaking into uproarious laughter. “Give me a break. She knows she can’t be free of me. I will haunt her for the rest of her days!”

“No! And we’ll help her.” Trixie stood her ground against this nightmare. “You’re nothing but fear and lies! And Minty has the power to dispel you.”

“I do?” While still fearful, the mare was listening.

“Remember when we got lost on the mountain? You banished our fears and encouraged us to push forward. Corona?” Trixie snorted, making the nightmare seem like a joke. “How is she any different?”

Laughter was hope. It encouraged ponies despite the bleakness of their situation. While it didn’t banish away your troubles, it lifted your spirits, making sure you didn’t lose sight of what truly mattered.

“I can do this!” Minty said in wonder and started directly towards Corona. A wide, delighted smile filled her face. “You don’t have any power over me. Not when I have my friends behind me.”

“No, it’s only lies!” Corona roared her smug expression vanishing and turning desperate.

Minty pulled Trixie towards the Rainbow Wand. “Thank you, Trixie. I think I can face my nightmare now.”

There was an explosion of dazzling light, making Trixie flinch. A drop of water struck the stone window. Those drops increased in frequency until they became almost a monsoon. Then, as suddenly as it appeared, the rain stopped and a brilliant rainbow replaced it. It stretched far across the horizon, its multitude of colors more vibrant and alive than Trixie had ever seen.

They watched in amazement as the color slowly restored in Rainbow Dash’s mane, glowing the same radiance as the rainbow outside. Overjoyed, the mare pranced around and grabbed each of her friends, spinning them around and dancing with them.

“No! This can’t be!” Corona whined in fear, backing away several steps. “I own this world. The Power of Friendship shouldn’t be possible here! Not with you fakes!”

“Fakes? Funny. What about you? You’re an even greater lie. You aren’t even the real Corona.” Trixie sported a cocky grin and pointed the Rainbow Wand towards the nightmare. “And we’re done with you. Goodbye.”

“No! No!” Corona almost ran in circles in terror, desperate to save herself. She howled in pain as the rainbow struck her, no longer the joke she’d assumed it was. Light consumed the shadow that constituted her being until she ceased to be.

“We did it,” Minty said, unable to believe her own words. “We won!” With abandon, Minty frolicked around the room. Tears of joy streaked down her face.

“Ha! Was there any doubt?” While her tone was smug, tears still pricked at Trixie’s eyes. The nightmare was over. She blinked as everything began losing substance, fading and losing its color.

“What’s going on?!” Had they not defeated Corona after all? The degeneration continued to spread, everything hardening into a dark brown. Trixie gasped as the brown crumbled away like aged paper, unable to escape the ravages of time.

“Corona wasn’t lying. This entire world is an illusion. Yes, yes, yes.” A sad smile appeared on Razzaroo’s face. Her violet fur faded into a yellowish tint before hardening around the edges into brown. “It’s time for you to wake up. Yes, yes, yes.”

“No! It’s too soon! We just got free! There are so many adventures we haven’t done yet! We didn’t even have time to play some First Rainbow Celebration games!” Minty desperately clutched as Razzaroo, but the mare only crumbled quicker, broken to pieces by her friend’s tight grip.

“Yeah, this can’t be happening!” Trixie couldn’t bear losing her friends again. Not so soon!

“It’s okay.” Pinkie Pie said with a giggle, determined to go out smiling. “Nothing lasts forever, but that’s okay.”

“Yeah, just don’t forget us, okay?” Spike gave a self-satisfied smile. The same smile that always infuriated Trixie. “It would be rather rude if you forget someone as dazzling and grand as myself.”

“I’m sorry, darlings, but it would be cruel to keep you here.” Rainbow Dash said. “Remember, you have lives, ponies you care about. And they need you.” The castle had almost vanished, revealing a crumbling Ponyland beneath. Soon nothing would remain.

“But!” Trixie wanted to protest, but Rainbow Dash raised a hoof to forestall her. Her body had folded into itself, evaporating before Trixie’s eyes. Or was that the effect of Trixie’s tears? It was impossible to tell. Trixie gasped in surprise as Rainbow Dash and Razzaroo pushed Minty and her together, making them hold hooves.

“And don’t forget each other, either.” Rainbow Dash said. “We’re just an illusion, but you’re the ones who really matter.”

“Yeah! Stick together okay!” Pinkie Pie added. Her body continued further, leaving only a crumpled piece of her face remaining, but it still remained smiling. “You don’t have to go alone.”

“I’ll never forget you, any of you!” The tears made vision almost impossible, and Trixie wiped them clear so she couldn’t lose sight of them.

“I love you all!” Tender tears flowed down Minty’s cheeks.


The sky, the land, everything lost its substance, and Trixie’s legs flailed as she plummeted into the endless blackness beneath. She tried holding onto Minty, but her hooves slipped, unable to keep hold of her friends. Minty screamed in terror and Trixie continued to fall, consumed by the darkness.