• Published 7th Dec 2012
  • 3,834 Views, 63 Comments

Pinkamena Diane Pie: Consultant Detective - Time Pony Victorious

Pinkie uses her amazing deductive abilities to solve crimes, leaving everypony stumped.

  • ...

The Detective

Monochrome and desolate stood the poorly aged and raggedy building as it was entrenched by heavy rain. The orange pegasus grimaced as she managed to decipher the defective neon sign that buzzed like so many bugs, THE AGNCY the sign ran, with the "E" fading in out of existence.

According to her sources, this was the place to go to for her troubles, but it wasn't anywhere particularly reassuring. The Agency was smack-dab in the middle of the sprawling metropolis of Manehattan but it hid behind the beauty and glitter of modernization and was localized primarily in the slums.

Sweetie Belle had, however, not been one to let down Scootaloo, so, she entered the building.

Immediately after she was assailed by the somewhat sweet stench of alcohol, a specific brand of spiced apple cider, the pegasus deduced as she made her way up the stairs, occasionally glancing at the card her friend provided to spot the corresponding door.

Three floors up she found purchase.

"221b," Scootaloo recited aloud, looking up at the door that read the number in gold letterings. Pocketing her sense of trepidation and hesitation, she knocked.

"Come in," a bored voice with a particularly distinct Southern accent answered.

Scootaloo entered.

The office, she decided, was in dire need of a maid. Scootaloo wasn't the most orderly of pegasi, but the cluttered mess that was presented offended even her. There were piles of folders and newspaper scattered everywhere, as if a tornado targeting office supplies struck here. To her left stood a tall bookshelf that was absolutely filled, the books weren't in order either, the A's were arranged with the Z's and so on. To her immediate right sat a desk along with a bored looking earth mare, on the desk sat an aged nameplate, "Applebloom" it read.

Like honey was her coat in perfect contrast with her fiery red mane and bow, like the beautiful sun, Scootaloo decided. Her eyes, like her mane, were an intense scarlet and zeroed in on Scootaloo with an indifferent interest, if that makes sense.

Scootaloo did not yield to the mare's logician's scrutiny and managed the most neutral expression she could muster.

"Yes?" the mare drawled out in her twangy brogue. Scootaloo mentally noted how pleasant that accent would be if she didn't sound so desperately bored.

"Sweetie Belle consulted me to you," Scootaloo began, and immediately Applebloom rolled her eyes but did not interrupt. "I need some help."

Applebloom dug through her desk and pulled out a bottle of apple cider. "Did she tell ya that Ah'm retired?"

"She told me you were the best," Scootaloo insisted.

Applebloom huffed wearily and took a swig. "Ya'll should be careful round that mare, she's a sweet talker but she'll rob ya blind with a smile."

"She's my friend."

"Is that what she told you?" Applebloom glared at her, obviously there was some history between the two mares.

"We're getting off-topic," Scootaloo deflected, "I need you to find somepony for me."

"I don't do that anymore," she answered, "I'm retired."

"Then why are you still in this office?"

"I live here?"

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and pointed at the papers on the floor. "These newspapers are recent, obviously, detective, you're still keeping an eye on things. Why would you do that if you're retired?"

"Keepin' up with times," the detective retorted sarcastically.

"I'm willing to pay."

Applebloom laughed and slammed her bottle down. "So, Ah tell you that Ah'm retired and your first response if to offer me money?"

"I need to find this person." Scootaloo pulled out a small bag of coins and tossed it on her desk.

"Why not go to the Royal Guard?" Applebloom asked, not looking at the money, "They can help. Heck, why not look for private investigators? If Belle told you about me, then she must've told you that Ah'm a consulting detective, Ah don't do private eye stuff."

"She told me all of that," Scootaloo pulled out a thick file from her saddlebag and placed it on the desk, "She also told me that you were the best."

Opening up the file, the pegasus pointed at a page with Applebloom standing beside Princess Celestia with a proud smile on her face. The headline ran, "PRIVATE DETECTIVE NAPS CAT BURGULAR".

"That's all in the past," Applebloom dismissed with a bored hoof. "Ah think Ah want to get into the apple business with mah sister."

Scootaloo slammed her hooves on the desk, scowling at the detective who returned the glare with an impassive look. "I need your help!"

"What you need is a better concept of manners," the detective drawled, "Maybe Belle that teach ya that, for better or worse, she was always good with proper manners."

"Look, I don't know what went on between you two, but that isn't important now. You're the only one who can help me, and I need you to get off your sorry flank and help!"

"Ah suggest taking up gardening, darling," mimicking the unicorn's verbal tic and accent, "Take your money and leave."

Applebloom turned around on her chair, leaving the pegasus exasperated and her stubbornness. "She's missing!"

Taking a deep breath, Scootaloo softened to a low whisper. "Sweetie Belle is missing. She disappeared a week ago and nopony knows where. She told me about you a while back," she chuckled lightly recalling the memory, "She wouldn't shut up about you. She thought you were amazing. But… all I see is a stubborn, tired old pony feeling sorry for herself."

The detective and her client remained silent for a moment.

"Leave…" the detective muttered in a low voice.


"Ah said leave!" Applebloom turned suddenly, her eyes were red and puffy as tears began to pool, "Now!"

"It's your friend!" Scootaloo insisted.

"She's anything but that! Since the Gala, she…" Applebloom bit her lip and rubbed her eyes, "Ah'm better off without her."

"How can you say that?" Tears began to form in the pegasus's eyes as she thought of her friend, "She lo—"

"Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Applebloom! Are you down there?" A lilting sophisticated voice called from upstairs interrupted the ongoing playtime of the three fillies downstairs.

Sweetie Belle was the first to speak, "Yeah sis!"

The main room of the Carousel Boutique made for a perfect playground for the imaginative fillies as there were outfits galore for them all. Applebloom donned a black trench coat that was two sizes too big for her as she sat behind a makeshift desk composed of rolls of fabric. Scootaloo wore a similar outfit but her coat was the color of coal and she wore an accommodating hat. Sweetie Belle took a more grandiose attire, she wore a glittery purple dress (which Rarity designed specifically for her) and had her mane fixed up in a manner resembling her sister's.

It seems that after meeting the famed detective, Sweetie Belle became completely engrossed in detectives and detective stories. She cleverly thought up of this scenario from a book she read and sought to play it out with her two new best friends from school.

Applebloom was enthusiastic about the story, but Scootaloo was more hesitant and was quick to call the idea silly before suggesting ways to earn their cutie marks instead. Sweetie Belle managed to convince the stubborn pegasus into playing along and she surprisingly got into the play, even adlibbing a few times.

Rarity came down the stairs and the three fillies gasped in awe-struck. She wore an awesome dress that accented her figure with an very subtle application of make-up. Diamond earrings hung from her ears and her lips shone with a particularly crimson shade of lipstick that no doubt made any sane stallion double-take.

"Wow, you look amazing sis!" gasped Sweetie Belle.

"Why thank you darling," chuckled Rarity, "What are you girls doing?"

"Playing detective!" answered Applebloom.

"Ah, I love a good detective story," remarked Rarity.

"Where are you going, Rarity?" asked Scootaloo.

Rarity adjusted her dress and approached the door, smiling coyly at the fillies, "A wedding."