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The Turtles, Rainbooms, and their friends continued their spooky story telling as their campfire burned brightly.

Rainbow got up. “Alright. I think it’s my turn to tell a spooky story. Hope you’re all ready to lose in fright!”

“And I hope you’re ready to be disappointed!” Applejack declared.

After shooting a look at Applejack, Rainbow began her story. “It all began in the mountain area…..”



Rainbow Dash was hiking in the mountains. As the day was turning to night, She needed a place to crash, but she was in the middle of nowhere. Then, as she entered an opening area, she found what appeared to be lodge. She walked up to the door and knocked on the door. The door opened revealing a green skinned guy with a black beard.

“Excuse me. I’m just a traveler who needs a place to stay for the night. Could you spare a bedroom?” she asked.

The man smiled. “Of course. It’s been a while since I’ve had visitors. Please, come in.”

As Rainbow walked up to the check in desk, she noticed a black cat was eyeing her and it didn’t look very friendly.

“So when was the last time you had any visitors?” Rainbow asked as the man handed her a room key.

“Months ago. The problem is people check in, but they never check out.”

Rainbow felt uneased. “Why not?”

“That’s just it. They’re just gone after the first night. At first, I thought they left, but their gear is still here as well as their room key.”

Rainbow took her gear to her room. But she still feel uneasy about what she heard. After having dinner, she was ready to hit the hay. But just as she was about to shut her eyes, she heard a rumbling sound downstairs. She tried to ignore it and go to sleep, but the sound wouldn’t stop. Finally, Rainbow got up and went to see the source. The lobby was pitch black. Rainbow went down with her flashlight and looked around. As she looked around, a pair of red eyes looked down on her and followed her through out the lobby. Rainbow stopped, feeling like she was being followed. Shivering, she turned to see the red eyes and a glowing smile and…



“And the hiker was never heard from again.” Rainbow finished.

This was enough to send Rarity, Donnie, Bebop, and Rocksteady running away screaming. Applejack just rolled her eyes.

“Okay, Dash. I admit it.” Keno stated. “That was pretty scary.”

April got up. “I’m gonna go check on Rarity and Donnie. I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll come with you, sugarcube.” Applejack followed.

“As for the rest of you, I dare you to top that!” Rainbow boasted.

Casey stood up. “Prepare to be served, Casey Jones style!-” But before he could finish, Mikey ran up to Rainbow and Leo.

“It was a dark and stormy night!”


Casey and Mikey were in the rain with Casey looking confused and Mikey looked serious.

“Wait. What?” Casey asked as Mikey pointed.

“We needed to find some shelter!”


“Mikey! It’s my turn to tell the story!” Casey stated.

“Hey. Hey. Shh!” Mikey shushed him as they walked up to the door of a strange hotel and the door reveals an innkeeper covered in cloth. “The innkeeper looked friendly enough. Made me feel fuzzy inside. My trusty sidekick would like to freshen up a bit and I would like some pizza!”

“Sidekick?” Casey was taken aback. “Yeah right! You’re the sidekick!”

“Of course!” Mikey smiled before he whispered to the audience. “The hero said to his inferior side.”

“Okay I’ve had enough!” Casey said before the scenery changed.

“But before he could finish, Casey decided to take a shower.” Mikey narrated.

“Dude! Seriously?” Irked Casey as he stood in the shower stall unaware a figure was walking up behind him as Mikey continues.

“Then Behind him. Trouble! Ring! Ring! Ring!”

The figure was the innkeeper with a large knife and appeared to have stabbed Casey as blood went down the drain.

“Dun Dun! Dun Dun! Dun Dun! Dun Dun!” Mikey exaggerated in front of an uninterested Leo and Rainbow Dash. “And Casey was never heard from again. The End!”

“No Way! I was totally aware of the figure so I grabbed my stick.” Casey objected.

In the shower stall in the story, Casey grabbed his hockey stick and was about to strike the innkeeper before he could stab him when Mikey came bursting through the door, slamming the door on the innkeeper on the floor.

“Don’t worry, buddy! I’ll save you!”

“For the love of!” Casey growled.

Both looked to see the innkeeper’s true identity as Mikey continued to narrate.

“It was Tiger Claw! He was packing heat and he wanted revenge. ‘I want revenge!’ he said. But before anyone could do anything.”


Tiger Claw pulled out his blaster and shot Casey, disintegrating him.

“And Casey was blown to bits.”

“What? No! Go back!” Casey demanded as the scene rewound. “I was able to dodge and jump to safety!”

“Which is exactly what he wanted you to do!” Mikey pointed as Casey saw he was standing on a trap door.

“Oh Come on!”

“Tiger Claw laughed like the villain jerk he is.”

Tiger Claw laughed. “Ha ha ha. Evil Laughter.” He then pulled a lever, opening the trap door and Casey through screaming.

“Nonono. Casey Jones isn’t beaten that easily! So I- I- I woke up!”

Casey then sits up in a bed.

“Yes! The whole thing was a bad dream.”

Mikey entered. “You mean nightmare. You know you’re on the ceiling?”

Casey turned out he was and fell on the floor with the bed on top.

“You’re killing me, Mikey.”

Everything then suddenly went dark.

“Oh! And the lights went off. It was sad, and tragic, how Casey pleaded for mercy.”

“Please! Casey Jones never pleads!”

“Said Casey, with his last dying breath.”

“But when the lights came back on, it was Mikey who was taking a shower!”

“Holy Chalupa! Why would I do that?” Mikey said as he stood in the shower stall with a shower cap on, covering himself.

“Then behind you. Trouble!”

“Oh please!” Mikey pulled the curtain, expecting the same thing.

“You were paralyzed!”

Mikey screamed like a girl at what he saw as Casey continued.

“It was Pizza Face! He was packing heat and he wanted revenge.”

“I wanta revenge!” Pizza Face declared.

“You tried to run away, but how far can you run when you’re on a plate of marinara sauce, wearing a tutu? And a sombrero? And ballerina shoes? And Trixie’s magic cape?”

As Casey listed the clothing, everything appeared on Mikey as he ran in place while Pizza Face lifted the plate and poured Mikey in his mouth.

“No. No. No! I’ll switch to calzones! AAAAAH!”

“And Mikey was never heard from again.” Casey finished before laughing.

Mikey then popped up from the floor. “I was so!”

“Was not!”

“Was too!”

“Was not!”

Suddenly, Rainbow popped out of Pizza Face’s mouth. “But what both Mikey and Casey didn’t know was that the very thing they feared the most was right behind them!”

“You wouldn’t!” gasped Mikey.

“I would.”

“You didn’t!” Feared Casey.

“I did!”

“No! Not that!” They both gulped before turning to see a squirrel and rat sitting by Fluttershy and ran away screaming.

“The End.” Rainbow grinned as Fluttershy gave the squirrel and rat each a piece of candy.

“I’m pretty sure that’s cheating.” Sunset raised a brow.

Rainbow shrugged. “Eh, It worked, didn’t it?”

“So, who’s next?” Raph smiled.

Twilight looked around, noticing something’s missing. “Hey, has anyone seen Spike?”

“Maybe he’s using a tree.” Keno suggested.

Twilight got up. “Still I want to make sure he’s safe. You guys can go on without me.”

“I’ll go with you.” Sunset volunteered and the two walked out, looking for the dog.

Leo smiled. “Now for a really scary story.”

“Oh please!” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

Raph playfully shushed her. “You had your chance. Go ahead, Leo.”

Leo nodded. “This is about an experience that happened to a group of campers. A terrible experience that they dread not to happen to anyone else……”



A group of boys went camping into a certain part of the woods. That very night, A young boy was sleeping in a tent when he hears a suspicious noise. It sounded like screaming. He got out of his tent and went to the other tents.

“Hey! You guys heard that?” he called.

There was no answer.

He soon found out all the tents were empty.

“Hey! Where are you guys?” he called out again.

Still no answer. He looked around hoping they were around. He kept looking with no sign of his friends. He began to worry when suddenly he heard a scream. He hurried to the source but saw nothing. He kept looking and looking before-


The next thing he knew, the boy woke up in a hospital. His arm was broken. He looked around to see his friends sustaining equal injuries.

“Are you okay?” The doctor asked.

“I think so” The boy groaned.

“What happened?” The Doctor asked.

The boy explained about the camping trip and when he explained what happened and where they were camping, the doctor showed concerned which the boy noticed.

“Is something wrong, doctor?” he asked.

“I’m afraid so. That forest was said to be the home of a woman who was burned alive for being accused of being a witch. It is said her spirit haunts the woods as a banshee. You and your friends aren’t the first of her victims. It’s amazing you all are still alive.”


“And from then on, No one ever dared camp in that area ever again. The end.” Leo concluded.

“That was pretty scary, Leo.” Shivered Keno. “You never said it was true, right?”

Leo smirked. “I never said it wasn’t true, Keno.”

Suddenly, Raph grabbed Keno’s shoulders, roaring. This was enough for Keno to jump up and run away.

“Now that was cheating.” Rainbow bluntly stating.

“It worked, didn’t it?” Raph mocked, imitating Rainbow, while grabbing another slice of pizza.

“Looks like it’ just the four of us.” Leo stated.

“Though I’m surprised you’ve survived this long, Fluttershy.” Rainbow stated.

“I’m………….. doing fine.” Fluttershy said, trying to hide her fear.

Leo’s smirk turned into a look of worriment. “Y’know, I’m beginning to worry. April and Applejack should’ve been back by now.”

“So are Twilight and Sunset.” Raph added.

“I’m pretty sure they’ll show up any second.” Rainbow suggested, still confident but shows a little concern.

“So……worried.” Fluttershy shivered. She then started to cower away from the fire.

“Fluttershy? You all right?” Raph asked while Leo and Rainbow took noticed.

“Too…. Much…. Fear.” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Okay, Fluttershy, it’s okay.” Rainbow tried placed her hand on her friend’s shoulder.

“Too….much……” Suddenly, Fluttershy turned revealing vampire fangs. “Fear!”

Rainbow, Leo, and Raph all took aback as Fluttershy hissed at them.

“Calm down, Fluttershy.” Rainbow said, before Fluttershy jumped at her.

“Look out!” Raph was able to push Rainbow away only for Fluttershy to grab him and all Raph could do was scream as Fluttershy appeared to bite him on the neck.

Leo was backing up only for two hands to grab his head. Leo turned his eyes to reveal it was Midnight Sparkle.

“Hello, Leo.” She whispered before possessing him.

Rainbow could only watch in horror as Raph got up and showed his own vampire fangs. Leo showed he was officially possessed by Midnight Sparkle.

“Face it, Rainbow!” Rainbow turned to see the She-Demon ascend above her. “Your so-called friends abandoned you! All because you wanted to show how scary you are!”

Behind She-Demon came a lot of cloaked creatures, along with Inkpphire. Rainbow backed up slowly in fear only to bump into something. She looked up and, to her shock, it was Kavaxas, looking very steamed.

“Rainbow Dash.” He growled.

Rainbow screamed as the monsters surrounded her and closed in on her. Rainbow could only squat down and cover herself.

“No. please!” she whimpered. “I didn’t mean to scare my friends. It was just Halloween fun! Is that wrong?”

“Just one little thing.” Midnight said.

Both her and She-Demon remove their hair, revealing they were wigs as Sunset and Twilight fixed their hair while the cloaked creatures removed their hoods, revealing to be everyone who ran off earlier. Leo took out special contacts that made him looked possessed while Raph and Fluttershy removed their false fangs.

“What? B-But how-” Rainbow was speechless.

“Happy Halloween!” Everyone cried.

“I was kinda fed up with your bragging so I convinced everyone here to give you the ultimate scare to teach you a lesson in overconfidence.” Applejack explained.

“But how did Sunset float like that?” Rainbow asked

Then, as if answering her question, Bebop appeared out of nowhere.

“One of my finest performances! Tee hee!” he wooed.

Rainbow then saw Inkphire right by Sapphire Night. “Then who’s Inkphire?”

Sapphire, still smiling, walked over to Inkphire and removed the mask, revealing it to be Spike. She unzipped the costume, revealing underneath Spike was the CMCs.

“I thought you three were trick-or-treating.” Rainbow stated.

“We finished early.” Karai mentioned as she, Shini, and Rocksteady stepped out of the bushes. “We came around the part when Leo started his story.”

“Should see our candy haul!” Scootaloo chimed in.

Raph walked up to Kavaxas. “And I gotta admit, Timber, you nailed that voice.”

“Thank you, Raphael.” Kavaxas’ voice came from Timber using a megaphone as he and Glorsia walked out of hiding. “But the real credit goes to Juniper for the props.”

Glorsia then released a rope revealing Kavaxas was a giant puppet as she and Juniper walked up to the group with Timber. “That was so much fun! I don’t remember the last Halloween we had so much fun.”

“Yeah. We should totally do this again!” agreed Timber.

Sunset walked up. “And I think we know who the queen of Halloween is this year.” She and Mikey went up and raised Juniper’s hands up and everyone cheered.

Juniper spoke up. “Well I couldn’t take all the credit. It’s thanks to my uncle for supplying everything and everyone joining in on the fun and telling ghost stories. I say we all deserve the title!”

Everyone cheered at Junpier’s speech.

“Great work, everyone. I’m gonna hafta try harder to scare you all next year!” Rainbow Dash announced.

Everyone shot her a look.

Rainbow grinned. “Gotcha! Just putting a little trick in trick-or treat.”

Everybody laughed as Mikey looked to the audience.

“Happy Booyakasha Halloween!”

Not the end yet! Bonus chapter coming soon!

Author's Note:

Easter Eggs-
Casey and Mikey's story is based on Boots Hotel in 'Scared Shrekless'

Leo's story is based on a story told me.

Inkphire is the evil counterpart of Sapphire Night by who will appear in the fiction 'Magical Mayhem' on Deviantart

bonus chapter coming soon