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Book 2: Animus | Chapter 9.5: What Was Hidden Inside?

Chapter 9.5: What Was Hidden Inside?

Adagio, Sonata, and Aria all came together to synchronize their powers to form into their final and strongest form.

Inside the lockets, however, was another story...

Sunset was floating in an endless space, as if she was in a dream. A sleep, in which she feared to just fade into, never coming back to what it used to be. She felt an intense vibration while she glided, and it had pulled her down into a non-existent surface. Sunset awoke, and she opened her eyes slowly. She sat up, and looked around, there was nothing but a large white space. To see nothing but all the colors at once made her focus too heavily, and it made her worry.

Sunset spoke, but no words came out. She tried to speak, she tried to yell, but there was silence.

"What is going on?!" Sunset thought, however, she was able to hear it. Her own voice in her mind. "I can hear my mind?! This is weird." Sunset thought. "I suppose collective unconsciousness is a thing. But, what about the other's? I should be able to see it all. Is this the result of what Adagio did after she pulled me in? Am I inside that locket like I saw with Spike? Great... what now?"

Sunset felt a heavy vibration under her feet. It made her stumble to remain in balance.

"What the hell is going on?" Sunset thought. "I hope the others are okay..."

She walked a little into the empty space, and accidentally bumped into something, which scared her. She looked behind her and there was Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy?" Sunset thought, before her lips moved to lipsync with her thoughts.

"Sunset?" Fluttershy asked in her head. Fluttershy tried talking. But, she couldn't say anything.

Fluttershy thought of it. The entire place was full of whispering, it echoed and filled their ears with Fluttershy's thoughts.

"I'm sorry Sunset... Rainbow Dash?! Is she okay? Where are we? Why can't I stop? She can hear everything?! Don't think of her and Twilight! I love you Rainbow Dash! Where are we? Stop it, stop it, stop it! Stop thinking! Damn it, now she knows, does she know about Rarity and Applejack too?! No! I can't stop! Where are we?! I'm scared! Dashie... I can't believe Twilight did this again?! As smart as she is, she pretty stupid! Wait, stop thinking negative thoughts, please! Stop it, stupid bitch! It is all her fault! Rainbow Dash, please, enough!"

"Stop!" Sunset asked. But Fluttershy was too emotional.

"I'm sorry!" Fluttershy said, all at once and was silenced.

"What did you mean about Twilight and me?" Sunset was thinking, it was heard by Fluttershy. "What did I do?!"

"Well, you did try to defend her, but she's the one doing all this, you're too stupid to see it! After what happened to Spike, I could never forgive her for it!" Fluttershy thoughts couldn't stop blaming Twilight for everything. "Oh no, she heard everything... stop it Fluttershy... behave... please stop it!"

"Fluttershy calm down..." Sunset thought. "I know it's not easy, but please, don't be so worried."

"How can I not worry! Dash is by herself fighting off the Dazzlings! I hope she's okay..."

Applejack appeared not long after. She was standing outside the conversation, but heard everything.

"Fluttershy, thank you, ah agree with ya." Applejack thought. "Twilight is to blame for this!"

"How can you say that? She's our friend?!" Sunset thought. "It's not what you think!"

"What do ya mean?! Face facts Sunset, she has gone too far with her experiments!" Applejack thought. "Quit defendin' her! She has nothing worth redeemin' for, unless she fessin' up in tellin' us the truth!"

"I know the truth, Applejack!" Sunset continued. "If you would just listen!"

"Ya know what, am done talkin' with ya!" Applejack stated. "Why don't ya tell Twilight to say it!"

"Applejack! Damn it! Would you stop being so stubborn and listen to me?!" Sunset thought.

"Ah see how it is! Ya think ah don't know, but ah do!" Applejack said.

"What are you talking about?!" Sunset asked.

"Duh! You both, together!" Applejack said. "You two are causin' alot of trouble over the past few days, and tryin' to cover it up!"

"Just listen to me!" Sunset requested.

"Am tired of hearin' ya!" Applejack continued.

"Applejack!" Sunset was about to let her emotions go, but she tried everything to hold it back.

"No!" Applejack looked away from both Fluttershy and Sunset, as she was done dealing with the both of them.

"She was tortured by them!" Sunset yelled.

"What?!" Applejack and Fluttershy thought.

"She was tortured! What if it were Rarity or Rainbow Dash? Now you all the sudden care?! She was being tormented by Adagio and the other two! They hurt her day and night just so she could make them all their stupid lockets! How can you all turn your backs on her without even knowing anything?!" Sunset asked. "If she tried to reach out for us, they could have done worse! How can you not care?! Your best friend was suffering, and you turned your backs on her! She didn't want you all to worry, so she tried to brush it off, but was traumatized to even think of it! Until you all pushed her too far!"

Sunset was mad that they both agreed that Twilight was the one who caused everything. Sunset's mind was full of anger. It made Applejack and Fluttershy uncomfortable, and shocked to feel Sunset becoming unhinged. She cried.

"I was alone, you know... you all took it upon yourselves to have someone be there for you, but I didn't..." She felt the hurt and sadness she felt for so long, opening up to everyone. "You all left me behind with nothing! I was in love with them and with all of you... but what does it matter, right?!" Sunset continued. "Now this shit happens... I, at least, took pity for everyone... I don't care what you think... I was abandoned by everyone... and now we are stuck here... who knows what might come of this?!"

"Sunset..." Applejack thought. Fluttershy cried.

Applejack and Fluttershy came over to her to calm her down. Sunset walked away, but she knew they tried to understand now.

"Maybe Twilight was the cause of everything, but I don't want Twilight to be excluded from our friendship." Sunset said.

"We would never do that to her..." Applejack and Fluttershy thought.

"It was just the lies and secrets she kept away." Applejack said. Sunset turned back, and was angry at them.

"Then why did you keep your relationships a secret then?!" Sunset yelled. "You're mad at Twilight for keeping secrets! What hypocrites!" Applejack and Fluttershy were silenced, they thought of why they did in the first place.

"I kept my relationship a secret because Rainbow Dash requested that I should until everyone was settled and to tell everyone when it was our time." Fluttershy thought.

"Ah felt the same way. Rarity's parents didn't approve of us, but my family just barely accepted us. We were still unsure of how everyone else would respond. It stressed Rarity out so much, so ah kept it hidden for her until she was ready to bring it out to everyone." Applejack said.

"We're sorry..." Applejack and Fluttershy apologized.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this to you. I have no reason to... I'm so sorry... but of course, I accept you all..." Sunset came to them and apologized as well. "Ever since we all became separated after everything. You all turned to one another for comfort and relied on each other which I am happy for. I understand. The reason I was upset was because I had no one to turn to, because I love Princess Twilight. She wasn't responding at the time, nor was the our Twilight. It could have been the time Twilight was experimenting on her locket. It was until Pinkie Pie felt like we all should come back together. That's when I finally felt that we could start again. It gave me hope..."

"We are friends and we should never abandon each other like we did, even if we all have relationships. We should be there to support each other." Applejack thought.

"I agree, I'm so sorry for everything you guys..." Fluttershy said. They all came together and grouped in a hug.

Fluttershy heard someone talking.

"Who's there?" Fluttershy asked, as the girls looked around. "Look!" Fluttershy pointed out in the distance and it was Spike. "Spike?!"

"Fluttershy!" Spike said, as he ran to her. "Sunset! Applejack!" Sunset and Applejack were shocked to see him talk.

"Spike! I'm so glad you're okay!" Fluttershy.

"Where's Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Not here. She was still at home, last I remember." Fluttershy said.

"Poor Twilight. All that stuff was true, she did try to protect me, and you all. I did try to help, but I was being mangled up." Spike said.

"Oh you poor thing..." Applejack cried. Sunset felt her sorrow as well.

"That's okay. I'm okay now, but I worry." Spike said.

"We all do..." Sunset said. "We all hope they are all okay."

"Not only that..." Spike said hesitantly.

"What?!" They said.

Spike pointed behind them.

They felt another presence among them. It was Twilight with the huge eyes and no other facial features. Fluttershy cowardly took hold of Applejack. Both Applejack and Sunset stood to prepare for what could be a fight. Spike stood behind them.

"That's it! Who are you?!" Sunset yelled. Twilight walked to them, they backed away, they kept their eyes on her. Twilight used her nails and ripped off her face like it was a plastic mask. Fluttershy screamed, and Applejack and Sunset both were shocked. Twilight revealed herself to be Midnight.

"Surprise, surprise!" Midnight said, as she gave sinister smirk.

"Midnight!" Sunset yelled.

"I love how you are all so incorruptible, but Twilight was just about to lose her grip on her own soul." Midnight said.

"What do ya mean?" Applejack said.

"It's true. Tortured, being abandoned, and her unrequited love... each and every single one of them came crashing down to where I can finally reach the surface of taking over her mind!" Midnight said.

"Enough of this! Go away!" Sunset said. "Leave us alone!"

"Sorry, but I will never leave. Until I get what's mine!" Midnight continued. "What I wanted before was to be all-powerful, but that plan changed when I was inside that bug pony back in Equestria. Too much of it, obliterated everything! Now, I just wanted to find a host to inherit for my own."

"Never!" Sunset yelled. "How are you even manifested in the first place?!"

"I would tell you, but isn't it obvious... you all lost your souls too!" Midnight chuckled.

"What do ya mean?!" Applejack questioned.

"The lockets absorbed your soul, not your power. The one thing that is more powerful than your geodes, is your soul. A more darker magic, if you will. So, technically, you're all dead!" Midnight laughed.

"We're... dead...?" Fluttershy whispered.

"Yes, my dear... dead. Left your physical bodies where you were absorbed, and now your souls are stuck inside this locket. Even if they somehow destroyed them, you will not return to your bodies, but be sleeping, silently, dreamless, and alone!" Midnight said. The girls were shocked.

"Twi..." Sunset said. Sunset screamed, she knelt and cried. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Spike came to her. They all felt the heavy feeling of being lost forever. This dread dragged them down.

"We are not alone!" Applejack said. "We have each other!"

"Maybe for now, but would it be once they've stopped synchronizing their power? Besides, floating endless together? You all barely managed each other's presence seconds ago. In here, can be for an eternity! All your little feelings and relationships, are meaningless!"

"Ah don't care!" Applejack acted impulsively, refusing to let go any of her cherished memories or love of her friends and Rarity. "There's nothing stoppin' me from defeating you right here and now!"

"Ah liked to see ya try!" Midnight mocked. Applejack rushed over to her, and tried to punch her. Midnight jumped and swung into the air. "Be honest with me, do you think you can hide what you truly feel?!"

"Shut up!" Applejack continued. Sunset was still crying, with Fluttershy holding onto Sunset for comfort and watched Applejack fight Midnight, Spike was also with Fluttershy. Even Fluttershy started to question if keeping anything was worth the effort if they were stuck inside. "Ya don't know me!" Applejack continued to throw punches, but she couldn't land a single hit.

"Without your geode, or everyone together, you are powerless against me!" Midnight continued.

"Everyone, c'mon!" Applejack pleaded.

"What's the point Applejack? We're dead." Sunset said.

"She's right, Applejack... we can't do anything about it..." Fluttershy cried in a monotone voice.

"So? Ah don't want to be left here with this demon!" Applejack stated.

"Breakin' my heart sugar!" Midnight mocked. Applejack was furious.

"Help me!" Applejack yelled. "Sunset! Fluttershy!" Sunset and Fluttershy perked up. Midnight smiled.

"Give it up! Quit trying to play the hero. Quit being the man!" Midnight shouted.

"Shut up!" Applejack cried.

"Touched a nerve, huh?" Midnight said. "I know exactly what you fear, what you're insecure about." She pulled up visions of the past about Applejack. Growing up, being mistreated by classmates because of the way she grew up without her parents. Being called a boy, even today she was rumored to be too boyish at time. Midnight pulled up Apple Bloom and Rarity, being left behind without her, her farm not being able to flourish with animals or plantations.

Sunset saw the torment Midnight was doing, projecting Applejack's fear and insecurities. It made her snap out of herself, and made Fluttershy stop to see her in pain.

"Stop..." Applejack whispered, she began to tear up in her eyes. She wiped them with her arm. She couldn't control what was inside her mind. She knelt down in shame. "Am not a man! Am a woman! Ah don't know what everyone else's deal, thinkin' am some sort of... just because of my strength... the way ah work around a farm... because ah chose to be with Rarity... people think am... manly... it hurts... ah may not show my feelin's or get all emotional, but ah still feel them like anybody else! Apple Bloom... I know I've been neglecting her too... because of my choices... I'm so sorry..." Spike came up to her, and smiled, Applejack smiled.

Sunset and Fluttershy got up, and stood in front of Applejack.

"You're right Applejack, even though we are dead, we can't let her come between us!" Sunset said.

"I will stand with you guys, wherever we go!" Fluttershy shouted.

"Thank ya guys!" Applejack said, as she got back up, and stood her ground against Midnight.

"How quaint!" Midnight said sarcastically.

"Whether we like it or not, sharing is caring, and caring brings friendship, and friendship is magic!" Sunset said. The three girls and Spike were gathered in a light, and they were able to transform into their elemental forms. Spike remained in his usual form, but was there with them.

"Impossible! You're away from your bodies, how can you manifest your powers?!" Midnight yelled.

"It's not the gemstones that gave us power, it was in us all along. It's what's inside that matters!" Sunset continued. They all came to her and blasted her with beams of light. Midnight screeched in agony.

"I'll be back!" Midnight screamed. She faded.

The girls stood together, and they accepted their fate even if they were not able to return to the living, but at least they had each other.

The girls felt another vibration, this time it was some electrical force. They felt the shock of the surface.

They busted out of the lockets with a similar blast from what they've experienced in Ponyville. They looked and saw Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash underneath a large bright dome. They saw the Dazzlings being electrocuted by a lightning bolt. Spike tried to come to Twilight, but he was unable to get her attention.

"Spike, we can't, we're not a part of the living..." Fluttershy said.

"You're wrong!" Spike said. "We can. We just need to find our bodies!" Spike ran to the house, and he found his body laying in the living room. Spike laid beside it and was absorbed into it.

"No way..." Fluttershy said.

"We might be able to find our bodies by focusing." Applejack said.

"You're right! Our elements are connected!" Sunset said. The girls came together, and they focused. They were taken up by a light, and were transported back into their bodies.

Sunset woke up. Her body felt stiff and it was hard for her to breathe. She felt numb and paralyzed. It took a few moments for her to regain her composure. She tried to walk, but her legs still needed to warm up. Being dead for nearly an hour, made them almost lose function and control of their body.

"Twilight..." Sunset said. After she said that, she felt a boost in herself to get up on her feet, and walk. She opened the broken bedroom door, and awakened to being inside Rarity's house. "H-how did I end up here?!" Sunset continued and struggled to walk, but she got better with time.

She heard the front door open, and Applejack came in.

"Applejack?!" Sunset asked.

"Sunset?!" Applejack said, as she came to Sunset for a hug. "We're back!"

"Yes we are!" Sunset said enthusiastically. "Am glad you've made it! Since we both have, am assuming Fluttershy did as well."

"We might want to call her to make sure, but do you mind if ah use your phone? Mine is apparently busted..." Applejack asked.

"Of course!" Sunset smiled.

Her breathing calmed down, her heart started to beat normally, and finally felt her body being lifted up. The blood flowed quickly, and gave her enough energy to sit up.

She sat up on her couch, and accidentally awakened Dash from her sleep. She was laying beside her, her knees on the floor, and laid her head on her stomach. Fluttershy smiled, as she sat up. She looked at the time on her phone, the time had skipped, being a couple of hours since the time Dash came through the door.

"Dashie..." Fluttershy said softly.

"Fluttershy... you're okay?!" Dash asked, feeling worried.

"I think so." Fluttershy replied.

"Great!" Dash was relieved. "I'm happy to hear that!"

"Yeah... I'm sorry I scared you. I had no idea what was going to happen."

"No, no, it's okay. I should have paid attention more." Dash said, as she looked away, feeling regretful. Fluttershy smiled.

"Do you... want to sleep together?" Fluttershy asked, as she felt hesitant to ask on such short notice.

"Really?!" Dash replied, as she gazed into her eyes. "Yeah, I would love to!"

"Okay." Fluttershy said, as she blushed. Unsure of where it was heading.

Dash carried Fluttershy in the room, she enjoyed being held. Fluttershy wasn't as heavy as Dash thought. She felt squishy, soft, and always smelled like peaches.

She placed her down on the bed, and she climbed in with her. The bed was soft, cushioney, unlike Dash's bed which was firm. The large pillows underneath felt too frilly and packed with memory foam beans. A glossy cream sheet, and over it was a darkened red. It was heavy, but stylish. Dash was actually uncomfortable in bed, felt overheated being covered underneath layers of satin fabric.

Fluttershy was snuggled inside, but she faced away from Dash. She was breathing heavily again, and Dash went over to her. It seemed she was worked up being in bed with Dash. She was drenched in sweat, and her heart pounded through her chest.

"Fluttershy?" Dash asked, as she held her close. "Are you okay?"

"Huh?!" Fluttershy hissed. "Oh, yeah... I'm fine..."

"C'mon Shy, what's up?" Dash continued.

"It's uh... I'm not used to this..." Fluttershy said, hesitantly. "Like... at all..."

"It's okay. Just think of it like we are at the movies, sitting together, holding each other's hands, and sharing refreshments!"

"Well... Oh Dash, I want to just be calm, and be okay with all this... but..."

"What's the matter?"

Fluttershy let out a sigh.

"I can't explain it. I still get... really nervous when I'm around you. I have this anxiety and uncontrollable, tense feeling that make me feel so worked up." Fluttershy cried. "I can't control it."

"Fluttershy... maybe we are pushing it a little too much." Dash said, as she scooted away. "I can leave if you really want."

"No... please stay..." Fluttershy begged, turning toward to face her.

"I'm not going to stay if it makes you uncomfortable."

"Please Dash, I'm just not used to this... you understand, right?"

"So you... have anxiety?"

"I'm not sure if it's really severe, but it feels worse than just having butterflies, you know?"

"I see..." Dash said, as she held out her arms. "Come here." Fluttershy scooted a little closer towards her, but Dash dragged her in closer. She embraced her and Fluttershy allowed herself to wrap her arms and legs crossing together with her's. It made their bodies a little heated up, with the fact that Fluttershy's breasts were pressed up against Dash's side under her arms. It threw her off, considering her breasts were bigger than she remembered. Dash shook her head to stay focused.

"D-Dash..." Fluttershy stuttered.

"I don't know a lot about mind stuff or whatever, but I'm here for you, remember?" Dash reminded.

"Yeah." Fluttershy agreed.

"You can talk to me about anything, okay? Even if you don't feel comfortable in this relationship and want to break up, I won't get mad." Dash admitted.

"How can you say that?! I don't want our relationship to end. I just don't know what I need to do..." Fluttershy cried.

"Well, then just talk to me."

"Okay... I do want to share something with you. It's been making me feel terrified."

"What is it? Tell me, please."

"Okay..." Fluttershy exhaled. "When I allowed myself to be taken by Sonata. I wasn't sure where I was. I felt so scared... it was just an emptiness that dragged on for miles! I walked, but nothing changed from where I was standing."

"What happened?"

"Sunset found me, I was sitting there, unsure of what to do next. She talked with me, but her mouth wasn't moving. It was like we had our minds speaking for us, and I let it out. Everything I felt, everything I thought of. I said I loved you. I missed you, but I also got angry. Because it was Twilight's and Sunset's fault. But, I didn't mean to... it just came out... all the things I said..."

"Hey, it's okay. Were you asleep or something?"

"No. I had to tell them about us..."

"You did?"


"What did they say?"

"They were happy for us."

"Okay. Then, why are you upset?"

"Because, it not only stopped there. We fought, we all did..."


"It was me, Sunset, and Applejack."

"That's everyone that was taken by the Dazzlings!"

"I suppose, we somehow met up in this weird place..."

"You guys fought... like fist fights or..."

"We said some things, but... Sunset was what made me feel... ashamed..."

"What did she say? Did she hurt you?!"

"In a way...she said, she had no one. Princess Twilight and our Twilight were absent during our separation. She was left all alone, while we were out together. Almost throughout the summer, no one decided to check in with anyone, until Pinkie Pie brought us together again."

"I see. Pinkie Pie really is something." Dash admitted, as Fluttershy looked at her with discontent in her eyes. "But, I understand, about Sunset."

"She made us see what horrible friends we've been. I felt so terrible."

"Fluttershy... it's okay."

"Am I a horrible friend, Dashie?"

"No, no... we just had a little disagreement, that's all. But we're together now, right?"

"Yeah... that wasn't the worst part!"

"What else happened?"

"As it turns out, Twilight was tortured, and we weren't there for her."

"Yeah, I know... she told us everything..."

"The Dazzlings, day and night. She was... and as it turns out... it wasn't her fault to begin with."

"What?! After all that?!"

"Yes. The one behind it was Midnight!"

"Seriously?! Again?!"

"Yes. She was there, after finding out Spike was there to witness everything to confirm our suspicion about her."

"I can't believe it, and they knew?"

"Yes, Sunset and Applejack were there to see it."

"I don't think Twilight knows about her being the one to do all of that again, she told us it was all her fault."

"It wasn't. What scared me, was the fact that she took our souls!"

"I guess that explains why you felt... lifeless... after Sonata... I had no idea."

"She did. I felt even worse... not being able to come back, not being able to share our moments together! The regrets I have..."


"I'm so sorry, Dashie. I never wanted to leave you. I just didn't know what would have happened..."

"Fluttershy, it's okay, really... you don't have to go through this alone, okay?"

"Oh Dash, I'm sorry..."

"Hey, I would have jumped in for you any day, but the fact that you did it... maybe it was for a reason..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I love you. I would have never forgiven myself if I'd known that you weren't ever coming back. But, maybe things can change, now that you are alive and able to do what you need to do, and work out anything you need to. But, maybe we all went our different ways for a reason."

"Thank you Dashie. I wouldn't know what to do without you... I love you too..."

"Yeah..." Dash replied, as she brought Fluttershy in for a kiss on the forehead. "I love you too!"

"But, that also means. I want to try to move our relationship forward. I know, I can get a little too shy and unsure. But I want to... truly." Fluttershy requested.

"I won't want to force you, Shy." Dash responded.

"But you should... just a little. I need it." Fluttershy begged.

"I don't know, we can try I guess." Dash agreed.

"Okay, thank you..." Fluttershy said, as she got up to give Dash a small peck of her lips, and laid back down to cuddle with her.

"Let's just relax for the rest of the night, okay? We'll worry about all that heavy stuff later." Dash requested.

"Alright, thank you Dash." Fluttershy agreed.

"You're welcome!" Dash responded.

For the night, Fluttershy stayed snuggled under Rainbow Dash's arms and legs. She felt safe, being next to her. Dash was slightly overheated, but she wanted to be there with her.

Although, the stuff Fluttershy explained to her was haunting her mind. The fact that their souls were taken, and the things they all fought over. What regrets does Fluttershy have? Dash thought. What was going on inside of her mind?

Dash had one final thought about Twilight. Midnight might still be at large, not only that, but whatever happened might change everything they think they know about everyone. Twilight doesn't even know what happened. Fluttershy, she's fragile, sensitive, and soft. Dash thought. Maybe doing anything with her might be a little too much.

It was a short night, as Dash saw the sky lighting up. She glanced at Fluttershy, she was so cute laying next to her. Dash closed her eyes, and fell asleep shortly after.

"Oh Applejack, what happened?" Rarity asked, feeling worried.

Applejack tried to turn herself over to lay on her stomach. Her back felt a sharp pain. Rarity moved her around to make her comfortable. Applejack kept wanting to adjust herself.

"Please stop moving!" Rarity said.

"Ah don't feel comfortable..." Applejack said, as she pushed herself, and fell to lay down. "There we go..." Rarity smiled.

"Okay... just lay still from now on!" Rarity suggested.

"Yeah, no kiddin." Applejack said. Rarity sat beside her. It was Applejack's usual spot to lay in, but she will always be willing to change up things in the bedroom. She placed her hand on her back. She felt Applejack twitch from the feeling of her soft warm hands touch her sensitive back. "What are ya up to Rarity?"

"I want to take care of you too!" Rarity requested. "You cared for me when I was in bed, wallowing in sorrow the time my parents came around. So, I want to give you a back rub."

"Ya sure? Ya could just lie down and sleep..." Applejack suggested.

"Nonsense darling!" Rarity said. "I'd be delighted to help you feel better!" She placed both her hands down on her, she would work her way downward then upwards.

"Mmmm... thank you Rarity..." Applejack said, as she felt the soothing sensation her hands running down her back.

"It's my pleasure." Rarity said. "So, tell me what happened after I called you."

"From the time when you ask if I was coming over?" Applejack asked, Rarity nodded. "After you called, I was hit by a shovel in the head... I guess I blacked out after that."

"Oh my goodness!" Rarity yelled. "Do you need anything for that?"

"No actually, my back is the only thing that feels off at the moment." Applejack assured. "Anyways, ah woke up, but ah felt like ah was floatin in space, everything was blank white, and ah couldn't talk..."

"Were you abducted by aliens or something?!" Rarity interrupted.

"Nah, it couldn't have been." Applejack replied. "Anyways, please let me finish..."

"Alright alright, continue..." Rarity said.

"Okay, then ah found Sunset and Fluttershy there, they were talkin, well arguin from the sound of it. They were speakin, but their mouths weren't movin. Ah went in, after ah heard Fluttershy mention why we're in this mess in the first place. It was because of both Twilight and Sunset. So ah got after her, couldn't control myself since ah was in deep thought about her and Twilight. Trust me, it felt like ah wasn't actin like myself, speakin my mind without any filter, whatsoever! Sunset yelled at us, and explained how the Dazzlings tortured Twilight into making those lockets like the one's from before."

"Yes, I'm afraid that was true!" Rarity interrupted.

"Really?! It was?!" Applejack yelled.

"Yes, and I felt bad afterwards, even though it was her experiments, it wasn't her fault in the end..." Rarity continued.

"Yeah, ah felt the same way too. Sunset began to confess about her feelings as well. It seems everythin started to happen when we all separated..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she explained that, during the time last summer, Princess Twilight stopped talking to her. We all were facing our own stuff during that time, but it seems Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were together, you and ah were seeing each other. Sunset had no one, because she theorized that Twilight started her experiments during that time so she pretty much left Sunset in the dark the entire summer. She was left alone with no one to talk to."

"That's awful, I can't believe we had done that... after everything we've been through... makes me upset that we didn't return any of Sunset's calls..."

"Ah know... after that... we tried reasoning, but she continued... we deserved it honestly..."

"Yeah, that's okay..."

"She accepts us though..."

"Of course she would."

"But, it seems that Sunset isn't sure about which Twilight she loves..."

"Really?! Poor Twilight... after the mess she's been through..."

"Yeah... ah think that's why she ended up doing that stuff... she probably knew..."

"Do you think Sunset's confused?"

"Ah think so, she is stuck between two worlds... she probably doesn't have any plans after senior year..."

"Maybe, but... we'll be there to help, right?"

"Of course, ah wouldn't want to do that again, separate like we did... ah couldn't do that to them..."

"What happened next?"

"Well, as it turns out, the one behind everythin was Midnight. She told us we were dead..."


"Yeah, she told us the lockets didn't necessarily absorb our power, but our souls."

"Oh my..."

"Ah couldn't take it... the hurt that ah felt, never being able to say goodbye, not being able to feel your presence again, not being able to hear you speak, everythin ah loved about you was just gone..." Applejack began to tear up.

"...Applejack..." Rarity said softly.

"Ah was so scared... it felt like everythin was goin to end right there... ah didn't want to believe it, so ah tried to fight with her. Ah couldn't land a single one, until she told me about my insecurities... my fears..."

"Insecurities?" Rarity asked. "What do you mean?"

"She called me a man... nothin made me feel more insecure about myself was being called a man... because of my strength, because am not into girly things, or about you..."

"Applejack... you never told me about this..."

"Ah don't have anything against men, but... ah was teased about it... thinkin ah was just one of the guys... especially when ah thought about your parents... if ah was a man... would they treat me any different...? Ah stopped fightin, almost let it all consume me in my weakest moment... but they came to me, they stood by me, and ah was able to feel better. Sunset ended up helpin us escape the lockets by destroying Midnight. Midnight mentioned even if we'd escape we wouldn't been able to return to the livin."

"That's what Twilight meant then... she told us she loved us for being there for her, but she cried when she told us that the ones that were taken may not come back... ah thought she meant the Dazzlings, or even our powers... but she meant you..."

"We were out of the lockets, and ah saw you standing there beside everyone... ah took one last look before ah had to leave with the others. Spike was there with us, and he told us that Midnight lied to us about not being able to return to our bodies. We watched him, and he awakened. I thought about our connection, maybe our elements will help us in finding our bodies... we were taken up by a light again, and ah felt like ah was falling back into my body... ah woke up, on the ground, in the rain, and my headache."

"You probably damaged yourself while you were trying to regain function in your body."

"You sound almost like Twilight."

"I assume after being supposively dead for a long period of time?!"

"It was a struggle, being dead made everythin inside feel weak and painful, but ah wanted to see you again so badly, after having another chance to live again."

"Oh Applejack..." Rarity said, as she laid her head on her back. She wrapped her arms around her. "Ah the worst would have happened to you... but hearing that makes me saddened, yet so happy..."

"Ah think so too..."

"I love you so much!"

"Ah love ya too! There is somethin else ah have to confess..."

"What is it?"

"Well, ah struggled gettin here, and ah was about to fall asleep again until ah asked for help..."

"Someone helped you?"

"I thought it was something... spiritual."


"Yeah, ah thought ah felt a presence like no other, not like Midnight where everythin felt cold and distorted, but harmonious and welcomin'..."

"I'm afraid I don't follow..."

"It sort of synchronized with the lighting in the sky, like it was commanded to."

"Well, what is it?"

"Ah think, after ah spent time away from my body, being engulfed in a light, and felt my body coming back to life..."


"Yeah. Ah wish ah can explain it to you, but every feeling ah felt when ah was with you, ah felt the same... if ah did ended up dying right then and there, ah would have probably accepted death then, but ah was determined to find you again!"

"I was the reason? You came back?"

"The reason ah was able to stand and get here."



"Applejack, I never thought we'd cherish this moment once more, I'm just so happy you're here again!"

"Me too!"

Applejack felt better, after having to speak to Rarity. It seems as if they could share anything together. Applejack sat up.

"Applejack?! I told you to stop moving!" Rarity said.

"Well, am feeling much better, now it's your turn!" Applejack assured.

"What?! You want to do me now?!"


"I-I don't know... Oh!"

Applejack pulled her in and laid her down.

"I guess we are doing this!" Rarity suggested.

Applejack placed her arms on her, lightly letting her fingers soothe slowly down her spine. She felt the goosebumps rise.

"That does feel amazing!" Rarity said.

"See. Just relax now." Applejack said. "Okay?"

"Okay." Rarity said.

"So, ah been meaning to ask ya."


"Well since ah shared something personal... is there any you have?"

"I did confess something to Rainbow Dash, but I feel guilty because I should have shared them with you first..."

"What was it?"

"I still love my parents, even if they hate me... and I did say I still love our friends, even if they sometimes annoy me..."

"Ah see."

"But, do you feel the same with anyone else?"

"Of course ah care and love them too!"

"See... that's why I feel guilty... after sharing that moment... I feel... softer..."

"Hmm... ah suppose ah can relate. But, are you feeling sad because ya didn't that way with me?"

"In all honesty... I did... until you told me everything that happened to you... you shared something... real and it really showed me your love for me is strong. I never felt so attached to you like never before..."

"Maybe, instead of just fantasies, why don't we share more real things... we both already faced so much tragedies and hardships from your parents, ah don't see why we can't connect more emotionally."

"You're right, I do feel different now, especially since you are planning on staying with me, right?"

"Yep, ah won't ever have to leave you, and we could share anything with each other."

"I'd like that very much! So, so much!"

Applejack went down to kiss the back of Rarity's neck. She cuddled her, as she laid still.

"You don't mind if we switched spots?" Rarity asked.

"Not at all!" Applejack said, she got up and laid at her usual side of the bed. Snuggling closely, with Applejack being the smaller spoon. Rarity's fingers course through her hair, Applejack felt comforted and relaxed. Applejack remembered to ask Rarity something.

"Rarity?" Applejack asked.

"What is it baby?" Rarity said.

"Whatever happened to my truck?" Applejack asked. Rarity immediately perked up, and remembered what happened. She completely forgot about that chunk of metal. Rarity sat up. "Rarity, what is it?" Applejack sat up with her. Rarity turned away to hide her face.

"I'm so sorry Applejack..." Rarity said calmly. "It all happened so fast..."

"What's wrong?" Applejack said.

"It was blown away by Adagio's power, because Pinkie Pie accidentally ran her over..." Rarity said, hesitantly.

"Pinkie Pie? Rarity, what happened?" Applejack continued.

"Since Aria came over to my place, with your truck, I thought the worst has happened when you cut me off... she arrived with it, and after I tried to fight her, we all took your truck to get to Twilight's house. Pinkie drove, it was raining hard, so we barely could see. Pinkie ran Adagio over, it freaked us out. She just told us to get out of the truck, and Adagio blew it away from the street..." Rarity admitted.

"My Rarity, I'm sorry that happened..."

"I'm the one who should be apologizing! I just lost your truck!"

"Stop it... am just glad you're okay now..."

"Please Applejack... be honest... I know you loved that truck..."

"But... ah love ya more..."


"Am serious darling. Ah love ya more."

"Oh Applejack..." Rarity held onto her tightly. "Listen, I will get you a truck, a better one! You have my word!"

"That's awfully kind, but ah think it'll be okay..."

"What?! You don't want another one?"

"Well, ah suppose we could go look, but ah don't think it's necessary..."

"Hmmm..." Rarity pouted.

They heard something pull up in the driveway.

"Rarity, ya hear that?" Applejack asked. Applejack got up, she dressed herself, and headed to the front door. Her eyes were shocked. "Rarity?!"

"What is it?!" Rarity asked, from the bedroom.

"My truck... it's here..." Applejack said hesitantly.

"What?!" Rarity choked.

Applejack went to the truck and she saw it all in place, the keys left in the ignition, and was still running. She turned back the key, and allowed it to power down. Next she heard the van that was parked away from the house, take off in an instant.

"What the...?" Applejack stuttered.

"Applejack!? What's going on?!" Rarity yelled.

"Nothin' my truck is somehow back!" Applejack replied. She tried to look out for the van that took off, but it was gone and out of sight. "Weird..."

Applejack went back inside. Rarity came out of the bedroom, using a sheet to cover up in.

"Applejack? You said... your truck is back?!" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, it's weird. Also that van that was parked, disappeared." Applejack responded.

"Really?! That is odd... because Adagio and the other two were transferred to a hospital after everything!" Rarity said.

"They were?" Applejack asked. "Then... who could it be?!" Applejack said, she contemplated.

"Let's go to bed, no use thinking about it now, your truck is back. Hopefully not too damaged?" Rarity said.

"No, obviously, it was able to be driven back here..." Applejack commented.

"Well then...?" Rarity huffed. "Bed?"

"Might as well!" Applejack said, with a sigh of relief.

"Thanks for reminding me Pinkie!" Twilight said.

"You're welcome!" Pinkie enlightened. "So, where are we going with the van?"

"Actually, let's leave it as a surprise for someone at the hospital!" Twilight said.

"Gotcha! Gotcha!" Pinkie replied.

"Pinkie, what's going on?" Maud asked.

"Please sis, can you watch over Sweetie Belle for me?! I have to get to my friends before it's too late!" Pinkie said, while giving her a look of desperation and puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but text me, when it's over, please." Maud said, mildly.

"Thank you, I love you so so so much!" Pinkie said, while she gave Maud a warm hug and a kiss. Pinkie left Sweetie Belle with Maud.

Sweetie Belle was a little curious to see Pinkie's sister because she looked gloomy and emotionless unlike how Pinkie is.

"So, what's up?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"The ceiling." Maud said.

"Haha, that's a good one!" Sweetie Belle laugh cautiously.

"I wasn't joking." Maud said. "The ceiling is above us."

"Oh boy..." Sweetie Belle thought, smiling awkwardly.

Maud took her to Pinkie's room to rest. With everything that was going on, Sweetie Belle was still exhausted and worried of her sister.

"Goodnight." Maud said.

"Hey, Pinkie's sister?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"My name is Maud." Maud said.

"Oh, Maud... I'm worried about my sister... do you think they will be okay?" Sweetie Belle said.

"Without a doubt." Maud said, mildly.

"Okay...?" Sweetie Belle said, as Maid closed the door.

Sweetie Belle lied in bed, and was tossing and turning. She was afraid, the lighting was also starting to erupt in the skies. Sweetie Belle shook, and was wide awake with fear.

Sweetie Belle opened the bedroom door. She walked down the hallway.

"What are you doing?" Maud said, coming from behind Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle screamed.

"You scared me!" Sweetie Belle yelled.

"You're supposed to be sleeping. It's a school night." Maud said.

"Oh yeah, who made you mom?!" Sweetie Bell responded. She looked into Maud's eyes. Maud leaned over to her, and made her look deeper. Sweetie Belle was frightened. "No, no please! Don't look at me like that!" Maud looked away.

"Are you not tired?" Maud asked.

"No..." Sweetie Belle said.

"Okay." Maud said blatantly. "Let's go watch something on the television screen."

"Okay?" Sweetie Belle replied.

They sat together and watched the newest series Mr. Stone. Sweetie Belle was mildly into the show, but was not getting sleepy. Maud watched quietly.

"This show is crazy!" Sweetie Belle said.

"It does depict accurate scientific understanding of biology, geology, and physics." Maud said. "I find that interesting."

"You seem to enjoy it!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Of course, I just told you." Maud said.

"Oh..." Sweetie Belle was silenced.

About an hour later, Sweetie Belle yawned.

"You're tired. You should sleep now." Maud suggested.

"No, no, I'm okay!" Sweetie Belle stuttered.

"It's a school night, you need sleep." Maud said.

"Listen, I can't..." Sweetie Belle said.

"Why not?" Maud continued.

"I-Uh... I-I..." Sweetie Belle hesitated. "You know what?! I've been meaning to ask about your eyes! That eyeliner and eye shadow you use is killer!" Sweetie Belle awkwardly smiled. Maud continued to stare directly at her. Sweetie Belle held the smile, until she started to break a sweat, streaming down her head.

Maud took Sweetie Belle to the restroom, she had shown her the secrets of using make-up, in which she never showed to anyone, not even Pinkie knows about it. Sweetie Bell was fixed up, and she was astonished by how amazing she looked. She may even adopt this new look she has for herself. Maud said it was a one time thing, and she should not try to steal her way of using make-up.

Maud received a message from Pinkie Pie, saying Sweetie Belle was staying for the night, and Pinkie was going spend the night at Twilight's. Maud was not too pleased with Pinkie's decision, but she was relieved that everything turned out okay as she thought.

"Pinkie and the others are okay." Maud said.

"Really? That's great!" Sweetie Belle said. "So, when do I go home?"

"You're staying here for the night." Maud said mildly.

"What? Why?!" Sweetie Belle said. "N-not that this night was not enjoyable or anything, but..."

"I believe it has to do with your sister, and Applejack." Maud said.

"Seriously? Again?!" Sweetie Belle was disgusted.

"It's okay." Maud said.

"Okay?! This is just an excuse for them to do naughty things!" Sweetie yelled.

"Understandable." Maud said. "But, you're good to sleep, right?"

"How can I sleep, when I know exactly what my sister is up to?!" Sweetie Belle continued.

"Good point. But, you seriously need sleep." Maud suggested.

"I can't!" Sweetie Belle yelled.

"You know, I know a neat trick." Maud said.

"What is it?" Sweetie Belle asked. Maud swung her hand, and bumped Sweetie Belle's side of her neck. She fell, Maud caught her and laid her to sleep in Pinkie's bed.

"Goodnight, small human." Maud said, as she slowly shut the door.