• Published 27th Jul 2021
  • 2,240 Views, 124 Comments

Blip on the Radar - Cheer

Sunset got sent to a different world. One with heroes and villains. But being a hero doesn't pay the bills. But someone like Sunset can't stay under the radar forever. Teen Titans crossover

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Chapter 5

Research was nice, calming, peaceful, and fulfilling. She constantly felt like she was making progress in this project of hers.

Her work-flow was simple, research most of the day and use the last hour to mentally plan. Then when she got home she'd update the actual plan and adjust for variables she didn't think of earlier. It was relaxing, even if the ten bucks a night wasn't as nice as the twenty the first night.

Three days in and she had a plan. She'd chosen an out of the way, lower / middle class area. Originally the richer area seemed better but the more she looked into it, the worse an idea that seemed. Better security, harder to predict systems for handling money and worst of all, the police tend to arrive faster than any other area. She felt stupid for not thinking of all that on her own.

The place she was going to hit up was similar to the last. A general store instead of a gas station. But her plan was very different, she was going to be careful. It was going to go smoothly and no one was going to interrupt. Most of all, it’s not a damn mob front!

...if it was though, she swore she’d go straight. Her luck couldn’t be THAT bad! Could it?

She took a breath and was already dressed up. She knew the positions of the cameras, the fact that there was a lack of employees today. Everything was lined up for this to be perfect.This would have to work.

She took a deep breath. Her nerves were tense. Too tense. She needed to take a few moments. In. Out. In. Out. She could feel her heart slow. Her body relaxes. This was what she needed. If she appeared tense to the employee inside then they’d see her as a amatuer. Or worse. A risk. As an example, if someone was holding a gun, you’d hope they were calm. If they seemed tense you might be worried about getting shot.

The moment she entered the store she threw a quick bit of fire at the camera looking towards the door and then jumped over the counter, blasting the camera watching that one too. She ignored the employee’s shout of surprise and pushed them away from the counter. “You’re going to get me into the safe,” she said as she reached over and opened the till, she was thankful he was still logged into it. She dumped the till into her duffle bag and grabbed the employee’s wrist, putting it behind their back. “Now walk,” she said as she pulled his wrist up. She heard him wince but walked.

“I-I don’t have the key,” he said as they walked into the backroom and she destroyed a third camera. There were more in the building but she wouldn’t need to deal with them. They were out of the way and wouldn’t give anyone any information on her.

“Don’t lie. This place isn’t worth that,” she said as she put him on his knees next to it. “You’re the closer. You put the money in the safe at the end of the night, now open it and remember. I don’t need you, it’s just easier this way.” Of course she had no intention of hurting them. She attracted enough attention just doing this, assault or worse would make her life impossible to live and not just because of the attention she’d attract. “And remember what I said. Don’t lie for this store, this is what they have insurance for.

Her hostage grumbled to himself as he put the code in and the safe opened. “Great,” she said as she pushed magic into him and a few moments later his body slumped to the ground. “Have a good nap.”

She smirked as she looked into the safe. There was a good few thousand in there. “Nice.” She whispered as she shoveled it all into her duffle bag. “Money, money, money.” She sang to herself with a giggle.

She didn’t have any urge to look for any more money. She got a good haul and had no reason to push it. She got cash, it’s still quiet and she wasn’t getting shot at this time.

She simply walked out the front door and took her leave. She tried to look as casual as possible. Which would be difficult to continue if someone was to look at her closely due to her outfit and mask. But this was a nice and quiet area. It went smooth and perfect. She was all smiles as she made her way home.

When she got home she felt all the adrenaline hit her at once. The thrill of a successful job - of such a successful job was amazing. All those hours of research put into action. No guns, so shouting, no soaked money or clothes. Nothing but a successful job.

Hours later Robin was looking into information on local crimes. A bad late night habit he got from him. He should really be sleeping honestly.

Gas station robbery, gas station, general store - possible super? That caught his attention. He looked into it deeper and found that the cameras were melted down into slag and the employee was found unharmed and unconscious near the open safe.

The employee said the criminal was wearing a mask and wearing black. Wow. Really helpful.


Slag or not, maybe the cameras caught something.

Robin pushed his way deeper into records he certainly wasn't supposed to be in -(he'd learned that when it came to public safety to lean into the "ask for forgiveness, not permission" side of things) - and sure enough, for a very short moment just as the door was opening there was a sliver of that familiar but yet not mask.

They'd gone from smash and grab to nearly silent pretty quickly. That was a little worrying. But outside of whatever melted the cameras, which they were still pretty sure was magic - though seeing as it came from their hands it could easily be a hidden weapon- they still didn't know much.

At least these small-time crimes didn't feel like Slade. So there was that. But Robin still couldn't get rid of the pit from his stomach. He really hoped it was just his own anxiety getting the better of him.

Author's Note:

I had most of this chapter wrote ages ago but the second half went through so many changes until this morning when I said, "screw it" I don't want this poor story to languish. I WANT to keep it going dang it!

So yeah! Sunset's felt some nice success!

Buuut Robins got some bad habits thanks to the bats so he's got an eye on her.

It's her own fault for using magic really though.