• Published 8th Sep 2012
  • 3,195 Views, 48 Comments

N.E.M.E.S.I.S. - bronys unite

The N.E.M.E.S.I.S. program goes to equestria after being blown up by the crashing helicopter

  • ...

The three foals of terror

( / means a change in mental perspective.)

It had been a long day for me not only did I lose the only trust I had only to gain it back by whimpering like a child but I also had to get a job, what that will be I have no clue, but I do know that I need somewhere to stay and the ponies have been bickering about that for the past three hours. I had been introduced to the elements of harmony had learned some history about where I was also subjected to meet everypony that lives here, the most annoying fucking thing ever, thank what ever universal power there was that I didn't have to go through that again. I was currently sitting in the tree house of Twilight were the elements of harmony and Celestia were arguing about were I should stay. I was sitting there quietly, pinkie kept glancing my way smiling and giggling and muttering some thing about being cannon.

"Twilight you don't have the room to house him." Apple Jack said frustrated that her friend wasn't seeing reasoning.

"But you aren't going to keep him in your barn and Rarity won't let him live with her and he can't st-"

"I'll live in the forest then I don't care, but I'm getting a headache from this arguing." I interrupted, they then turned stunned that I had decided to talk, it had been at least an hour since I last said anything.

"You can't live there the monsters will kill you." Twilight said sounding generally worried, I don't understand how they can come to trust things at such speeds, but it doesn’t matter.

"If I only death was a luxury I could feel, I wouldn't have to feel the constant pain or the voices in my head bickering about how I should kill all of you and how violent I should make it." When I finished they all visibly shuddered even Celestia who was supposed to be fear free was obviously scared of the things I could do which made shocked me because she could easily banish me.

"Well I reckon' ya' can stay at the barn, but I don' want any of these horrible thin's escapin' ya' mouth okay." Apple Jack said, *Guilt trips do work on these fools apparently/ No that is not what we are doing/ Oh yes it is/ Just shut the fuck up.* I then nodded at Apple Jack and she gave a sheepish smile. I could understand their fear, but they were to cowardly, but they were also prey animals.

"When are we going to head out Apple Jack?" I asked the cowpony.

"Well I guess now if your tired." She said sounding like she didn't want me to stay in Ponyville.

"Well I'm pretty positive I can't sleep considering the fact that I'm undead and cybernetic so lets just head out now." I said standing up nearly bumping into the low hung ceiling, well low hung for me. They all stared at me confused with what I had said.

"What do you mean undead?" Twilight asked.

"Well the virus kills the host and sends signals through the body causing the person to get back up with the basic instinct, kill, I however am a strand of g-virus not t-virus meaning that I am different then the others that were infected which makes them view me has a predator and they either try to attack me or run away sometimes I can order them around. I became infected because a hunter had slashed through my arm which caused me to become infected, but how I got what was left of my sanity I don't know I do remember being impaled though." I said, contemplating on how I did manage to get myself back into this body. I then saw all of the ponies around me gawking at what I had said except the pink one, damn she was creepy.

"Well umm lets get ya' to the barn." Apple Jack said then walked out of the house I sighed and got down on all fours and started to crawl through the door when I got through I let out another sigh, but this time it was of relief and being able to stretch my legs "Okay so Matt I would like to tell ya' the rules of the house. Ya' will have ta' work if ya' don't we'll kick ya' out, I also don' wan' ya' talkin' bout' this stuff round my sis. I also don' wan' ya' to go into that N.E.M.E.S.I.S. thingy okay." She said, I simply nodded, they don't have a lot of rules well this will be easy.

The rest of the walk was an awkward silence, not that I minded I liked it and just took in the scenery, too damn colorful never mind. I decided to just look at the path and my very clunky feet that made a thud every time they hit the ground. I then saw the bush next to us rustle I turned to it my mini-gun in hand and other weapons in their respective positions. I heard an eep and the sound of hooves running away, ohh Fluttershy she was honestly the most adorable one there if you ask me just the amount of innocence she had made me want to be smile and cuddle, but of course that would be... strange.

"We're here." Apple Jack said sounding proud, I looked up to see a apple orchid around me and an old red barn and a wooden house.

"Hmm better then what I've seen the past few days." I said sounding glum causing Apple Jack to glare at me.

"What do ya' mean by that." She asked her anger obviously showing through.

"I used to live in a building higher then clouds and they were made out of metal and brick, but I'm fine with barn's I used to live in one and have had fun times in them. I also didn't insult you no matter what my tone can be it isn't an insult unless I say it in an angry manner." I said causing her anger to go away but she was still on edge, it must be weird to house a predatory animal.

"Oh okay then well ya' will be stayin' in the barn here follow me." She said but I raised my finger.

"It's fine Apple Jack I can lead myself to the barn you can go inside and tell your family about me and my being, just like you want to am I correct." I said, she nodded giving me a bewildered look. I just took my leave and went inside the barn. I saw some beams on the roof and some piles of hay laying around the barn. I decided I would sit in the corner and try to sleep. I took off my gear before going further and left my weapons by the door.

I then sat down in the back corner and closed my eye and tried to let sleep take my body but it never did. I had been there for about an hour or so and I started hearing a rustling from outside I decided to keep my eyes closed, but then the barn door opened I couldn't see anything. I heard some stifled giggles I then heard something shuffling, I then heard the very distinctive click of a gun. My eyes shot open and I saw a rocket flying my way "Fuck." Was all that escaped my lips before it hit me directly in the chest blowing me through the barn and making me catch on fire and sending my body fly limply through the air. I then heard the cracking noise of my head hitting a stone then everything went cold. I was unable to move has the world faded and the fire consumed my body I then saw the three hell spawns approach and let myself slip into the cold void.

I awoke being carried through a hallway on a stretcher that should be stretched, I then felt the pain return from the burn wounds and my earth splitting head ache. I then let my legs hit the ground and sat up resulting in multiple gasps from the ponies around me.

"Sir please sit back down you need help you have third degree burns and a cracked skull." The doctor said.

"I've been through worse so I'll just be leaving." I then got up and stood resulting in more gasps.

"Sir it doesn't matter you need to hospitalized so come with us." The doctor said again but more sincere.

"I've died at least four times I'll be fine without your help." I said, causing the ponies to gawk at me. I then walked down the hallway towards what I was hoping would be an exit. It took a while but I found the lobby were I found the elements of harmony waiting for a status update and three sad foals sitting in a corner.

"I'm fine and I'll be staying in Everfree forest." I said breaking the silence and causing them all to gasp.

"But how are you even alive that blast blew out most of the barn and set some of it on fire and it caught you on fire has well and your skull was cracked open." Twilight said thinking that I should be dead.

"Well like I told you if death was a luxury I could feel I would be happy, but I can't die unless my body is crushed into oblivion which is what I want." I said with no hint of emotion in my voice, but upon mentioning suicide they all got teary.

"Why would you want to die don't you have ones who care for you in your world." Twilight asked not understanding while I would want to die.

"I don't have loved ones they died I watched my own mother and father tortured to death, my wife was pregnant with a child that wasn't mine. I even had one wife who was loyal but she got shot to death and raped in a street by a gang because I was a cop. Can you imagine living a life like that, no you probably can't because life is basically peaceful here you've never had to watch a war that destroyed an entire civilizations." I said which caused most ponies in the lobby break down into tears I felt horrible on the inside, but I was pissed so I crawled out with has much dignity has one could muster when crawling on all fours, when I got outside I sprinted to the barn to grab my equipment. When I got there I saw the damage the rocket did the barn which was almost completely destroyed I then went inside and surprisingly saw my weapons still sitting there.

I grabbed them and loaded them up and walked out of the hole in the back and walked towards the forest with all of my weapons and a hopeful future.

I was lost in the forest after a few minutes of jogging which surprised me a little bit and the wildlife stayed away from me scared because of the deaths I had brought upon them. I just kept wandering through the forest letting my feet lead me through the dark forest. I then saw a clearing and walked for it and when I got to it I saw a broken down castle and a bridge that looked like it was about to snap. I decided to get across it by jumping so I stepped back a little bit and sprinted forward and when I reached the ledge I planted both feet and kicked off with some of my strength which sent me cleanly flying through the air and I gracefully landed slamming my face into the ground.

I pushed my self off the ground ignoring my pain and walked into the ruins and saw a dark mare with a starry mane and tail sitting there crying to herself, at least I think it was a she. She looked like she was related to Celestia because she had wings and a horn, but she was smaller.

"Umm hello." I said to her trying to see how she would respond to my vocalization.

"Why do you bother me pony can't you leave your princess alone." The mare was incredibly sad for reasons unknown.

"I'm not a pony and I don't mean you harm, but would you like to talk?" I asked concerned for this mare, which made me shocked.

"No we don't want anyone to talk to." She said sounding like she was about to start crying again. I don't know why but my legs carried me forward and sat me down next to her and she looked away not wanting to show weakness.

"Look I would be willing to bet one hundred dollars that I've had it worse then you." I said trying to see if I could pull the story out of this mare.

"I would doubt tha..." She trailed off when she saw me and looked scared.

"See that is how everyone re-acts to me I don't get a fair chance to make any friends unless someone is standing next to me like your sister if I'm correct." I said sounding glum she then got control of herself and sighed.

"How can you say that you've had it worse?" She asked not knowing why I said that.

"Because one I've died at least four times, I've been cheated on, I've lost everyone I knew to a virus and had to kill them, I have also have two voices constantly arguing in my head on how I should kill everything. I'm even mutated I didn't always look like this I used to be a regular human, but then umbrella corp. decided to change that when destroyed most of what was left of my humanity and replaced it with a cold-hearted killer." I said sadly, then looked to the ground.

"Well then lets exchange stories shall we." She said smiling.

"Why not." I said back


I really don't know what to say after this chapter other then the fact that the cutie mark crusaders are going to become the toys of his nightmares. I will also not ship Luna and N.E.M.E.S.I.S. if you think that was going to happen.

I hope you have has much fun reading this has I do writing it.