• Published 22nd Apr 2021
  • 223 Views, 5 Comments

Down on the Farm - Valtyrian

Pearl Rose must deal with the ramifications of her actions following Nightmare Night.

  • ...

Chapter 3 - A Three Tailed Suprize

Kohaku smiled as he put down the sixty thousand grit polish stone inside of the bucket of water next to him. Looking over the large plow, he saw his own reflection looking back at him. He knew that he didn’t have to go so far, but this was his brother's favorite and most used tool. Having belonged to his father before him. So Kohaku did his best to keep it working and looking better then any new one.

Leaning back against the hay bales he was seated on, the young fox looked out the barn door and watched as Pearl trotted into the chicken coop. A basket swinging back and forth in her mouth as she bopped back and forth to her favorite songs. Over the last few days she had gotten the routine down and was fitting in quite well in the Apple home. But, she complained to Bloom that things were a bit dull as she worked. So Apple Bloom had given Pearl her song player and headset that she wasn’t using at the moment.

“Here we go,” He said and slowly started to count seconds in his head. A grin crossed his lips as a scream erupted and Pearl came flying out of the coop’s door with an army of chickens hot on her tail. “Two minutes, a new record. I keep telling her, don’t touch the chicken queen’s nest.” Shaking his head, Kohaku took a drink from his soda bottle and watched all the chickens as they chased Pearl around the yard.

Kohaku continued to watch the show unfolding in front of him. Pearl ran from the chickens, before she looked behind her for a brief moment. Before he could blink, Pearl crashed into Moo-riella’s rear end while Granny was in the middle of the afternoon milking. The cow mooed out loudly and started to stampede toward the outer fences and toward n Pearl, who had gotten up and continued her dash to escape the Chickens. Kohaku couldn’t help but laugh aloud at seeing his friend now being chased by an angry clucking horde of chickens, and a confused stampede of cattle dashing between apple trees.

Finally when he heard the sound of his big sister yelling out, Kohaku knew he had to end the show. Getting up he just trotted down toward the growing dust cloud from the dual stampede.


Pearl groaned as she laid there on her belly across her bed going over what had happened in her head. She had just kicked one orange feather back onto the nest. The next thing she knew she was being chased by a legion of cawing chickens. Then by a stampede of cows, how that happened was beyond her comprehension.

She had lost track of everything until she heard that amazingly loud whistle coming from one source. And that was Kohaku. He gave the cattle and chickens a quick talking too and led them back to where they were supposed to be. He even took over gathering the eggs his mom had asked of her earlier. Pearl had then spent the rest of the day helping Silverlay catalog the apples by size, type and weight.

Pearl felt rather grateful as he took over with the animals. She didn’t have his knack for handling animals so well. Her mouth was agape as she watched him talk to those who chased her down. His voice was alarmingly musical, soft, soothing and wanting. Reaching down she picked up the book she had borrowed from him a few days earlier. Her hoof ran over the cover. She had barely gotten through the first chapter. Everytime she held it, she thought about the kiss she gave him on the cheek. She was certain he was going to torment her with it the next morning but he acted as if it never happened.

“Are you still thinkin about that Pearl?” Bloom called out as she hobbled into the room. “Let it go already. So ya kissed my little brother. Big deal. It wasn't’ on the lips now was it?”

“No, I’d still be gagging if it was,” Pearl huffed and tossed the book onto her pillows. Rolling over onto her side she watched Bloom crawl up into her bed. Smiling, she enjoyed talking with Bloom. The pair had grown a little closer over the last few days, talking every night before bed. “I’d love to just forget it, but he’s just so, so... Gah!” Pearl flopped onto her back and stared up at the ceiling.

“Wanna know something, Ah know what your feeling,” Bloom laid out on her belly looking at her friend and roommate. “The thought of kissing boy’s makes me sick.”

“Seriously?” Pearl’s ears perked up hearing that. She never would have thought that about Bloom as the farm girl was always so popular with the boys at school.

“Seriously,” Bloom smiled hugging her pillow.

Pearl listened in as Bloom explained her first experience with a boy that she kissed. How after her first date she found herself bent over a hay bale gagging a meer five minutes after the boy had left.

“I’m not sure if it’s the same thing. I’m not looking for a love connection. For some reason colts are just so… repulsive. I mean I’m just so confused, for some reason Kohaku is quite attractive in his own right. So how can I find colts so damn repulsive but one annoying fox attractive?”

Bloom giggled lightly, she had an answer to that but it wasn’t her place to give it. “Let me ask you something. And I want you to really think about this. Why did you kiss him in the first place?”

Pearl pulled the pillow from her head and sat and looked down at her hooves. “I don’t know. I lost my head when he basically gave me such a valuable book. My body just moved before I knew it.”

“So you just wanted to thank him in some way,” Bloom punched her pillow a few times to loosen it up. Shifting herself around she layed out on her back. “Then that kiss was just a thankyou from a friend. Now stop worrying about it.”

“Did you know he’s attracted to me?”

Bloom lifted her head up. “What makes you think that?”

“Something your mom said while we were talking a few days ago. I think he might even be in love with me.”

“Let me guess, the whole Idea of a boy being in love with you makes you sick to your stomach? Is that why you're so hung up on having kissed my brother? You're worried that he might get the wrong idea?” Bloom sighed as she just watched Pearl nod her head slowly. Ah knew it, she’s just like me and AJ. Poor girl just doesn’t know it yet. It’s going to be one hell of a surprise when she does find out.

“Well have ya talked to him yet?”

“No, I’m scared to do so. I mean what if I’m right and he does love me that way. How do I turn him down without breaking him apart. And what about Sweetie Belle. How is she going to take this news about him being attracted and in love with me?”

“Well don’t worry about Sweetie Belle, Ah’m sure she already knows.” Bloom held up her hoof to quiet Pearl after seeing a horrified look cross her eyes. “Kohaku tells her everything. And you're not the only Pegasus that he’s attracted to. He also has eyes and hearts for Scootaloo. And let me tell ya this, Sweetie Belle isn’t threatened one little bit.”

“Yeah but…” A sudden knock on the door silenced both fillies as Buttercup entered the room.

“Okay girls, lights out. Sweet Dreams and see you in the morning.”

“Night mom.”

“Night Mrs Apple.”

Buttercup smiled at both girls and flipped the light switch.

“You think i’m overthinking all this?” Pearl looked over at Bloom who was now pulling her blanket up.

“Yes Ah do. I suggest tomorrow you talk to Kohaku. Find out first hoof how he feels.”

“Thanks, I’m sorry for troubling you with all of this every night.” Pearl pulled her blanket up and looked down.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s what friends are for. Sweet Dreams,” Bloom yawned and as she put her head down, fell right to sleep.

Pearl laid there in the dark, the light of the newly formed full moon shining through the window was the only light. Smiling sweetly she closed her eyes only to have them shoot up when she heard a rustling sound, like something walking, coming from above her. Listening for a few moments the noise stopped almost as quickly as it began. Probably nothing. Or I have a very overactive imagination. With that thought sleep claimed Pearl quickly.


At breakfast, Pearl loaded her plate with apple pancakes. Her stack was almost as large as Big Mac’s. She licked her lips as she poured out the caramel syrup over the pile. Setting the bottle down, she noticed, for the first time, Kohaku’s seat was vacant. There wasn’t even a plate set out for him. Looking around she saw that nopony was even a bit concerned. Turning her gaze up to the stairs the young pegasus bit down on her lower lips.

Did he oversleep? No couldn’t be, he’s always up so early. Or could he be sick? The thought of seeing her friend sick made her stomach turn a little. Pushing herself back, she felt Buttercup’s soothing hoof on her shoulder.

“You okay sugarcube?”

Turning around she looked at Buttercup. Pearl was unaware of it but everypony was now looking at her. “Is Kohaku okay? He’s usually down here by now. Or at least way before I am.”

Everypony just chuckled a little and went back to their breakfasts.

“Kohaku is just fine Pearl. Only for the next few days ya won’t see him up so early. It’s nothing you have to worry about. This happens every month.” Taking her hoof from Pearl’s shoulder, Buttercup continued to eat.

“So he’s not sick?”

“Well kinda yes and kinda no,” Applejack chimed in as she pushed her plate aside. “Ya might say he’s homesick.”

“But this is his home,” Pearl smirked with confidence.

“Yes Pearl, but he had a family before us,” Silverlay dabbed her lips with a napkin as she lowered her fork. “And it’s during this time of the month he misses them the most. He’ll come to us when he’s ready, he always does. But for now, it’s best to just leave him be.” Standing up Silverlay started to magically collect all the empty plates.

“Ma I know ya already assigned out jobs, but with Kohaku out do ya mind if Silverlay and I handle things here at the farm?” Applejack stretched out a bit.

“Well I don’t mind if Mac doesn’t,” Buttercup smiled as Mac was just shaking his head side to side. “Sense your going to handle things here. Pearl, how would you like to help me with the market today.”

“Uhm, sure. I don’t mind.” Pearl smiled probably wider than she was intending. A day without working in that damn barn. Yes!

“Good, go get on some warmer clothes and I’ll meet you outside in ten minutes.” Buttercup smiled as she went into the kitchen with Silverlay.

Jumping up from her seat she dashed up the stairs and into her shared room. Pulling on a thicker sweater she walked out. Stopping, Pearl looked down toward Kohaku’s room.

Maybe I should check on him, just to be sure. Pushing open Kohaku’s door, Pearl looked inside. His window was covered with a thick curtain keeping out the light of early morning and keeping the room very dark. Her eyes shifting to the bed she stopped as her eyes widened. There was Kohaku, sleeping half off the bed, upside down. His head firmly pressed onto the floor.

Letting out a sigh she walked over and grabbed his blankets with her teeth and pulled them down till he was covered. Shaking her head Pearl quietly walked out. Looking over her shoulder she sighed again. How can he possibly sleep like that. Trying to figure him out is driving me crazy. I’d love to talk to him, I guess I’ll have to wait till this afternoon. If he’s awake. Quietly closing Kohaku’s door behind her, Pearl ran off to meet Buttercup.


Pearl didn’t think anything could be more boring than the market place. Sitting behind the covered stall, she rearranged all the baked goods to cover the empty spots in the display case. The market wasn't as busy as she thought it might be, she had seen and helped a total of ten ponies in five hours. Because she had to be on hoof for any order that would have to be filled, she couldn’t even listen to her music.

Looking up, Buttercup humed to herself while making a quick double count of that morning’s takings.

“You holding up okay Pearl?”

“As well as I can.”

“I know, it’s boring. How about we close early and go to lunch. Does the Hay Burger sound good to you?”

“Really? Yes!” Pearl’s wings twitched. Eager to be out of the stall.

“Great. How about you get Kohaku? He should be at Twilight's Palace right now. I’m sure he’d love to join us.”

“OH. uhm okay, sure.”

“Great I’ll meet you two there at the Hay Burger.” Buttercup called out as Pearl took off to the skys.


Pearl practically cooed as the wind blew under her wings. Like all Pegasi she loved being airborne. Having been earthbound over the last week was trying for her, she felt like she was chained up. True she could fly around the farm but only high enough to aid in her jobs. But right now that was behind her. Taking a deep breath, the filly turned to head toward Twilight’s Castle just outside of town. Looking down and saw a familiar green annoyance walking away from the castle on the well traveled path and turning toward the Pegasus district of Ponyville.

“Now where are you off too?” Pearl muttered to herself as she started to follow. Diving lower in altitude so as to not lose him.

Pearl followed as Kohaku weaved his way through Ponyville. Taking a quick rest on a cloud, Pearl looked down and watched as Kohaku reached the cloud ramp that led upward. True Pegasus Ponies didn’t need it, but it was nice when your wings were too tired to fly. She smirked as Kohaku reached the ramp.

Yeah right, like you can get up that. Pearl thought to herself. As cloudwalking without a spell was impossible. I give you two steps before you fall flat on your face. Giggling she watched him leap out. Leaning closer she expected him to fall through and flat on his face, but huffed as he landed on the cloud with all fours. “Damn, that would have been funny to watch. Now that I think about it, why are you coming to this district.”

Dashing about along the clouds Pearl followed Kohaku as quietly as she could. She watched as he asked questions of various Pegasus ponies for directions to certain streets. Hiding herself behind a building she watched him move to the larger houses, and one very familiar one.

That’s MY house… why is he going there? Scrunching up her face in a huff she watched as he knocked on the door, only to be greeted by her mother. She couldn’t hear what was being said, keeping her distance because didn’t want to alert him to her presence. But after a quick pleasantry with her mom, Pearl watched as he entered and closed the door behind him.

He’s in my house, he’s with my parents. What in Celestia’s name could he possibly want from my house, or my parents! Pacing back and forth she reared up and slammed her hooves down on the cloud road. Looking over to her home, Pearl flew up and peaked through the kitchen window. There sitting at the table with a glass of milk and a plate of cookies was Kohaku. Across from him was her mom and dad. Her parents were talking about something while Kohaku just munched on cookie after cookie. While she couldn’t hear what they were talking about, she knew whom they were talking about. And that was her.

With a quick huff Pearl flew away from her way from her home and off toward the Hay Burger.


Pearl stretched out as she pushed her back up against the sofa. The book she got from Kohaku lay open and propped up on a small stand the fox had made for her. Up on the sofa was Kohaku, fiddling with a new set of puzzle rings Silverlay and AJ had given him. The other members of the Apple family were in various chairs or laying out on the floor. Buttercup softly playing her guitar for the entertainment of everyone around.

Her first time spending time in this room she had inquired about a TV. While they do have one the family rarely, if ever, used it. Claiming it took away from family time and that the radio was enough entertainment. Pearl half scoffed back then but now, she understood what they meant. Without the distractions of a Television, she could enjoy their warm company. She felt as if she was at home.

Looking about she smiled and then turned to her book again. Blinking she felt something push up under her shirt for a few seconds before stopping. Reaching up with a wing she slapped Kohaku’s front leg.

“Kohaku, keep those tails of yours to yourself!” Pearl huffed loudly.

“Huh? What about my tails? They aren't doing anything.”

“Yeah right, just keep them up there.”

“Okay okay,” Kohaku muttered, looking down at her questionably.

Shifting a little bit she let out a little wiggle to get comfortable again. Just as she started reading she felt that familiar pushing up the back of her shirt, going further just past her wings this time.

“Kohaku!! I mean it. Keep your tails OUT OF MY SHIRT!”

Her voice raised so much that everypony else looked over at the two of them.

“What’s going on Sugarcube?” Applejack asked, lifting her head up from Silverlay’s shoulder.

“Kohaku’s shoving his tails up my shirt.” Pearl turned and looked at AJ who looked rather confused.

“Uh Pearl? My tails are all visible right here.” Kohaku chimed in. waving all three of his tails in the air.

Pearl huffed and turned to look at the three tails and blinked. The movement against her back started again pushing up further and further.

“Uh, if those are your tails there. What’s crawling up my back?” Pearl’s voice half quivering as she felt whatever it was moving around and pushed up through her floof. Looking down Pearl found herself face to face with a white python who flicked it’s pink tongue against her nose.

“Eeeeeeeee….” Pearl’s voice slowly rose and rose in pitch until Kohaku clamped his front paw around her mouth.

“Please don’t scream, she’s very sensitive.” Reaching out with his other paw, Kohaku slipped it down the front of Pearl’s shirt, much to her displeasure. And slowly started to pull the snake out.

Pearl watched as inch after inch of that snake crossed her eyes. It was almost as long as she was.

“Come to daddy Miwa,” Kohaku cooed tenderly as the snake curled itself around his leg as he laid it against his body. Letting go of Pearl’s mouth he smiled. “Pearl, this is Miwa, Miwa, this is Pearl.”

Pearl blinked as the snake just flicked its tongue out. “That’s a snake. What’s a snake doing in here?” Slowly moving herself away she heard Kohaku chuckle.

“Miwa is my pet. Fluttershy gave her to me. Poor thing was mauled by a mongoose.” Kohaku lightly caressed down Miwa’s scared body. The Snake responded by pushing up against his chest tuft.

“Kohaku, I thought I told you to keep your pet in her terrarium while Pearl is here?” Buttercup just shook her head.

“I did, she must have gotten lonely and opened it herself. She’s quite resourceful,” Kohaku mewed.

“Well go put her back,” Buttercup firmly.

Pearl smirked to herself at seeing Kohaku’s pouting face as he shouldered his snake and walked upstairs.

“I understand the benefits of having a pet, but why does he have a snake?” Pearl asked, flopping back onto the ground. “Their creepy and slithery and, and,” Pearl closed her eyes and shuddered.

“Well according to eastern tradition. Snakes are a symbol of harvest and good luck. So he thinks by having one around, we’ll have better harvests.” Buttercup chuckled. “A bit silly, but he enjoys having a pet to care for. And since Miwa showed up, we don’t have any more problems with mice.”

Pearl closed her book and laid her head down, and shivered at the thought of what that snake was eating.

“You know Pearl, after tomorrow we’re all going to miss you.” Buttercup stretched out and put down her guitar.

“I know. My last day. I’ve been looking forward to it. I mean not to put down what you all do here. It’s just I really don’t belong on a farm.”

“We know Pearl. And we all understand,” Buttercup giggled as everypony laughed and nodded in agreement. “But despite everything, you’ve done an amazing job here at the farm. If you're ever interested, you can have a summer job here. We would all love having you around.”

Smirking a little Pearl giggled. “I wouldn’t have to live here would I?”

“No, we could work a schedule for you around you living at home.”

“Well thanks anyway. But no. I’m not a farmer.”

“Well should you change your mind, our door is always open for you,” Buttercup got up and stretched out. “I know Kohaku wouldn’t mind having you here.” she giggled and teasingly winked at her.

Pearl gave a slight nervous chuckle before nodding. She wanted to talk to Kohaku, but the opportunity had ever shown itself. “Um I’m going to head to bed.”

“Okay, good night Pearl.”

Pearl’s thoughts were all jumbled as she got ready for bed. Groaning, she punched her hoof into her pillow a few times before hearing the familiar sound of something moving about over her. Lifting her head up she stared at the ceiling just as it stopped. Yawning the Pegasus just shook her head and fell asleep.


Pearl humed along as she walked side by side with Buttercup. She felt the set of saddlebags loaded up with needed items from the marketplace bounce up and down as she walked. Looking up she looked at Buttercup, the farm mare widow always did everything to make Pearl feel comfortable. Pearl didn’t miss her mom so much, she was even starting to enjoy these moments. She would be lying to herself if she wasn’t disappointed this was her last day with the Apples.

As they climbed up onto the porch, Buttercup turned to Pearl and smiled. “Thanks Pearl. With my children off on their own duties today. Having you around has really been wonderful.”

“I’m actually enjoying it myself, Buttercup. I’ll help bring these in.” The young girl flexed her wings and was about to reach for the door when a hoof stopped her.

“Oh no need hun, I can handle things from here. You’ve been working so hard, I’m really proud of you. And I’m sure your parents and Twilight will both be just as proud,” Buttercup smiled as she watched Pearl blush. “But I do need you to take this bag out to Kohaku,” she added, pulling out a light blue sealed package from her saddle bag.

Pearl took the blue bag and set it in her saddle bag after setting down the other bags. “Okay, sure. If I can find him.”

“Oh by now he’s out at Fluttershy’s. Once you're done you can just take the rest of the afternoon off. The two of you can just have some fun.” Buttercup continued to push bag after bag into the front door. “Just remember to be back by nightfall for your final night with us.

“Okay. Thanks,” Pearl called back as she flew off to Fluttershy’s. As she reached the open grassfields she noticed a large piling of animals. Quirking an eyebrow she just shrugged and flew on till she spotted the familiar yellow Pegasus surrounded by smaller critters.

“Hello Fluttershy!” Pearl cheerfully called out as she landed. She had to stifle a laugh as Fluttershy turned around with a feather duster in her mouth.

After dropping the duster from her mouth, Fluttershy smiled and greeted the young Pegasus warmly with a hug. “Hello there Pearl. Shouldn’t you be at the Apple Farm right now?”

Pearl shook her head. “Nope Buttercup gave me the afternoon off sense I was doing so well.”

“I see,” Fluttershy sat down as the various animals dashed back and forth. “So what brings you out here?”

“OH well I have to bring this package out to Kohaku.” Looking around she hummed softly to herself. “So where is the three tail pain in the flank?” Pearl smirked as she shifted, making way for a couple of ferrets.

“Now Pearl, he’s not that bad,” Fluttershy shook her head but smiled regardless. “But i’m glad to hear you say that with a gentle voice rather than a mean one. But as for where he is, my little brother is out in the main field. Keeping all the babies company while me and the adults get all the nests and burrows ready before the first snowfall hits us.”

Looking behind her over her shoulder she smirked. “Okay thanks,” Pearl shifted and lifted herself off the ground.

“Oh no worries. You two play nice now.” Fluttershy nodded as she went back to helping her animals.

Flying back over the fields she circled around in the air, seeing the large pile of animals. She didn’t see any sign of Kohaku. Don’t tell me he’s flaking out on Fluttershy. Not that I wouldn’t put it past him some days. Several feet away from the pileup. She noticed the pile was a large grouping of baby animals. Almost all of them were sleeping.

“How's the view from up there?” a half muffled voice caught Pearl’s ears.

“Kohaku?” Looking around she circled the large pile and blinked as she noticed a set of paws and the tips of all to familiar tails. “Don’t tell me. You're under the pile.”

“Mostly. It’s actually more comfortable then it looks. And quite warm too.”

Giggling Pearl laid down next to the pile where she assumed Kohaku’s head was. “Your mom sent me with a package for you. Not sure what’s in it, but do you want to come out and get it.”

Within a second a bark colored paw shot out from the pile. Griped the ground and pulled. Not long after Kohaku slid out from under the large pile of baby animals and sat up. One paw brushing off his shirt. “Ah much better. Sorry, they like to cuddle. And with so many, that doesn’t leave a lot of room.”

“Well, it is kinda funny. Here!” Pearl chuckled and handed Kohaku the package. She watched as he teared it open and removed something that looked to be dried. “Um, what is that?”

Opening the bag, Kohaku took a long sniff and purred loud. Pulling out a sheet he grabbed it with his teeth and pulled. “Do you really wanna know?” He asked with his mouth full as he sealed the package back and set it aside. Leaning back he supported himself with a paw as he continued to chew the contents he pulled out.

“OH please tell me that’s not what I think it is…” Pearl held a hoof up to her mouth and groaned. She had heard about it but had never seen it before. Her only answer was Kohaku nodding slowly. “That’s worse than the insects you were eating on Nightmare Night.”

Swallowing loudly Kohaku looked at Pearl, a baby bunny slowly bouncing from the pile and pulled itself up into Kohaku’s lap. “Pearl. While I live a primarily vegetarian lifestyle. And I do enjoy it. But these teeth aren't made solely for veggies,” he said with a wide grin, showing off his ‘knives’ “And occasionally I need a certain type of protein. Stuff like this, and those insects. Keep me from tearing into things I really wouldn’t want too,” he said as one of his tails tenderly stroked along the baby bunnies back.

Pearl noticed his eyes and looked down at the bunny, then back up to her. That was all she needed to know. And the thought sent a horrifying shiver down her spine. “It’s still disgusting.”

“Yeah, Sweetie Belle’s of the same opinion. She can’t stand it, so I try not to eat these things in front of her. I wouldn’t eat them in front of you but I'm starving. And taking care of these little ones isn’t easy ya know.”

Pearl was about to protest again but she closed her mouth and thought about it. She could forgive him for being so hungry that he would put her through this. Nodding to Kohaku just just kept her eyes on the baby animals. Some of which had come over to her now. “Alright. But after that one, please don’t eat that in front of me again. The insects are negotiable.”

Laughing, Kohaku nodded and swallowed the last bit of his jerky. “Agreed.”

“Kohaku!!” Fluttershy called out as the older Pegasus flew over to the two children. “Oh good you're up. We got the burrows all fixed up so I can take the little ones back now.”

“Great, but keep watch over this little one. She’s got the hiccups,” Kohaku said as he handed a semi jerking baby bunny over to Fluttershy. Who cradled the little one in her hooves tenderly.

“Oh thank you for telling me.”

“Yup. well common Pearl. Lets go. We have the afternoon to ourselves so let's go have some fun.” Kohaku said and started to trot down the path.

Pearl quickly caught up to him and groaned. Looking at him she shook her head but at least she smiled a little. Now she could talk to him, with nopony around. “Kohaku I…” sniffing the air she leaned in to Kohaku and sniffed twice before flinching back. “Ugh, you need a bath. You smell like a wild animal.”

“Yeah, like you're a basket of roses,” Kohaku said and stopped suddenly, causing Pearl to crash into his backside. Looking over his shoulder he smirked. “Hmmm. I know a way we can kill two birds with one stone. Come with me.”

Pearl didn’t care for that look in his eyes. But he dashed off faster than she could protest. Groaning Pearl followed. Barely keeping the fox in her sights as she followed him through the backwoods of Fluttershy’s home. Stopping she found herself at a very deep and very large lake that steamed.

“Pearl up here!!”

Pearl looked up and found Kohaku up twenty feet on a rocky ledge just barely over the lake. Sighing, she spread her wings and flew up to land next to him. She watched as he had already shed his shirt. “What are you doing.”

“I thought of a way we can flush the dirt from our fur and have a lot of fun doing it.”

Pearl looked over the edge and back to a bare chested Kohaku, standing there on his hind legs as his tails held on for support. Looking back to the lake she blinked. “Oh hell to the bucking no. if you think for one moment I’m skinny dipping with you, of all creatures. You're crazier than Discord.”

“OH common Pearl. Where’s your sense of fun?” Kohaku smirked and walked back and sat atop a rock on the ledge. “Are you going to be a stick in the mud all the time?”

“If being a stick in the mud means keeping a sense of sanity. Then yes,” Pearl stomped her hoof down on the rock cliff.

Sighing Kohaku just walked over and patted his paw against Pearl’s back, just between her wings. “Well okay. I thought you could have some fun in your life. But if this is what you want.” Kohaku bowed slightly and motioned his front legs out toward the cliff. “Feel free to fly back home to a boring shower.”

“I will,” Pearl scoffed and lifted her head like many high society ponies would and walked to the edge. With a jump she spread her wings, and dropped like a stone. Screaming out she clutched at the rock edge and looked up at Kohaku. Who was now standing over her on all fours with a sly smirk on his face. “A little help here?”

“Sure, I’ll help ya.”

“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you.” Pearl muttered as his paw reached down and gripped her shirt.

“No problem. After all you can’t bathe with your clothes on.”

Pearl’s eyes widened as she saw that grin on his face. With a swift pull upward her hooves left the cliff and she was pulled out of her work dress. “You little son of a…” she shouted out before splashing down into the waters of the hot spring.

“Ooo nice form but a little rough on the landing, she may have to settle for the bronze,” Kohaku said to himself before leaping off the cliff. Tearing off his shorts and swan dived into the lake. As he reached the surface he found paddling the surface, clinging onto a nearby rock.

“Next time try not to flop when you're diving into a lake. Front legs or hind legs first reduce your surface area and won’t sting as badly. Plus it helps when resurfacing” Kohaku chuckled out, ignoring the venomous look Pearl was giving him.

“How… how… How could you do that to me…” Pearl panted out as she hugged the rock, trying to keep herself covered. “How did you do that to me? I know I didn’t forget how to fly.”

“Yeah remember when I patted your back?” Kohaku watched as Pearl nodded. “Well in that instance I struck a pressure point that disrupts your wings. They’ll be useless for the next hour until it wears off.” pushing off from the rock Kohaku back stroked in the hot waters before rolling over and swam about.

“Why. Why did you do that? I told you I didn’t want to do this.”

“Pearl, you have to loosen up. If you're that tightly wound up, you're going to snap.” Pushing himself forward with his legs he gripped her front legs. “It’s not like I’m going to do anything to you.”

“And how do I possibly know that. Look at what you just did to me!”

“Pearl,” The young Pegasus was taken aback as his voice became deathly serious. “If I was going to do ANYTHING lewd to you. I could have done it long before now,” Kohaku said as he pulled Pearl out to the center of the lake. Keeping his eyes on hers as he felt her hind legs kick back and forth naturally. “I know pressure points on your body that will basically make you into a living doll. Limp, loose and responsive to every touch I make. Sis was very thorough in teaching me those pleasure points.”

Pearl couldn’t help but tremble in his touch. His words sending shots of fear down her body. Was this all true, could he really do that to her. Would he? Knowing how he feels about her she gulped. Waiting for that one moment that never came. She felt his front paws soothingly caressing up and down her shoulders as his eyes were steady with hers. She couldn’t help but feel her breathing become easier.

“And have I done anything to you at all, past or present, that makes you think I would do something like that. I mean look at us right now. Look how close you are to me. How do you feel? Scared or safe?”

Pearl opened her mouth to speak the one word her mind was screaming at her. But when no sound came out she turned her head to the side and bit down on her lower lip. It was true enough, if he had that power he could have done it anytime she was at the farm. Particularly on that first day. But he always treated her with respect and care. Like any friend would, these last few moments were excluded. She would love to just knee him and swim away but she couldn’t.

“Safe…” she whispered out through her teeth.

“I’m sorry what was that?” Kohaku turned his ear toward her.

“I feel safe!” Pearl shouted as loud as she could which caused him to sink into the water and let go of her.

“Okay then… now once the ringing in my ears stops.”

Pearl couldn’t help but let out a triumphant laugh. As she watched him rub his ears. “You deserve that,” she playfully pushed him on his chest.

“Yeah maybe I did. And see. You can have fun. I knew you would,” Kohaku chuckled as he treaded water. Looking down at the surface he gave a light whistle. “I was right, not bad.” waving his paw over the water two trays of various colored sand soap’s.

Taking a deep breath she reared up her hoof, miffed that he peeked at her. Closing her eyes she just lowered it back down. Why was she so surprised, he was a boy after all. At least she knew that she had dignity not too.

Opening her eyes she found them locked on his chest, with all the fur clinging to him she saw how well defined it was. Looking up she saw that his eyes were closed as he worked a brown sand soap into his hair. Biting down on her lips she just closed her eyes again. No no no, I will not peak. I’m above that. I’m a better pony. I… Oh buck it, he looked at me so why shouldn’t I. I mean it’s not like it’ll mean anything right?

Opening her eyes again she looked at his chest and down at the waters. Blinking she meeped and stopped moving her legs, slipping under the waters for a moment only to resurface gasping. Her face red and flustered.

“I was wondering how long you were going to hold out?” Kohaku said as he cupped a large portion of water with his tails and dunked it on his head.

“You.. it.. Uh..” was all the blushing girl could get out.

“Yes it’s not an illusion,” he said rather monotone, as if he had to explain it so many times.

“eh…” Pearl squeaked.

“Yes she knows about it.”

“Ah..” she squealed louder

“Yes she’s seen it.”


“And no, that’s NOT the reason she’s with me.” After a brief moment he leaned in and whispered into her ear. “But it certainly didn’t hurt my chances.”

Pearl groaned and shook her head only to push him away. “I knew I shouldn’t have looked.”

“What it’s not like it means anything to you, right?” Kohaku chuckled and splashed Pearl with a mini wave from his tails.

“I don’t think i’m ever going to get that image out of my head.” Pearl groaned and half sank till only her eyes were over the water.

“Look, just don’t think about it. I mean it’s not like i’m going to be thinking about your body.”

“Yeah well it’s a little different for you as opposed to me.”

“OH finally discovered that about yourself have you? Me and Bloom were taking bets about that.”

“Discovered what about me?” Pearl asked as she looked at Kohaku questionably.

Kohaku just took one look into her eyes and sighed. “Guess not. Look nevermind. Forget I said anything. Let's just wash up and get home. It’s going to be night soon.”

Pearl looked at Kohaku for a moment, wondering just what it was about her that he and bloom were betting about. And that talk about her discovering something about herself. She knew everything about herself. Shrugging Pearl looked at the sky which was getting darker as late afternoon hit. She started to wash herself with the sands. Turning her head back to Kohaku she just smiled.

Okay i’ll admit it to myself he was right, this was fun. Celestia why do I not see that with him. How is he always so damn right about these things.


The walk back to the Apple farm was largely uneventful. She could slowly feel her wings regain their strength. Kohaku was right when he said it would only last a short time. She even felt comfortable to walk side by side with him.

“Excited about tonight?” Kohaku turned to look at Pearl as they climbed up onto the farmhouse porch.

“My final night. Of course.” Pearl reared up and placed her front legs on the porch fencing and watched as the sun started to go down. “This whole week has been interesting to say the least.”

“Yeah, Oh I forgot to mention. Bloom has a surprise for you. She wants you to change into your pj’s and head into your shared room.”

“Oh? Do you know what the surprise is?”

“Nope, I don’t,” Kohaku said as he opened the front door. “She said your PJ’s are in the shower room. Incase you wanted to wash up. But since we already did that. You’ll just have to change.”

“Okay, I’ll go do that,” Pearl watched as Kohaku walked off toward his room. She wondered what was going on behind his eyes. He sounded so down. But she wasn’t going to let it get her down and find out what that surprise was.

Dashing into the shower room, she quickly changed into her PJ’s and carried her clothes to the room.

“OH Pearl. I'll take those,” Buttercup said with a smile as she came up the stairs. “I’m doing the wash so I’ll get them clean for you.”

“Oh thanks. Excuse me I have a surprise to see,” Pearl felt like jumping up and down like she did when receiving her Nightmare Night costume. This was very exciting. Taking a deep breath she opened the door and gasped.

“SURPRISE!!” A large grouping of fillies called out. Standing there she wondered if she walked into the wrong room. Gone were all the dressers and beds and in their places were snack bars. Filled to the brim with everything from chocolate cookies to ice cream. On the floor were several tatami mats with futons all gathered around in a circle.

Standing there in their PJ’s were Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, and Silverspoon. The five fillies she was the closest too. Not super close but just enough to be on friendly terms with.

“I… I don’t understand. What’s going on.”

“Silly it’s a Slumber Party!” Scootaloo smiled as she pulled Pearl into the room.

“Yeah we all thought you’d enjoy something like this.” Diamond Tiara said as she filed her hoof, smiling up at Pearl.

Sweetie Belle walked up to Pearl, who couldn’t help but notice the fire in her eyes. “I’m still not too happy with what you did to my fox. But I’m willing to put that behind me. So what do you think?”

“I… I..” Pearl stammered. She had slumber parties before, but this far surpassed anything she ever thought one could be. Turning to Bloom she just smiled. “How... how did you know this is something I wanted. How could you have thought of this, it’s the best surprise I could ever get.”

“What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything,” Bloom smirked and quirked an eyebrow. “Kohaku was the one who set this all up. He gathered all our friends. Fixed up my room and thought about what snacks to have.”

“He, he did?” Pearl muttered and looked back at the door, tempted to dash out and hug that sweet fox. “Why did he say it was from you though?” Pearl turned around and fell backwards. Sitting there amidst her friends was Kohaku.

“What, like you would have walked into the room if you knew this was from me.”

Pearl blinked and looked at Kohaku. Sitting up she slugged him in the shoulder. “That’s for lying to me.” Reaching out she then hugged him tight. “And that's for this. Thank you so much.” Looking around she giggled at all the girls and then pulled herself back. “But this party is for girls only. So if you don’t mind.” Pearl opened the door. Walked behind Kohaku and started to push him out the door.``

“Oh common, I’ve never been to a slumber party. One game?” Kohaku smiled.

Pearl shook her head and slammed the door in his face. Turning around she screamed out at seeing Kohaku sitting there yet again.

“Just one Game? Truth or dare?”

“Kohaku this is for girls only.” Pearl pushed him out the door yet again and slammed it. Turning around only to be met by those Amber eyes a third time. Taking deep breaths she walked to the door and swung it open. “Out!”

“Please?” Kohaku playfully begged. Only to be met with a full unanimous “OUT” from every girl in the room.

“Okay okay, I’m gone.” Kohaku chuckled and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Pearl smiled as she watched him leave. Not that he was gone, but that he had gone this far just for her. Looking about Pearl watched each of the girls starting on some type of fun. Bloom and Tiara were nuzzled together, doing each other’s hooves. Scootaloo, Belle and Spoon were all talking about boys while pilling plates with different sugary snacks. With a deep breath, Pearl just smiled and went to join the trio at the snack bar.