• Published 19th Apr 2021
  • 496 Views, 1 Comments

A Very brightside - TheRadioactiveChangeling

A Suspicious pony moves to ponyville, very paranoid and very Nervous. What is this pony hiding, and why is he so nervous? This town is a friendly one...right?

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Who is Mr. Brightside?

This is Detective Pinkie Pie here, And this is the case of Mr. Brightside!

Pinkie, cut that out. This is serious.

Aww, but twilight! I wanna be a Sherlock Hooves!

You already have been, remember? You’ve been multiple times actually, one I remember fondly was on the train.

Anyway, as Pinkie pie said, this is a tape recording the mysterious Mr. Brightside.

About 2 months ago, Mr. Brightside moved to ponyville. This was a regular occurance for ponyville, as it had gotten rather popular after me, Rainbow dash, Pinkie pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy, had become the elements of Harmony. Pinkie Pie, as usual, had done what she normally does when someone moves to Ponyville. Throw a welcome party. At this welcome party, multiple people had met the aforementioned Mr. Brightside. We have here Scootaloo who had an encounter with Mr. Brightside. Scootaloo?

Ok, so I was riding on my scooter, trying to impress some ponies, when I ran straight into him. He had a grey hoodie on, and on the hoodie was a yellow smiley face which had X’s over the eyes. His skin was yellow, his hair was a lighter yellow, and he was an earth pony. I fell off as I ran into him, and instantly apologized. He seemed completely unfazed by me running straight into him, and when he turned around, he looked at me and said, “Oh...It’s ok...I guess,” But he said it really bland, like it didn’t even matter.

Wait, so you ran straight into him, and he didn’t even flinch? How fast were you going?

I was going at least 5 Mph.

Huh. Well, thanks Scootaloo.

Now, We have Big mac, who also had an encounter with Mr. Brightside. Big mac?

I was carrying a heavy basket of apples through ponyville to the party when I looked up and saw a bird swooping down on me. I ducked, but as I did, the entire basket tipped over and landed on his front hooves. I Panicked and Apologized repeatedly, but he was like a statue. He just looked at me and said, “Don’t worry about it. Here, let me help you,” He than helped me pick up the apples back into the basket. I looked at his hooves, and they were a deep red, compared to his yellow skin, but he didn’t seem to care.

Interesting. Back to you twilight.

Rarity, this isn’t a news report.

Well, excuse me for wanting to have a little fun with this mystery.

Is it my turn?

Yes Fluttershy, Go ahead.

Oh, ok. Uhh...Here we have Starlight glimmer. Starlight, you said that you met him after the party, right?

Yes. About half an hour after the party was over, I ran through ponyville, and found him standing in the middle of town square. I wondered if he was ok, and walked over to him. As soon as I got close to him, he looked directly at me. I asked if he was ok, and he replied with, “Huh? Oh, yeah I’m ok. Can you uhh, please leave now?” After that, I left, but I kept an eye on him with a spell. He staying in town square, looking up in the sky for 20 minutes before walking to his house in the big plains area.

That’s kinda scary. Twilight, can you take it back please?

Yep. Ok, so after all these occurrences, Someone was worried about him and asked for a guard search at his house. 2 royal guards, shadow might and Everlasting arrow, were the guards given the duty, and we have them here now.

Thank you Princess. Me and everlasting arrow were right outside his house when we noticed something in the window. He was just sitting in the main room watching the TV. That was all he was doing. He was just sitting on a rug watching the TV. Not talking, not flinching, not even moving. We thought it was weird, but not the weirdest thing we’ve seen in a pony.

After we got inside the house, we met with him, saying that someone had requested a guard search of his house. He was staring at the TV the entire time. After we were finished, he replied with, “Sure. Do whatever you need to do,” Which was also a bit odd to us, but nothing totally weird.

We went into his bedroom and found a bunch of records, CDs, and music players. This wouldn’t be weird, if not for the fact that there were so many of them. Every single one of them were also either scary, sad, or drama music.

A bit creeped out, I went into the other rooms to look for anything dangerous or incriminating. However, what I found was even weirder. I went into his bathroom, but found nothing except for a sink. Just a sink. That was it. I then went into his kitchen, which was right next to the main room, so I could still see Mr. Brightside watching TV. I kept an eye on him as I searched through his kitchen, but he never moved. He was just fixated on the TV. I kept looking through the drawers and cabinets, but All I found was Bread and eggs. The only Appliances were a stove, a sink, and a microwave. I than went into the basement, and found dozens of boxes. Just boxes, all opened with a single box cutter, which was lying on the ground. I sent the box cutter in for testing, and they found it had evidence of blood on it. This wasn’t reason for alarm however. Plenty of ponies can cut themselves with a box cutter.

Meanwhile, I was still searching through his room when I found a photo in his drawer. It was of him, a blue haired colt, and a brown haired filly. The colt and filly were smiling, but he was wearing a mask that made him look like he was smiling. Than I heard Everlasting arrow shout to me, and I ran to her location.

The reason I called him was because I had found a room with nothing but a safe in it. We asked Mr. Brightside what was in it, and he replied with, “It’s a song that I came up with years ago. I forgot the combination to it, but I keep it just in case I remember it one day,” while still remaining fixated on the TV.

After this, there wasn’t really anything dangerous found in his house, although we did take the safe and box cutter to be tested. As Arrow said, the box cutter had blood on it, but no reason for alarm. The safe however, was a bitter tougher to crack. Heh. Crack. Anyway, we had to get 5 unicorn studies on it. Apparently, it was a 7 combination lock, and inside was a record. We got a gramophone and played it, which I shall play for you now.

A very creepy song to be assured, but still, no reason for alarm, as there are plenty of horror writers and artists out there. One that comes to mind is the caretaker.

I believe that is all princess.

I see. Thank you Shadow might and Everlasting Arrow. We have one more witness, and it’s one of our own. Pinkie pie, what did you see?

Well twilight, I was outside of sugar cube corner when I saw Mr. Brightside walking around. I was gonna go say hi when I saw that he was acting a lot different than usual. He wasn’t slouching, which you shouldn’t do anyway because it’s very bad for you. It can make you vulnerable to Back Pain!

Pinkie, Stay on track.

Right. He was acting a lot different than anyone else said. He was walking around really happily. What was also weird was that he was walking with a mask on. Why would you walk with a mask on? You can barely see! He was also spinning a box cutter around his hoof. I don’t know why he would do that either, cause it’s very dangerous. You could cut yourself! It’s not good to cut yourself, cause it makes you vulnerable to bacteria and viruses because they can get through the cut skin, plus it hurts a lot!


Right Right. I went up to say hi, and he replied with, “Good evening!” which he tipped an imaginary hat. I like wearing imaginary hats, they’re so fun! You could be wearing a top hat one second, than a flapjack the next! After he said that though, he just kept walking somewhere. I asked him where he was walking, and he said, “Somewhere that sells egg and soldiers-” Which is funny name for a food, “-and then somewhere to sit on a blanket made for three,” Which sounded kinda poetic now that I say it out loud.

Ok...thank you pinkie for that very in depth look into both Mr. Brightside and the inner mechanization of your mind.

You’re welcome Twilight!

Ok...so we are going to do our investigation into Mr. Brightside the next day. Hopefully, this tape won’t be the last time we’re are heard.

Author's Note:

Hope you guys enjoyed it...I guess.