• Published 10th Jan 2021
  • 343 Views, 9 Comments

From Eberron to Equestria - makota

A normal day for princess Twilight ends with a couple of unexpected guests.

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Twilight yawned happy that the day's meetings were done. It was tiresome and sometimes the nobles of Canterlot would annoy her with the smallest of problems but at least at the end of the day she always felt that she did what was best for Equestria. As Twilight made her way towards her personal bedchambers, she was soon joined by her secretary Violet inkwell.

"Good evening your majesty."

"Good evening Violet. Any word from Spike yet."

Violet grimaced wishing that the princess would address her in a more professional manner as she had her mother Raven inkwell before her retirement. "Yes, your majesty, I received a letter from him. Spike is in the badlands as we speak and most likely meeting with dragon lord Ember."

"That's wonderful and have my friends replied to my letter about having to delay our meet up?"

Violet nodded. "From all but Rainbow Dash but I believe that Pinkie Pie might still be showing up on the original day planned." Twilight raised her eyebrow wondering what she had meant. "Pinkie's letter was filled with quotation marks around several key words and this flip book had arrived with it." Violet levitated the object in question to Twilight who had taken it into her own magic. Flipping it showed an animation of Pinkie and a small filly winking at whoever was holding it.

Twilight giggled as she handed the flip book back to Violet. "Well, Party Poppers drawing skills have drastically improved."

"Yes, according to Pinkie's letter, she is just as rambunctious as Pinkie was as a child."

Twilight smiled as she thought about how much she would love to be able to visit all of her friends and spoil their children with gifts more often but a princess's job was never finished.

"Your majesty, would you like to see the details of your meeting tomorrow?"

"I am quite tired and wish to head to bed right away, so I will look them over during breakfast tomorrow."

"Of course, your majesty I will prepare your private study with your current reading material."

Twilight chuckled "You know me very well don't you. Thank you, Violet, that would be much appreciated." Violet Inkwell nodded to the princess before hurrying along ahead of her disappearing around a corner.

Once inside her bedchamber Twilight removed her regalia and moved on to the bathroom to wash up for the night. Her relaxation was cut short as the sound of thunder interrupted her thoughts. "That's strange, I do not believe that a thunderstorm was planned for tonight." A moment later she heard a yelp from nearby. Moving quickly Twilight opened the door between her room and the connected study. "Violet what was that…" Twilight's sentence was stopped by the confusing sight before her.

Violet Inkwell was before her currently unconscious and bottom rung of a strange dog pile. On top of her was an equally unconscious strange creature and on top of it and fortunately the only conscious one was a cat. Looking on Twilight could see a hint of curiosity in the cat so she called out to it. Motioning with her hoof for it to come to her. The cat after hooping off of what Twilight could only assume their owner, walked up to Twilight and started rubbing against her legs and purring. "You're an affectionate one." Kneeling down to the cat's level she took a look at the cat's collar. On it she noticed two things, the first one was a strange charm with a marble in the middle that seemed a little oversized for the cat the second was a simple tag with a single word. "Book? Is that your name?" The cat's response was to meow back at her.

Twilight then turned her attention back to the other creature. Enveloping the creature within her magic and gently picking it up Twilight noticed a worried look flash across the cats face. "Don't fret I'm only going to put them somewhere safe to make sure they are no danger to us." Twilight felt a little silly trying to explain this to a cat but something about Book’s expressions and strange intelligence Twilight felt the need to.

“...Dangerous to himself...”

Twilight quickly looked around thinking she heard a strange whispering voice. Seeing no one else around she looked down to the cat that just meowed at her. Figuring she was just hearing things her attention turned back to the strange creature in her telekinetic grasp. Its body was devoid of fur with its skin being a soft gray in color. The face had very soft features to the point where it was almost featureless. Judging by its body structure being similar to other bipeds in Equestria she had to assume it was a biped. Its hands did not match for some reason the right hand had five slim fingers while the other seemed to have three larger formed fingers covered in some kind of armor.

Focusing her magic Twilight teleported the unknown creature to one of the holding cells in the castle for safety. Looking down and seeing a somewhat shocked look on the cats face Twilight reassured it. "Don't worry like I said they have only been moved somewhere safe."

Twilight laid down allowing the cat to jump onto her back. "We will be checking up on them once I have made sure Ms. Violet is okay." Twilight moved over to the still unconscious pony and gently nudged her awake.

Startling awake Violet quickly looked around. "Your majesty, there was this strange sound and the next thing I knew I was being awoken by you." Violet was obviously in panic mode judging by how quickly she was talking and trying to straighten herself out.

Twilight chuckled remembering how she used to do that when something unexpected would come up when Celestia was around. "No need to worry Violet, I have taken care of it for now. Though I will need those notes immediately as other responsibilities have now cut into my reading time." Violet nodded before quickly realizing what the princess wanted and dug through her bag producing a small stack of notes. Taking the notes Twilight dismissed Violet and returned to her room. As Twilight approached her desk Book had leapt from her back and proceeded to make themselves comfortable.

Twilight smiled at the small animal before writing a letter to the head guard of the cell block that Twilight had just placed their visitor in explaining the situation to them. Twilight spent the next half hour pouring over Violet's notes before she stood up, gaining the resting cat’s attention. "Come Book shall we see how your owner is doing." The cat had flashed a moment of confusion before meowing at Twilight and hopping on her back again. As Twilight entered the cell block she was immediately greeted by shouting in a foreign language.

"Your majesty, your detainee has only recently woken and has been shouting nonstop." Off to Twilight's side was the head guard for this area. "As far as I can tell they are repeating the same lines in different languages one of them that they cycle through is Equestrian." The guard looked down the hall that the shouting was coming from. "I must warn you that occasionally they stop shouting it's usually followed by…" the guard's sentence was interrupted by a very loud explosion. Looking down the row of cells she could clearly see black smoke pouring out of one. "It seems you have caught a volatile one this time."

Twilight nodded. "It seems so. Though if the circumstances were reversed and I awoke in some strange cell I wouldn't be too pleased either." As soon as the smoke cleared the yelling began again. It started off as this guttural language that kind of devolved into barking. As Twilight approached the cell did the speaker finally start using Equestrian.

"I want to speak to the manager! I know my rights! You don't know who you're dealing with! The guild will have your…" the yelling stopped as Twilight came into view.

"And just who am I dealing with?" Twilight asked as she looked upon the speaker. Twilight found herself surprised as the creature inside the cell while wearing the same clothing as before looked nothing alike what she had put there. Its features before were barely there now took on a quite angular face, its mane being short and white was now long and golden, its ears before were not even noticeable were now long and pointy, and its skin that was exposed was now more of a peach in color. In fact the only thing that seemed the same about them was the singular armored arm.

"I am Coop acting guild master of the house of Cannith, and I'm guessing from the fancy shit on your head that you are the one in charge." The creature took a step back and bowed. "Now if you'd be so kind and LET ME OUT!" As the creature yelled the last part their body changed all at once becoming bigger and stronger looking taking on a green color, its jaw took on an underbite with several fangs now jutted from its mouth, and its mane shrank to a short size turning brown in color. It had also slammed its five fingers fist into the magic barrier right in front of Twilight.

Twilight didn't flinch through years of practice she had learned how best to hide her reactions and instead chose to speak calmly. "If you want out you're going about it the wrong way. That barrier was made by me personally and nothing living or magical and pass through it so you are not getting out without my say." The creature stepped back from the barrier.

"Nothing living or magical huh." The creature suddenly reached out with its three fingered hand. Twilight stayed where she was as she expected it to hit the barrier but was left speechless as the hand passed through unobstructed and snatched the crown off her head before retreating back into the cell. The creature smirked at her. "How about a trade then you let me out and I'll give you your crown back."

Twilight was shocked, that crown was a gift from princess Celestia herself. "And what happens if I don't."

"Well, my guess is that the barrier that covers the window is the same. So this crown might just take a short flight out of it."

Twilight narrowed her eyes at Coop. "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me princess." Then in a childish manner Coop stuck their tongue out at her. Twilight was shocked beyond words and her thoughts were currently a jumbled mess so she did the only thing that came to her mind and stuck her tongue out back at Coop. That was when Twilight heard a sigh come from next to her.

"You know I expected this kind of childish behavior from Coop, I did not expect it out of the ruler of a nation."

Twilight looked to her side and next to her was an Abyssinia. Twilight shook her head to clear that thought. It would have been easy to mistake it for an Abyssinia but its face was much more feral looking as well as taller and lankier than the average Abyssinia. It wore a heavy robe around its body. Though its fur around its face told Twilight what to expect for its age, she could sense a large amount of magical power coming from it.

"Richard! I didn't know you were here." As Coop spoke their form seemed to deflate in size and its skin returned to a peach color, its teeth returned to normal, and its mane became short and jet black.

"Of course, I'm here. I go wherever Book is because he is my connection to the arcane." Said cat chose that moment to come out from where it had been hiding to join Richard at his side. Richard then turned to Twilight. "My apologies for hiding myself earlier I was only doing the same as you did when you locked Coop up making sure there was no malicious intent towards us and for my companions actions. I'm afraid he has the special skill to turn off his brain just when he needs it the most." Twilight took a moment to recompose herself, she then looked to Coop and teleported her crown back to herself.

"No offense taken, it is after all reasonable to protect yourself." Twilight responded absent-minded as her thoughts were now shifted to trying to figure out what was going on with these two. One that seemed old and frail, had so successfully hidden himself that Twilight had no idea he was anywhere near her until he had introduced himself. The other seemed to be able to not only shift his form like a changeling but also managed to take her crown through a barrier that repelled all things living and magical. Twilight could tell that if these two wanted they could be very dangerous.

"Great, now we are all introduced, can someone please let me out."

Twilight ignored the annoyed sounding creature in the cell to ask a more pressing question. "So may I inquire as to why you two have come to my kingdom."

"Yea, why are we here Book." Coop had called out from the cell.

Richard shot an annoyed look to Coop seeming to not like the fact that his companion had addressed a cat over himself. "I'm afraid your majesty that there was no grand scheme of things that sent us tumbling into this realm. It was merely a prank gone wrong."

Laughter shot out of the cell "oh man this is a good one who got us. Wait, don't tell me it was Hammer…" Coop seemed to be rolling in laughter in his cell to the annoyance of Richard.

"No Hammer is intelligent enough to know that you don't use dimensional travel stones as a prank especially not the unstable prototypes that you made. It was that buffoon of a friend of yours, Keep." The answer was apparently not what he wanted to hear as soon after his laughter turned into groaning.

"Man, Keep is never going let me live this down."

"So if Coop made the original then does that mean he could make another one to send you both home?" Twilight felt relieved that these two dangerous creatures would be leaving soon.

"No problem." Coop spoke out right away.

"Slight problem." Richard countered. "Firstly the original prototype was made using an artifact that we had taken from a bunch of cultists. Secondly the prototype stone has left some sort of mark on us making travel between the realms impossible, otherwise I would have sent us both back home before you had found us."

"What are you talking about Colonel was just fine when we tested the stone out on him."

"Yes, but it also took us two years to find that chicken and the only reason he was still alive is because the natives of that plane took care of him until we found him." Richard shot an angry look at Coop before looking back at Twilight. "I am afraid that we may be stuck here until I can unravel whatever is locking us down." Richard took a moment to bow to Twilight. "So if your majesty would be so kind as to grant us stay until we can make our way home we promise to make ourselves useful."

Twilight weighed her options if she said no and they were just as they said trapped here then they would have to leave somewhere else and do who knows what, but on the other hoof if she allowed them to stay they would be here in the palace where she would be able to place guard details on them but also keep an eye on them herself. "Coop will be useful as well?" Twilight looked over in Coops direction to see him bowing as well.

"I promise, he may seem like an idiot but you will meet no finer Artificer he did not get to be acting head for the house of crafters for nothing."

Twilight nodded. "And yourself?"

"While I might not have a fancy title like Coop I am one of the most powerful wizards of our city which is no easy feat."

"I see. I am princess Twilight Sparkle. Current ruler of the nation of Equestria." Twilight introduced herself "and I would be honored to have the both of you stay within the palace until such a time as you two are able to find your way home." Twilight gave a curt nod and the two strange creatures both returned to their standing positions. Twilight removed the barrier allowing Coop to exit. But instead of walking out the strange creature dove out of the cell forcing Twilight and Richard to step back to avoid him as he had scooped up Book.

"Oh Book its so good to see you. I was worried when I woke up and you were nowhere." Coop had transformed mid dive into a cat-like creature similar to Richard. Coop had been nuzzling his face against the cats despite its obvious protests.

Twilight cleared her throat getting Coop to stop what he was doing and breaking Richard from the frozen stupor of his companions erratic actions. "Perhaps you would like to leave the cell block and take this to a better location."

"Your majesty, if I may, judging by the amount of light I have seen since coming here I can only guess that it has been a long day for you. If you could spare a single room for us we will be content to stay inside while you get your rest and figure out what to do with us in the morning." Richard offered

Twilight shook her head. "While I agree that it may be best to retire for the night and start fresh in the morning but there is no need for you two to share a room we have plenty available." The truth was that Twilight wanted them separated just in case. Coop who was back in his previous form gave a slightly uneasy look in the direction of Richard and Book.

"That is very generous of you, your majesty." Richard replied.

Twilight led them out of the holding cells area and over to where a few guest rooms were always prepared in case of surprise guests. " I know they are not much but I hope that they will do until a better arrangement can be made." As Twilight opened the door with her magic Coop quickly stepped in.

Coop gave a whistle of approval. "Man we haven't been in such a luxurious place to stay since we left for Karrnath."

"Karrnath?" Twilight repeated.

"Just a country that we agreed to help in return for supplies." Richard quickly stated. Richard then turned to Coop. "By the way Coop do you have an extra book I can use?"

Coop looked up from where he had been checking out the bed on the other side of the room. "Sure thing." He then pulled a small sack from his side. "I just got to find it." Twilight doubted it would take long as the sack seemed to be mostly empty. As Coop opened it up and took a look inside he soon reached in after digging a little his arm then went impossibly deep into the sack where he seemed to dig some more. "Dang it, I think they got buried."

Coop then sat the sack on the floor where he reached both arms into the opening and began pulling out all manor of objects. At first it was small objects, some coins made of different materials, a book that when it landed open had some strange diagrams in it, a bar of some kind of food that he now had in his mouth. Then he started pulling out things that were bigger: a full mace that was taller than the bag was, several crates of bottles filled with an unknown liquid, and a mass of metal that appeared to be in the shape of a dog. Twilight's jaw dropped a little more with every object that he pulled.

Coop suddenly stopped looking into the bag. "Uh oh."

"Uh oh? What's wrong." Twilight heard Richard ask but was unable to tear her eyes away from the sight before her. Coop reached into the bag, both of his arms being swallowed as he dug deeper until he pulled out a very heavy looking metal chest piece followed quickly by more armor and weapons of different sizes and materials. Coop just stared at the pile for a few seconds holding a fist in front of his mouth.

"I have everyone's equipment." His eyes darted between where Richard and Twilight were standing and the pile in front of him. "I really hope they won't need any of it."

Richard rubbed the bridge of his nose "why do you have everyone's stuff." Richard sounded annoyed

"Well we had some down time before our job for Karrnath, I wanted to upgrade everyone's shit."

"Do they know you have disappeared with all their stuff?"

"I may or may not have wanted to make the upgrades in secret."

Richard let out a long annoyed sigh. "Coop the book please."

"Right." Coop quickly began digging in his Pinkie Pie levels of space warping bag. Coop quickly produces the book and tosses it to Richard where the book is caught in a strange glowing hand in front of Richard. Twilight watches as the magic hand floats over to Richard fusing with his own hand therefore leaving him with the book.

"Thank you, Coop." Richard then turned to leave as Coop began to carefully place all the objects back into his bag. As the objects disappeared so did Twilights shock, deciding to leave the questioning for later.

"Shall we your majesty." Richard bowed and motioned towards the door.

"Oh there's no need to bow." Twilight went to put her hoof on his shoulder but he quickly jumped back and stood up out of her reach quicker than she would have expected given how he walked with a cane. His face seemed calm for a little bit before it turned to shock.

"Oh yea, Richard doesn't like to be touched." Twilight looked over to Coop who had yelled but he had gone back to packing his bag again.

"I do apologize, your majesty."

Twilight looked back to Richard who was now looking calmer again. "No it is quite alright, I should apologize for I did not know." Twilight turned to walk out the door before she stopped. "I must ask that neither of you leave your room tonight." She then stepped out with Richard following her. In the room next door Twilight allowed Richard to enter first watching him as he took in his surroundings.

"I would like to offer you my humblest thanks for supplying us in our time of need." Richard stopped in the middle of the room, turned to face the princess and placed the book down in front of him. Book the cat also joined him sitting down between Richard and the book. As the cat's eyes and the charm on his collar started to glow, a glowing translucent quill appeared in Richard's hand. Bringing it down he started inscribing symbols onto the cover of the book. Twilight watched him curiously until he opened to the first page and started to repeat the process.

"May I ask what you're doing?"

"My spell book got left behind in the accident that sent us here so I am transferring its contents to this book."

"I see." Twilight watched fascinated as he seemed to be drawing the same symbols on every page. Twilight wondered if they were part of some code and if it was how he had managed to memorize an entire book to the point where he could copy it.

Richard briefly paused his inscribing and looking up to Twilight. "If your majesty is interested I would be more than happy to show you my book once it is finished."

Twilight nodded "I would be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued by the prospect of your magic. "

"Judging from the way you used your magic earlier I am doubtful that it is compatible."

"You are probably correct in that regard." Twilight watched as Richard went back to inscribing symbols in his book. " I will have a guard posted outside your door if you need anything." With that said Twilight left. Stopping a couple of guards she relayed her orders that the guests were to stay in their rooms but to fetch anything that they requested. Twilight proceeded to retire in her own room dwelling on whether or not she made the correct decision before falling asleep.

Author's Note:

I don't have the best grasp of grammer so if you feel gracious enough to offer corrections that you find I will be more than happy to make them