• Published 31st Dec 2020
  • 1,062 Views, 16 Comments

RedKeyMon - Dragon-In-Black

There is a crazy stunter in Equestria and nopony or creature know who he or she is.

  • ...

2 - One Year Later

Exactly one year has passed since the first video was uploaded to CreatureTube. To Nightmare Moon and RedKeyMon's shock; it reached over a million views. One point four, to be exact, and that was overnight. Everypony and creature knew about RedKeyMon and they talked about his stunts he had in the video. He even reached the national news!

RedKeyMon was happy about it, and felt encouraged to continue. Nightmare Moon was simply happy that something was working. Usually whenever she tried to do something; she would only fail horribly. RedKeyMon though, seemed to have helped her of the hoof for a little. He did pay her, as they split the money he earned in half. Nightmare Moon didn't want the money in the beginning as she saw it as a way to "buy" her. But, when RedKeyMon had given her a hug, she had calmed down, and accepted the split.

They had made several videos on CreatureTube, and RedKeyMon was happy. He had fans everywhere in Equestria and beyond. He was also on the top three list of CreatureTubers who hasn't revealed themselves at all to the Internet. RedKeyMon had laughed, as he found it hilarious. He didn't expect that, as there weren't any questions in the comments about having a face reveal. He assumed that they were specifically interested in his stunts.

The element bearers that lives in Ponyville and are named; Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Twilight Sparkle, have been very nosy about who RedKeyMon is. The element of kindness, Fluttershy, was worried that RedKeyMon would accidentally harm himself. Rarity, the element of generosity thought that he was simply insane that he did stunts that would land anypony and creature in the hospital. Pinkie Pie, the element of laughter always gasped at his crazy stunts and thought that he was crazy in a good way. Applejack, the element of honesty, thought that it was impressive that the stunter could even pull it of. Rainbow Dash, the element of loyalty was mesmerised by his stunts, she was simply addicted to his stunts and how he pulls them of. Princess Twilight Sparkle, the element of magic, thought that it was simply dangerous for RedKeyMon to do stunts that could result in his death if he wasn't careful. Spike... Spike is the assistant of Twilight Sparkle, but he has never commented on the RedKeyMon questions. He watches the videos and does look amazed, but its like its fake.

RedKeyMon was currently on his motorcycle preparing for another stunt. This time, he was gonna drive on the side of a tall building and drive downwards. It was gonna be an epic stunt. It was night time like usual, and there was nopony or other creature to be seen. The building RedKeyMon was on was the one closest to the tallest bank in Manehattan. It wasn't only Manehattan he stunted in. Sometimes, he made stunts in Ponyville, Las Pegasus, Cloudsdale and other places. Many ponies and creatures were confused as to how he was doing his stunts without being noticed by anypony or creature. They had come forward with a bunch of different theories as to how the mysterious stunter managed to do all of that and not be noticed.

RedKeyMon started the engine, and Nightmare Moon started to film the stunter. RedKeyMon drove to the edge of the building, doing a wheelie at the last second, and felt how he started flying. He saw the building in front of him, and used some enchantments to make him fly a little bit forward. He then turned his motorcycle so the wheels would touch the stone of the building. Nightmare Moon kept recording his stunt, holding her breath as this crazy creature completed his stunt.

RedKeyMon drove downwards from the building, and in the last second pulled up the motorcycle. RedKeyamon let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Nightmare Moon flew down towards him and let out a sigh of relief. Over the year she had gotten to know him, she had grown quite attached to him. "I'm simply happy that you aren't dead." Nightmare Moon said, making RedKeyMon laugh. She could be a protective mother sometimes.

"You do see that I'm alive yes?" RedKeyMon said, making Nightmare Moon growl at him with irritation. She sometimes believes he doesn't take his life seriously. RedKeyMon saw that she was getting irritated, and he'd rather not be sent to the hospital because she shot curses at him. "Shall we go to a hotel or motel, whichever we find?"

Nightmare Moon simply nodded and put on her helmet and got on. On Nightmare Moon's helmet were bold letters that read; Nightmare Moon Best Princess! RedKeyMon drove away from the lit streets of Manehattan and drove towards the first hotel or motel he could find. While on the way there, RedKeyMon noticed that there were a few ramps, or rather, things he saw as ramps left unused. RedKeyMon got an idea. The ramp he was heading for was made from metal, and was supported by a heavy looking container.

Nightmare Moon saw what he was about to do and shouted; "Are you insane!? I'm on this thing!" RedKeyMon ignored her, as he sped towards the ramp. Then when he was close enough, he did a wheelie, and he felt how time slowed down. His motorcycle flew through the air, and he did a backflip and turned the motorcycle to the side, and started grinding against the side of the building that had been beside the ramp. Nightmare Moon was holding RedKeyMon for dear life, as the motorcycle went downwards and landed on the wheels. RedKeyMon drove towards the closest motel in the area, and found it near an exit leading towards Canterlot and Ponyville.

"Well rest here." RedKeyMon said, making Nightmare Moon simply nod. She was still in shock as to what happened. She couldn't mutter out any words. RedKeyMon drove towards the motel, and saw the few commercial signs like; Spike Dorcha Has New Shocking Chapter! RedKeyMon grinned. He drove into the motel's parking lot and parked his motorcycle.

RedKeyMon got of from the motorcycle and Nightmare Moon did the same. When she had regained herself, she glared at the crazy stunter. "Why in the name of the moon did you do that for!? I could have been killed! Or wait, I don't want to hear it." Nightmare Moon said, angrily. RedKeyMon simply looked at her. This was another thing that made Nightmare Moon feel frustrated over, with the helmet on, she didn't know what emotions he was feeling. He then walked up to her and hugged her. She was taken aback, but hugged him back.

"Sorry Nightmare, I simply wanted to have some real fun. I sort of made an assumption that you wouldn't care, as you are a warrior and being so high up in the air wouldn't scare you." RedKeyMon said, making Nightmare Moon drop the hug and look at him seriously.

"I wasn't scared from the hight. I was scared, because you have hurt yourself many times while we have filmed." Nightmare Moon said, making RedKeyMon simply nod. He understood where she was coming from. He had hurt himself a lot when he had done his stunts, and he has not been happy about that.

"Shall we get our rooms?" RedKeyMon asked, making Nightmare Moon nod her head. They walked up to the front doors, and saw the small reception area. The reception had a broken wooden desk but looked to be relatively intact because of magic. The walls looked to be cracked, and had some cockroaches in them. There was a stallion behind the reception and looked up when he saw Nightmare Moon. RedKeyMon had entered himself, but he hid behind one of the pillars of the building.

"What can I help you with?" The stallion asked, making Nightmare Moon smile at him. She still had her helmet on that blocked her entire face. She leaned over to him in a seductive way, and said;

"I was hoping to get a room here. Are there room for two? I have a friend that is outside fixing his motorcycle." Nightmare Moon said, making the stallion nod in understanding.

"I'm sorry miss, but there is only one room and it has a double bed." The stallion said, making Nightmare Moon sigh inwardly. She nodded and payed the stallion thirty bits. She walked out of the reception area, and was quickly followed by a sneaking RedKeyMon.

"Are you okay with this?" RedKeyMon asked, making Nightmare Moon stop and look at him with wonder. It was actually him she was gonna ask that question for. He has done everything in his power to not sleep in the same bed as her. Then again, those times had been when there was one bed. Nightmare Moon nodded.

They saw an staircase that lead upwards, and they walked up. The different doors to the motel were very eerie, and made Nightmare Moon smile. She liked this motel, it made her skin crawl. RedKeyMon simply didn't care, and continued until they reached the door that had the number thirteen on it. Nightmare Moon put they key inside the keyhole, and turned it. The door made a clicking sound, and the door opened up.

The room had a dirty red mat, and a large double bed. It also had a bathroom, and that was it. There was nothing else. Nightmare Moon walked inside, and RedKeyMon followed. RedKeyMon closed the door, and looked over at Nightmare Moon who was taking of her working clothes. She was gonna upload the video and then go to bed. RedKeyMon had been carrying a bag with him the whole time, and there was fresh clothes in it. He walked towards the bathroom and took a shower. Nightmare Moon pulled out a laptop from one of her bags and started doing her work

Nightmare Moon was working on the video, and she was getting close to finishing it. The music was there, and the stunts were there. She was quite happy with her work. She was still a little confused over what RedKeyMon told her. "Are you okay with this?" She was, but she was confused as to why he asked her that, when it is he who is paranoid about everything.

RedKeyMon finished his shower, and walked out without his helmet. Nightmare Moon looked away, and RedKeyMon looked at her confusedly. "Your helmet." She said, making him chuckle. She didn't look at him, and he smiled. It showed that she was loyal to him.

"You can look, it is okay." RedKeyMon said, and Nightmare Moon did. She gasped, was this really the famous stunter? Doesn't his family know? "Quite a shocker right?"

She simply nodded. "The video is finished. I have uploaded it." Nightmare Moon said, looking at the screen and saw that she had yet to upload it. She pressed the "upload" button, and the video started rendering.

Nightmare Moon walked towards the bed, and got under the covers. RedKeyMon followed her after. Nightmare Moon couldn't help but feel weirded out, when had the creature started stunting like this and walk away from friends and family? She didn't know, and perhaps it was for the best. They feel asleep around the same time, and had smiles on their faces.

Author's Note:

Hello everypony!

Here is the second chapter for this story! I hope you enjoyed!