• Published 13th Nov 2020
  • 1,275 Views, 22 Comments

The Littlest Goddess - Art Inspired

Flurry Heart has many things on her mind like when she'd next spend time with Twilight, and how she'd go about befriending somepony as vile as King Sombra.

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Part One: Tiny White Lies

Arching her left eyebrow because of her building curiosity, Flurry Heart took off in chase, and went after this mystery. In time, she'd find a lone, blackened crystal hidden amongst all of the other nicer ones that shined brightly. Most ponies would've left this thing alone, but not Flurry. She was just way too curious about it to walk away, and coming up closer so she could see a little bit of her reflection, she exhaled some air onto its lightly glowing surface. She then used a hoof to draw a cute smiley face, and backed away, giggling sheepishly.

One might've thought that by now, the daunting crystal would've been enough to make Flurry Heart trail off, and head back in the other direction, but there she was, laughing in front of it with amusement painted clearly across her joyous face. That is, until she began to see something else within the shadowy crystal. The figure approached slowly, and Flurry Heart stopped laughing. To King Sombra's surprise, however, Flurry refused to stop smiling at him, and didn't move away from him at all.

She just stared serenely at his horrendous presence, and told him, "Hi there! My name's Flurry Heart, and I'm a princess! What's your name?"

It didn't take the king very long at all to form a plan within his twisted mind, and then, he forwardly leaned down to say to her, "Well... if it isn't the troublesome foal from before... You've grown since last I saw you."

He sought to instruct the filly to go into town in order to sow seeds of despair, and doubt, and once she was finished with her task, he asked Flurry Heart if she would release him from his captivity within his cursed crystal. Flurry Heart didn't seem like she was all that willing at first, but then, Flurry Heart came up with a brilliant plan of her own, and offered him a deal.

"If I do this," she said, her voice echoing from inside Sombra's glass cage, "I propose that when you come out, first, you must promise not to harm anypony right away, and second..."

"Second?" the king asked with an irritable grumble.

"Second," Flurry Heart said slyly. She paused for dramatic effect, and then resumed, "You've just gotta turn yourself into a colt and play a few games with me first!"

The king glared at the filly from beyond the glass, and said, "I'll do what...? I shall do no such thing! I am the ruler of darkness! This empire belongs to me! Why would I do something that's so beneath me? Make another request!" He closed his eyes while folding his hooves pompously, and then redirected his snout upwards and slightly to the right.

Flurry Heart frowned at this attitude of his, and said, "It's what I want! Do you wanna be set free, or not?"

The king reacted to this by saying, "Of... course I'd like to get out of here... Ugh!" Sombra couldn't believe what he was about to agree to. "One," he said reluctantly. "One game, and that's it!"

Flurry's eyes widened, and she asked him, "You'll... do it?" She then broke her frown with a gleaming smile. "You'll really do it? Oh, yay! I'm so excited! Which game should we play? Oh, I know! Let's play-"

"Enough," the king demanded hastily. "You've yet to earn the right to even consider what happens next. Now, young one..." He looked at Flurry Heart with a devilishly brood sneer. "Go, and do as I've commanded! While you're at it, be sure and let your parents know that you're fearful of a fast approaching... looming threat. Let them be prepared!"

He laughed maniacally, and sharply watched as Flurry Heart began to wander off. "Kay!"

That was her only reply to King Sombra, and while he watched her go, Sombra continued to grin victoriously.

Flurry Heart trotted down the roads of the Crystal Empire, humming a tune to herself as she went. She was in a good mood, and as she waved to all the locals that she knew and loved, they waved back, greeting their youthful princess with glee. "Hello... Hi there! How're you doin'?" Flurry asked, and greeted as she kept going.

All the other ponies around her didn't appear to suspect her for a second that she had justly been conversing with one of Equestria's most diabolical villains ever, so she stopped to quickly get some ice cream. She ate it at a nearby park, and once it was all done, and after wiping her mouth clean with a napkin, Flurry Heart proceeded to the castle. For just a second, she considered stopping by her room while crossing the corridors, and playing with a few of her dolls. She didn't, though, and that was because she had a message to give to her parents. She boldly came walking into the throne room, and upon seeing their charming daughter, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor stopped their political discussions that they were having.

They gave Flurry their undivided attention. "Oh," Cadance said swiftly. "Flurry! back so soon?"

Shining Armor spoke up, "I thought you said you probably wouldn't be back until later on."

Flurry Heart just looked at the two of them ominously. She didn't really smile, but at the same time, she didn't really give them a huge, nasty scowl, either.

"Uh..." Cadance asked with concern, "Flurry... Heart? Are you... alright?"

Flurry then started smiling again all of the sudden, and said to her mother and father, "I'm great! I just wanted to tell the two of you that I love you! I love you two so, so much! And I'm just so happy that I live in such a wonderful, magical world like Equestria!"

Needless to say, this caught the two rulers off guard, but they eventually stopped appearing so shocked. Grinning from ear to ear, and teary eyed, the two of them sighed together as they listened to their daughter. "D'aww..."

"Thank you, Flurry," Shining said first.

Cadance nodded at her husband, and said, "That was... very nice of you to say... Where's this coming from?" She asked this while coming up, and gave Flurry a loving hug.

The young filly just laughed while enjoying her mother's tender embrace. "I just... felt like saying it. That's all." She then silently squeezed back, and waited patiently for the hug to end. Once it did, she took off, saying, "I've got lots more to do today." She waved back while yelling to Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, "I'll be back before the sun starts coming down, I promise!"

Flurry Heart gingerly trotted back to King Sombra without a worry in the world. Even as she approached, her smile remained strong as ever. Even as King Sombra looked down on her with his menacing stare, and snickered with evil intent, Flurry just stared back at him while radiating positive energy. He asked the filly princess egotistically, "Have you done my bidding?"

Flurry responded with a mere, "Yep!"

"Grand! Haha! At last, I can now leave this imprisonment of the Ether!"

"But, first..." Flurry fluttered her eyes cutely, and asked Sombra, "You're gonna play that game with me, right?"

Sombra growled, "Grr! Very well... I suppose I did make a deal with you." He tapped at his chin in thought as he said this.

Flurry then reminded him, "You're also going to be a colt while we play, too."

Another growl was heard followed by Sombra saying, "Fine! Just... Let's hurry this up. Set me free already!"

Flurry shook her head, and revealed to King Sombra, "Guess what... I just thought of something. Just to make sure you don't try anything funny..." She pointed her hoof at him as she talked, "I'll be the one to turn you into a colt! Alright?"

"What?!" Sombra stomped one of his hooves into the sand. "Absolutely not! Why must you cast the spell? I'm perfectly capable of turning myself into a... into a colt." He grimaced at the concept of being so humiliated, but endured his situation involving the filly princess.

"That may be," Flurry said. "However... You certainly shouldn't be trusted!" Sombra blinked at how cunning Flurry Heart was behaving towards him, and then heard her say, "I mean... it's just a quick game after all, and then you can go back to normal! Although..." She then shrugged, "If you'd rather not go through with it, then I guess I'll just have to tell the whole empire about how you backed out of the invasion."

"You..." Sombra pinned himself against the glass, and all too easily bought into Flurry's own friendly game of deceit. "You'll do no such thing!" His breath could be seen clouding up the other side while he spoke louder and louder. "You will release me! You will turn me into a colt! We shall play your silly, little game, and I... King Sombra... will beat you!" He then had a thought. "Also!"

Flurry sighed, but again, never did she hardly ever stop smiling at the king this entire time. "Yes?" She asked kindly.

"If I win..." Sombra looked disgruntled as he took a second to think things through just a little bit more, and then said, "If I win, then you must turn me back to normal of course, but also... you will assist me in conquering not just the empire, but also all of Equestria, too!"

He just laughed, and laughed at his words, but he was soon cut off by Flurry Heart simply going, "Okay!"


"But if I win," Flurry then said sweetly. "You must promise... to be my friend... forever and ever!"

At last, one of them had backed away, but to his shock and great displeasure, it was Sombra who was feeling intimidated, and it was because of a little filly no less. "You mean..." He shook his head, and reformed his words just in time. "Hah! You mean that you actually think that you can win?"

Flurry nodded confidently, and then said to King Sombra, "I'm mostly just eager to finally play with you. I bet we're going to have a blast."

"Ha!" Sombra laughed her. "I accept these terms, so let's just get this over with." He glared at her competitively, and then stated, "My throne has waited far too long for my fiendish return."

Flurry wasted no time in casting her yellow magic on him. The encasing that had been keeping the king from reemerging into the waking world very quickly melted away, and at the same time, he was also transformed into a much more youthful version of himself. The young, silhouette coated colt sat there amongst the brushing grass, and atop the brown dirt while adjusting to his new and unfamiliar stature. As he stood back up to face Flurry, she just gleamed at him with captivating delight.