• Published 26th Oct 2020
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Royals - Applejackisbest

Follow the journy of Shooting Comet as he makes his way across equestria for wealth and fame

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In the beginning, there were three beings that shared the world. The first one was the oldest and wisest, he was lonely so he created the gods to inhabit his part of the world. The second one was the most aggressive and forceful one. He created monsters to create chaos and inhabit his part of the earth. The third one was the youngest and was the greediest. He made humans in order for them to create and evolve with time.

As time went on the second and third being became unrest and sought more power. They both knew that they could not defeat the oldest on their own. One day they made an alliance and united their forces and power in order to trample the eldest being. This was the start of the first war. For thousands of years, the eldest being held his own against his younger brothers.

But even he could not withstand the power of the youngest beings combined and he eventually succumbed to the other two beings. But rather than bear the shame of defeat he decided to show them the error of their ways. He sacrificed his life in order to punish them. He sent a wave amongst the world that would render the younger brothers creations mortal.

After the first war, the second and third son separated the world evenly amongst themselves. But the youngest was very crafty and found a way to control his older brother to do his bidding. But the younger brother was no fool, he knew that if he ever had to face his brother in a battle of force he would fall as his eldest brother did. So he convinced his brother that it was in his best interest to drink from his fountain of youth.

He claimed that the fountain would rejuvenate his power and body and make him as powerful and wise as the eldest was. The second brother found this offer intriguing and decided to partake in the cool waters of the fountain of youth. But unbeknownst to him, his younger brother had poisoned the water to steal his power and leave him as harmless as an infant.

As the second brother drank the water he didn’t notice that his power was slowly draining. When he finally found his brother's trick out it was too late. He fell to his knees and slowly shrank into a mortal. The younger brother knew that he could not hold his brother’s power without being blinded by rage and hate. So he stored it away in the deepest depths of the earth.

But as time continued the youngest brother’s body strained and grew older as he aged. He found that when his eldest brother had cursed all of their creations with mortality he had also cursed the youngest with the curse that is mortality. As the brother breathed his final breath he released his power to the world and created magic.

With this newfound power, the humans started to overtake the monsters and move their influence throughout the world. But as time went on this magic started to fade. So the humans used their minds and what was left of their magic to store the magic in 59 sacred relics. They consisted of weapons, clothes, jewelry, cards, and much more. Each artifact contained immense power and they were used by the leaders of the humans.

But every empire must fall and no matter how great a culture is, everything fades away eventually. But the leaders knew that the artifacts would be used for great evil so they hid them away. Each relic is guarded by the man or woman who wielded it in life. It was believed by the ancient scholars that the beings would be reincarnated and return to power.

But even with this knowledge, they had no clue which of the brothers would return to power first. But even though they were at war with them, the people of the kingdom of Astaroth warned the barbarians of the coming doom. But rather than heed their warning the brutes simply laughed in the face of their warning. Eons later three children are born with extraordinary power. One was born a High god, one a High Demon, one a noble human. This is where our story begins.

But before we begin I must tell you of the kingdom the children were born into. The god was born in a kingdom in the sky named Pace eternă, which stands for peace eternal. It was a kingdom the gods had founded after their defeat in the first war. The streets were lined with gold and No one suffered. The kingdom was prosperous and awash with happiness.

The demon was born in a pit called Pace eternă, meaning chaos eternal. The land was bathed in blood and fire, screams echoed through the streets as birds sang in the early morning. The lord of this hellscape sat upon his throne and drank the finest wine. The sky was tinted red and it looked as though the ground itself were dead. The air was coated with the smell of the rot and decay that littered the area.

The Noble was born in a city called Pace eternă, which stood for wealth eternal. The streets were paved with the finest stone in the world. The streets were awash with the smell of bakeries and fresh steel and iron. The sound of laughter and happiness rang through the street as children played along the smooth stone, protected by great walls of stone and iron. The sound of armors clinking could be faintly heard as the soldier of the kingdom patrolled the wall.

Each of these towns valued one thing above all else. They each fitted the children that were born into the line of citizens. But some are born to stand up while others are doomed to fade into the shadows of history, nothing more than a forgotten memory. But with every kingdom comes an extraordinary person who outshines all others. This is where our story begins.