• Published 11th Sep 2020
  • 582 Views, 5 Comments

Demons of Equestria - iAmSiNnEr

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Equestria's War

Author's Note:

When Equestria goes to war, their demons wake up.

Emotions swirled.

Anger swelled.

Sadness, anger, grief, the emotions that create strife wherever they go, they wake.

They wake, in the demons of war.

Who's to say that anypony likes war?Nopony does. But when war comes to Equestria, the peace-loving citizens strike out and prove their full might. They will show that nothing can threaten their lives.

Ponies should never go to war. It is against their own code.

But what choice did they have on the matter? The neighbours of Equestria were the ones that gathered to throw the ponies underfoot once and for all.

The three tribes of ponies gathered together were a force to be reckoned with. Although they did not wish to fight. Blood, death and gore were things they sadly had no experience with. Only when their enemies struck against them, and thousands fell, did they retaliate against their enemies. Even when their enemies had begun mobilising on their borders, the ponies depended on diplomacy and words to solve it. This was not to be.

Fluttershy was shaking in fear, and she wanted to run and hide. Princess Celestia had requested her to be part of the envoy team to parley for peace. At first, she had wanted to hide in her closet and cower away. She was afraid of conflict of all kinds. But when the Princess told her that she could help stop an incoming war, she agreed.

The gryphons, yaks,minotaurs, dragons that lived on the borders of Equestria had declared war upon them. The thought of the fearsome dragons attacking her friends had strengthened her resolve, and she agreed to help. At the moment, she was just outside the camp that the gryphons had made for the meeting. One of the stallions in the group had just left to announce their envoy to the gryphons, and the rest of the envoys were pacing nervously outside the camp.

The watchtowers held several gryphons watching them beadily. One of them had a notched crossbow hung limply at his side. Suddenly, the camp stirred and gryphons began to move around their camp. An order was barked and the gates swung open. Fluttershy skittered nervously and turned to look at Fancypants, the one leading the envoy. Fancypants slowly nodded at her and the group began to move into the camp.

As they headed inside the camp, Fluttershy noticed that the gryphons had gathered into several companies, and all of them held nocked crossbows. They stared at her impassively, and when eye contact was made, Fluttershy turned away. She began to feel increasingly nervous about the peace mission. None of the gryphons looked like they wanted peace.

As the gates closed, the gryphons at the gate closed up behind them, forming an unassailable wall to the ponies. Fancypants began to look even more unsure of the situation, but he nodded towards Fluttershy again. Fluttershy trotted towards the leader slowly and hesitantly.

“H-hello.” Fluttershy pawed at the ground nervously. “We’re a peace envoy from Equestria and our P-p-princesses want us to ask for peace.” At this, the leader let out a laugh.

“Peace? You are at a disadvantage and you want to ask for peace?” He let out a snort. “I think not.” At a wave of a claw, the gryphon soldiers levelled their crossbows at them. Fluttershy let out a cry of terror. The gryphon looked at her with pity in his eyes. “Anything else sends the wrong message.”

The gryphons released the bolts and death sang to meet them.

“Where’s Fluttershy? She should have been back by now!” Rainbow Dash paced around Fluttershy’s cottage and flapped her wings impatiently. Twilight looked away from the books that she had been looking at.

“The Princesses know what they are doing, Dash. I’m sure Fluttershy’s fine.” Just after Twilight finished talking, there was a knock on the door.

“And there’s Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash cried out. She rushed over to the door and opened it. “You’re lat-” Rainbow Dash stopped mid-sentence.

“What is it, Dash?” Twilight called out.

“You better come, Twi’.” Rainbow’s voice was strained. It carried a tone of fear and hesitation. Fear gripped Twilight. What could’ve happened to Fluttershy?

Twilight trotted over to the door and saw a Royal Guard standing there. Upon seeing Twilight, the Royal Guard bowed.

“Princess Twilight, Princess Celestia has declared war upon our enemies and she has called you to assist in the war effort.” The Royal Guard consulted his orders. “Rainbow Dash, you have been asked to join the pegasus battalion of Canterlot.” He turned to leave.

“Wait!” Twilight called out. “What about our friend, Fluttershy?”

The guard’s expression shifted. “I am under orders not to say until you have arrived at Canterlot. But between me and you, you should hurry. She’s not going to live long.”

The three tribes were in outrage after they heard of the cold-blooded killing of the peace envoy. They rose and prepared for war. But their enemies acted first. The ponies of Equestria had not considered one faction that could tip the scales in favour of the enemy. Changelings.

Stinging after the defeat of their Queen, they had been chomping at the bit to get their revenge upon the ponies. And revenge they got.

They were tricksters, shapeshifters. On the night after the ponies realised that their envoy was never coming back, their enemies sent the changelings to infiltrate the pony encampment. The shapeshifters stole into the encampment in the dead of night, which would be remembered forever as the Massacre.

They slaughtered the ponies in their beds and killed as many as they could. However, they did not remain unchallenged. The Princess of the Night had noticed irregularities in the guards of the camp and had watched them carefully. When the changelings showed their true colours and began their massacre, she revealed herself from the shadows and called upon her guards. With their combined effort, not a single changeling was left alive. That night, the alicorn of the Night reminded them why she had been feared before.

The morning after, when the ponies discovered the deaths of many of their comrades, they cried out in grief and anger. They hastened their preparations and began to gather themselves.

The Elements, however, took no notice of this. Their fallen friend had arrived back at Canterlot the day before bearing injuries and was close to death’s door. She only survived as long as she did because the envoy had protected her due to her status as an Element. Their efforts were in vain, for the crossbow bolts had been enchanted with poisoned tips that had no antidote. Two grazed her, but that was enough. They had done their work.

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash burst into the room, wings flailing about. “Where’s Fluttershy?!” Princess Celestia stood stooped over a bed when Rainbow Dash entered and had barely shifted when she came in. The rest of the Elements were right behind Rainbow Dash.

“O-over here, Dash.” a voice said weakly. Princess Celestia looked at them sorrowfully and stood up straight, revealing Fluttershy under her.

“I tried everything I knew, but the poison is a very rare poision and there’s no antidote.” The Princess had bags under her eyes and she looked like she had been crying. “She only has a few minutes left.” Rainbow Dash, on her way to Fluttershy’s bed, stopped in her tracks.

“What do you mean, a few minutes left?!” Rainbow demanded.

“S-she-she means, a few minutes left, D-d-dash.” Fluttershy murmured quietly. Rainbow spun around to meet Fluttershy’s gaze.

“No...Flutters...It can’t end like this…”Rainbow Dash pleaded. Rarity sobbed and ran out of the room. Applejack looked back one last time and rushed out of the room to follow her. Princess Celestia looked at Rainbow Dash regretfully before whispering something to Twilight. Twilight nodded with tears in her eyes and followed the Princess out of the room.

“Flutters….” Rainbow whispered weakly. “Surely there’s something we can do…”

Fluttershy shook her head slowly. “The Princess tried all night, Dash. If she couldn’t d-do anything, I don’t think y-you can.” She met Rainbow’s gaze. “However, there is one thing you can do for me….”

As Twilight followed the Princess out of the room Fluttershy was in, tears streamed down her muzzle. How could she not cry? One of her closest friends was dying. Princess Celestia stopped in her tracks.

“I know this is hard for you, my faithful student, but even now ponies are dying at the frontlines defending Equestria.” Twilight looked at Celestia. “I need you to go there and assist my sister in defending the frontlines.” Twilight’s eyes widened.

“Me? B-but I don’t fight!”

Celestia winced.

“You were the most powerful unicorn until you ascended, Twilight. Even now, your brother is holding the frontlines against the gryphons and minotaurs attacking us.” Princess Celestia gazed into the distance. “I will stay in Canterlot, and defend it in case the changelings come for us.” Twilight looked at Celestia in shock.

“I don’t want to fight, Princess.”

“Then you will defend our ponies, Twilight. For you are a Princess of Equestria, and your duty is to them. For now, I am ordering you to head to the frontlines and help. I hate to pull my rank, but you are sorely needed. Go now, and help your brother.”

“O-okay, Princess.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes streamed with tears as she flew. She had just left Fluttershy at her cottage and watched her fade away before her very eyes. Fluttershy’s last request had been to die with her animals, and Rainbow Dash could not refuse her. But for now, she had a score to settle. She locked her eyes onto the horizon. A gryphon camp stood proudly on top of a hill. She poured more speed into her flying, and she headed for the gryphon camp.

A prismatic pegasus took to the skies. In her heart, sang grief. One of her closest friends fell the day before. She could not stay put and mourn. On that day, she poured her everything into that one action.

With one flap, she created a storm that was bigger than anything a single pony had ever done. She sought out her friend’s killers. With tears in her eyes, she poured all her speed into the storm.

With a singular boom, the storm devastated the enemy camps. The pegasus was seen speeding off into the distance, after the storm dissipated, towards a lone cottage on the horizon, dotted by animals of all kinds.

A lavender alicorn arrived at the frontlines and provided the much-needed relief to the soldiers. She erected a barrier with her brother against the oncoming enemies to provide respite to the ponies, for them to rest and prepare.

The alicorn of the night was deep in enemy lines, having chosen to infiltrate using the shadows instead of using brute force.

Pegasi mobilised and prepared to use the weather against their enemies.

Earth pony blacksmiths hammered at weapons and armour to send them to the frontlines. The farmers sent much-needed food and resources to bolster the dwindling rations that the frontlines had.

Unicorns gathered in the hundreds and formed unassailable barriers to defend their fellow ponies. The greatest spellcasters of the time met and taught war spells to the unicorns.

But the next battle to come was not between them and their enemies. It was between the demons of their heart and themselves.

Twilight winced as another fireball hit her barrier. The dragons had arrived and were providing the overwhelming assault their enemies needed. She needed more mana; her reserves were almost depleted. Her brother was the same. He had collapsed the hour before and could barely even stay awake to hold the barrier.

She couldn't even mourn for Fluttershy, as she didn't have any time for her own thoughts. All her efforts were focused on helping her brother hold the barrier. Another fireball. It crashed into her shield with a cascade of glowing orange embers.

“Twily!” her brother cried out. His horn stopped glowing and, for a second, the barrier held. Twilight stared at her brother, eyes widening. The barrier cracked, then broke. Their enemies roared in celebration.

Time slowed to a crawl as Twilight fell to the ground, all her powers exhausted. The cheers of her enemies echoed in her ears, the sound of the creatures screaming and howling reaching her through a long tunnel.

The enemy began their charge, brandishing their weapons as their claws and hooves shook the earth. Twilight slowly turned her head to look back. Hundreds of eyes, broken and sore, were focused on the wave of calamity rushing towards them. Tears filled Twilight’s eyes as she realized one thing: she failed. She had failed everypony, and they would soon be dead at the enemy’s claws. They weren’t ready to face the enemy yet.

I failed, didn’t I? she thought as tears trailed down her cheeks. I failed to protect these ponies, to protect Equestria.

No, a voice replied. You did not fail. We did not fail.

Twilight’s eyes flew open as the voice was heard, yet no one was to be seen. What?

I said you did not fail, Twilight Sparkle. Nor shall you fail.

But… but, I’m not strong enough. I couldn’t hold the barrier—

Alone, yes. But if we worked together? We’ll be more powerful than ever, even more than Celestia!

But—, Twilight hesitated.

Look around you, Twilight. Everypony is suffering. The soldiers are dying. Your brother is falling. You’re the only one that can save them all! You must not fail!

Twilight didn’t answer, her empty gaze falling upon the terrified faces of the soldiers. I… I don’t know if I can do this….

They’re the ones who killed Fluttershy, Twilight! They’re the ones who shot and poisoned her! Don’t you remember how much she suffered, how much pain she was in until she died? Are you going to disappoint your best friend too?!

Fluttershy…, Twilight muttered the name in her head. Suddenly, her eyes sparked to life, her pupils shrinking as they began to glow. Fluttershy. They killed her. They killed Fluttershy. They killed my friend!

Almost immediately Twilight’s mind became a burning pit, the fiery rage building up pressure upon her soul. She rose to her hooves, her horn sparking to life. Silently she whispered, And they shall pay with their own blood.

The voice cackled. Yes, rise up, for you, no, we are the Alicorn of Magic!

Together, they turned to face the wave of enemies. Flaring their wings, they roared, “Come at us! We shall stand here, for we are Midnight Sparkle!”

And thus the Twilight gave way to the Midnight. When the soldiers realised that Midnight was holding the lines for them, they hurried to mobilise and when she was almost overwhelmed by sheer numbers, they were ready for the enemy horde.

Meanwhile, the other Elements were mourning for their fallen friend. Their draconic friend was angered by the unfairness of it all. Nobody knew what could have happened next.

There was a second way to induce a dragon’s growth unnaturally. Grief and anger. The young dragon, in his grief for his friend, grew to enormous heights and with his anger-filled vision, made his way to the frontlines. His friends followed him, vowing revenge against the ones who had killed Kindness.

Laughter. Honesty. Generosity. Loyalty. Magic. The five remaining elements. They were rendered useless, the loss of Kindness making the connection unusable.

When the four elements and their draconic friend arrived at the frontlines, they found Midnight. Midnight rained death upon her enemies with dozens of killing spells and she looked like she would never stop. With tears in their eyes, the elements threw themselves into battle. Their draconic friend roared and started towards his brethren. It helped that he was bigger than them.

As the dragon lay waste to his brethren, an alicorn watched from the horizon and wept.

Celestia stood upon a hill watching the battle. She watched as her faithful student turned into her darker side and began to kill as many as she could. That was all she was good for, wasn’t it? Watching and manipulating. She considered joining the battle. If she did, she would save her subjects much suffering. But then she remembered the last time she entered the battle.

She had lain waste to the enemies, calling upon the sun for hellfire to burn the enemy warriors. She had gleefully killed as many as she could, losing herself in battle.

She could never turn back into that demon. Daybreaker. Celestia had almost completely lost herself to her darker side when she looked up at the moon. The imprint of her sister had reminded her that she needed to keep the country together until her sister returned. Shaking off Daybreaker, she had retreated from battle and instead directed the troops from behind the lines.

“Sister, what are you doing here?” Ah, Luna.

“I am observing.”

“Why? Our ponies need you at the frontlines. Twilight has fallen to her darker side and will need you to bring her back.”

“I cannot fight.”

“You must. Our ponies are dying every second you are not there. Even now, the elements themselves have arrived with their dragon and are assisting the soldiers.”

“I cannot turn into her.” Luna looked at her in disbelief.

“Listen to me, sister. When I first turned into the Nightmare, I revelled in it. When I realised all the harm that I had done, I regretted it. Now, the Nightmare cannot take me, for I am on guard against it. If you guard your thoughts, there will be no reason for your other side to take over. You can still be Celestia.”

“Remember what our parents taught us? We are alicorns. We can do anything we wish, so as long as we call upon our celestial bodies. Centuries of boiling water for tea when I knew I could boil the seas. Centuries of lifting quills, to write tax laws and to sign papers, when I knew I could lift mountains. Centuries of breaking wax seals, when I knew I could break anything I wished.”

“So we have the power to destroy anything we liked, it does not matter! All that matters, is that your subjects are dying, Celestia! The pegasi have not arrived, and the earth pony and unicorn soldiers need support!”


“Yes, Sister?”

“If I go, will you promise to bring me back if I ever fall?”

“You know I always will, sister.”

The pegasi arrived on the scene the day after Twilight gave way to Midnight. By then, the alicorn sisters had been holding the line with Midnight for several hours.

The pegasi brought something. Storm clouds. They unleashed the storm clouds onto the enemy fliers and electrocuted the ground troops with controlled lightning strikes.

When the Wonderbolts arrived, they used their speed to bring natural weather disasters to slow the enemy down. Typhoons, tornados and more plagued the enemy for days on end.

However, for all their efforts, the enemy had their own weather control. The gryphons struck out at the pegasi in the air and fought them for control of the weather. This caused their advantage with the weather to become void.

It was during this time two heroes rose in the pegasi battalions. Two Wonderbolts, who sacrificed their lives to defend their entire cohort.

“Spitfire!” Soarin yelled and pointed forward. Spitfire nodded and flew onwards. For the past few hours, they had been battling with the gryphons for control of the skies. But suddenly, the gryphons retreated and left the skies. Her Wonderbolts had cheered and celebrated, but she thought it fishy that the gryphons would suddenly retreat. She had told Soarin of her suspicions and flew ahead to scout the gryphon camps.

As she flew onwards, she noticed gryphons ahead. She banked and veered upwards, Soarin right behind her. Hovering above the clouds, she looked down at the gryphons. Did they seem to be assembling some sort of...cannon? The gryphons were accompanied by changelings, and they seemed to be listening to one of the gryphon leaders.

The changelings suddenly shifted into ponies and used their magic to grab hold of the assembled cannon. Spitfire was mystified. What was the point? She narrowed her eyes. As the changelings rolled the cannon towards the pony soldiers, she realised what their plan was.

The changelings were trying to get close enough to their Wonderbolts so they could blast them point blank with the cannon and get rid of the Wonderbolts.

“Soarin!” Spitfire yelled. “They’re trying to take our friends out!” Soarin’s eyes widened and he extended his wings. But they both knew they were too late; the changelings had a headstart on them and they couldn’t warn their comrades. There was only one thing they could do. Spitfire drew her blade and looked at Soarin wistfully. There were so many possibilities… she shook her head.

“You take the changelings, I get the cannon,” Spitfire stated. Spreading their wings, they jumped off the cloud and dove towards the changelings. When the changelings saw them, they cried out in surprise.

Spitfire smiled grimly. As Soarin crashed into the changelings, she flew on ahead to the cannon. Raising her blade, she closed her eyes and brought the blade down on the lit fuse. The blade went cleanly through and into the explosives inside. For a second, time stopped. Then everything went white.

Rarity sat down by the fire and waited. She was the first of the remaining elements to arrive at their prearranged meeting. Not long after, Applejack entered the clearing and sat down beside her without a word. Pinkie Pie walked in a few minutes later, her hair unnaturally flat. A few minutes passed after Pinkie Pie arrived and Rarity was the first to speak.

“Do you think Dash and Twi-Midnight will come?” she murmured. Applejack stared off into the distance and sighed.

“Doubt it, Rarity. Ah know Dash has been grieving about Fluttershy every night and she took to the drink, too. As for Twilight, ever since she turned into that monster, she’s been holding the frontlines with the Princesses. She’s far too busy to come.” Pinkie Pie’s ears perked up.

“I hear something!” Applejack and Rarity turned their heads to look at the entrance to the clearing.

“I see noth-” Applejack began.

“You should really pay more attention to your surroundings, Applejack.” a voice hissed as a blade was pressed to her neck. The imposing form of Midnight Sparkle revealed herself as her invisibility spell dissipated with Rainbow Dash struggling in her levitation spell. As she lowered Rainbow Dash, she removed the blade from Applejack’s neck. Rarity found her voice.

“Why… are you here?” Rarity hesitantly asked. Midnight Sparkle snorted.

“I wouldn’t have come, but dear Twilight asked me to.” Midnight grimaced. “And I found her,” she gestured towards Rainbow Dash. “Drinking away under a tree. I then cast the sober up spell on her and dragged her here, although she didn’t want to come.”

“And I still don’t want to!” yelled Rainbow Dash as she struggled fruitlessly against Midnight’s magic. “Let me go back and drink!” Rarity ignored Rainbow Dash.

“What do you mean Twilight asked you to?” Midnight rolled her eyes.

“I’m not Nightmare Moon. My main cause of existing is to protect her friends and to keep her alive. I do listen to Twilight, she has the brains.” Midnight considered Rarity. “And after all this is over, I will have no reason to exist and I will just retreat into Twilight’s subconscious. I do not want to get blasted by a rainbow laser of pure friendship.”

“But-” Applejack began. Midnight rolled her eyes again.

“Yes, I know dear Fluttershy is gone and the elements don’t work.” Midnight leaned in closer. “But what’s to say our dear princesses won’t take the elements themselves and blast me? I quite enjoy existing, thank you very much.” Pinkie Pie looked up.

“Something’s coming,” she announced. Indeed, something or somepony was crashing through the trees towards them. Midnight sneered.

“That would be Spike.” As she said those words, Spike’s head emerged into the clearing. “I cleared his rage-filled mind with a spell.” Midnight looked at them expectantly. “What? No thank yous?” Spike cleared his throat.

“Much as I appreciate you clearing my mind, now I don’t have a way to turn back into my normal size, Twi-Midnight.” Midnight rolled her eyes.

“Twilight thought of that. We have a spell we can use later on to turn you back. Although,” Midnight stared at Spike, “I would rather you stay big to protect Twilight. She dies, I die.” Spike snorted.

“I can still protect her as a baby dragon, Midnight.”

“Sure you can.”

“Of course I can!”

“I don’t think so.”

“You think I’m weak?” Rarity stood up.

“As much as I like the friendly banter as any other pony, we have things to discuss.” Rarity stared pointedly at Rainbow Dash. “Starting with you, Dash.”

“What?!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “I don’t have a problem!”

“Yes you do, Dash.” Everypony except for Midnight jumped at Pinkie’s voice. It was unnaturally gloomy. “You’re too affected by Fluttershy, Dashie. We need you to be Rainbow Dash again, not just the bitter drunk of the pegasi battalion.” Having said her piece, Pinkie settled down. The clearing was silent. Rainbow Dash spoke first.

“So what if I miss Fluttershy?” she asked defiantly. “She died unfairly!”

“Somepony always dies in war, Rainbow Dash. Grow up.” Midnight sneered. “I need you to come to your senses and become Rainbow Dash, the fastest pegasus alive. You being drunk doesn’t help Twilight.” Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash.

“Much as Ah don’t like Midnight, Ah agree with her. We all miss Fluttershy, but we need to focus on the fight, Dash. Don’t you want to honour Fluttershy’s memory?” Rainbow Dash looked away, tears streaming down her face.

“I-I do.”

“Then why are you like this?”

“Fluttershy… didn’t deserve to die.”

“We know that, Dash. That’s why we’re fighting this war.” Rainbow Dash looked away.

“Okay..” she whispered. Midnight stood up suddenly.

“Now that’s sorted,” she announced, “I have to get back to the frontlines. I’ve already spent enough time away.” When she finished, a flash of light and Midnight was gone.

“Good riddance,” sniffed Rarity. “That being said, it is getting late. I wish you good luck on the battlefield tomorrow, darlings.” Rarity then stood up and trotted off, but not before looking back. “Same time, same place?” Pinkie Pie nodded and vanished into the bushes.

Applejack stretched and stood up. “Ah hope you settle whatever you’ve been thinking about, Dash. We need you back.” Rainbow Dash nodded mutely, before slinking away into the bushes.

As Applejack and Rainbow Dash made their way to their respective campsites,Spike glanced at the darkness before sighing.

"You can come out now." As Spike said those words, an invisibility spell collapsed revealing Celestia.

"Hello, Spike." Celestia murmured.

"Hello, Celestia. Have you come to see what the elements have become?"

"That was only part of my motives. I wanted to talk to you."

"What about?"

"Twilight, Spike."


"Midnight said she would relinquish control, but I'm not so sure. In the event that she doesn't, she'll need her number one assistant to bring her back."

"I'm always there for her, Celestia."

"I know you are,Spike."

"I pray that the war will end soon. It's not good for any of us."

"War never is. We can only hope. For what it's worth, I'm sorry about Fluttershy."

"You did what you thought was right. Fluttershy was the right choice to go on a peace mission."

"And yet… I doomed her."

"Everypony makes mistakes,Celestia. Even you."

Celestia smiled. "When did you get so wise, Spike?" Spike chuckled.

"Maybe I matured a bit when I grew this large."

"Get some sleep. My sister and Twi-Midnight will hold the lines with the night guard and the unicorns."

"Yes, your highness."


The war lasted for years. Even with all the advantages the ponies had, there was one advantage that the enemy had that helped them last that long. Numbers.

Rainbow Dash eventually found it within herself to move on and she became a hero to the pegasi when she saved several of them from an enemy dragon.

Rarity was injured in battle one day, but was brought back to friendly lines to heal by Spike.

Applejack led the earth pony battalions with her brother and brought glory to the Apple Family.

Pinkie Pie was the wild card, the one weapon that no one knew how to use. Using her Pinkie Sense, she was able to defeat the gryphon leader on the battlefield.

Midnight defended the soldiers and killed thousands with her magic. One day, the dragon king sought her out and attacked her. Dragons, being naturally resistant to magic and a king even more so, followed their king to end Midnight once and for all. Midnight killed as many as she could, but eventually was injured by the dragon king and had to retreat and recuperate. When Celestia saw this, she roared in rage and unleashed the demon inside.

But Luna was there to bring her back. When Celestia killed the dragon king, Luna calmed Celestia down and stopped Daybreaker from proceeding further. The two sisters bonded even closer.

Eventually, the war was won. But did the ponies truly win?