• Published 22nd Aug 2020
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The Royal Apple - Mister E-Nonymous

Bitten by a copperhead snake, a boy wakes up in Equestria in an entirely new body unfamiliar to him, hoping that he would be sent back home so he could wait for his parents to come back to get him, but there are two big secrets that he didn't know...

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Chapter 7: Magic Training: Flight with Rainbow Dash

Chapter 7: Magic Training: Flight with Rainbow Dash

Sweet Apple Acres... July 16th, 9:30 AM...

(Apple Shine's Point of View)

It's been a little over a week since I came here to Equestria. I was hoping to be sent back to my world sooner, but I guess it takes time for the other princesses to find something that'll send me home. I really hope I can get home soon.

Anyway, two days ago, Applejack got back to her full strength and is back to bucking apple trees. She still let me help out around with doing some apple bucking. They were even giving me an allowance. I wasn't too sure I should take their money. I mean, six bits a week might be a good amount here, but I'm not too sure I should take it.

"Don'tcha fret 'bout it," said Granny Smith. "Ya deserve somethin' fer helpin' 'round the farm."

"But..." I tried saying, but I was cut off.

"We're not takin' no fer an answer," said Granny Smith. "Remember not ta spend it all at one place."

I was about to say something but I felt a hoof on my right shoulder. I looked towards my right and saw Applejack smiling down at me. She told me, "Just take it, sugarcube. It wouldn't be fair if ya didn't get paid for helpin' 'round the farm. Now, c'mon. Let's get back ta apple buckin'." She then pulled me back outside, and we went back to working the fields. I then walked over to one tree, prepared some buckets for the apples to fall into, and then I turned around, and I bucked the tree. What I didn't expect was a pony falling out of the tree.


I turned my head towards the voice, and I saw Rainbow Dash, in a bucket, and her body buried in apples. I could hear Applejack laughing when she saw Rainbow Dash in the bucket.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," Rainbow Dash said. She then pulled herself out of the bucket and most of the apples stayed in and some landed outside of the bucket. She then looked towards me and said, "I see you've been doing well around here."

"Yeah, I guess," I told her. She was looking at something on me. I looked to see what she was looking at. There was nothing different about me. I then turned my head back towards her and asked, "What? What is it?"

"Nothin'," said Rainbow Dash. "I was just thinking, you... haven't really flown yet, have ya?"

"What?" I asked. "Me? Fly?"

"Sure," said Rainbow Dash. "If you'd like, I can personally teach you how to fly. It might help ya if your legs are feeling sore." She turned her head towards Applejack and asked, "You don't mind if I teach her how ta fly, do you, AJ?"

Applejack then put a hoof to her chin and said, "Well, Ah guess she should learn how ta fly. She is an alicorn after all. Hmm. Perhaps one weekend, Ah could get Twi ta give her some lessons in magic."

"I'm... I'm not sure," I said. "I should really..." I was interrupted when two forelegs wrapped around my body, and I was lifted up. "Whoa!" I looked at who picked me up. Rainbow Dash was holding me while she was flying.

"Don't worry, AJ," said Rainbow Dash. "I'll have her back before dinner."

"Don't forget ta treat her ta lunch!" Applejack called out.

"You got it!" said Rainbow Dash said, before turning around, and taking me with her into the sky. I was screaming all the way since then.

Cloudsdale... 10:00 AM...

I've been carried by Rainbow Dash for a while. I felt the wind blowing in my face as we were flying. I was too scared to open my eyes.

I was saying, "Put me down!" multiple times as Rainbow Dash was taking me somewhere high up.

"Okay," said Rainbow Dash said. "Here we go." I was then set down on something soft. I was too scared to open my eyes. My head was then tapped by Rainbow Dash, saying, "You can open your eyes now."

I opened one eye to see that I was really high. I then backed up from the edge, but then I realized something. I looked on the ground I was sitting on, only not to see ground, but clouds. "Wha--? What's happening?"

"This is the magic of pegasi," said Rainbow Dash, flapping above me. "Pegasus ponies are able to walk on and touch clouds. Don't worry. As long as you're with me, you'll be safe. Now, c'mon. I got someplace to show you."

I didn't move. I just didn't want to be some place so high. It makes me so nervous.

Rainbow Dash came back towards me, waving a hoof in front of my eyes, saying, "Apple Shine? Hey, are you okay?"

I was too nervous to say anything. I looked at her, biting my lip. I then gulped, and got the guts to say, "I'm afraid of heights."

Rainbow Dash was shocked at what I just said. She then said, "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know. Why didn't you tell me or Applejack before I took ya up here?"

"I was too nervous," I explained. "Back in my world, when I was four, a friend of mine thought it would be a good idea to celebrate his birthday by going to an airport. When I got on an airplane, I was a little excited at first, but when the pilot turned the plane, making the plane fly sideways, I looked out the window, and saw how high we were. I got worried that the door would fly off and I would be sucked out, and falling to my death. Ever since then, I've been afraid of heights. I've been avoiding everything that involves flying."

"Oh, man," said Rainbow Dash. "You know, that's a natural fear. But, with me with ya, you have nothing to worry about. I won't let anything bad happen to ya. Let's start with gliding. And I know the perfect place up here." I was then picked up, and I got taken somewhere. She flew me off somewhere. She took me to a park of some kind. She then told me, "This is where I learned to fly. We'll start off with the basics here. Next time I teach you, I'll bring come clouds over to the Acres for your own personal flying grounds."

I got nervous. Rainbow Dash escorted me to something that looks like a diving board that professional divers use for diving into pools. I was lifted onto that thing, still nervous about what was happening. I just wanted to get back down safely.

"Hey," said Rainbow Dash. "Don't worry. I'll be there to catch you. Listen to what I have to say. First, relax. Take in some deep breaths." I was taking in breaths, but way too fast. I then felt a hoof on my back. I turned to see Rainbow Dash. She was smiling at me. She then said, "Calm down. Slow down your breathing." She put a hoof to her chin and then got an idea. "I got an idea. Close your eyes, and think of something that relaxes you. Your own happy place."

I then closed my eyes, thinking of a place that makes me happy. Playing in a huge field with my friends, watching the fireworks on the 4th of July, and meeting the Boston Red Sox. I smiled at all of those things that make me happy.

"How do ya feel?" Rainbow asked me.

I opened my eyes, looked up at Rainbow and said, "Better."

"Alright," said Rainbow Dash. "Now, unfold your wings as wide as you can." I nodded. I then spread my wings, which felt weird having wings for over a week. "Great. Let me set you up with something." She then flew over somewhere. I watched her and she brought out a roll of red tape, and placed the tape across where she was standing. She then called out, "Alright. Before you start flapping your wings, I want you to glide from there to this line. This line is about 15 yards from that board. Remember, keep your wings spread out. No flapping."

I nodded. I closed my eyes, and took another deep breath. Then I prepared to jump. I then jumped, but I instantly plummeted. Good thing the clouds were soft. Rainbow Dash walked up to me and said, "Good effort. I know you'll do better next time. And it's also a good thing these clouds are thick. That way, you won't have ta see about two thousand feet of distance." She then realized what she said, then she told me, "Forget that last part."

I then got up. Rainbow then picked me up, and put me back on that platform. I then prepared to get ready for another jump. Hopefully, not only will I be able to fly, but maybe I'll be able to overcome my fear of heights. Hopefully.

Sweet Apple Acres... 5:30 PM...

Rainbow Dash then flew me back to Sweet Apple Acres. My wings were sore to be straight for so long when I was gliding for a few hours.

"Remember, Apple Shine," Rainbow told me, "put some ice on those wings for about 15 minutes. The cool ice will make the tenderness go away." I nodded, and headed towards the barn. I then heard Rainbow say, "I'll come back in two days by 3:30 for a training course for ya. We're gonna do that again. This time, an hour class. See ya!" She then flew off. I then entered the barn to see the Apples almost having dinner just about finished.

Applejack saw me and said, "There she is. How'd it go?"

"Well, let's just say I won't be getting lessons up in Cloudsdale," I said. "I have a fear of heights."

"Ooooh," said all four of them.

"Good thinking," said Applejack. "Well, Ah guess when ya get older, ya'll get over yer fear." She then put a hoof on my left wing, making me wince. "Whoa. Are ya wings sore? Ah'll get ya some ice packs." I nodded as Applejack walked over to the fridge. She opened it up, and pulled out some ice packs and some straps. She walked back towards me and said, "Alright. This is gonna be cold, but it'll all be fine after a while."

She then wrapped a couple ice packs around each wing I had, making me say, "Oooh. Cold."

"Yeah," she told me. "It'll be like that. Now, c'mon. Let's get some grub in yer stomach. Ya must be hungry after all that trainin'."

My stomach growled after she said that, and I nodded in agreement. After she finished wrapping the ice packs around my wings, I went to the table. They prepared a fruit salad with apple slices.

"So, what did ya learn when Rainbow was teaching ya?" Apple Bloom asked me.

"Well, I started off with gliding," I responded. "But, I wasn't too fond on taking flying lessons someplace high. So from now on, I'm gonna be training down here."

"Good call," said Applejack.

"Eeyup," said Big Mac.

We then started eating. As soon as I ate my first bite, Applejack then started talking to me. "Just ta let ya know, Apple Shine. Tomorrow, I got ya some magic training with Twi at the library. She'll teach ya some basic spells."

"Spells?" I asked.

"Every different pony has different kind of magic," said Applejack. "Us Earth Ponies have strength, Pegasi have flight and the ability ta walk on clouds, and unicorns are able to use their horns for various spells."

"Yeah," said Apple Bloom. "Usually, unicorns use their magic ta levitate things in a colorful aura."

I then looked up at my horn. I could levitate things with my horn? Like a cool super power?

"Now, ya eat up," said Applejack. "Ya got a big day tomorrow. Ah'll even take ya there mahself."

First strength, then flight, now actual magical spells? This world is a lot more complicated than I thought. It's too bad I won't be able to use this stuff when I get back to my world.