• Published 22nd Aug 2020
  • 6,265 Views, 161 Comments

The Royal Apple - Mister E-Nonymous

Bitten by a copperhead snake, a boy wakes up in Equestria in an entirely new body unfamiliar to him, hoping that he would be sent back home so he could wait for his parents to come back to get him, but there are two big secrets that he didn't know...

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Chapter 4: Magic Training: Strength with Applejack

Chapter 4: Magic Training: Strength with Applejack

Sweet Apple Acres Kitchen... 6:30 AM...

(Apple Shine's Point of View)

I was sleeping peacefully, but I was awoken by the sound of a metal triangle. I sat up, along with Applejack. She looked down at me and said, "Well... time for some grub. Let's get downstairs."

I sighed, nodded and got out of bed. I was still trying to get used to walking like a pony. It was even harder for me going up or down a flight of stairs. I looked down the flight of stairs, worrying that I would slip and fall down the stairs.

Applejack looked back up the stairs and saw me standing there. She then called up and asked, "Are ya comin' down, Apple Shine?"

I was nervous. What if I tripped and hurt myself. But then I felt a hoof on my back. I looked to my right and saw Apple Bloom. She then asked, "Are ya okay?"

"I... I don't think I can go up or down a flight of stairs," I said. "I might trip."

"Well, ya did climb up the treehouse steps," said Apple Bloom. "But only up. Okay, Ah see yer problem. Ah can help ya. Just do it one leg at a time."

I nodded, and started off one hoof. Then another, then another, then another. Eventually, I safely went down the stairs. Apple Bloom was right beside me when coming down the stairs.

"There ya go," said Apple Bloom. "Now, c'mon. Let's get some grub." She then headed towards the kitchen with me following. Applejack helped me onto a seat and then Big Mac set down a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"Uhh... Thanks," I said to Big Mac.

"Eeyup," said Big Mac.

"You don't talk much, do you?" I asked him again.

"Nnope," said Big Mac. He then went back to the stove, and got another plate, one with more pancakes than I had, and he put it in front of Applejack.

"Thank ya, bro," said Applejack.

"Eeyup," said Big Mac. He then sat in his seat, and then the four of them started eating. I was a little disgusted for them eating without any utensils. Why would they set them out if they weren't going to use them? I shrugged it off, and then started eating the food myself. These pancakes weren't too bad.

"Alright, y'all," said Granny Smith. "We got a lot of apple pickin ta do. So get as much food ya can, and then head on out ta the orchards. Big Mac, Apple Bloom, with what happened in the early morning yesterday, the two of ya are gonna have ta do Applejack's buckin'. Ya understand?"

"Eeyup," said Big Mac.

"Aww," said Apple Bloom. "But Ah was gonna meet with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo later today. We were gonna go to the swimmin' hole together."

"Sorry, Apple Bloom," said Applejack. "Ya know what ya have ta do."

"Why not have Apple Shine do some apple buckin'?" asked Apple Bloom.

"What?" I asked. "M-Me? But I can't... I don't even know how to..."

"Actually," said Applejack, "that ain't a bad idea. Might as well train her on her new magical abilities. She happens to have the magic of all three types of ponies. Might as well start with Earth Pony Strength."

"Aww... Do I have to?" I asked.

"C'mon, Apple Shine," said Applejack. "Ya might as well try out yer new abilities."

I was thinking about it. If I was going to stay here, I might as well help around here.

"Okay," I said. "I'll try to help out as much as I can."

"Atta girl," said Applejack. "Don't worry. We'll start with the basics."

I nodded. Then I thought to myself, "I might as well show them how appreciate their hospitality. They're so nice to me. Might as well pay them back in a way."

We continued eating until it was time for us to get out there. As soon as I was finished with my plate, along with the others, I was thinking on how I was gonna take my plate to the sink. I was about to grab it with my hooves, but Applejack grabbed it.

"Ah got it, Apple Shine," said Applejack. "Why don'tcha head on out with Apple Bloom and Big Mac, and then Ah catch up on ya after Ah'm done with the dishes?"

"Um... okay," I said. I then got out of my seat and followed Apple Bloom and Big Mac.

West Orchards of Sweet Apple Acres... 7:15 AM...

We headed to the West Orchards to start off. Apple Bloom and Big Mac had some buckets and a cart ready. As soon as Apple Bloom was about to start, Applejack came up.

"Sorry Ah'm late," said Applejack. "Had to finish up the dishes. Alright, Apple Shine, ya ready to start off with yer new strength?"

"I... guess I can give it a try," I said. "How do I do it?"

"Alright," said Applejack. "First off, stand with yer flanks facin' towards the tree." I nodded and then I had my backside faced towards the tree. "Yer gonna have ta stand closer to the tree." I then stepped back until I waited for Applejack to tell me when to stop. "That's good." I then stopped. "Alright. Now, Ah want ya ta plant yer forelegs firmly." I then started getting a strong sense of gravity in my front legs. "Alright, now lift both yer back legs, and kick the tree as hard as ya can." I then lifted my back legs, and with a heavy kick from both my legs, I bucked the tree. What I didn't expect was that not only did the apples came down, but also all of the leaves and some large branches came down. Applejack was awestruck and said, "Hoowee! Yer stronger than Ah thought."

"Applejack, I'm sorry!" I said. "It was an accident! I didn't mean to..." I was interrupted when Applejack grabbed me in for a hug.

"Shh. Shh. It's okay," said Applejack. "Ah forgot that alicorns have a lot more power than any different type of pony."

"Your not mad?" I asked, confused and still sad.

"No, Ah'm not," said Applejack. "Perhaps ya should try toning it down a notch."

I nodded. Applejack, along with Apple Bloom and Big Mac, started grabbing the apples that weren't crushed, and put them into the buckets. The buckets were then loaded into the cart.

"This time, do it with only a little effort," Applejack said to me. I nodded with a sad smile.

10:30 AM...

I was exhausted from doing all of that apple bucking. I was sweating a lot. I wiped the sweat from my forehead. Although, I didn't get it all because of the horn on my head.

A towel was then tossed onto my head. I got it off and looked over and saw Applejack with a juice box, and said, "Thought ya needed something to cool off. Ya actually did a lot better than Ah thought ya would do."

"Thanks," I said, wiping my face with the towel. "Wow, it's hot."

"Yeah," said Applejack. "The weather team and Princess Celestia scheduled a heat wave for the week."

I nodded. But then, I got the urge. I tried crossing my legs, but it was hard to do it. I then said, "Uhh... Applejack. I gotta go."

"Go where?" asked Applejack.

"The bathroom," I said.

"Oh," said Applejack. She then bit down on the back of my neck, and took me to an outhouse. She then showed me how to go to the bathroom as a pony. Well, a female pony. This was humiliating, but I had to go. When I was done, I went back to apple bucking.

I was getting really used to apple bucking. Although, it was tiring me out. I was really getting tired. It then got way too hot for me to continue bucking. Applejack walked up to me and sat right next to me.

"Yeah," said Applejack. "It sure is a scorcher, ain't it?"

"Yeah," I said. She then handed me a juice box, and I took it and drank the juice. "Oh, yeah. That's refreshing."

"Ah believe ya done enough," said Applejack. "How 'bout ya go with Apple Bloom to the swimmin' hole? It'll cool ya off a lot more."

"Yeah, I guess," I said. "But, I might have to learn how to swim like a pony."

"Yeah, Ah guess that's true," said Applejack. "Hey, Apple Bloom!"

Apple Bloom came up to the both of us and asked, "Yeah, sis?"

"Ya don't mind if Apple Shine went with ya to the swimmin' hole, do ya?" asked Applejack.

"Sure," said Apple Bloom. "The more, the merrier!"

"Are you sure it'll be safe?" I asked.

"We're just goin' swimmin'," said Apple Bloom. "Nothin' more, nothin' less. Don'tcha worry. We'll be there ta help ya."

"Okay," I said.

"Well, the two of ya go on back inside, and get ready ta head to the swimmin' hole," said Applejack. "Be back by dinner time, both of ya."

"Okay," said Apple Bloom and I. Then we headed back towards the barn house.

Applejack's Home... 11:45 AM...

(Third Person Point of View)

Applejack went into the kitchen where Granny Smith was preparing a picnic basket for Apple Bloom and Apple Shine to head to the swimming hole. Apple Bloom and Apple Shine were prepared to leave. Apple Bloom had her saddlebags on and full of things for swimming. Granny Smith handed Apple Bloom the picnic basket and the two fillies headed out.

Granny Smith walked over to Applejack and asked, "So, how did young Apple Shine take ta Apple Bucking?"

"She actually did a whole lot better than Ah thought," said Applejack. "Although, on her first try, not only did she got all of the apples on the tree, but all of the leaves and some branches fell off that same tree."

"Hoowee," said Granny Smith. "Sounds like she did a little too much effort."

"Yeah," said Applejack. "And that was just her first time. Ah told her ta take it down a notch. She did just about as good as Big Mac could."

"So, ya should probably get her room ready," said Granny Smith. "Let's head on over ta town and get some furniture for Apple Shine's new bedroom."

"Yeah, Ah guess yer right," said Applejack. Then Big Mac came in. Applejack turned her head towards Big Mac and asked, "Hey, Big Mac. Ya wanna help get some furniture for Apple Shine's room we're gonna set up fer?"

"Eeyup," said Big Mac. He then headed for the fridge, grabbed a glass jar of Apple Juice, and a cup from the cupboard and poured the apple juice into the cup. Then he started drinking it. Then the three of them headed on out. Big Mac got himself hooked up into a cart and then they headed off towards Ponyville.