• Published 22nd Aug 2020
  • 6,284 Views, 161 Comments

The Royal Apple - Mister E-Nonymous

Bitten by a copperhead snake, a boy wakes up in Equestria in an entirely new body unfamiliar to him, hoping that he would be sent back home so he could wait for his parents to come back to get him, but there are two big secrets that he didn't know...

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Chapter 1: The New Alicorn

Chapter 1: The New Alicorn

Ponyville General Hospital... July 7th... 8:00 AM...

(Third Person Point of View)

Nurse Redheart was checking on Applejack, seeing if she was okay. The rest of the Mane 6, Big Mac, Granny Smith, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were watching over Applejack as she was recovering.

"Well, Applejack is okay," said Nurse Redheart. "Right now, all she needs is rest and a lot of nutrition so she'll be able to recover."

"So, let me get this straight," said Princess Celestia to Twilight. "The six of you were awoken early this morning by a mysterious shriek. You all saw a dark cloud over the forest. You went to explore it. Got ambushed by the ghost of my sister's darker self. She shot a beam towards you, but Applejack pushed you out of the way only for her to get hit by that blast. That blast made her pregnant, making the process go in seconds. Then Nightmare Moon tried taking that foal as her new body and then was rejected. Then she blew up when she was hit by sunlight."

"Yep," said Twilight. "That's all I can tell you, Princess."

"And you have no idea who's spirit is in that filly right now?" asked Princess Celestia.

"No clue," said Twilight. "We won't know until she wakes up."

"Well, Ah'm just gonna have ta wait here until Ah feel better," said Applejack. "Where is that filly, anyhow?"

"She's being checked up on until she wakes up," said Nurse Redheart. "As soon as she awakens, she'll be transferred to this room."

"Hopefully, whoever this filly is, she won't be a threat," said Princess Luna.

Another room in the Ponyville Hospital... 8:15 AM...

("Dylan's" Point of View)

I was waking up. I felt weird for a moment, but then I looked around. I saw that I was in a hospital. Regina must've called the hospital after what happened to me. Whatever happened to me. I decided to stretch my arms and then I started to rub the sleep out of my eyes. But I felt something hard pressed up against my face. I got confused.

I pulled my hand away to look at it, but instead of a hand, I saw a white hoof. I was shocked until I looked up the hoof, seeing that it was attached to me, but the rest of my body was basically a different color.

"What in tarnation?!" I said. But then I realized what I just said. It wasn't just what I said, but how I said it. "Mah voice! What has happened ta me?!" Then I realized how high my voice was.

I looked down at my body. I was clearly a small horse thing, and then I reached with my... hoof and felt around my crotch area, and I didn't feel my penis.

"What has happened ta me?" I whispered. "And why do Ah have a southern accent? Ah ain't from the south. What's Regina gonna say when she sees me like this?"

My ears twitched when I heard the door creak open. I didn't know what to do, but to pretend to be sleeping. I could hear two sets of hooves walking towards my bed. Is this a world full of horses? I'm so confused.

"Well, it looks like her vitals are okay," said a man's voice. "She seems to be really healthy. Nurse Sweetheart, you mind getting this filly ready for a bath when she wakes up."

"Of course, Doctor Horse," said a woman's voice.

I heard one set of hoofsteps leave the room. I then felt a sting in my right... foreleg? Whatever. Then I felt something cold rub on the spot where I felt stung. Then I felt a bandage put on it. I opened one eye and saw the horse, which was a unicorn. He then turned away, which gave me the chance to bolt out of there.

"Huh?" I heard the horse say. "Hey! Get back in bed!"

I had to run on two legs, but I was feeling a little unbalanced, so I had to go onto all fours. I stopped in front of a supply closet, and I had to go into it. I went in there and hid in a bottom shelf behind some toilet paper. I grabbed my newly formed tail to make sure no one sees me.

I then heard the supply closet open and saw that same horse from before was looking inside for me.

"Where are you, little filly?" asked the horse. "You shouldn't be in here. You need to be back in bed." I noticed that this horse had a horn on his head. I instantly knew that he was a unicorn. I then felt my forehead, and felt a unicorn's horn, which meant I was a unicorn as well. I then looked back at my body, a little sad that I was in a totally different place in a totally different body from my own. Then I noticed that I also had wings. I was a winged unicorn? I then heard the horse's voice. "Come out of here right now. You need your rest."

"Doctor Horse?" came the voice of that other pony. "What are you doing?"

"That filly's awake," said that horse, known as Doctor Horse. "I saw her come in here. She has to be in here somewhere."

I then looked behind me and saw an air vent. I somehow grabbed it, and ripped it off, and threw it towards the door, hitting Doctor Horse's hoof.

"Ow!" said Doctor Horse. I went wide eyed, and then I crawled into the vent system, and started crawling through it. I heard the doctor call out, "Hey! Get out of there! You'll hurt yourself!"

I didn't care. I had to get out of there, find a way to get back to normal, get home, and try never to come here again.

Applejack's Hospital Room... 8:25 AM...

(Third Person Point of View)

Applejack was eating a lot of food so she could get her energy back. The others were waiting for her to finish up.

"Oh, boy," said Applejack. "That felt so good." She then belched. "Hoowee."

"I'm going to see where that filly is," said Twilight. "I hope she can answer some questions I have for her."

Then Doctor Horse came into the room, saying, "Okay. I got some good news and I got some bad news."

"What?!" asked Princess Celestia. "What news do you have?"

"Good news is the filly is awake," said Doctor Horse.

"What's the bad news?" asked Twilight.

"She's... somewhere in the ventilation system," said Doctor Horse.

"WHAT?!" shouted the Mane 6, Spike, the CMC, Big Mac, Granny Smith and the Princesses.

"We have to find her before she hurts herself!" said Twilight.

"Found her!" said Pinkie Pie. Everypony looked towards Pinkie and saw she was looking out the window. All of them, except for Applejack, looked out the window and saw the alicorn filly running away from the hospital, still wearing the hospital gown.

"We have to get her back," said Twilight.

"Let's get going," Applejack said, trying to get out of bed.

"No way, Applejack," said Princess Luna. "You still need to recover."

"Indeed," said Princess Celestia. "We shall go out there to find this filly before she gets lost. Although, that might be easy for her if she doesn't know where she is. Granny Smith, Big McIntosh, you two stay here with Applejack. The rest of us will try and find the filly. Wherever she went." Everyone but Applejack and Doctor Horse nodded. Then they all headed out the door to find the alicorn filly.

Sweet Apple Acres... 9:00 AM...

("Dylan's" Point of View)

I ran across the town, trying to keep out of sight from more of those horses. I eventually made it to an apple farm. For some strange reason, I wanted to go in there.

"Why do Ah wanna go into there?" I asked.

I then heard some hoof steps. I gasped, and ran into the entry of these orchards. I ran through the path, trying to find some place I could hide. I then came across a barn. Perhaps I could hide in there, but it looks like it was also a home. I then started looking around for somewhere to hide. My eyes then caught sight of a treehouse.

"That'll have ta do fer now," I said. I then sighed and said, "Ah hate this accent. Ah wanna speak normally." I then started running towards the treehouse. I started walking up the steps until I heard a dog growling. I turned around and saw a collie dog. I backed away from the dog nervously. "N-nice doggy. Good doggy." I got backed towards a tree. The dog was sniffing me when I was against that tree. The dog smiled and started licking my face. "H-Hey! Sto-stop it! Ha ha ha! That tickles! Ha ha ha ha!"

The dog kept licking me but the dog stopped when there were voices coming in.

"Ah'm tellin' ya, Ah thought Ah heard somepony comin' towards the farm. It could be her."

I then pushed the dog off of me and headed towards the tree house as quietly as I can. I walked up the stairs, and then I headed up the other set of steps into a lookout tower. Even had a telescope. I locked the door to make sure no one gets in. I had to stay hidden from anyone who was looking for me. I still heard the voice of that girl from before.

"Hello?! Ah know yer here! I heard ya runnin' towards here!"

"Apple Bloom," came a high squeaky voice. "I'm not too sure that we should be calling out for her. There might be a reason why she's running."

"Yeah," came a young raspy voice. "She might be hiding for a reason."

"Winona!" came the voice of that southern girl pony, Apple Bloom I believe her name was. "Com'ere girl. Winona, have ya seen another pony come through here? An alicorn younger than us." I heard the dog barking twice. Then I heard, "She's up there?" The dog barked twice.

I started to panic. Any time now, those three pony girls would find me and I would be caught. I just wanted to go back to Massachusetts. Then I heard the door trying to be pushed open.

"Hey! She locked the door!" came the voice of Apple Bloom. She then started pounding on the door. "Hey! C'mon outta there! Ya need ta come back ta the hospital!"

"I'll go get the others," said the raspy voiced girl pony.

"Go on, Scootaloo," came Apple Bloom's voice. She then continued pounding on the door. I had no choice but to push on the door before the other two bust the door in. "Ya can't lock yerself in there forever! Ya have ta come out eventually!"

She was right. Eventually, I would have to come out of here. But I just can't. I have to get back to Regina's Foster Home. Wherever I am, I need to get outta here.

9:30 AM...

I waited a while for them to go away. But they never did. It has been at least a half hour in here, but then, five minutes of no banging, I was starting to get suspicious. I then looked towards the window with the telescope. I was using the telescope to look if they had left. I didn't see anything, and then something came out of the scope. It was an eye with a blue iris.

"Hi!" came a peppy voice.

"Gaaah!" I shouted when that eye came out of the telescope. Then another eye came out, then a horse's face came out. She was smiling widely at me and then she pulled herself out of the telescope.

"Why would you run away from those who want to help you?" asked the pink horse. "C'mon, it's time for you to go back to the hospital."

I was backing up away from the pink horse. I looked towards the window, then I looked back at my wings. If I didn't know how to fly, I'm going to need a trip to the hospital. I then started running towards the window, just as the pink horse unlocked the door, she saw me and gasped.

"NO!!" she shouted. Just as I was about out of the window, my wings were grabbed, then pulled then that pink horse wrapped her legs around my body. I tried struggling out of her grip.

"No!! Let me go!!" I shouted.

She giggled and said, "Why would I do that? You don't know how to fly yet? Or do you? Well, anyway, you're not going anywhere but back to the hospital."

"N-No! Ah... wanna... go... home!" I said, trying to get out of the pink horse's grip.

"Silly filly! Not until you are A-OK with your check up," said the mare. She then carried me out of there where a bunch of horses were watching me being carried down.

I then struggled to get out of her grip, which I succeeded. I landed in a mud puddle, and started running, but then I felt some energy surrounding me, but then I couldn't feel anything from the neck down.

"Whoa!" I shouted, landing on my face. I then struggled, but all I could move was my head. "What's goin' on?! Ah can't move!"

"Luna," came a motherly voice. I then turned my head towards the voice and saw a tall winged unicorn looking down at a dark blue winged unicorn. "Did you use your magic to paralyze her from the neck down?"

"Sorry, sister," said the blue winged unicorn, "it was the only thing I could come up with so she wouldn't get away."

"Well, it worked," said a blue pegasus with a rainbow colored mane and tail. She then picked me up. "Now, let's get her back to the hospital. And I'm guessing that she's going to need a new hospital gown."

"Indeed," said a white unicorn with a curly purple mane. "She is in desperate need of a new gown. And a bath."

"N-no! Stop! Ah... wanna... go... back... home...!" I shouted.

"Not until you answer some questions," said Princess Luna. "And you must answer."

I got nervous, wondering what they were going to do to me.

Applejack's Room in the Ponyville Hospital... 10:00 AM...

(Third Person Point of View)

In the room, the alicorn filly was still trying to struggle her body to move while the others were watching her. A clear dome was surrounding her bed.

"This sound cancelling dome shall prevent the filly from hearing us," said Princess Celestia. "Although, we still don't know why she was doing this."

"She seemed to be... well... lost," said Scootaloo. "Like she was trying to get away from something."

"Perhaps we should ask her ourselves," said Twilight.

"Well, it's a good thing that Zecora gave me this potion," said Apple Bloom. "It'll force her ta tell the truth for about an hour. We'll be able ta know why she's been runnin' away from us." Apple Bloom held out a vial with a jade green liquid. Twilight took the potion in her magic.

"Good thinking, Apple Bloom," said Twilight. "Now, to get this filly to spill the beans."

Princess Celestia then used her magic to dissolve the bubble. Twilight then walked over to the gurney that the filly was in. She saw Twilight walking up to her and got angry.

"Stay away from me!" she shouted. She then went wide eyed when she saw Twilight remove the cork from the vial. She then put the vial into the filly's mouth, tilted the filly's head upward, and forced her to drink the potion. She then started coughing and said, "That was nasty! What are you trying to do?!"

"We need some answers out of you," said Twilight. "You've been evading us. We want to help you, but you refused to accept it. Right now, we want some answers. First off... who are you?"

The filly was about to speak, but she tried holding in her answer. She wanted to move her hooves to her mouth to prevent her from speaking, but she wasn't able to stop her mouth from moving. She then said, "My name is Dylan. Dylan Rider."

Twilight looked towards the others, who were all confused. She mouthed, "Dylan?" in confusion. She then turned back towards the filly and said, "Alright, Dylan. How old are you?"

"Ah turn 7 in October," said Dylan.

"Do you know how you got here?" asked Twilight.

"No idea," said Dylan. "All Ah remember is that Ah was in my world preparing for a camping trip, then Ah got really dizzy and passed out. The next thing Ah knew, Ah was here... like this."

"What do you mean?" asked Twilight.

"Ah was actually born human," said Dylan. That made Twilight and Spike gasp.

"Human?!" asked Twilight.

"And Ah was also a boy..." said Dylan. That made Twilight's face turn white.

"This is very unusual," said Princess Luna.

"Indeed," said Princess Celestia.

"Ah wanna go back to mah world," said Dylan. "Ah want to go back to mah own world. Mah old body. So Ah can wait for mah parents to come and pick me up from the Foster Home."

"A foster home?" asked Fluttershy. "You're an orphan?"

"No way," said Dylan. "Gah. This accent. It's preventing me from talking in mah normal accent."

"You spoke a different accent?" asked Twilight. "What accent have you been speaking?"

"Ah can tell ya, it's very close to yers," Dylan said to her.

"But that's..." came Applejack's voice, but it was cut off by Celestia's magic.

"We'll get to that later," said Princess Celestia.

"For now, I shall journey into your mind to see into your memories," said Princess Luna. "I might as well have you speaking in the accent you're used to speaking."

"Thank ya," said Dylan. "Ah really don't wanna speak like this. Wait... how are ya gonna get into mah mind?"

"I am the princess of the night," said Princess Luna. "It is my duty to go into the dreams of my subjects so they wouldn't have terrible nightmares."

Dylan got confused but then nodded. She then said, "Okay. Ah'm ready."

"Alright," said Princess Luna. "Relax. I shall put you to sleep."

"Ah can't move or feel anythin' from the neck down," said Dylan. "Ya still have me not able ta feel anythin'."

"Right," said Princess Luna. "It'll be removed whilst you sleep." Dylan nodded, then Princess Luna used her magic. Dylan then started nodding off, and then passed out. Princess Luna looked towards the others and said, "She will be fine. I will let you all know if I find anything else about her old life."

All of the other ponies nodded. Her eyes then started glowing white and then the world faded around her. Hopefully, she will see what is going on inside of Dylan's mind.

Author's Note:


Seriously, I'm hoping to have more followers...:pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2::raritywink: