• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 1,944 Views, 35 Comments

Secrets of the Past - CoJoThom98

After waking up in a jail cell within the Crystal Empire, Twilight finds herself powerless and the prisoner of King Sombra. However, this supposed villain holds secrets about the past that she never knew about.

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Chapter 2: Memorial

Princess Luna walks through the halls of Canterlot Castle. Silence fills the airwaves, more so than it has before. It's been a few days since Celestia received the package from Sombra containing the horns of Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, and Twilight Sparkle. The deaths of all three were a shock to the nation, but Twilight's death, in particular, has left many ponies grieving her loss. From Ponyville to Cloudsdale to Canterlot, one would be hard press to find a pony who hasn't been affected by the news of her death. However, not a single grieving soul could compare to Princess Celestia's sorrow.

Celestia has been locked up in her office ever since she got the package. The loss of Twilight, her faithful student, shook Celestia in a way that Luna has never seen before. She hasn't seen her sister all day and it has her greatly concerned. From what the castle servants told her, Celestia refuses to leave her office, refuses to even eat. Luna is headed up to Celestia's office now to see her sister.

Luna gently opens the door and peeks her head in. She scans the room for Celestia and sees her at her writing spot in front of the fireplace. The area where she spent her time writing letters to Twilight and her friends on their friendship reports. Luna opens the door the rest of the way and slowly walks in, moving closer to Celestia. She is kneeling on her large rug, her head bowed, looking down at the box containing the horns in front of her. Celestia's coat is greatly unkempt, her main doesn't flow as much as it used to, and bags weigh heavy under her eyes.

Luna steps forward and says, "Sister, are you alright?" No response. "It's been days since you've left your office or even eaten something. Are you okay?"

Celestia closes her eyes and tears well up. "You were right, Luna," Celestia says in a hushed tone.

"Sister?" Luna gets closer to Celestia, kneeling beside her.

"You were right," Celestia says again a little louder. "I shouldn't have sent her to face Sombra."

Luna comforts her grieving sister. "We both knew Sombra was going to be a difficult challenge," she says.

"And you knew that Twilight wasn't ready for him," says Celestia. "We should've just gone ourselves. Instead, I sent Twilight to her death."

Luna gets in front of Celestia, looking her in the eyes. "Sister, don't say such things," Luna says. "You had every reason to believe that Twilight would overcome Sombra. Chrysalis, Discord, me, Twilight was anything but unqualified for this test. We underestimated Sombra and paid for it, but Twilight's death is his fault, not yours."

Celestia gets up on her hooves and walks over to the fireplace. Her eyes gaze into the flames. "If we had just dealt with Sombra ourselves, Twilight would still be standing here," she says. "I am just as responsible for killing Twilight as Sombra is. I gave her an order, and it ended in her demise. I ordered Cadence and Shining Armor to protect the Crystal Empire, and it ended in their demise. The burden of this crown has never felt so heavy."

Luna stands up and walks to her sister's side. She places her hoof on her shoulder and looks up at her sympathetically. Celestia looks down at Luna and sees her kind gaze. She turns and hugs Luna, tears begin to stream down her eyes. Luna holds her sister tight, giving her the comfort she needs right now. "You don't have to bear this burden by yourself, Celestia," says Luna in a soft voice. "I am here for you now." Luna's eyes begin to drip tears.

Celestia pulls away from her sister and gives her a small, tearful smile. Luna's heart leaps, it's the first time since the package that Luna has seen her sister smile. "Thank you, Luna," says Celestia. "I'm grateful that you are here."

"You're welcome, sister," Luna says.

Celestia walks over to the package and, with her magic, hovers it into the drawer of a nearby desk. She looks back over at Luna and says, "We better start making preparations for their memorial."

"Of course, but are you feeling up for the task?" Luna asks, knowing that an emotional conversation isn't enough to end her grief.

"No, but I know this needs to be done," says Celestia. "There are many ponies out there grieving them, including Twilight's friends. Once we've said our goodbyes, we can move to deal with Sombra."

Applejack sits in Donut Joes looking over a blank piece of parchment. Princess Celestia has asked her to speak on behalf of the Elements of Harmony and Ponyville at the memorial. Speaking in front of crowds has never been a challenge for her but trying to find the right words to say is a different story. Applejack wants these words to be perfect for the audience and her, but the page remains blank.

She rests her head on her right hoof, the other tapping the table, and the quill shifting in her mouth. She dips her head and touches the quill tip to the parchment, then raises her head. She dips her head again, raises it back up. In frustration, she spits out the quill and rubs her face with both hooves, letting out a loud groan. The soft tap of a coffee mug breaks her disgruntled state.

She looks up and sees Donut Joe standing across the table from her, a cup of coffee is pushed towards her. "Perhaps this will help give you some inspiration," he says, giving her a sympathetic smile.

Applejack takes the cup with both hooves and sips on the hot liquid. "Thanks, Joe," Applejack says. "I don't know why I'm having a hard time over this. I knew Twilight for three years, ya think I would know what to say."

"It's a lot different when you're writing about someone who's gone," Joe says as he wipes the surrounding tables.

"It most certainly is," Applejack says leaning against the table and looking off to the side. "I still can't believe she's gone." A lump in her throat forms. She purses her lips and closes her eyes, trying to hold back tears.

Joe sees her grief and sits down across from her at the table. "I know what you mean," he says. "She spent many nights in my donut shop. She ordered the same thing every time: a pink glazed donut with extra sprinkles. She used to come around here so often that I would leave the store open just for her. Now, I guess I won't be doing that anymore."

Applejack looks up and sees Joe trying to hold back his tears, though his grief is more subtle. She leans forward and places her hoof on his. "I'm so sorry, Joe," Applejack says. "I never realized how much of an impact Twilight had on you."

"Twilight touched the lives of many ponies around Canterlot," Joe says wiping a tear from his eye. "Sure she became more focused on her studies as the years went on, but she was a great friend. To me, and many other ponies around Canterlot. It wasn't until she met you five that she became her old self again. I could tell that night after the Grand Galloping Galla that you all showed her that there's more to life than books."

Applejacks sits back down in her seat. "That's kind of ya, Joe, but Twilight is the real reason the six of us were together in the first place," Applejack says. "Before she came to Ponyville, we all kind of knew each other but we never really considered each other friends until after we faced Nightmare Moon. If it wasn't for her, our little group wouldn't exist, she was the glue that kept us together. With her gone, I don't what's going to become of us now."

"What are you talking about?" Joe asks.

"It might be too early to say, but I can already tell our group is beginning to fall apart," she says. "Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and I try to get together but it never lasts very long. Rainbow Dash is the first to seemingly break off. We haven't seen her since the day we were told what happened to Twilight. I'm not even sure if she's going to come to the memorial service. This memorial might be the longest time we'll spend together in a long while."

"Do you think Twilight will want to see your girl's friendship fall apart after she's gone?" Joe asks, Applejack shakes her head. Joe looks down at the piece of parchment in front of Applejack and looks back up at her. "Well if you're concerned that your friendship with those girls, the friendship she helped create, is going to end now that she's no longer around, I think you already know what to say."

Joe gets up from the table, walks behind the counter and into the kitchen. Applejack watches him with a quizzical look. What does he mean she already knows? She looks back down at the parchment for a moment, then it dawns on her. She grabs the quill with her mouth, touches the quill tip to the parchment, and begins to write.

The memorial service is held from the large open gathering area where crowds gathered to see the wedding of Cadence and Shining Armor. Now, crowds have gathered from all over Equestria to mourn the loss of Cadence, Shining Armor, and Twilight Sparkle. There are no cheers, the only music playing is soft and somber, and the sky is grey as if the world is mourning their death. A large stage sits at the front of the area, flowers gather in front lining the entire downstage. Two podiums stand on opposite ends. Three large pictures of the trio with flower frames sit in the center of the stage, between the podiums, on display for everyone to see.

Applejack waits off stage. The Royal Guard Choir is performing a song for their former captain; it's a song that is sung for every guard who has died in the line of duty. Applejack listens to the song and feels a lump forming in her throat. In a few minutes, she will have to give her speech, and she starting to feel uncertain that she can do it without breaking down.

From behind her, a voice calls out to her. "Hey AJ." Applejack turns around and sees Rainbow Dash standing there, looking at her with a face of emotional exhaustion. Applejack rushes to Rainbow Dash and the two embrace each other, they both lament the loss of their closest friend together, finally.

Applejack pulls away and says, "I wasn't sure if you were going to come."

"Well, I heard you were going to speak and I wanted to be here for you," Rainbow Dash says with a small smile. "Look, I'm sorry that I've been gone for a long time. I just needed to be alone and try to process what's been happening."

"I understand Rainbow," Applejack says sympathetically. "What's important now is that you're here, and we're going to need you from here on out."

"I will," Rainbow says embracing her friend again. "I won't leave you guys ever again." The two hold each other for a moment until the song ends.

"That's my queue," Applejack says. "The girls are sitting in the front row." As Rainbow Dash walks away to join the crowd, Applejack ascends the steps walks behind the podium on stage right.

She sets down her parchment, looks over the crowd, and then looks down at her friends, who are silently supporting her. She takes a deep breath, clears her throat, and begins to speak:

"Friendship can mean different things to different ponies. To some, it could mean someone who will always have your back no matter what; to others, it could mean sharing a cold cider on a warm summer evening. For me, friendship means family; my family is my friends and my friends are my family. When Twilight first came to Ponyville, friendship didn't mean a whole lot to her, at first. It wasn't until I, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie showed her what real friendship is. Once she had her definition of friendship, she never wanted to lose it. Ever since then, Twilight became the glue that held us all together."

"When Discord tried to separate us, turn us against each other, Twilight was the one who brought us back together. When Flim and Flam tried to swindle my family out of our farm, Twilight rallied our friends in our hour of need. When Chrysalis had us all fooled that she was Princess Cadence, Twilight sought out the truth and made us see the light. Even...even when we didn't know how to save the Crystal Empire, Twilight brought us together and we came up with a plan to help the Crystal Ponies."

"Twilight may be gone, but her legacy lives on in me and my four dearest friends. I don't intend to see our friendship end anytime soon. I will remember Twilight by making sure my friendship with Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash will continue through the ages. Twilight, if you can hear me, thank you for your friendship and your love. I think I speak for the rest of us that we are going to miss you."

Meanwhile, at the Crystal Empire, Sombra walks through the dungeon halls on his way to Twilight's cell. When he arrives at her cell door, he asks the guard posted, "How is our esteemed guest?"

"The prisoner is well guarded and in stable condition," the guard responds in a monotone voice. He wears Sombra's signature guard helmet designed to take away the individual's free will and bind him to Sombra.

"Has she been well fed?" Sombra asks.

"Yes sire, the prisoner has returned empty food trays," the guard says.

"Good, open the door," Sombra commands. The guard, behaving like a robot, turns and opens the cell. Sombra walks in, illuminating his horn to help him see. He walks in and sees Twilight sitting against the far right corner, seemingly asleep. Her mane and tail are completely disheveled; her coat is filthy.

Twilight opens her eyes to see Sombra standing before her. "What do you want?" she says in a tired tone.

"I wanted to ask you something," he says. "A proposition if you will."

Twilight slowly gets up on her hooves and walks up to Sombra. "What could you possibly have that I want?" she asks.

Sombra chuckles. "I think you will be very much interested in what I have to offer."

"What is it?" she asks. "A decent bed? A hot shower? My freedom?"

"Your horn," he says.

Twilight is caught off guard. She takes a small step back and looks at him with wide, confused eyes. "I don't understand what you mean?"

Sombra takes a few steps closer and lowers his head to be at eye level with her. "I can teach you how to grow a new horn. Think about it? You will finally be whole and use magic again." He lifts his head and walks behind her. "Plus, the horn I will teach you to make will open up many pathways of opportunity. Some that I'm sure you wanted to explore but were limited in your abilities." He turns around, standing behind her. "It won't be easy, growing a new horn will feel nearly impossible." He lowers his head to where his mouth is next to her ear; he whispers, "but the reward is immeasurable."

Twilight ponders for a moment. The opportunity to grow a new horn is almost too difficult to pass up. Sombra is right to a certain degree, Twilight has felt powerless since she discovered her horn was gone. A big part of who she is has been torn from her, any opportunity to have that piece back would be greatly welcomed. However, Sombra is the one giving her this offer, who's to say this horn is going to be entirely pure? What if he's using this as an opportunity to corrupt her, like the guard outside her door? On the other hoof, this horn will be hers, she will be the only one who can control it. If this new horn will be as powerful as Sombra says, and if she was able to go hoof-to-hoof with him last time, she could potentially escape and reunite with her friends back in Equestria; she will no longer be his prisoner. Perhaps, entertaining this monster's offer will be the key she needs to escape.

Twilight turns around to face Sombra. She looks up, and says, "I'm listening."