• Published 26th Apr 2020
  • 1,577 Views, 26 Comments

Twilight's Really Bad Day - Bigwig6666

Twilight Sparkle finds herself caught in a time loop, and races to discover it's source and free herself.

  • ...

In Which Twilight Watches The End of The World

"GOOOOOOD MORNING CANTERLOOOOT! This is not a test, this is ROCK and ROLL-"

Twilight Sparkle's eyes snapped open. The weight of the water was still fresh in her mind, the feel of it rushing into her lungs still lingering. Her eyes glazed over as she looked around the familiar room. She took deep gulps of air, welcoming the oxygen. She shakily reached out and switched off the alarm, cut off Disc Jockey as he once again spouted some nonsense about how early it was.

With a deep breath and a heavy sigh, she swung her legs over the bed and held her head in her hooves. She glanced upwards towards the moon, shining bright in the sky still. She mustered up what energy she had and lowered it, and brought the sun up slowly and gracefully.

Tears welled up in her eyes as the simple comfort of the warm glow washed over her. She closed her eyes and stretched her wings out. She sat for a few minutes, just basking in the sun, happy to be alive. With a startling realization, she had no idea how the day would end. Would something terrible happen later on? Was the... she swallowed hard and closed her eyes... train incident the last disaster to befall Equestria? She shook her head as her mind began to race. "Focus, Twilight. One thing at a time."

Slowly and carefully, she made her way to the bathroom and began the daily routine once again.

Teeth now brushed, she rinsed and spat, and glared up at the light that remained off. "Going to do something about that today," she muttered. She switched the tap off, and focused her attention on the broken bulb. Magic wrapped around it as she unscrewed it, and she carried it through to her bedroom. "Have to get another one from somewhere."

She turned to the door and paused, waiting for Starlight's knock. "Three... two... one..." she murmured as she cocked an ear out.

There it was. Two short knocks, indicating the tell-tale entrance of the studious unicorn. Twilight smiled as she thought about Starlight. About how far she'd come from once trying to ruin all of time and space. Truly, she was now counted amongst the princess's dearest and closest friends.

"Come in, Starlight!" she called out.

The door opened revealing the purple unicorn, who gave her a puzzled look and an awkward smile. "How did you know it was me, Twilight?"

Twilight tapped her muzzle. "I have my ways." Her face fell as she realised it would be no use trying to tell her the day was repeating again. She straightened up and gestured to the mess around the room.

Starlight followed her gaze and chuckled softly, shaking off the uneasy feeling she had. "Another late night, princess?" she asked with a smile.

"Something like that, you know how it is," Twilight chuckled back. She thought it might be better if she didn't reveal anything yet. She knew there was no point trying to avert what was coming, not until she actually knew what was coming. She needed a plan.

"Well let me help you at least," Starlight said with a smile. Her magic grasped the several scattered book and began to place them upon the shelves. She glanced at the alicorn, currently deep in thought. "You're up early." Her eyes wandered towards the silent radio and a grin danced across her face. "Did your alarm work? They're great aren't they?"

Twilight smiled, Starlight's question rousing her from her thoughts. "Oh, yeah. I have to say Disc Jockey is growing on me."

Starlight's eyes widened. "I know right? At first I didn't like how loud he was, but then he, like you say, grew on me." She beamed with pride as her idea for a radio actually affected the princess herself. What a world!

The alicorn continued to smile. Inside, she actually hated Disc Jockey, and his voice was a constant reminder of the hell she was trapped in, doomed to repeat over and over until she drove herself mad. Perhaps it was him, all along?

A laugh escaped her, and it felt good, despite what she felt.

Starlight tilted her head. "Something funny, Twilight?"

"Sort of. I'll explain later."

She realised it must be time for pennyworth's announcement of Discord and looked expectantly towards the door. There it was, right on cue.

"Come in," she called.

The door swung open, revealing the familiar old thin pony with a finely waxed moustache once again. He bowed to them both. "Your highness. There is currently a Mr Cord waiting for you in the lobby. He claims it is a matter of utmost urgency."

"Tell him I'll be right down, Mr Pennyworth."

Twilight repeated the words like she had several times before. The butler nodded and retreated, closing the door gently behind him. Her reflection stared back at her, messy mane and all. "Starlight can you pass me my hairbrush please?"

The unicorn was already holding it out to her and chuckled.


"I swear Twilight, you'd lose your head if it wasn't screwed on tight."

"Yeah, yeah I know." Twilight waved a hoof at her and combed her mane to a presentable state. "How do I look?" she asked as she flourished her wings and turned her head to the side.

Starlight smiled and curtsied. "Like a princess, your highness. We should see what 'Mr Cord' wants," she said with a roll of her eyes.

The princess laughed and nodded. "Shall we, then?" She gestured to the door, and the unicorn trotted through. "What would yo do, Starlight, if your magic suddenly disappeared?" she asked quietly as they walked.

Starlight frowned. "I'm not sure, Twilight. I'd probably come to you for help," she said with a nervous chuckle.

Twilight nodded thoughtfully. Of course that's what Starlight would say. She imagined every pony would come to see her if they had a problem like this, and Discord was of course no exception. Her ear twitched. No doubt his magic had something to do with the days repeating, but what exactly?

She shook her head as they reached the lobby doors. Starlight reminded her of the visit to the school once more, and bid her adieu to 'hash it out' with Discord, and Twilight was left to face Discord once more alone. She took a deep breath and pushed the doors open, smiling down at the draconequus as he tapped one of his feet.

"About time, too. It's nice to know the Lord of Equestria always has time for one of her dearest friends." He sarcastically smiled and bowed low.

"Hello Discord." Twilight smiled at him, genuinely. Although he was the prime suspect for it all, she appreciated seeing him. Very few ponies in Equestria understood magic like he did, and she was eager to learn today. "What can I help you with?" She knew she had to play dumb so far, as not to raise suspicions.

"Well that's just the thing, princess, what can you do for me today?" Discord snapped his fingers and held his arms out. "I'm in a bit of a pickle as you can see."

She looked at him pitifully. "Your magic's gone?" she asked carefully.

He nodded. "Good observation, princess. Yes my magic has indeed 'gone'."

Twilight took a deep breath and asked him to start at the beginning, knowing already what was to come.

"I woke up this morning after a--ahem--night of catching up with old friends, and realised I couldn't do any magic. It has a tendency to wander off on it's own at times, being chaos and all." He wistfully rung his hands together and rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Mmhmm. I see," Twilight responded as she thought. "This is indeed one heck of a problem isn't it?"

Discord glared at her. "This isn't funny, Twilight. My magic can be... unstable at times. if somepony has managed to get a hold of it somehow, I'm afraid not even I would know of the repercussions."

This gave the princess pause. She hadn't thought of somepony else using his magic, even by accident, and that opened the door to so many more suspects. She groaned inwardly and looked towards the door as young Sweet Sorbet pushed it open, with a tray of the poisoned tea.

She grimaced as she felt her stomach knot and gave him a polite nod. At least there wasn't any assassins, and it seemed to be just freak accidents. She froze and looked at Discord as he watched her expectantly .

"Discord, would you say your magic, on it's own, could cause... accidents?" she asked quietly.

He hesitated for a moment before answering. "Why, yes, I'm afraid I would, Twilight. What does that have to do with anything?"

She shook her head. "I... just have a bad feeling about today is all. The tea remained untouched, and she gave it a spiteful look. "Listen, Discord, I have some things I need to see to today." She gave him a look, her eyes seemed to sparkle with sadness as she knew what was to come. "Why don't you stay here, in the palace until I get back?"

His eyes grew in wonder. "Why Twilight what a generous offer. Are you sure you don't want any help in searching?"

"I'm positive."

"Very well, princess. I shall remain here and hold the fort down. Perhaps pennyworth can bring me a bite to eat." He smiled coyly at her and flashed a smile.

Twilight rolled her eyes at him and flared her nostrils. "Don't go making a mess or causing a nuisance of yourself."

"My word as the Lord of Chaos, Twilight Sparkle, no mischief shall be had on my part."

The princess simply raised an eyebrow at him in silence.

"Ah. Yes... well..." He bowed and slunk away from her. "Do be careful, princess. No telling what my magic may have gotten up to in my absence."


She bid him a curt goodbye and left for the streets of her home.

As she strode through the streets, she made a note of everypony's face as they greeted her. She smiled back at them, memorizing each and every one of their faces as best she could. She came to the street where the cart would come loose and fought to keep calm. She couldn't incite a panic, yet she couldn't interfere either for fear of her own death.

She swallowed hard and turned away, unable to bear watching and doing nothing. She managed to time it just right, and took a deep breath as a painful cry and panicked voices rose up.

"Princess! Princess!" a voice cried. She turned and saw a young mare waving her over. She hurried, and knelt beside the injured pony. A stallion, in his mid years, she thought, and cradled his head. His body was severed in two at the waist, and blood trickled out from his mouth as he lay in shock. The crowd stood silent as the princess held him.

Twilight resolved to not allow this to continue, and would solve the mystery whatever the cost, and however man times she died and the world was reset.

Soon news of the pony's accident spread, and Twilight returned to roaming the streets. Her subjects gave her a wide berth as blood stained her coat, since she refused to be allowed to washed, feeling a sickening guilt as she thought about how she allowed that pony to die.

Disaster after disaster came. She hadn't even realised, but a restaurant had suffered a gas leak, and at least six ponies were dead before they finished their desert, including countless staff. The guilt continued to gnaw away at her as she strode through the town, remembering faces and names of the victims as they fell.

She rested for a moment in an alley, avoiding the sad eyes of the ponies around her as her heart furiously beat inside her chest. "Why is this happening?" she muttered. "Why?"

Her heart pounded to the point where she thought it would burst and her breath came ragged, hanging in the air as it escaped her mouth.

Canterlot was in mourning, and a few ponies remained trapped in the capital as the train lines were out of commission. She struggled with their cries, and demands of why didn't she stop anything. She simply explained that she had no way of knowing what would happen, a small lie, if only to ease her own nerves, yet ate away at her very soul.

A heart attack here, another freak accident, death seemed to stalk her, taunt her almost. Long hours passed, and eventually it grew close to the time when she could lower the moon and raise the sun.

As the moon's last silver light graced the world, Twilight felt a great sorrow raise up inside her. She mourned for her ponies as they died, seemingly senselessly, and if proper safety checks had been performed, none would most likely have occurred. If some fire alarms went off like they should-

A blinding white light suddenly erupted in the sky, and Twilight quickly covered her eyes and shrieked in pain and surprise. The light source seemed to come from towards Ponyville, and she cast a spell to shield herself for a moment.

She squinted past her hooves and saw a colossal, fiery red cloud in the shape of a mushroom rise up into the atmosphere. Windows all around her shattered as a massive shockwave rippled through the streets, and she looked around in absolute horror as ponies began to burn alive around her.

Her magic waned, and eventually broke as fire ripped through Canterlot. She screamed as her hooves caught on fire, and her skin began to peel. She fell to the ground and writhed in agony as the buildings began to disintegrate. Wreckage and rubble flew through the streets, crushing any pony still standing.

Twilight continued to howl in pain as her bones began to show, and she gazed up in terror at the cloud. Ponies turned to ash and evaporated around her, clutching at each other in their final moments, and her screams were silenced as she too burned away. Her final thoughts as she disappeared into the void of nothingness?

Get to Ponyville. Find what did this. Break the cycle.

However long it takes.

End this.