• Published 23rd Aug 2012
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A Change in Plans - Blank Page

Scout 159 returns for yet another accident-prone adventure.

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Chapter 5

I was the first one to wake up. The sun was just starting to rise over the horizon. The ponies and dragon were still snoring soundly. One of them had to be a changeling. But which one? It could have been any of them. I quietly made my way up to the sleeping forms of my captors.

I loomed over Spike, closely inspecting every small detail I could. It was hard to tell if there was anything out of place without a reference. The scales seemed to be oriented in the correct direction. The colors weren't smudged. For all I knew, this was the real Spike.

I moved onto Rainbow Dash. I delicately extended one of her wings. She stirred. I froze in place with her wings in my hooves. A violet eye cracked open. I panicked and lit up in a green blaze. Rainbow Dash cast me a confused look.

"Since when were there two of me?" the pegasus asked lazily. I would have slammed my head against a cactus for my stupidity. Why in Chrysalis's name would I have chosen Rainbow Dash as a disguise?

"Uh, since you decided to have an awesome dream, of course!" I smiled. Would she buy it?

"Huh," Rainbow yawned. Her eyes were struggling to stay open. "That's pretty cool... I guess." She gave up her fight to wake up and rested her head back on the dirt. "Good night, me."

"Good night." Alright, it definitely wasn't her. I moved on to Applejack. If she wasn't the double agent, then I didn't know who it was.

I dropped my Rainbow Dash guise and inspected the sleeping orange earth pony. She was leaning up against a rock. Her hat was tilted over her head to shade her eyes. I moved around her, trying to consume every ounce of detail I could. I lifted her hat just high enough to see her eyes. When the morning sunlight hit her closed eyelids, they shot open.

"Changelings!" Applejack screamed. She rolled onto her legs and gave me a good buck to the face. I stumbled backwards and tripped over the dead fire pit. Déjà vu. "What the hay was that for?"

I rose up from the old ashes and dusted myself off, occasionally coughing from the burned debris floating around. "Well I thought you were asleep, so "

"And that made it fine to sneak up on me?"

"What?! No! I wasn't trying to do anything!" I said defensively. "I was just checking something."

Applejack's eyes narrowed. "What kind of something?"

I couldn't tell her about the message form the hive mind. She was still a suspect in my little mystery case. If I told her, and she was the changeling, then she would know I was onto her. If she wasn't the changeling, she would probably alert the changeling about its own presence. I had to come up with an excuse.

"I was just wondering if you were awake is all," I lied. "I figured we could get a head start on the trail to Appleloosa."

Applejack seemed unsure of my story. I tried to encourage my point with a weak smile. The commotion woke Rainbow Dash and Spike.

"What's the big deal? I was in the middle of having an awesome dream," the pegasus complained.

Spike rubbed his eyes into focus. "Yeah, what's with all the noise?" he yawned.

"Nothing," I sputtered. "Nothing at all. I was just wondering if you guys were awake and I guess I just startled Applejack."

"Now hold on just an apple-pickin' second. Who said I was scared?" Applejack growled.

"Let me see if I can copy your reaction." With a cough to clear my throat, I stole Applejack's hat and placed it on my head. I tilted it just enough to hide my eyes from my audience. A green flame encompassed me and warped my form into the shape and color of the orange mare's. I lazily adjusted the hat until Applejack came into view of my drowsy eyes. My eyes widened in shock. I shouted "Changelings!" and gave the earth pony a strong kick to the face. Applejack flew back a few feet and landed on her back.

I dropped the disguise and leaned over the dazed pony. "Did that sound about right?" I chuckled as I dropped the hat on her head. In the background, Rainbow Dash and Spike were busy stifling their snickers.

Applejack moved the hat back in its appropriate position and glared up at me. "Why, you no-good, lousy, shape-shiftin', "

"Over-grown bug," I completed. "I've heard the drill before."

"Well, I was also gonna say 'wingless' too, but I suppose that would just be overkill," Applejack remarked with a smug smile. I gave her the best death stare I could muster. She rose up and happily pranced over to her friends. "Come on now, y'all. Now that we're all awake, we best get a move on."

We "decided" to take the long way down the cliff. "Decided" as in Rainbow Dash was too lazy to carry the weight of a changeling, a dragon, and a pony down the cliff, so we had to walk around it. The three of us couldn't have been that heavy. Regardless, we spent countless hours searching for another path down. Unfortunately, the trek involved us losing sight of the settlement.

"It's so hot outside," the pegasus panted.

She was right. It wasn't even noon and the desert was hotter than the last couple of days. Everyone was dealing with the heat in their own way. Applejack managed to fan herself with her hat by connecting it to the end of her tail. Rainbow Dash would occasionally pull of an aerial stunt to feel a cool rush of air. I changed into Braeburn to let the brighter coat reflect the heat. Spike actually appeared unfazed by the higher temperature. I guess that was just one of the perks of being a dragon. The wavering form of a clock tower appeared over the scorching horizon.

"Hey, guys? Am I going delusional, or is that the settlement up ahead?" I asked.

"Either that or we're all having one strange mirage," Applejack said with hope. "Let's get a move on. Time's a-wastin'!"

We sprinted to the pony settlement without hesitation. Finally, after all of those horrid past two days of wandering through the desert, we had arrived! We entered the settlement and were... disappointed... by our welcoming. The place was deserted. There wasn't a pony, or any other creature for that matter, in sight. The eerie silence was disturbing. We walked into the center of the settlement.

"Hello?" Rainbow Dash called out. "Is anypony home?"

A tumbleweed rolled by in response.

I turned to the others. "We are in Appleloosa... right?"

A hushed but stressed voice pierced the silence. "Braeburn!"

Our heads shot up at the sound of the alien voice. I scanned the surrounding buildings for the source.

"Braeburn!" A silhouette appeared in the saloon up ahead. "Braeburn! Get yer flank over here now!"

We only stared at it in confusion. The stranger tried beckoning us closer.

"What do you think? Should we go?" Spike asked warily.

Before anyone could answer the clock tower struck twelve, causing an ominous metallic ring to sound throughout the small settlement. The silhouette retreated back into the saloon. We looked amongst ourselves in hopes that someone had an answer to this madness.

"Is this normal for you ponies?" I asked.

"No," Applejack and Rainbow Dash answered simultaneously.

A small tremor shook us. A mound of dirt slowly rose in front of us. We leaped back as it exploded in a fountain of Diamond Dogs.

"Run!" Applejack screamed. The Diamond Dogs turned to face the sound of Applejack's voice.

"You and your big mouth," I muttered as we ran for our lives. The dogs were right behind us. We took every twist and turn possible to throw them off, but they still persisted in staying behind us. More mounds of dirt exploded around us, each containing more Diamond Dogs armed with lances to add to our trouble. "How many of these guys are there?" I shouted.

We came to a halt as another fountain of dirt erupted directly before us. Instead of the usual amount of armored mutts exiting from the hole, only three came out of this one. They each wore vests and diamond studded collars. I recalled the one wearing the red vest as the same Diamond Dog from the other night. The only difference about him was a bandage wrapped around his right upper arm. His eyes narrowed.

He raised a gnarly finger at Spike. "You."

"M-m-me?" Spike stuttered. The dragon took a few steps back.

"Yes, you. You have given me much pain," he gestured to his bandage, "and now I am going to make you pay." Our chasers had caught up to us and closed off our escape. "Harvest the ponies! And take what you wish!"

Tension built up in our tight circle. The dogs became antsy waiting for someone to make the first move. We each cast one another a glance. A silent message was relayed between us. One of the armored brutes shouted "Dog pile!"

Rainbow Dash grabbed Spike and rocketed into the sky before the wave of dogs could get to them. Applejack and I, on the other hoof, weren't as lucky. I quickly lost sight of the orange pony in the mess of brown fur and silver armor. The weight of the mutts slowly started cracking the exoskeleton under my disguise. If I didn't come up with a plan soon I would be reduced into nothing more than a pile of chitin and bug juice. If only they weren't so much bigger, I might have had a better chance. Wait a minute. I'm a changeling for crying out loud!

I erupted in the familiar emerald flames. Many of the Diamond Dogs were blown back from the scorching blaze. My form vibrated rapidly as it tried to copy one of the Diamond Dogs. Naturally, it would have been simple to do if I had done it before. Braeburn's golden coat was darkened into a brown hue. My hooves began to contort to form four bulky digits. The brown hat and vest transformed into silvery armor. My pose shifted into a bipedal stance. My entire body suddenly expanded to a Diamond Dogs size. After my body made a few more minor adjustments, I was set for round two.

The brawl carried on for a good thirty minutes. All of us, including our foes, were dog-tired. The blows exchanged between the two parties became less intense. I spotted Applejack surrounded by a few mutts. She was having a difficult time keeping them at bay with her bucks and riding skills. Maybe she needed a helping hoof. Or paw.

I covered the distance between us quickly with my larger form. Applejack saw me charging and advanced in my direction as well. She must have not realized that I was on her side. That needed to be changed pronto. Fortunately, another Diamond Dog cut off her path. Well, fortunately for me, unfortunately for her.

The beast easily overpowered her distracted state. He pinned her down with a single paw and lifted the lance-wielding other. Before he could deliver his blow, I rammed my armored shoulder into his back. He flew off into the chaos of his running companions.

Applejack stared at me in disbelief. I extended a paw to help her up. She stared at it, then back at me.

"Changeling?" she asked.

"You know it," I replied in my new, rough voice. She accepted my gesture and hopped to her hooves. Just then, a question rose to mind. There were plenty of Diamond Dogs running around, but hardly any of them were focusing their attention on us. So what were they busy with?

"Stay away from Applejack, you slimy dog!" My head shot up in the direction of Rainbow Dash's voice. She was speeding towards me with Spike still in her hooves. Anger was plastered over her face. I could practically see a fire burning in Spike's eyes, too.

I waved my paws before me defensively. "Wait, wait, wait!" I desperately called.

It was too late. In the middle of her dive, she released Spike upon me and raced back into the clouds. The small dragon let out a brutish battle cry, which, in my opinion, would have had a better effect if he wasn't so little. As deceiving as his adorable battle cry was, I didn't stand a chance against the force that struck me as his head connected to my chest plate. Even though the armor was just supposed to protect me from harsh blows such as this, it was still organic; which meant I could still feel some pain. I was knocked onto the unforgiving dirt. My disguise disappeared instantly.

"What the... You!" Spike shouted. "Are you crazy? Why would you copy a Diamond Dog now of all times?"

"Well at the time it seemed like a good idea. I didn't exactly expect this to happen," I countered.

"Whatever. Now I need to find a way back up to Rainbow Dash. Thanks for nothing." With that, he ran off into the mess of mutts.

"Anyway I can help," I sarcastically replied.

"We have what we want! Retreat!" the red vested dog shouted. The Diamond Dogs obeyed immediately. They rushed to whatever hole they could find. The settlement was once again devoid of life.

Rainbow Dash dived down next to me. "The ponies are coming out. Hide!"

"Where's Applejack and Spike?" I asked as I changed back into Braeburn.

"I'm not sure." For the first time I thought I saw some worry in the proud pegasus' eyes. "Come on, we gotta find them."

We galloped to the main road of the town. Rainbow was right. Ponies were slowly emerging from their various hiding places. Next to a large mound of dug up earth laid an orange mare.

"Applejack!" Rainbow shouted. She zoomed over to her prone friend. I struggled to keep up with her, but she still managed to beat me to earth pony with seconds to spare.

They were already engaged in conversation when I joined. I don't think I've ever seen a pony in a more pitiful state. Applejack was covered in cuts and bruises. Her mane was frayed and covered in dirt.

"Are you sure?" Rainbow asked.

"Is she sure about what?" I asked.

"Yep, I saw it with my own eyes," Applejack coughed.

"Saw what with your eyes?" I persisted.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "I can't believe it."

"Can't believe what?" This lack of information was driving me mad.

"It's Spike. He's gone," Applejack moaned. "The Diamond Dogs took him."

I was rocked by the intensity of those few words. Spike was gone? That didn't seem possible. It was only a few seconds after he left me when the dogs retreated. Surely he couldn't have been captured that quickly. Before I could press for details, Applejack fainted from exhaustion.

Rainbow Dash tried shaking her awake, occasionally saying her name. I was still busy trying to process the information to notice a brown earth pony with a black ten-gallon hat, blue vest, and a large black mustache approach.

"Braeburn," he said. He had the same voice as the stranger from the saloon. "You got yourself quite a bit of explaining to do."