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Episode 3:All Glitters is no Gold

It was the end of the day, after a well fought battle. Gold was at his home washing up. He thought about how it felt to be a ranger and a leader. He knew he would have to protect his friends and do anything to keep them out of harm's way. He then thought back to when he lost his parents. He wasn't able to protect them. "Can't think about that right now. Gotta stay focus incase there's another monster attack." Gold finished up and called it a night. But his dreams were unfortunatly planted by nightmares.

Gold was in his old room when he smelled smoke. He pushed himself up and looked at the clock on the wall. "12:30? Who would be cooking something right now?" Gold pulled himself out of bed and walked to the door. When he felt the door, it was warm. "Uh oh." He turned around to go to his window, but his room was now engulfed in flames. "Ah!" Gold backed up into the door, but got burned by the heat. "Ow! Got to get out of here." Gold started ramming the door, ignoring the heat and pain. He finally bust through the door and landed in the carpeted hallway. A hole had been burned in the roof, and bits of installation and wood fell from it. "Mom! Dad!" Gold started running to his parents room, but was stopped as a beam came down and blocked his path. "No!" The floor cracked beneath him and he fell through.


Crystal Caverns

Anti was clapping as he watched Gold's dream from one of the crystals. "I always love watching my enemies burn."

Another figure was also watching the dream. He was a bipedal wolf wearing black armor. "With all do respect Anti, why have you called me here?"

"I called you to help torment the red ranger. If his nerves and confidence are shot. He won't be able to lead the other rangers against my forces."

"So where do I fall in this plan?"

"I want you to morph his dream into something horrible. Make him fell weak and helpless. Make it so he thinks he's the problem. Once that's done, I will have no problem in taking over this pathetic world."

"I see. And how does this fall into our agreement?"

Anti sighed. "Our deal is still on. As long as you keep doing what I say, you'll get to see your son again. Now go and fulfill my orders, Dream Weaver."

"Yes sir." Dream Weaver bowed and went off to cause havoc.


Gold felt his back hit the ground. When he opened his eyes and saw that he was in his room. "Just a dream."

"Far from it," said a voice.

"Who's there? Answer me!" No answer came. Instead the room was engulfed in flames. "No, no, no." Gold backed up to the window and looked outside. The streets were engulfed in flames as well. "This can't be real.

"It may not be real now, but it could be," said the voice. The flames shifted around until a ghostly figure stood behind a wall of them. "Your weak, Rise. You couldn't even save your parents."

"I tried to, but I was to late."

"Yes. Your always to late. Who says you won't be to late to save your friends? You don't have what it takes to be a leader."

"But I do." Gold dropped to his knees.

"Second guessing yourself, watching your own back, is that what leaders do?" The figure walked closer to Gold. "I saw you second guess yourself about helping Sunset. When you did you were then targeted. You then pushed yourself further and further away from her. Until she became the hero."

"No that's not true." Gold felt tears sting his eyes.

"Your courage and tenacity are completely fake. Your weak and painless. You have no place calling yourself the Red Ranger." The figure stood over Gold's swallowing form. "And you never will."

Gold woke up after the terrifying dream. Fresh tears rolled down his face as he remembered what happened. "It was right. I have no courage or leadership. I'm no Red Ranger.


The other rangers gathered at the school to talk about their new powers. The only one absent was Gold. "That's odd. Gold usually isn't late," said Grande.

Night's phone went off. He brought it out and looked at the text. "Just got a text from Sunset. Gold isn't feeling to good, so he's staying home."

"Man, that stinks," said Bronze. "Hope he gets better."

"I hope there isn't a monster attack with him down." There was a group of people running from the city. "Me and my big mouth."

"Let's go." Night led the others to where the attackers were. "I guess these are the culprits."

Two figures led a squad of Desemators. One was the disguised Dream Weaver. The other was a bipedal lion with a fiery mane. He wore a red suit that had orange fur along the cuffs. "Why are we attacking the city when I can just buy it? I have the money."

"Listen Pyro Money. Your orders are to attack the city. Deviate from those and I will personally destroy you." Dream Weaver grabbed Pyro by the coller.

"Ok, ok." Pyro saw the rangers arrive. "Here are the rangers."

"Hey flame head," said Night. "I suggest you get out of town before we take care of you."

"That speech is suppose to scare me."

"Well I tried," said Night.

"How about I buy those morphers of you." Pyro threw a load of coins at the rangers.

"What are these?" The coins exploded and sent the rangers flying. They landed on the ground a few feet away. Night pressed a button on his morphed. "Gold where are you?" No answer. "Gold, if you can hear me, get to the city, we need your help." The rangers got up. "Looks like we have to fight without him for now. It's MORPHING TIME!"

Their morphers slung as the guys charged forward. "Light Charge!"

Once they were morphed the guys summoned their weapons. "Spread out and take them down." Night went for the far left. He spun his axe around and struck down the first level is Desemators. "I've been meaning to train with training dummies." Night roundhouse kicked one into a group of about ten others. "Strick!"

Grande charged the group right in front of him. "When you mess with the bull, you get the horns." Grande summoned his shield and bashed a few of the Desemators on their heads. "I knew these guys never had brains." He charged forward and brought down another group of them.

Bronze summoned his two curved daggers. "Let's see if your metal enough to withstand this." He brought down his daggers onto two of them, then slashed through a few others. "I guess you guys aren't." He jumped up and slashed through a few more.

Show summoned his claw gauntlet. "I hope you guys don't mind being scratching posts." Show grabbed two and bashed their heads together. "Maybe if you put your heads together, you could beat us." Shoe proceeded to slash the rest of them into pieces.

The other rangers finished off the remaining Desemators. "Now for fire face," said Night.

"Sorry gentleman, but I have a business meeting to go to. Bye." Pyro faded away along with Dream.

"He got away." Night and the others powered down. "Let's go see what's up with Gold." The guys headed to Gold's apartment. Once they arrived, Grande gave a heavy knock. "Hey, Gold, you in there?"

There was the sound of a lock being undone and the door opened to a disheveled Gold. "Hey guys. What's up?"

"Wow. You look like you've seen better days," commented Show.

"You could say that again." Gold turned away from the guys.

"Why did you lock yourself in here? We needed you at the battle," said Night.

"Yeah, right. Like you need a problem like me. I'm no leader."

"What makes you say that?"

"There are a few things from your past that you could never forget." Gold clenched his fist. "I only cause problems, I don't fix them. I'm a spineless fool."

Night stepped forward. "Would a spineless fool step into the leadership role instantly? Would they help their friends fight off an unbelievable monster? Would they stick their neck out for others?" Gold said nothing. "Your a leader Gold. You took the horse by the reins and drove it. You are the Red Ranger." Night's phone went off. "Its Twilight. There's another attack downtown." Night turned to Gold. "We need you Gold. You are our leader."

Gold turned back to the group. "Well then," He brushed back his hair and smiled. "Time to save the city." The others smiled and followed Gold downtown.

Pyro was attacking the business district. "Let's see how much space I need for my new business." He pulled out a blueprint, but it was instantly blasted to bits. "Who did that?!?"

"That would be us. Time to put you out candle head. It's MORPHING TIME!"

The morphers spun. "Light Charge!"

Once they were morphed, Gold took charge. "You guys go for the Desemators, I'll take flame head." The others nodded and charged the Desemators. Gold engaged Pyro. "Time to play nice kitty."

"The Red Ranger has finally come out. Sorry, but my business is taken."

"I don't want to invest in a losing business."

"That's it." Pyro charged Gold with his flaming claws. When he tried a slash, Gold blocked the hit with his blade.

"Let's see if you like lasers." Gold blasted Pyro right in the face. While he was blinded, Gold delivered a series of slashes. Pyro could bout defend him self and was pushed back. The others had destroyed the Desemators and joined Gold. "Let's combine our weapons to finish this guy."

Gold and Night combined their weapons. Show placed his gauntlet at the end of the sword hilt. Bronze attached his daggers to the gauntlet. Grande placed his shield at the end of the weapons. "Forge Canon Ready!"

"Wait I can pay," said Pyro.

"Ready," began Grande.

"Aim," continued Night.

"FIRE!" finished Gold. The weapons fired a multi colored blast that destroyed Pyro.


Crystal Caverns

"Pyro failed me."

"The Red Ranger appeared to have resolve," said Dream.

"No matter. Time to power up Pyro. Mega-Crystal!"


Pyro grew to a gigantic size. "Time to make big money."

"Looks like he's gone big time," said Grande.

"How do we handel this one?" asked Bronze.

Before Gold could give an answer, a huge screech was heard. A gigantic, robotic, red falcon came flying over head. It was followed by a blue bat, a yellow bull, a green snake, and a white tiger. "I guess we use those." The rangers teleported into their zords. "Zords combine!"

The Falcon Zord pulled up. The Snake and Tiger Zords formed into legs. The Falcon Zord landed on the two. The Bull and Bat Zords formed the arms. "Light Force Megazord Ready!"

"Time to finish this guy," said Gold.

"Snake Leap." The Megaord hopped into the air.

"Wing Axe." The Bat Zord shifted to an axe that came down onto Pyro.

"Well that hurt." Pyro backed up.

"Let's make him go out with a bang. Forge Canon!" The Megazord' s chest opened and revealed a canon. "Light Blast!" The canon gathered up a great amount of energy and fired.

"No, my investments." The Megazord posed as Pyro was destroyed.

"Rangers, we brought the light." The guys teleported out of their words and powered down. "Nice job guys, and sorry about earlier."

"That's ok," said Night. "We're just glad to have our leader back."

"Well then, let's celebrate this victory." The guys left the scene to go have fun with their friends.


What does Anti have planned? Find out next time on Power Rangers: Light Force!