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Episode 1: Rangers Together, Lightforce forever (Rearranged)

(Power ranger light force theme song)

The Forge. The place connecting our world with the world of light. A place where goodness and light are given off. After all the magical activity that's gone on, The Forge has been revived. It sent its power out to find those who could use it to save the world. The greatest evil will rise to stop these people. It is up to the chosen few to fight this new threat and save their world. They are the Power Rangers: Light Force.

Canterlot High Friday October 24, 2015- 2:30pm

Sunset was running down the hall when the final school bell rang. She knew the longer she stayed their, the more tormented she would feel. But she wasn't so lucky. When she made it to her locker, she saw the damage. The words 'she-demon' and 'hate' we're spray painted onto her locker. The other students just laughed as they pasted by. Sunset layed her head on the locker as tears stung her eyes. "Why do they have to do this?"

She felt a tap on her shoulder. She immediately shrunk away and tried to back away from the unknown source. The kid behind her put his hands up. "Didn't mean to scare you." He had gold-ish skin, red pupils, and orange and yellow hair. He had on a white t-shirt, gold jacket, red pants and red shoes. "I just saw that you were upset, and wondered if you needed someone to talk to. Sorry about scaring you."

"Wait, your not angry at me? Why?" asked a confused Sunset.

"Because I don't have a reason to be. I just moved here and am new to this school, but from what I could tell. Something must of happened here for all this," He pointed to the locker. "To be happening."

"That's an under statement." Sunset rubbed her arm. "I'm Sunset by the way."

"Nice name. It's a pleasure to meet you Sunset. I'm Golden Rise." He looked to the locker again. "I can see that you have quite the mess here. How about I go grab some cleaning supplies to help clean this up."

"No, you really don't-" But before Sunset could finish her protest, Gold ran off to get the cleaning supplies. He found one of the janitors and got permission to get some supplies from the closet. When he was gathering the stuff he saw a crystal. "That's odd. What's this doing here?" He reached out and grabbed the crystal. When he did it gave off a red glow. "Well you don't see that everyday. But can't focus on that now. Got to get these supplies to Sunset." Gold put the crystal in his pocket and walked out with the cleaning supplies for Sunset's locker.

Canterlot High Monday November 30, 2015- 3:15 pm

The day had ended, but trouble only began. Adagio had been cornered by a group of students. A male student was holding her against a wall by the shoulder. "Normally, I wouldn't hit a girl. But I'm gonna make an exception for you siren." He lifted a fist. "This is gonna hurt a lot."

Adagio closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable, but it never came. She opened her eyes and saw someone holding her attacker's arm back. "That's enough."

"Who are you?" asked the attacker.

"A friend." The guy turned the attacker around and freed Adagio. She slid to the ground, and saw who saved her. He had brown hair, Brown pupils, and tan hair. He wore a tan t-shirt with a guitar on it, tan pants and brown shoes. He then punched the attacker. "You should never hit a woman."

"Fine. You won this one, Grande." The attacker and the group of students left.

The guy turned to Adagio and offered his hand. "You ok?"

"Yeah." She grabbed his hand and was pulled up. "Thanks for saving me, but why?"

"I couldn't stand by and let someone hurt a pretty lady like yourself. I'm Grande Finale." He said with a bow.

Adagio giggled. "I'm Adagio Dazzel. Thanks for helping me. I think a reward is in order." She went up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "See ya around handsome."

Grande smiled to himself. "Same to you Adagio." As she left, Grande saw a crystal on the ground. "What's this doing here?" He picked it up and it gave off a yellow glow. "Not the weirdest thing I've seen." Grande pocketed the crystal and went to meet up with Gold and his other friends.

Canterlot High Saturday April 15, 2016- 8:00 am

Twilight had come to Canterlot High and locked herself in the library. A teen with midnight blue skin and silver hair walked up to the school. He had on a black t-shirt with a bat on it, blue jeans, black shoes, and silver glasses. He got into the school and walked to the library when he tried the door it wouldn't budge. "Twilight, you in there?"

"Go away!" Twilight yelled through the door. "You don't want to be near me Night."

"That's not true Twilight. You don't have to run away from your friends."

Twilight started to cry on the other side. "I don't even know why they're friends with me. I almost hurt them."

"That wasn't you Twilight. You were being controlled by dark magic. But your in control now." Twilight said nothing. "You always have me to talk to. I'm always here to help."

Twilight unlocked the door and opened the door. She came out and hugged Night. "Thank you Night."

"No problem." A crystal appeared in Night's hand and it glowed blue. 'This looks like the ones Gold and Grande have, but what are they for?' thought Night.

Camp Everfree Friday June 5, 2016- 9:00 pm

Gloriosa just came back from the party that the campers had thrown. When she got to her cabin she found a note. It said: Meet me by the old dock - Bronze Leaf. Gloria sighed to herself. "I knew he might have wanted to talk to me." She left and went to the dock.

Standing on the dock was a guy with bronze-ish skin, and rust colored hair. He wore a brown t-shirt with a leaf on it, dark brown pants and shoes. "I see you got my note."

"Yes I did, and I know what your going to say, and you and Timber were right. I shouldn't have started using the power the crystals gave me. I just thought it would help, but I ended up losing more then I would have lost." Gloriosa began tearing up.

"Actually I wasn't going to say any of that." Bronze walked over to Gloria.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," Bronze brushed away one of her tears. "I want my gf back."

"You really mean that?"

"Of course. What happened happened. That experience only made you stronger. I just want things to go back to normal." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "So can it?"

Gloriosa smiled. "I think it can." She gave Bronze a kiss and hugged him. "Its good to be back together."

"Yeah. You may get a lot of things, but you always got me."

Gloriosa giggled at his joke. "Come on. Let's head back to the cabin."

"Lead the way." Before Bronze followed Gloriosa, he found a crystal on the ground. When he picked it up it gave off a green glow. "Things only get weirder and weirder." He placed the crystal in his pocket and walked off with Gloria.

(Meanwhile at the other side of canterlot)

Canterlot High Friday June 12, 2016- 2:30 pm

It was the last day of school and students were rushing out to go and enjoy the beginning of summer. Most were going to have fun, while others will most likely try to forget what happened over the past year. But one student wasn't in such a good mode. Trixie was walking down the halls in a very stolen mold while the other students were happy. The beginning of summer didn't sit well with her. Each summer her and her parents would go off somewhere and then return at the end of summer. All this meant to her was having to leave any possible friends, try to make new ones, and then end up losing contact with them in the end.

While the everyday huddle and bussel was going on, Trixie waited outside for the inevitable. "Another summer, alone."

She didn't here a person walk up next to her. "Penny for your thoughts?"

She looked up to see who was talking to her. It was a guy with burgundy hair and red skin. He wore a black t-shirt with a spotlight on it, blue jeans and green sneakers. "What do you want, Show Time?"

"Just seeing if you wanted to talk is all. You seem a bit down."

"That's an under statement. Well considering that you offered. The reason that I'm upset is because my parents and I have to go away every summer for their stupid jobs. Which means I have a harder time making friends."

"Well, why not just tell them that you don't want to go?"

Trixie gave him a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, just tell them that you would rather not go on the trip. You would rather stay here with friends."

"You really think that will work?"

"All you can do is try. There's no way of knowing unless you try." A car had pulled up. "And I think your opportunity is now."

"Ok, I'll try." Trixie went over and began talking with her parents. After a short conversation, Trixie grabbed her stuff from the back and walked up to show with a smile. "They said I could stay, but I have to stay with a friend."

"Well I got that covered. I have a guest room at my place. You can stay with me."

Trixie ran up and hugged Show. "Your the best."

"I know." Suddenly a crystal appeared in Show's hand. It gave off a white glow. "What is this?"

"That looks like the crystals that Gold and a few others have," said Trixie.

"Then let's go see what we can find out about these." The two ran off to go find Gold and the others.

Crystal Caverns

The ground began to shake just inside the cavern. The crystals began to glow with a purple light. A shadowy figure moved through the crystals themselves. "I have been awakened. Time to wreak havoc on this world."