• Published 23rd Dec 2019
  • 1,359 Views, 24 Comments

Everybody Snuggles Sunset Satan - Dark Nightshade

After Sunset Shimmer snuggled with her demonic counterpart, word spread and now everybody wants to snuggle a demon!.. wait wut

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Rarity Snuggles Sunset Satan

Sunset Satan approached Carousel Boutique. Rarity had contacted her through Sunset Shimmer, and had asked her to arrive close to night, to sleep over. Rarity had also requested that Sunset Satan bring no night clothes. Sunset Satan was curious to see what Rarity had planned. Especially since Rarity's younger sister, Sweetie Belle, was supposed to be at one of her friends house for the night.

As she raised her hand to knock on the door, it suddenly swung open, and Sunset Satan almost rapped Rarity on the head.

"Oh, sorry," Sunset Satan said. Rarity shrugged and smiled.

"It's ok," Rarity said. "Now, are you ready?" Sunset Satan nodded. "I've been preparing for this all afternoon!" Rarity opened the door more and stood aside to let Sunset Satan in. As Sunset Satan entered, she opened her mouth to ask something.

"So why didn't you want me to bring my pj's?" Sunset Satan asked. Rarity grinned.

"Oh, I've made you some of the most adorable pair of pajamas!" she squeed. "You are going to look so cute tonight!" Sunset Satan blushed and scratched her head.

"You made pajamas for tonight?" Sunset Satan asked. "You didn't have to do that."

"Well, I had your measurements, and I thought this would be nice!" Rarity said. "Besides, we're going to cuddled up to each other for the whole night, and these pajamas will feel wonderful!"

"Speaking of which, how are we going to do this?" Sunset Satan asked. "I spooned Fluttershy for a couple of hours, and she fell asleep a few minutes into it. I'm guessing that since I'm staying the night, you want me to spoon you as well?" Rarity nodded quickly.

"Yes, please!" Rarity cooed. Her expression turned serious for a moment. "But before we get to that, if you need to eat or use the restroom, please do it now. I'd prefer if you didn't need to get up during the night or for anything... else to happen." Sunset Satan nodded. She knew what Rarity was talking about.

"I'm actually good, but I'll pop by the bathroom and get changed," Sunset Satan said. "Where are these pajamas?" Rarity beckoned at her to follow. Rarity led Sunset Satan up a set of stirs at the back and led her up. Rarity disappeared around a corner for a few moments, then reappeared with a small paper bag, almost bumping into Sunset Satan. Rarity extended it to Sunset Satan, who accepted it.

"Where's the bathroom?" Sunset Satan asked. "I can changed in there." Rarity pointed towards the corner she had disappeared around.

Sunset Satan closed and locked the door, and started getting undressed as fast as she could. As soon as her last piece of clothing hit the ground, she opened the bag and saw the set of pajamas that had been made for her. She smiled and put them on, replacing their place in the bad with her day clothes.

As she exited the door and rounded the door, Rarity looked at her and started cooing.

“What did I say?” Rarity asked. “I said you’d look adorable in that, and look at you!” Sunset Satan blushed scarlet, her cheeks reddening as she looked down at her feet.

The pajamas she was wearing were a light pinkish color, which went rather well with her normal skin tone, and made out of a fuzzy, soft cotton.

“Whatever,” Sunset Satan said. She looked back up at Rarity.

“You haven’t changed yet. Why aren’t you ready?” Sunset Satan asked. Rarity cooed at Sunset Satan.

“Darling, I was waiting for you to get out so I could see how the outfit looks on you!” Rarity said. Sunset Satan tsked at her.

“You probably would’ve been done before me, but whatever,” Sunset Satan said. “Get dressed and we can get started.” Rarity giggled.

“So assertive,” she said. She stepped into her bedroom and closed the door before Sunset Satan could respond to that. After a little more than two minutes of hearing shuffling and fabrics being moved around, the door opened again, reveling Rarity in a pair of pajamas. They were a light blue color, and made out of the same materials as Sunset Satan’s. Rarity stepped out of the door and let Sunset Satan in.

As Sunset Satan stepped in, she looked at Rarity and asked “So, how do you want to do this?” Rarity smiled.

“Well, it’s rather simple,” she started. “I would like to be the little spoon. You can wrap yourself around me, and we can fall asleep like that.” Sunset Satan nodded.

“If that’s the case, could we turn on the fan?” Sunset Satan asked, pointing towards the simple ceiling fan attached to Rarity’s roof. “This top is kinda hot, and I don’t want to be sweating all night.” She gave her pink top a tug. Rarity nodded.

“That’s a good idea,” she said, reaching for the fan’s chain and giving a light yank. She turned towards the wall next to the door and flipped the switch, casting the room into darkness. She turned to her bed and pulled back the covers, crawling onto her mattress and lied there, looking up at Sunset Satan. “Now get in here and hold me!” Sunset Satan grinned. She kneeled onto the soft mattress and crawled up to Rarity. Sunset Satan laid down into her side and wiggled her left arm under Rarity’s side. Rarity started giggling and squirming.

“Sorry, I’m a little ticklish there!” she said, propping herself up a little with her arm to let Sunset Satan’s arm through. Sunset Shimmer giggled back as she wrapped her other arm around Rarity’s side, gripping her hands tightly over Rarity’s tummy. Sunset Satan brought her knees and waist up to meet with Rarity’s waist, Sunset Satan’s knees pressing up into the backs of Rarity’s knees. Sunset Satan let her right hand out of her hands grip to pull up the blanket to their necks, then quickly went back to holding her hands. Rarity wiggles her butt a little into a more comfortable position, and closed her eyes.

“Good night!” Rarity said softly. “Thank you for doing this." Sunset Satan's breath softly tingled against her neck.

“Thanks for the new pajamas!” Sunset Satan replied softly. "I’m sure the others will like them!” With that, Sunset Satan closed her eyes, and prepared for sleep.

Sunset Satan woke up only once during the night. Rarity, at some point during the night, had shifted positions, and was curled up and was facing her. Sunset Satan smiled at Rarity's slumbering form, and pulled Rarity closer, running her hand through Rarity's soft purple hair.

She must go through so much conditioner, Sunset Satan thought. She closed her eyes again and hugged Rarity tight.

Rarity slowly woke up, her consciousness slowly drifting to. She felt Sunset Satan's arms wrapped around her. She was pleasantly warm, despite the fan above her. Especially her face. She must've shifted during the night into her pillows. She wiggled her hips. They weren't pressed into Sunset Satan's hips anymore.

"Hey, you awake?" Sunset Satan's voice asked softly. Rarity hummed happily.

"Yes, but give me a few more minutes," Rarity said. "You're so nice and toasty." She moved her head a little. The pillow her head was resting on felt different. She slowly opened her eyes, and all she saw was pink cotton.

I don't have a pink pillow, Rarity thought. She pulled her face away, and she squeaked in embarrassment, her face turning red. Rarity had just pulled her face from in between Sunset Satan's bosom. Her eyes darted up to meet Sunset Satan's eyes. Sunset Satan smiled at her, her messed up hair falling in front of her face.

"Good morning!" Sunset Satan said. "Did you have a nice night?"

"I am so sorry!" Rarity said. "I did not mean for my face to get near there!" Sunset Satan giggled.

"C'mon, really? It's no problem!" Sunset Satan said. "That was pretty much how Sunset Shimmer and I snuggled during our first time."

"Yes, but still, I didn't mean for my face to be buried in your... bosom," Rarity said. Her blush was starting to retreat.

"Eh, it's okay!" Sunset Satan said. "Now, I'm going to go make some breakfast, unless you want to cuddle a little longer?" Rarity paused before she answered.

"I actually would like to cuddle a little longer," she finally replied. "But not like this, I want to be the big spoon for a little while!"

Author's Note:

Dang, it has been too long since I last wrote anything! I really need to get into updating some of my other stories, but I can say that I will be updating them again! Either way, I hope you all liked this chapter!