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After watching some TV for about three hours. I got up and went into search as to where they should sleep. I had a two guess rooms down stairs. So they could shake them. I’ll just have to find more blankets. I quickly cleared out both rooms (they didn’t have much in them. But one already had an old bed and mattress in it, while the other only had a mattress. “I’ll have to get the frame out.” I say to myself. I got to the closet and get out the frame and set it in the room and put the mattress on it. I plumped down on the mattress to make sure it wouldn’t fall so soon. It didn’t, and it felt trusting. So I let it be, adding a little blanket to it and a throw pillow. I did the same to the other bed, adding an extra pillow on the bed.

I go back down stairs once I’m finished. “Kay guys, there are two bedrooms in down here. Two of you are going to have to share a bed and the other can sleep in the other room. You can choose the bed you which one you want.” Aria and Sonata nodded and headed into the hallway that I had just came out of.

Adagio stayed behind. “Thank you for doing this.” She said, then she followed the other two. “I’m not sharing a bed with a bunch of idiots! So you two can share a room!”

I sat down on the couch and just relaxed. I didn’t really care where they decide to sleep, but after everything I went through this morning, I think I deserved some peace and quiet. Then I felt four soft little paws jump on to my belly. I suddenly felt a wet scratchy tongue on my face, making me giggle. “Hey girl.” I say to my cat. I gently glide my fingers over her head, her back, and over her fluffy tail a few times. Then she curls up by my head.

We lay there, enjoying each other’s company for a few moments. “Aaaaaaah! S U N S E T!!!!!!!” I heard from the hallway as quick footsteps followed right after. Sonata comes into the living room with a look of fear on her face. “Aria is........” She notices the cat by my head. A smile spreads across her lips. “Whose that?”

I glance over at Honey, “Oh her? This is Honey.” She goes to touch her, going for Honey’s paws. My eyes went big and I immediately go to stop her but it’s to late. As soon as she touched my cat’s paws, Honey hissed and pawed at her threatening. Sonata backed away quickly. Her eyes wide and her eyes filled with tears. Honey sees this and looks at me a little panicked. “Hey, Hey, it’s okay. I tried to work you, but most animals do not like to be touched on the feet.” I explained. I patted Honey on the head, assuring that she’s okay. Then I push her towards Sonata. Honey goes toward the blue siren with a grace confidence and rubs her head against her hand.

Sonata’s face quickly brightens at the kitty. “Oh I so sorry, H-honey?” She asked me. I pointed my eyes at my cat and when the girl looked back Honey gave her lick on the cheek. Sonata giggled. “Oh she is so cute!” Then she let’s go of Honey and looks up at me with a huge smile. “Does that mean I can get a pet?”

I was not expecting this question but I was not sure about another pet around the house. That means I’ll have to fish out more money. “No.” I say. Her smile falls immediately. “Oh please!” She begs.” I shake my head. “No!” She gives me her teary eyed puppy face and I knew I’m going lose this round. “PLEASE!!!” She says tugging on my sleeve. What’s one more pet? It would give her something to look after. Maybe she could get a job and help support her pet. I looked up at her, “Fine.”
She immediately jumps into the air screaming. “OH YAY! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!”

That’s when the other two decide to pop in. “What’s going on in here?!” Aria shouts over Sonata’s cheerful screaming. Sonata looks at her with a huge smile. “SUNSET IS GOONG TO LET US HAVE PETS HERE!” WHAT?! When did I say that? Aria gives a face if disgust. “Ugh, really?”

“Whoa! I only said you Sonata.” Aria laughed and gave me an amused look. “Look it’s either that, or a sad Sonata. And if I were you, I’d just go with it.” I knew she had a point, but I still wasn’t so sure if this was a good idea. I rolled my yes and turned my head away.

Adagio smirked at me,” I know this may be hard to take in, but Aria is right. You wouldn’t want to have to put up with a sad Nata.”

Then I felt four paws land on my lap followed be angry meows. I look to see Honey giving me a disapproving look. Then she looked at Sonata, through her head up and gave the blue girl her back.

I giggled at my cat’s attitude. Honey isn’t exactly known for being the nicest kitty ever. She has always been the only animal in the house, the spoiled one, the favorite one, the best one, and I can just imagine what it must feel to have that in jeopardy. Even with Ruffle, she is still my favorite cat, my favorite girl, my best girl, my only girl. I pet the fur across her back as I think of what would be best. Well those animals will be THEIR animals. So Honey will still be my little princess, no matter what.

But then I realized I had already said yes to Sonata. “Um well, I already said it was okay for you to have a pet Sonata.” The blue girl’s eyes went wide and then her face quickly gets a little heated. “Oh, right. My bad.” She says.

Suddenly my phone went off and right away I knew who it was, I really didn’t want to answer it, on a Saturday..... But I picked it up anyways. “What?” I say through the phone already irritated, if I was going to be bothered on a Saturday, I was going to let whomever this know it.

“Hey Sunny, we are having a party at my house, I was wandering if....” I didn’t even let her finish her sentence. “No.”

“I had bet even finished what I was going to say silly. Would you like to come to the party?” Pinkie says.

“No.” I repeat. I could practically hear her inhale a deep breath of air, NOPE! I can’t let her finish that! She’ll win for sure! “I have a massage appointment tonight. I have a girl that I am going to go see soon and then I have plans for the night.” Which was true actually.

“Oh.....” She says a little saddened. This made me panic because I definitely was not in the mood to deal with a sad Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie! Pinkie! This is important, this means that you guys have to party hard tonight for me.” I say, feeling pretty stupid afterwards. She is so not going to.....

“Oh my pies! You are absolutely right Sunny! This means we will have to party extra hard for you. The will be no exceptions!” She says. She.....it......I mean I worked? Either way I am happy for this outcome. “That’s right Pinkie Pie. I’m so glad that you understand.”

“Yes of course silly! Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to save you some cake!” Before I could say goodbye the line went dead. She had already hang up. Then I put down my phone, and laid back on down on my couch releasing a breath I had been holding. “Man that was a close one.” I said to myself.

Then my phone lit up again. I picked it up and put it in speaker, forgetting that I was no longer alone. “Hey girl.” I say to the phone. “Sunset, Hey I’m on my way there okay.”

I nodded, “Alright, sounds good, Lia.” I hang up and I see all three sirens giving me amused looks. “What?”

“A back massage?” Adagio asks giving me a raised eyebrow. “Really?”

I look at her, “Yes really. I like them and I need them to keep me from going insane." Although I think that sanity boat had sailed a long time ago....

Then my phone rings again, this time from Sally. “Hey Nana.” I say through the phone. We call each other often, to keep in touch more often after what happened a month ago.....when I ended up in a crater. “How are you?” I ask her.

“Hello my Sunny Bunny, I am doing good. I have been enjoying my the river side over here. Ive been having a blast here.” She says. “How are things for you, sweetie?” After this I rush upstairs and closed my door for some needed privacy, for I am really raw and honest with this woman. And I don’t want anyone else to hear what I have to say next.

“Well it’s been okay, but it........it could be better. I still have those awful dream, Nana. They haunt me, and I think I saw it for real this time at the park.” This made Sally quiet, and I can picture her thinking carefully for what to say next. “Sunny, you need to stop letting that thing scare you. It is tearing you apart and you need to fight for yourself. You have to fight that horrid thing that haunts you, otherwise it will keep growing. You must not be afraid of it. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“Yes Nana, I do, but how do I do that?” I ask. She laughs lightly. “Well, I can’t tell you that. You have to figure that out for yourself. But I can tell you this, listen to your heart. It will show you the way.” It wasn’t the response I was looking for, but now I at least know where to start. I quickly brighten. “Thanks Nana, I will do my best."

“Good girl, now stop worrying so much dear, it isn’t good for your complexion. I believe you’re supposed to have a message later on, go and enjoy yourself tonight, okay?"

“Okay, oh and I just wanted you to know that I’m having some friends stay over for a little here, they need a place to stay and I offered. Is that okay with you?” I ask.

“Of course, just make sure to be safe okay? I don’t mind. The house is yours, Sunset.” She told me.

“Thank you, Nana. I guess I’ll let you go okay, goodbye! Love you!” I tell her, then she says her goodbyes as I hang up. Then I go to open the room and backed up quickly as the three sirens tumble down to the ground.

“Ow! Get off of me!” Aria grumbles as she pushes Sonata off of her. Then she turned to Adagio who hair in Aria’s face. “And get your stupid hair out of my face!”

“Well get your face out of my hair!” Adagio shot back as she gets up off the ground. Then she turned to me with an smirk. “Sunny Bunny?”

My face immediately turns a light shade of red as soon as the name left her lips. “You don’t get to call me that. Only she does.” I said.

Then Adagio’s grin slowly widens. “Oh? Is that so? Pity, it’s so cute on you.”

I could definitely feel my face burn harder. “W-What?! I’m not cute!” I retorted. How dare she! I am not cute! “How dare you call me such a thing!”

Adagio laughed. “Oh but I can’t help it, you’re just so cute when you talk to like that.”

I could just imagine how red my face was because the other two were laughing their heads off. Lucky for me there was ring at the front door. Taking this opportunity, I try to walk past Adagio, but as I pass by her, I hear a loud slap, followed by a light sting on my rear end. I yelp, as I descended the stairs, trying to forget what just happened.

I looked out through the peep hole to see Lia standing outside with her kit. Then I noticed another lady out there. Lotus? What is she doing here? Curious I opened the door and let them in. I led them into the living room. “I didn’t expect to see you here, Lotus.” I say to her. Forgetting that my face was still a little red from my blushing. She notices my redness though. “Oh well, Lia told me about coming here to give you a massage, and since Aloe and Bulk had the spa covered today, I decide that I’d do you a pedicure and a manicure for free.” She says. “Oh and um, are you okay dear, you seem a little red.”

Before I could respond Adagio stepped in. “Oh she’s fine, she was just a little.....flustered earlier.” She said sending me a wink. I could feel my face get a little red again. I looked back at Lotus. “What she said. Thank you for coming. I did not expect this.”

Lotus nodded, “Well I know how much you love to relax with this stuff, I know it does for me. And since you’ve been kind and helpful with us, giving us that charity money for new towels and bath bombs, I decide to give you a little thank you gift.” She replied. I nodded and whisper a thank you and rushed upstairs to change into shorts. Then I rushed back down.

When I got back to the living room, I laid down on the massage bed and faced down. Then I pout my hands out for Lotus to work on them. Oh as soon as Lia touched my back, a loud satisfying pop could be heard and I exhaled happily. “Awhh, that felt good.” I mumbled. Lia worked her way from my neck down and Lotus worked on my hands.

“How do I apply to work at the spa?” Said a voice from somewhere near me. I recognized it as Adagio. “I think I may be interested in applying.”

“There is an application online. Go to www.CanterlotDaySpa.com.” Lotus responded.

“Thank you.”

For the rest of he evening I just layer there and relax, allowing the two girls to do their work.

When they were finished on me they did worked on the other three a little bit, and on e they were done with them they said their goodbyes and left.

I laid down on my couch, just enjoying the quietness for a moment. Then I felt Honey jump up on my back and laid down on it. I don’t mind it much. I love the feel of her soft smooth slick fur, her tail moving up and down my back, and her sweet soft puts vibrating on my back. And she loves to be up there. So who am I to tell her otherwise?

Honey suddenly jumps off making me a little curious of why she’d just leave so fast, but before I could move to get up, I something like my butt. “Don’t touch me.” I say to it, not really wanting to leave my spot. I am comfortable here. Then I felt a hard slap on my butt cheek. “Ughrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhh!” I half growled and half grumbled.

I finally sat up to give whoever was bothering me a piece of my mind. What I wasn’t expecting was them to be so close to my face that I almost touched noses with them. Seeing this, my eyes shot up and I immediately back away. “Hey! Back up!” I shout.

Adagio giggles, “Hehehe, well sorry. Didn’t mean to anger you. But I was wondering what was for dinner tonight.”

I laughed. “Butt cheeks.” She scoffs, “Oh really? Are they yours?” She laughs a moment later when she sees my face blush again. “You’re cute when you blush.”

“Ughhhhhhhh!” I said as I get up. Then she pulls me down on the couch. “Wait, before you go, is there not anything that you’d like to compliment me on?” She asks, as if to challenge me. I knew this trick and it was NOT going to work. I will be strong.

I take a look over her, “Well, you’re pretty nice looking yourself.” I say and get up and walk away.

“Oh? But you didn’t even get a good look. How are you so sure.” She says.

I press a few buttons on my phone, “How does pizza sound?!” I shout. “Sounds good!” Sonata said. “Yeah, cool with me.” Aria, replied. I ordered a pizza and set it to deliver at the house. Once I was done, Adagio’s face was suddenly mere inches away from mine, again. So close I could feel her hot breath on my face, the smell of butterscotch coming off of the air she gives. It makes me want to melt, but I do my best to stay focus.

“You didn’t answer my question, Sunny.” She stretches my name in almost a breathless tone. “Um, y-you didn’t ask a question.” I responded. My voice an notch higher then what it usually is. It makes me a angry at how quickly I was losing this battle.

She puts a finger to my lips, “Uh-uh. No excuses. How can you tell I look good if you have not truly looked at me.”

She had a point, I had not really looked at her. Oh hell, what have we gotten ourselves into? I then took a step back and really looked at her. I start from her feet, her nice manicured toes, a nice golden color on the nails. Up her almost flawless legs, to the shorts that made her ass pop and seem to wrap around her shape really well. To the baggy shirt up to her size D cup breasts. To the nice little choker she had around her neck that was now had a ruby jewel hung from it instead of the red gems that they lost after the battle of the bands.

All the way up to her face, which held one of her signature smirks. “Well? What do you think?”

I gave her a genuine smile, “Like I said before, you look pretty good yourself.”
She frowned a little at that, as if a little disappointed with my answer. Which made me blush and roll my eyes. “And sassy, and have pretty eyes.”

She smile returns instantly. “Oh really? And what else?” I look down at the ground. “Sexy.”

She puts a hand up to her ear. “I’m sorry what was that?” I raise my voice a little thinking that maybe I didn’t say it loud enough, “You’re sexy.”

But she kept her hand by her ear,” I’m sorry, w-what was that?” I elbowed her and we burst into fits of laughter. Then I heard a little puppy’s cry from the other room. I quickly rush into the other room to see Ruffle wake and has gotten his paw stuck on the wire. “There you go buddy. You got to be a little more careful next time.” I said to him, patting his head. Hen I picked him up and took him outside to go do his business. I watch him for a few minutes and then I take him into the living room.

We played with Ruffle until he was tuckered out. By the time he was tired again, there was a doorbell sound again. I go to the front door, checked the peep hole, and then opened it for the pizza man. I payed for the pizza and took it inside. “Thanks!” I said as I close the door. I take the box into the kitchen and went into the living room to put Ruffle back in his playpen for a little bit, giving him little bit more food and making sure he had enough water before I left.

Satisfied that he was good for now, I go and made sure that Honey had her dinner and enough fresh water as well. Once I’m sure she is all set, I go into the kitchen to see the sirens already eating. I grabbed a slice from the box and took a bite from it. I finish it off and then I ate an apple to finish of my meal.

Once the box was empty, I tore it down and throw it in the trash. “You guys are free to do whatever you please, just make sure to clean up after yourselves, and don’t answer the door to no one unless you are expecting them and I know of it. I am going to take out Ruffle one more time, clean Honey’s litter and get ready for bed.”

“Already?” It’s only 7:30 Aria said.

“Well I’m not going to bed yet, I’m just getting ready for it.” Then I turned and left to do what I needed to do. I cleaned Honey’s litter box, and cleaned Ruffle’s playpen and put in some fresh puppy pads, washed my hands and then started to get ready for bed. Somehow forgetting to close the door, I grab some shorts and a lose tank top, a bra, and panties and went into the bathroom. I turned on the water and jumped in, welcoming the nice warm water it hits my skin and glides down to the shower floor. I wash quickly, not washing my hair, but rinsing out the sweat and washing my body, rubbing a pink luffa (shower scrub) over my skin. Then I rinse off the soap and just stood there, enjoying the water.

Then I turn off the water, got out and dried quickly. I slipped into my clean set of clothes and tossed my dirty ones into the hamper. I brushed my teeth, rinsing with mouth wash, wash my face, and brushed my hair and but it in a lazy braid. (My hair gets crazy if not braided.) Then I get out and walk back into my room to find Adagio on my bed. “What are you doing on my bed?” I ask in a sort of unkind way.

“Oh well, waiting for you.” She says. “What I cant sit on your bed?”

“Nope. But besides hat, this is my moment of privacy, get out of my room please.” I really did not want her in my room right now. I need to be alone and it was really ticking me off that she didn’t seem to get that. “Please?”

“Sunset I understand you want your privacy, but I just wanted to tell you something.” Adagio says all serious. Ugh why do I have to be so damn good? When did I get so soft? Before I wouldn’t even let a little thing disturb my day, and this girl has done that all day today. Granted it was not bad at all, but she did tapped into my world when she was unwanted, and she has really been getting into my private space. I mean yeah, they weren’t anything big or worth fussing over, and I’m not, but it just makes me furious that she has to cut my time short. I could feel my face burn, but from anger. I force myself to take a deep breath and then I faced Adagio with about as calm of a face I could manage.

Which was a fake smile and a twitching eye. “Okay what? Please don’t make me have to wait longer for what little time I get to myself. I may be all by myself in the way I run things in my world, but that’s how I like it. And I enjoy my time alone and I take it very seriously. So please, tell me what it is you wanted to tell me about. And make it quick.”

She gives me a weird look like she’s a little surprised at how I’m acting. But to be fair, I have been through a lot today and I just really did not want her in here right now. I just want some time to myself. “Well...” She began. “I just w-wanted to ask you about........about......” She looks down at the floor, making me a little irritated with how long this was taking. “About what happened at the park. When we left the forest, you seemed pretty scared. What happened?”

My heart dropped. I was not looking forward to this question. I knew it was coming, but I just don’t think I’m ready to tell them, or anyone else beside Nana, what’s been happening. “No, I am not ready to tell it.” I looked at the ground.

Her face drops a little and she gets a little more serious. “Please tell me. I just want to know.”

I still really didn’t want to tell her, but I decided to go ahead and tell her just a little bitty sliver of what it is. Not enough to give it to her, but enough to hopefully satisfy her for now. “I saw something that I hoped never to see there.”

As usual, my assumption failed me and she became more insistent for me to tell her. But I just was not ready to tell it to anyone else. “No. I will not tell you anymore than what I’ve already said.”

“Oh come on, Sunset. Just tell me.” She insists. I shook my head, starting to get frustrated with her. “Adagio, I said no! I am not ready.”

“Sunset, I just want to know, just tell me what it is!” Adagio raised her voice. This only fueled my growing anger. I did not want this to play out like it is now. I am not ready, I don’t feel right telling her what it is just yet. “No, please understand. I.....I just can’t tell you!”

“But Sunset! I just want to know what you saw in the woods! That’s all, why can’t you tell me?!” She shouts. That’s it. I can no longer hold it in. I can feel the pressure about to burst. I grabbed her hand and yanked her off my bed, shoved her out of my room with incredible strength, (since she is a little heavier than me) and locked the door.

As soon as I heard the click on the lock, my walls just tumbled down. I grabbed a cheap mug that was by my bed and chuck it outside, satisfied to hear it break as t hit the ground. I then gathered my big pillows in on big swoop and started punching them as I cried and cried. When I got tired of punching my pillows, I just buried my face into them and sobbed. I cried silently, letting all of my troubles Fromm the past wash away once more. I cried, cried, and cried.

I.....I was mad at the world for making me suffer so, at Adagio for not understanding my pain and for not seeing my warning signs, and myself for not being strong enough.......cause I know that I’m not strong. I’m nothing but a coward....

Author's Note:

You finished the throes chapter! I’m so happy you did, congratulations! I hope you’ve been liking it so far! Stay tune for more chapters coming very soon!