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We walked across the park, over the hill, to a tight grove of trees. Most people avoid this area because it’s dark and it goes off into the forest nearby. I always had a dreading feeling every time I tried to get near it. And I felt it again, the feeling of......fear. I did not want to believe that I was afraid before, but after seeing my nightmares I kinda have had a change of mind.

Don’t get me wrong, I have been scared before of course, but not exactly like this. As I stared at the trees that all seem to wave their leaves at me to get away from the potential horror that could lie inside, I someone clearing their throat. I look ahead to see Adagio half way in them. She looks at me expectantly. I roll my eyes at her, and looked back at the trees.

“Okay Sunset.” I say under my breath. “You just have to go in.....there.” My voice went a into a shaky whisper. Just go in there! (I scream in my head.) But it's so.....not safe! I could get hurt or kidnapped! No one would care! I have those friends but I’m not exactly sure if they care enough to go through these trees to find me! I shake my head and cane with something that I usually hated myself for, yet loved at the same time. My pride. I did NOT want to appear weak in front of anybody, let alone Adagio Dazzle.

So I made up my mind, but I had to force myself in. I forced my feet to walk towards Adagio, forcing myself not to show any emotions. When I got to the first tree, I saw it. That black figure. I couldn’t move, my feet felt as though they were stuck to the ground. I could see it manifesting into what that thing in my nightmares. It rose from the ground and stared right at me with that sickly smile of her’s. Just as the thing launched itself at me, my legs suddenly became unglued to the ground and I ran. After I made sure I was at least five foot away from the trees, I looked back to see it burst into a bunch of black spiders the fell to the ground.

My heart was racing, my mind unable to process what just happened, and my legs gave out and I fell to the ground. My eyes never left where the black figure once was. I then feel something grab me and pull me up. I look up to see Adagio looking at me through worried and confused eyes. Then I remembered why we were here.

“You said you sister’s are in there?!” I asked. She nodded. “Well come on we have to get them out!” I did not want to go in there, but if the harmony magic had left some magic in me that somehow protected me from the Dazzling’s spell. I was hoping hat it would protect me from whatever waited there.

“But!....” Adagio began, but I didn’t wait. I yanked her arm and pulled her toward he area that she had waited. “Where are you sisters? Show me.

She seemed to want to ask me something but she shook her head as if to disagreeing with something she had in mind and led me further into the grove of trees. We came upon an area where there where a few fallen trees that made like a little cave underneath them. “In here.” She said.

I go to look inside and sure enough, I saw the other two, sleeping. They were huddled up together. I reached in to wake up the blue one, because I was not so sure about waking up the other one so early. I shook her gently, but the girl only mumbled something and kept sleeping. I tried once more and nothing. Irritated that she still wasn’t up, I shook her a roughly, growling a little under my breath.

Suddenly I spot an arm shot out and I back up in time to miss a punch to the face. I laughed, “Oh I see.” I then lifted her shirt and tackled the side of the blue siren. The siren immediately woke up and started to giggle.

“Hehehehe! S-stop it Heeheehee!” The blue siren cried out until she started to cough. In the process of it all, her cry woke up the other siren. “OH SHUT UP SONATA!” The purple siren yelled in a scratching sounding voice. The blue siren finally looked up to see who was tickling her. I quickly got up off the ground and looked back to see Adagio looking at me with wide eyes.

“Wow, I honestly didn’t thing you could pull it off.” She said. Then her voice went into a teasing mode. “You sure would make a great siren. You even have the attitude to go with it.”

I rolled my eyes and focused my attention on the other two. “Come on. You’re going to be staying with me.” I looked up momentarily. “As crazy as that sounds.” I say under my breath. “Anyways, so come on. Get up. You can sleep in my place when we get there.”

The blue siren that the other siren called Sonata smiled up at Adagio and then back at me. “For realsies?!” The other purple siren rolled her eyes at the blue girl. “Ugh! You’re so annoying!” Then she looked at Adagio. “You’re seriously going to allow that both into our lives?” She said. Her voice sounding rough and edgy, as if she had a sore throat.

Her comment annoyed me. “I come all the way out here for this?!” I exclaimed. My blood boiling. I may have been overreacting a little bit, BUT I HAD TO SUCK IT UP AND GO ON AN ALMOST SUICID MISSION JUST TO GET INTO THIS HELL FORSAKEN WOODLAND PLACE! I AS NOT GOIBG TO HAVE THIS INSULT! I could feel my face get heated. But I didn’t want to blow up or make anything worse so I bit my lip and took a few deep breaths. When I calmed down I gave her a ‘don’t fuck with me’ type of look. “Fine. Don’t want my help? That’s fine with me. Glad to know I walked all the way out here for nothing.” You could probably guess how much attitude was added into my little ‘fine then’ rant.

I turned around in the most dramatic way possible, making it clear I was a little peeved as Fluttershy would have put it. And walked off toward the exit. I then felt a hand grab my wrist. “Hey, don’t go. Don’t mind her, she’s always this way.” I look to see Adagio giving my an apologetic look for a moment and then she focused her attention on her sister.

“Aria, I didn’t go and embarrass myself in front of Sunset over nothing! If you don’t want to come then that is fine with me!” Adagio said to the purple siren. Then she turned to the blue siren standing next to her. “Come on, Sonata."

The blue siren gave the purple girl a sad look and followed the leader of the group. The purple siren gave out an angry grumble and sighed. “Fine, I’ll come too. But this does not mean I’ll be friends with her.”

Adagio glanced at Aria, “That’s fine. I never said you had to. Now come on, it’s cold out here.”

I walked wordlessly behind them, my thoughts in my head never seizing. I keep scanning the woods, watching closet at every sound that filled my ears. The buzzing of a bee hive near by, the sound of the wind tussling the trees and how it felt when it played with my hair. I could see nothing wrong, but I felt as if I was being watched. I periodically will keep my eyes facing the ground, so that the others ahead of my would see the expression in my eyes, and to also to keep from loosing track of what I was stepping on.

As we start to reach the edge of the woodland, I suddenly felt a strong cold hand grip my ankles tightly. I immediately jumped up about three feet in the air and when I landed, I could not stop my feet. It was as if they were acting faster than my brain and I ran the rest of the way, pushing the others out as fast as I could. I ignored the grunts and complaints that followed.

When we were at least almost back over the hill, I looked back to see a glimpse of the shadowy figure before it disappeared into thin air. When it was gone I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

“Hey! What the hell was that?!” Aria shouted at me. But I wasn’t paying attention. My mind had left me. I was staring at the woodland, where the shadow had been. My heart felt as thought it would burst from my chest, my blood was pumping, my feet felt numb, and what was worse was I could feel the coldness on my ankles.

Maybe it was the cold, I don’t know, maybe it was only an animal that scared me, maybe I’m just overreacting, but I know what I saw, and that was no animal.

I suddenly felt a hand rub the side of my cheek. I look up to see Adagio touching my face, giving me that same worried expression. I know I said I hated to be touched, but at she broke the trance I was in. That was when I realized I was crying, as I catch a tear drop as it slides down my face. Realizing that I was crying in front of others once more made me angry. “Shit!” I got up front the ground and angrily wiped away my tears.

“Come on, let’s get home.....” Then I realized that there’s four of us. Not two. Shit! Welp....I can pile up and ride on the ditch.....there’s not much of another choice. I really don’t want to have to make another trip back. “Fuck it.” If I’m going risk my sanity for these three once, then might as well do it again. I knew I should have drove Sally’s old Jeep. (The older lady the rents me the place, that’s her name.) “Follow me. We’ll figure it out.” I say under my breath.

My bike was one of the safer motorcycles when you’re talking motorcycles. There were only two seats, but then I realized I forgot to unhook the doggie seat. I don’t have a dog, but I do have a cat, who sometimes rides with me. Looking at my phone, I notice the time, SHIT! Honey’s going to be so mad at me!

“Okay so two of you have to squeeze in the back, and one of you has to take the buggy.” I said. Aria shrugged. “I’ll take the buggy.” She says. I nodded and got out two helmets. I gave one of them Aria my helmet, and Sonata the passenger helmet.

I got on and they followed along. I looked back at Adagio, and felt bad that she didn’t have a helmet. I started the engine anyways once everyone was secured, and i drove very carefully on the road, thankful that no one really drove along this road.

When we finally got to my place, I couldn’t be happier to see the sight of it. It was an old cabin house that had its walls replenish and it had been repainted a nice chestnut brown on the outside. The door and the roof as well as the curtains that Sally had left their were white.

I turned of the motor, secured the bike and then got off. I smiled up at my house, then I spot a kennel on my front porch. Curious, I rushed up to my front porch and looked inside to see an adorable little grey and white puppy. And in the side of the cage was a paper from the breeder that I had bought him from. I had seen a for puppies sale sign down the street. I saw this cutie and fell in love with him. I couldn’t help it, but he was just looking at me and whining, and I just couldn’t resist. The lady had told me yesterday that she would drop him off.

I had already named him Ruffle. It just seemed to fit him well. I beamed down at the puppy and immediately took him out. “OH MY GOSH!!! You’re finally here!” I held the puppy close to me, picked up his kennel and dug in my pocket for my keys.

As I unlocked the doors, I look over my shoulders to see the three sirens staring at me. “What are you waiting for, come on.” I laughed. As soon as I walked in, I hear an angry meow right in my ear. “Oh!” I turned to see Honey giving me an angry look, showing me her empty bowl. I put the puppy in the kennel and went to attend to my Honey. “Alright girl, I hear you.”

I picked her up and gave her a kiss on her head. Then I carried her into the kitchen by the window where I had set her food and water bowl at. I quickly filled up her food bowl and made sure she had fresh clean water. Once she was satisfied with her breakfast, I turned my attention back on the puppy.

I glanced up as the three sirens got inside and I motioned toward the living room. “Go ahead and relax for a little bit in there, we can talk about breakfast for you guys and sleeping arrangements once I finish settling this puppy into his new home.” They nodded and headed to the living room while I attend to the puppy.

I took Ruffle outside for a morning potty break just to make sure he wasn’t going to pee inside the house, and then once he was done, I took him into his little playpen. I then set down fresh food and water for him as well. I also gave him a little toy and a bed to make sure he was entertained for a little bit and comfortable. Then I payed down some puppy pads on the ground. I gave him a little pay, and returned tot he three sirens once I was sure he was okay on his own for a little bit.

When I got tot he living room two of the sirens were watching TV. The other, Adagio, was not in the room. “Where’s Adagio?”

Aria looked at me. “Oh she’s went to take a shower." Then looked back at the screen. I sighed, but I didn’t mind it since they were outside for a while. I wouldn’t blame her. But she didn’t have another change of clothes. I’ll have to supply her with some for tonight. All of them in fact.....shit I’ll be using my spending money on them this month.

I frowned at the prospect of that, but since t was for a good cause, I decided hat it would be okay. My video game could wait. I guess. It was more of like three months worth of saving money, but oh well.... I ran upstairs to get Adagio some quick clothes from my room. I went into my closet and dug in deep for the my oversized shirts that I loved to sleep in. Then I grabbed one of my bras (one that wasn’t my favorite of course.) and a pair of panties. Then I got out some shorts and left them by the bathroom. I could hear the water going off.

I rush back down stairs to see the others still on the couch. Now that they aren’t in the dark, and I’m not busy thinking up how this stuff is going to work, or attending to my pets, well the ones inside, I got a better look at the two sirens. They looked so pitiful. Dirty skin, skinnier then a skinny twig, they had bruises on the wrists and on their faces, Aria even had a black eye as if she had gotten in a fight a while ago. They both had bags under their eyes and that was only from the outside. The baddy hoodies hid the rest of the bodies.

On second thought, they all are going to need a bath next....., back upstairs Sunset. I rushed back upstairs and dug out two more sets of clothing for the other two girls. Then I rush back down stairs and washed my hands. I wanted to eat to my chores outside and inside, but I needed to make them food first.

I quickly got it a pan, rinsed it (to double check its clean. It was in the cabinet, but I like to be sure they’re clean.) Then I put a little bit of vegetable oil in the pan, and turned on the stove. I got out a dozen of eggs out and a pack of bacon. Then I got out a second pan and turned on another area on the stove. I tore the package of bacon open and put the strips into the already heated pan. Then I quickly cracked eight eggs and put them into a medium size mixing bowl. I sprinkled in some salt and pepper in as well. I whisked it up well as I let the bacon cook. Then I set it down and flipped over the bacon. Once I got that covered, I poured the eggs into the other pan with the oil in it and waited for it to cook. After a minute I got a spatula and started to stir up the eggs so that they cooked a little more for a burrito form then the usually breakfast omelet form.

Then I turned to the bacon and put it into a plate, while I waited for the eggs to finish. Once that was done, I put He eggs into a plate as well. I switched off the stove and got out a loaf of bread. Opened it and stuck some bread into the toaster. I got out three plates and placemats, and set them on the table and then got out three forks and put them by each plate. I got out the toast, and put two more into it, and set napkins near each plate. Then I got out the other toast and put in a final batch. I then got the bacon and eggs and set them on to the table. Then after the toast was done, I place them on the table as well.

When I finished setting the table, I washed my hands and rushed outside. “Don’t forget to take a shower before you eat girls. Foods on the table.” I say to the sirens as I crossed the living and it the back door. In the back is a nice little two and a half acres of land. I don’t have much back here other than a little shed and a garden filled with goodies. I also have big flower pots on the front porch. It is definitely a beautiful sight to see. I water my plants and picked a few carrots, tomatoes, spaghetti squash, and berries. Then I returned to the house to clean the goods and put them away. “Hey girls, I say to the sirens who were already at the table eating.

“This is so good!” Sonata exclaimed.

“Yeah, ponygirl didn’t think you knew how to cook.” Aria put in.

I shrugged, “Thanks, but I’m not that great.”

“What?!” The both exclaimed. “But you are so good!” Sonata says. “At a lot of things.” She continued. Aria nodded, “Yeah, dude, sorry for the hard time I gave you in the park, but like. Your motorcycle is so cool!” “And your food is really good too!” Sonata threw in. “And you’re hot.” All eyes went towards Adagio, who was staring straight at me.

I could feel my face start to blush a little. I turned away and went to wash my hands....again. I dry them off quickly. “Thank you, glad you liked your meals. When you finished, scrape, rinse them and place them in the sink.” I say as I go to check on Ruffle. I find the little guy taking a little nap on his little bed. I can see that he wet one of the puppy pads already. I set in another clean pad. I patted his head lightly, and then got up and went off to go check on Honey. Who was right next to me.

Honey looked at me and towards the little puppy, giving me that adorable confused face of hers, tilting her head slightly to the side. I pet her behind the ear and gave her a little nuzzle on the nose. “This is Ruffle.” I say quietly to her. “He is going to be living her now.” I explain to her. Honey blinks at me, glances at Ruffle, and back at me. She then gives a little nod. “Meow.” She says.

I giggle. She accepted him, and seems happy to have a new friend to talk to. “He’s alders right now though, come on let’s go check on the girls.” She looks in the direction of the kitchen. I nodded. “They will be staying here too for a little bit.” She nods once more.

Then I get up front the ground and she follows me along. Honey’s beautiful white and orange coat gleaming in the light that came through the windows. I get to the kitchen to find that the sirens are no longer in there. I look into the living room to find them watching TV. Well......two of them. Aria and Sonata. “Where’s.....”

I then hear a giggle behind me. I turn to see Adagio behind me, giving me an amused look. I roll my eyes and step further into the living room. She follows along, as did Honey and we all just relaxed for a little bit while we watched TV.