• Published 21st Aug 2019
  • 2,968 Views, 83 Comments

Phoenix in Another World - Cheer

Sunset, after a fatal incident finds herself in a different world.

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The forest was still, muffled, as if sound itself felt apprehension at the prospect of traveling through the dense vegetation. Even the beasts that called it home kept inside their dens. However, not everything was asleep. A sole adventurer quietly made her way through the thick underbrush, trying her best to avoid disturbing the foreboding atmosphere. Well, She called herself an adventurer, but she still wasn't old enough to apply as one. Once she could prove herself though, they'd have to let her in, Right?

With a deep breath, Belle continued on her way. The forest was creepy, creepier than usual. It was like going into the guild warehouse, with its thick walls blocking out any outside noise. But this was different. She was outside. There were no walls, no reason it should be so quiet.

Finally, something broke the silence. Though Belle honestly wished it hadn't. A loud, high pitched squeal which gradually morphed into a lower pitched one, punctuated by what sounded like an explosion. She could see the light ahead. Fire. The reds, yellows and oranges licked the area ahead. While she couldn't see any fire per say, that was the only thing it could be.

She gulped and prepared to run, it would be a huge problem if the forest burned down! But as quickly as it started, it went dark again. Nothing. No crackling of flame, no noise, no lights.

She gulped as she looked at the dark area ahead of her and shook her head. If Maria had been here, maybe she'd have been brave enough to check it out, but right now, she only wanted to go home.

What if there was a monster? Or worse! A Demon! There was no way she'd even last a second against one of those things. With that last thought, she left. She'd tell Maria what happened. As much trouble as she'd get into for going into the forest at night, she knew it'd be worse if something terrible was out there and she kept it to herself.