• Published 21st Aug 2019
  • 2,970 Views, 83 Comments

Phoenix in Another World - Cheer

Sunset, after a fatal incident finds herself in a different world.

  • ...


Four more days. FOUR more days. Inside a cell. She felt like she was getting abs though. Luckily the red also stopped spreading from her hand.

She'd had plenty of time to think while she was in here. She was a little further understanding their language. If she treated it like cipher it started to make sense. The words were the same. Just looked different. She learned a whole new language once already. She could do it again.

But then there was a surprise. Someone new in the jail. Some young guy. He looked like he spent a lot of time in the sun, but the lack of muscle made it seem like it wasn't as a farmer. He looked at Sunset with a mix of curiosity and caution. "So, you're Sunset, huh?"

Sunset shrugged "Yup. But I don't know anything about you." She pointed out. "What about Sanse and Yvone?"

The young guy shrugged "No clue. They didn't tell me anything. Just told me to keep an eye on you until they come back."

Sunset groaned. So, it sounded like they got someone they could trust just enough to watch her and sent him here. How fun. "Great. Just... great. So, that still doesn't tell me who you are."

"Baurd. Mage in training." He explained with pride.

"A mage? Good to hear. I actually was wondering a few things about magic. I don't know much of anything about your magic. Would you be able to give me a crash course?" She asked, figuring that she could use the fact they didn't tell him anything extra to her advantage. Hopefully that pride he had in his voice a moment ago would be the last part she needed to get info.

"Ah, I can understand that. There are many people nowadays that don't understand magic. Even fewer of them want to learn." Bingo. Sunset fought to stop her grin from showing as he continued. "Magic is in nature all over. But humans can't use much of it. Our bodies can only stand so much and it can be very difficult to train it to handle more. Over time your body will absorb as much as it can handle on it's own. That magic can be used in a huge variety of spells. Offensive spells that leave your body, like a fireball, are much harder to cast and use much more magic."

Sunset hummed and nodded "So, I'm guessing that most mages are more used for smaller things?"

Baurd huffed and looked put off "Yeah. Little things. Cleaning, small details, and the like. There's a lot of variety out there. Successful offensive mages like Maria are rare. Most mages who aren't used for small things are used as sheilds, since it doesn't usually go far enough away from the body to use too much magic. But it's still dangerous and just using a, you know, shield is better."

"I see. I was wondering." She said as she mentally went over the information. So, magic was much weaker and offensive magic especially. Good thing she didn't do anything more than a little fire. "But what happens if you use too much magic?"

"You get sick and can die." He said simply "If you force your body to use a spell way stronger than you should be able to it will use your vitality itself. Your body will shut down. If you're lucky and there's a healer nearby and you didn't overdo it too much, you could be saved." He explained

Sunset blanched. That was... extreme. Very extreme. In Equestria, overusing magic, you might get exhausted and need to rest for a while. Extreme overuse and you might feel sick and need to rest longer. This world, you can just straight out die. Just how careful would she need to be? How much magic would make them suspicious?

He continued on over her silence. "Magic is very dangerous and needs to be studied carefully before use." He looked pensive for a moment. "Something I need to keep in mind at times too admittedly."

"Ah. Yeah. Gotcha." Sunset mumbled half-heartedly. The implications of just how limited magic is was still making her head spin. Or at least powerful magic. Hopefully they'd made up for it with a wealth of smaller things but this Baurd guy made it seem like magic was uncommon and people didn't take interest in it. She didn't want to stand out!

At the same time sunset was meeting Baurd, Maria, Sanse and Yvone were at the entrance to town and a few horses with riders were approaching. The two on the sides had a pair of rough looking men wearing armor. In the middle was a younger woman wearing a thick robe who was looking to the side of the village at the forest that surrounded the back and sides of the village.

"It just doesn't make sense." The woman said, causing Maria to groan.

She knew these types and she really didn't want to deal with it right now. She was the one with questions right now! Still. She was the representative.

She stepped forward with a business smile. "Welcome to Green Cliff. My name is Maria. I'm the representative for the village chief who's bedridden due to his advanced age.

If she were honest, the chief had just waved the meeting off, saying it sounded like a pain and asked her to do it. But no need to be overly honest right now.

The woman mouthed the villages name as if testing it. "Such a strange place. Where does a cliff get enough nutrition for such a dense forest? I've heard the trees continue like that all the way to the edge and it's a far drop to the sea afterwards."

"I'd be glad to tell you what I know, though it sadly isn't much, after the completion of our request." It was times like this that she was glad for all her years of experience in dealing with all sorts of people. It let her keep a calm expression when she was annoyed. "Which we should get talking about, miss...?"

The woman looked confused for a moment, as if she didn't remand why she was actually here or that she should introduce herself. Luckily things seemed to click afterwards.

"Ah. Right. I'm Jane. Magic tech trainee sent in Dr.Oswald's place." She said with a small nod of her head.

"Well, Jane. If you'll leave your escort here and come with me I'll give you a rundown of what's going on."

Jane turned towards the two rough looking guys and nodded. They got off their horses as she turned back. "Lead the way."

Author's Note:

Another chapter?

Yup. I really don't wanna lose this story again. I put so much work into it, ya know?

This was done quick and without any editing so if there is any typos or continuity screwiness, lemme know